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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I'm getting the feeling that you kind of like this guy?

laljeterfan.....whatever gives you that idea? :lilredani: (look left :hubbahubba: )

ETA: Oh, and Cotton? Honey...those screencaps are to DIE for! :hubbahubba: I just rightclickedandsaved into my iPhoto and then did a few adjustments (heh) with brightness, contrast and such and

voila! New, HAWT avie of our HAWT singerman!


Can you just imagine this man sitting with you at home after a date? You're chatting and he's looking at you like this, his elbow resting on the back of the sofa, that smirk teasing you and those eyes with the devil in them?

:Thud: :Thud: :Thud:

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Boy,DH and I are watching a show about Johnny Carson on UNCTV (educational) and it is amazing to me how much he makes me think of Clay.

Talking about lines he wouldn't cross, everyone on the lot knew exactly who was in charge, etc.


Sorry - that was rather abrupt. I was going to add more, but a phone call interrupted me.

I wish I'd seen the whole show about Johnny Carson. It's really too bad we don't have comedians like him around today!

Well - we do have one, but most people think of him as a singer, not a comedian! hee

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Can you just imagine this man sitting with you at home after a date? You're chatting and he's looking at you like this, his elbow resting on the back of the sofa, that smirk teasing you and those eyes with the devil in them?

:Thud: :Thud: :Thud:

I was sort of thinking the same thing muski, that he looks like he's sitting in somebody's living room having a conversation. Not that conversation is exactly my first choice of how I'd spend my time with him, but I stand a helluva lot better chance of that happening than my first choice.

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Lotus your experience sounds just like so many others...it just happened later and at a more condensed rate! I love that new fans can go back and pretty much see any and everything they missed.

YSRN: I dreamed about you last night. Don't remember why or what but you were there you weret here LOL. WOW, I can't believe your tree is gone. Oh and you better get your deck fixed before the FCA grand extravaganza TBAF fundraiser we'll be having at your beautiful place :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

WOW!! I just got tickets in 7th row for opening night of Spamalot!! WOO HOO!!

And its only a short train ride on the Long Island Railroad away!!

Whoo hoo... congrats. I so wish I could go opening night..but alas... I can't. But looking forward to reports.

Ok, I just saved that picture 2 3 more times. I now have 11 12 copies of the same picture, all with different names. No wonder my gigabytes are um, whirring...

thread title heee!

catching up catching up...

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According to CV, there is a longer video of WAMLAW coming soon.

omg...full clip on WAMLAW is up at the vaults...by anonymous...it has xvid versions...

This guy just has to sing a full version of this song...he just has too...It is sooo gorgeous!!!

lots of other clips from that folder too...off to dl more...

watching the full version of ATM..right now...


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Hey, everybody!

It's so good to see all the happy people! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

LOVE those anonymous xvids! I'm very happily burning away....scarlett, thanks again for the help making that happen last week. Did I tell you I bought a new HDTV to go with them? :cryingwlaughter:

lotus, I will PM you some info.

I feel like the little dancy-guys tonight...



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I see Cotton just HAD to one-up on the avie thang....I did a purty avie with one of her screencaps and then she turns around and does an animated collage-type thingy with a bunch of them!

Hrmmphf! :angry2:

Psst! :ph34r:Cotton... :unsure:

Post frequently, 'kay? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

By the way...anybody see that on the schedule listing for The View, there's Clay Aiken on Jan. 22 woo hoo, but how about this? Colin Powell is on Jan. 21 and Tom Brokaw is the guest Jan. 23.

Not bad company, eh? :wub:

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Someone told me the links have been used up for the spamalot clips. Here are some fresh links. I guess I got confused and didn't upload part one to sendthisfile. heh I am making new uploads tonight to replace these when they expire. Not bothering with pretty links this time, yo.


Spamalot part one:


Spamalot part two:


Spamalot combined



Spamalot Part two


It's crazy, y'all. I watched these clips so many times, I have the songs going through my head over and over and over and over. heh

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Aww, Muski!

I lurve my new avi too. I've been hangin' on to the previous one as the eyes came from a picture I took!

But - I love this look almost as much as I love the Raleigh Gala look - well, maybe more, no almost as much - well, he did look RILLY RILLY good in Florida!

Sheesh! I can't pick a favorite look!

I just love lookin' at him!!!


But I didn't make the avi. I just provided the caps. I can't do animated gifs. A kind poster at CV made it for me. Yay!

