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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Whee!!! thanks for putting up the banner, Ansa. I am beyond excited!!!!! TEN MORE SLEEPS!!!!!!!!!

I got to thinking about laughn's Keats quote earlier today, and was inspired. Thanks to her for the words, and Karen Eh for the beautiful photos!! :wub:




More beauty -- GAH!!! Awesome, Cindilu2! :clap:

Caro listen.gif

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The only thing that saved me was thinking of balls reminded me of that pecker support thingie that dancers wear and that got me thinking about Clay needing an XXL.

Took the tears right away.

Indeed, wandacleo....however, one might suggest that such a pecker support thingie on Clay might evoke tears of a different nature, mightn't one? :whistling-1:


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It's been just over a year and a half since I entered this wonderful world of Clay fandom....so someone please tell me, how long before the obsession wanes a bit and allows me to keep up to my garden and housework and figuring out this new computer I just bought that has Windows Vista. OK enuf whining.

heee... keep dreaming hon. It's been 5 years and it ain't waned a bit for me. But since it's only been a year I'd love to hear how you found Clay...was it AI5?

Spamalot combined "movie"...megaupload, so first come, first served. May take a looong time to download, judging by how long it took to upload. I'm making new sendspaces for the two parts, which might end up being the best way to share this material.

I'm downloading now. If anyone would like this on a dvd just PM..I can make some copies this weekend and mail them out.

It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.

Thread Title!

Lotus Wanes???? How long before it WANES???

Do you not see us here every day, slobbering over every picture and detail???!!! :hubbahubba:

Spending money on Clay like lunatics!

Selling everything but our bodies (not speaking for everyone, of course) to get concert money!!!

Do we seem like waners to you???

Dream on.


you got that right. I started my little budget worksheet for NYC today. Well can't get online ..got to spend my time doing something :whistling-1:

Just "Gah"

thread title? heee

normal, as you knew it, is gone; accept this 'new normal' for the joy it brings.

slightly edited for a thread title? You got that right bookwhore!

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ps. goldarngirl, I did put up lots of Canandaigua last night...

What am I, chopped liver? :cryingwlaughter:

Luckiest1, I missed this last night!!! I'm so sorry -- I forgot that you need Canandaigua too. *hunts for more of that dark chocolate with cranberries for a peace offering* (Though...after goldarngirl posted that WAMLAW-LOML-GH_UM file today, I'm completely hers to command --- after Clay of course!)

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Wow, couchie! Well, let me just suggest that if anyone wants a DVD of this "movie", better plan to watch it on your computer. Even just full-screen, it's pretty blurry. If someone watches this on their television screen, let me know if it looks better from a distance.

I will remember to be more appreciative next time I watch some super-clear, extra-steady, close-up clack.

Lotus, after all these years, I now divide time into "BC" and "SC"...Before Clay and Since Clay. Resistance is futile.

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Wow, couchie! Well, let me just suggest that if anyone wants a DVD of this "movie", better plan to watch it on your computer. Even just full-screen, it's pretty blurry. If someone watches this on their television screen, let me know if it looks better from a distance.

I will remember to be more appreciative next time I watch some super-clear, extra-steady, close-up clack.

Lotus, after all these years, I now divide time into "BC" and "SC"...Before Clay and Since Clay. Resistance is futile.


Oh I haven't watched it yet so didn't know it was blurry but I'm mostly just thinking of folks with older technology or don't have any room left on their hard drives for whatever reason LOL. I definitely respect the steady hand of the clack goddesses. I'm really in awe cuz I just have no skill at all in that area. Speaking of clack..hmmmm shouldn't I be downloading something? heee

Cindilu!! whoo hoo... double delights babe!!

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Just "Gah"

thread title? heee!

Eeeeeeee! Something I said was nominated for a thread title! First time! I'm honored!


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playbiller, that info came from one of the admins of another site who contacted a staffer on the view. she said its not official though. i'm not sure if she is in the entertainment industry herself, behind the scenes. i just recently started reading there occasionally so i don't know all the people, but the other people on the board seem to think she knows what she is talking about. then again, that could have been said about other boards, and look what happened there.
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A lovely report and picture from RHT:

Hi all!

WHEW! Finally back in town from Florida!

First off, let me say we can be so happy and proud to support an artist like Clay Aiken! No matter what the media, etc may want to say about the "fans" of Clay Aiken, after seeing how well Clay handled himself with this charity function we can always be proud.

Second, as I said before, he was drop dead gorgeous!

Here is our group pic for starters. If you don't know me I am in the black top with white collar.


And this is how the day went for me:

From the minute I stepped onto the Country club grounds I was treated like any other golfer who was a member there. Having just had lessons for a little over two months, I was very surprised and felt honored.

I was greeted at the Club house by a gentleman who took my clubs and assured me they would be well taken care of! Directed to the registration area, I met Christy Barnes, Aron Hall and Diane Bubel. Then searched for my golf clubs only to find out they had already been placed in a golf cart ready to go, with my name on the cart along with the three other members of the team I would be golfing with. In the golf cart were water, extra golf towels, etc for each golfer.

I then took a few clubs and headed down to the driving range (buckets of balls were provided free of charge!) and practiced for about one hour.

Then the fun really began! Back in the club house a gourmet breakfast had been provided for all. Since I already had made sure I had breakfast, I simply asked for water and sat down at a table with a couple of other folks.