G'Night, All!

Wonder if Clay is asleep? All tired from rehearsals. Long arms and legs flailing this way and that. Mouth relaxed, slightly open. Lashes resting on his freckled cheeks. Probably singing in his sleep. With an occasional KICK of his feet as he dreams shuffle/ball/changes in his sleep.


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The idea that it might be bad for Clay in the short run to be dropped, but good for him in the long run (and that RCA was "devaluing him prior to dropping him) was introduced by some people who coincidentally arrived at all the same conclusions as fake Clay's minions have been touting, but of course never believed a word of any fake insider talk.

I wouldn't consider the article about the status of Clay's deal to be definitive, but it's reassuring to me that he seems to be okay for the time being. It's a wildly changing music world out there, and I prefer that Clay have a bit of a safe harbor that I think a major label can provide. Let somebody else be the trail blazer for the new means to do music distribution.

I think we will have to agree to disagree on this. Like I said, I don't pay attention to Fakers or "insiders" but I do pay attention to my own awareness and IMO, and it is just an opinion, RCA did not do what they could for their multi-platinum selling artist. They gave very average promotion. I know people who were fans of his who had no clue he had a new CD out and they were surprised at the lack of promo he got because he was so successful and they considered him a major star. I've bolded the word acting because I think Clay is very good at diplomacy and he did make some statements about RCA much later which made me go hmmmm. Let's hope he gets what he wants and deserves for his next CD, whatever that may be. For now, he looks very happy and content. I have no complaints.

I think we can all agree that the promotion for ATDW was not what we all expected for a talent of Clay's caliber; what we don't know is why and I think that is where the discussions often veer off into the Twilight Zone for me.

Loved that EW blurb. I really don't give a rat's ass about that ghoul Clive (although I think he's forgotten more about the record business just today than most people ever learn in the first place) or RCA. I only care about Clay. And if he wants out of RCA I hope he gets his wish. But since I don't know what he wants and I can't read the future to know that if only RCA dropped him he'd get a great new deal with a record company that cared about their artists and let them do whatever their heart's desire without caring about the botton line, I'll continue to hope all works out there. The pub that Taylor and Kat are getting is just a fraction of how Clay would be treated by the media if he were dropped unless he had some great new deal to annouce in concert. And I don't want Clay at some indie company with less resources than a major label. Clay's PR was not what I wanted because I always want everything for him but it wasn't nothing. You wanna see nothing? Go look at Bo. And I think he's sold like 30K records.

We know a lot more now thanks to the meet and greets and I'm sure that's all interpreted all kinds of ways. But what I got out of it all is that Clay is with RCA for the foreseeable future. He had a hand in decisions about his career. And he's excited about the future. I admit my feelings on this are influenced by the fact that the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time.

JMH, and word on your post! Who knows maybe fake Clay read the board and stole all these silly ideas and fed them back to these people but it sure is funny how in jive the fandom was to what he/she was spouting. And I'm talking the extreme theories here, not just dissatisfaction. And I don't think it was just 5 or 6 people (although they will get all the blame) who believed all this nonsense either. So to make a long story short :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I'm going to watch some clack and enjoy Clay hee. And RCA and Clay and his album will get another go around this year - and I have no doubt it will be just as interesting as 2006. Fortunately I have a place to discuss it all, whatever it will be, in a way conducive to my peace of mind :F_05BL17blowkiss:

now, what's this about an auction?

Oh, my song of the day was BACK OFF CLAYGASM AND JAMAR -- These Open Arms. I listened to it mumble mumble times. Clay made me love this song this summer. And to the word collectors - torn must be added. And what if everyone you ever loved was torn from the pages of your life. Listening to it made me wistful and thankful for a lot of things, that my mom seems to be doing well these days, that my sister insisted I watch Idol 2, that someone thought well enough of me to send me the pretty green scarf that I had wrapped around my neck today.

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:cryingwlaughter: at that hooker line:

"How 'bout coffee for a thousand?"

"Listen, I ain't a hooker!"

2:02 Dinner Auction Video.

the FCA grand extravaganza TBAF fundraiser we'll be having at your beautiful place

Oh, it's a date. Sans tree, but more room for us on the deck! :lol:

Clayzor, that's cute that you think my house fits me, when we've never even met. We all have these images of one another just from the written word. I like that. LOL!

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the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time.

Couchie... :preachit::woman: Big fat word to all of this! :clap:

Darn you, YSRN! I didn't know anything about a 'hooker' line. Now I have to go watch the danged video again to find it. :whistling-1:

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beautiful, beautiful Clack. If only people knew who we knew - no their minds are so Closed.

I see Cotton either missed or forgot or doesn't care about our very old discussion about Johnny Carson and how Wayne Newton had to threaten him with physical violence to get him to stop telling gay jokes about him. It was sort of like the real life verion of the fight skit with Kimmel. Hee. Johnny was supposed to be a nice guy as long as he couldn't get a laugh mentioning your name. Ithink he would be on our S*** list today if he were still doing the show. On the other hand, when he first came on the show, Leno was considered one of the nicest guys in show business, until the Tonight show kept up ratings, then some people started to resent him. Moral: no one is 100% nice, some people will sell pieces of themselves for success.

As far as RCA/BMG. Clive, whatever - when some one can tell me what happened in the meetings and give me a printed copy of Clay's contract, maybe then I will give credence to stories, but in business, as in life, nothing is easy everything is complicated.

I agree if Clay ever got dropped from RCa we would be complainging about the coverage, it might even bump a little bit of Britney and would headline all the tabloids. Clay is smart enough to have something else lined up. It is really interesting to see Ruben is still in a relationship with 19, it almost cusions the blow, with Taylor now saying that he has to comback and present his music after he writes what he wants on his next album sounds like the door is not shut yet. I am not sure if that is a requirement or a possible second chance, hard to tell wtih allthe spinning. And Katharine is "in talks" with A&M (renamed merged Polygram) - I think everyone is always "in talks" with someone.

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I see Cotton either missed or forgot or doesn't care about our very old discussion about Johnny Carson and how Wayne Newton had to threaten him with physical violence to get him to stop telling gay jokes about him. It was sort of like the real life verion of the fight skit with Kimmel. Hee. Johnny was supposed to be a nice guy as long as he couldn't get a laugh mentioning your name. Ithink he would be on our S*** list today if he were still doing the show. On the other hand, when he first came on the show, Leno was considered one of the nicest guys in show business, until the Tonight show kept up ratings, then some people started to resent him. Moral: no one is 100% nice, some people will sell pieces of themselves for success.

K. I'm supposed to be in bed!

But I ain't. And decided to check in one more time.

I SAID I got interrupted by a phone call - so I didn't get to complete my thought and I didn't see the rest of the program.

But I HAD forgotten (my brain is MUSH, people!) about your telling the story about Johnny and Wayne! 'Course, they weren't talking about any of that stuff on the TV show!

One of the lines he wouldn't cross that the show did talk about was when Nixon was "roaming the White House fallin' down drunk", he decided he was not going to make hay with that. He felt that it was too real to joke about. Or something to that effect.

And the similarity to Clay - he was a very shy man - except when he was ON. He didn't like the party scene, etc. But not to make the mistake of thinking that SHY meant WEAK!

Because Johnny knew what he wanted from people on the show. And there was no doubt WHO WAS IN CHARGE!

I wish I'd seen the entire show.

I hate that Wayne had to fight for himself like that. Did JC ever apologize?

Thanks for reminding me of that.

Now - I really do need to go get some sleep!!! Ack!

I got some more post-holiday clearing out done and that feels good.

Now I have to think about actually - like - cleaning!

Did I mention I hatesses cleaning!! I can't stay focused on one thing. That's my problem. I start in one room, go to put something away in another room and get sidetracked and end up finishing nothing!

Yeah, I'm twelve in more ways than one! :cryingwlaughter:

Play, I hope you can see Clay at the View. He'll have three shows under his belt by then and he should be in RARE FORM!

Sheesh! I didn't mean to write War and Peace!!!

G'Night, y'all!

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It's crazy, y'all. I watched these clips so many times, I have the songs going through my head over and over and over and over. heh

Heeee, I know what you mean. Except I have 'Titanic' music going through my head. I should go listen to Spamalot some more to get a different earworm going through my head.

It's really helpful to have these clips, because I will catch so much more when I get to see Clay perform in Spamalot! Thank you!

Anyone else having an almost uncontrollable urge to lick his neck??


I love that pic! Sure looks like an invitation to me! And I'm glad that you made it your avie, so I can see it more often.

We know a lot more now thanks to the meet and greets and I'm sure that's all interpreted all kinds of ways. But what I got out of it all is that Clay is with RCA for the foreseeable future. He had a hand in decisions about his career. And he's excited about the future. I admit my feelings on this are influenced by the fact that the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time.

BWAH! :clap:

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How freakin' exciting is THIS!?!?! :clap:

Clay is already listed in the Internet Broadway Database--all three roles!

Internet Broadway Database


Clay Aiken

( b. Nov 30, 1978 Raleigh, NC, USA ) Male


Productions: Spamalot (Original, Musical, Comedy)

Dates of Production: Mar 17, 2005 - ?

Starring: Clay Aiken [brother Maynard] - Replacement

(Jan 18, 2008 - May 4, 2008);

Starring: Clay Aiken [Guard 1] - Replacement

(Jan 18, 2008 - May 4, 2008);

Starring: Clay Aiken [sir Robin] - Replacement

(Jan 18, 2008 - May 4, 2008)

I am absolutely freakin' LOVIN' this ride! What a wonderful boyfriend...what a man...what a

WASTE if he's not knocking the bottom out of some lucky beyotch! :hubbahubba::cryingwlaughter:

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It's soooo exciting that Spamalot will be starting soon! And YAY for confirmation of his roles.

Permaswooned made some absolutely gorgeous 2008 calendar files. You can go to her smugmug account to save the files (both the pictures and the month pages) and then either print them out or take them somewhere to have them printed. Hopefully she won't mind me bringing over her post about the calendar. I wanted to share, because the pics are so beautiful! I've saved the files to my computer and will be printing them off tomorrow. THANK YOU, PERMA!!


I've had several inquiries about a Clay calendar for this year. Last year I posted links to a calendar I had made with a scrapbooking program I had. I made it to fit photo paper (11x17), not realizing that Shutterfly, Snapfish, etc., could not work with that size. So this year, I tried another program that would make a Shutterfly type calendar...facing sheets of 8.5 x 11" that were bound in the middle.

I know many of you have your calendars already, but for those still thinking about it, I promised I would post links again this year. I printed mine on photo paper, because it's clearer and shiny. I don't think it's as good on card stock. Several people downloaded the files to disk and had their calendars made at Staples. Evidently they are not as picky about copyright as Kinko's. The files are sized for 8.5 x 11", so print out just right.

I had to translate the files into jpeg files to get them into smugmug. All the files are in this gallery:


When you click on a calendar page, you should choose the original size to save. You need all the pixels you can get to make it sharp. These are jpeg files. The .pdf files are even clearer, but you would need to contact me with your email address if you would prefer those versions. You can try printing on your own...try Snapfish....or download to disk and have Staples/Kinko's make up the calendar for you. Use glossy paper for best results.

January is a Unicef screencap; all the other pictures are mine. You have my permission to use the pictures for your calendars, as long as they are not sold. Hope someone can make use of this. Sorry for the delay.

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I admit my feelings on this are influenced by the fact that the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time.

Very well stated, Couchie! I do often feel that fans hang on to past resentments far too long.

Clay's had a stunningly successful year in terms of fund raising. He's working on a new CD that has apparently been at least partially approved by RCA, gearing up for a Broadway run on a popular show, and living in New York City for the first time in his life. He has a lot to look forward to, as do we. I know some people like to rehash old debates, but I can't help but feel that there are plenty of current developments to talk about instead. I'm not telling people what to post, but personally, I really don't need to read about how he was screwed by American Idol for the ten billionth time.

Instead of speculating, AGAIN, about how ATDW should have been promoted, I'd rather talk about how Spamalot is being promoted--with an enthusiastic, widely distributed press release, with well-placed online ads and concert fliers, with various newspaper interviews, and an appearance on "The View" and perhaps more.

Or if we must speculate, perhaps we can imagine what the experience might bring Clay in terms of professional experience and exposure, or what he might get out of living in New York. Personally, I have this fantasy of him dining socially with people like Mike Nichols, Eric Idle, Tyra or even Neil Sedaka, who introduce him to others who can expand his opportunities even further.

Does Unicef have offices in New York? If so, perhaps the proximity will allow him the opportunity to learn more and continue to remain active in the organization. I have this vision of Jimmy Carter, in a televised interview, telling a national audience, "I've gotten to know Clay Aiken, and let me tell you, he really is a remarkably intelligent and well-informed young man."

And we are, of course, intrigued by how all the dancing might tone and firm his long, lean body, right?

Just for fun (and not to raise our expectations to some impossible level), what are your dream scenarios for Clay's Great New York Adventure? What excites you most about this upcoming year?

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