I had no idea the two people at the table were Leslie the reporter from the Palm Beach Post and her photographer. She asked me if she could interview me and ask some questions and so we have a very good chat and basically told her what many have already read. Then Leslie looked around and said to me: " he just walked in". I said "pardon?". She said "Clay just walked in". I said "really", rather astonished because I saw no entourage (sp?) of people. In fact, there was Clay and Mary, I believe just standing there with no one approaching them, which is is really odd as we know when Clay is in the house!

I actually felt kind of bad (this was not a Clay Aiken fan crowd per se) which was good because he actually gained a ton of new fans!

So I told Leslie I was going to get up and go over and say hello, and I did. I went over, introduced myself and Clay was his usual gracious and pleasant self and shook my hand and greeted me in return and I returned to my table.

I also saw Jerome and greeted him. He remembered me from the Virgin Megastore CD signing because he and I worked together to make sure fans with physical challenges were seen first that day, so it was pleasant reunion for us. However, in all honesty I did not expect any further contact with Clay or Jerome the rest of the day. I was looking forward to the Golf Clinic with Wayne Player as I have been big fan of his father, Gary Player for years.

Next, I headed outside to golf clinic and at that time there were only two other golfers there, both women. I introduced myself to Wayne Player (he is very funny) and he asked what I was learning so far in my golf lessons. We chatted for a few minutes, and others started to arrive.

All of sudden Clay, Mary and Jerome arrived as well! It was a surprise to me, as per the program only Wayne Player was going to be there. However, it was delightful to see Clay participate and he came over to us, and asked the two other women there if they lived locally and when when they told where they lived, then Clay pointed to me and said "I know you are not from here", I replied, kind of suprised he would know that , "no, I am from California" Clay continued to pleasantly banter with us and then asked all what our handicap was. When he got to me I told him laughing I didn't want to tell him and he replied back laughing I could not be as bad as him. We all had few more laughs and then the golf clinic began.


Little did I know that having just met Wayne Player for the first time, that he was going to include me in his golf clinic as a guinea pig!

First he used Clay and you have all seen the adorable pics of that and Clay was very funny! It was really cute! He made his usual signature funny faces and self-deprecating funny remarks and I could see the crowd there was really enjoying the clinic and Clay. Then to my surprise Wayne called to me and said " Pam! Come up here!".


So I walked up on the grass to Wayne and he explained he was going to demonstrate one of the golf shots with me right there in the shot range! He positioned me as he wanted me to stand and told me to stay still and just stand there, and assured me I would not get hit by the golf shot.

Then Clay yelled out "wait a minute, do we have her check yet?" That snark brought a round of laughter from the crowd and a reply from me to Clay that "yes, you have my check already!", and more laughter from the crowd.


I quickly made the sign of the cross, pressed my hands in prayer position, closed my eyes and then covered my face! I think several in the crowd laughed at this display!


Wayne took the shot! It went by me so fast I could feel the air! I took a sigh of relief I still had my face, and while Wayne was describing what he had just done and why, I tiptoed ever so quietly on the grass behind him and tried to return to my spot! He saw me out of the corner of his eye, whirled around comically and said " Pam! Get back here!" My plan to escape was foiled! The crowd laughed and I had to be the guinea pig again as he put me through a similar demonstration like Clays. Then I was set free, Wayne thanked me and asked to crowd to give a hand of applause for my participation.

It was all in good fun and I really enjoyed the clinic, my participation and Clay being his usually funny, happy self.

I thought, ok, that was completely unexpected and great and did not expect to see Clay anymore until the evening festivities.

But to our surprise, Clay came around to each golfing group while we were out on the course! When he arrived at our hole he got out of the cart and announced he was there to have a pic done with our group. When he walked up on the green he immediately asked the members of our group if I had been behaving myself, because if not they could kick me out! We all laughed and had a wonderful pic with Clay! ( see above). As Clay walked back to the cart and I walked to pic up my clubs and he said to me in his snarky way " behave yourself!". I replied "oh come on, we want to have fun!". He turned and laughed and got on his way!


And this experience was absolutely fun!

As far as the rest of the day, the dinner was yummy, Clay sang like an angel and continued to look gorgeous to boot! I did not speak with him again but many others did and he made many new fans at this event!

Jerome however, did suprise me at the end of the evening and came over to me at my table and expressed pleasure at seeing me again and wished me a good evening. Jerome of course, like Clay, another class act!

There were many things that happened in my life last week that tried to prevent me from attending this wonderful event, however I am so glad I went!

And for those who may wonder, I will say right here and now there is absolutely no reason for me to apply for a future meet with Clay for upcoming concerts.

This was the ultimate meet and greet!!

I wish everyone who wants to will be able to experience meeting this wonderful artist and human being!


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Wanda.... BWAH!!!! Pecker support.... BWAH!!!

I love the vids we got. Yes, they're grainy, but even grainy, he's GAHLY GORGEOUS!

A miracle will have to happen for me to get to Spamalot, so I really appreciate the movie, 0lsee... Thanks!

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GREAT BANNER CINDILU!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap:

Whoever found that video of Spamalot - THANK YOU!! Even tho it's small, I've had it playing here for the past couple of hours. I had never seen the show before or even heard the music! But I can't wait to see it again!!! Where did the vid come from?

I played around with Clay (one of my favorite pastimes) while I listened/watched........

Here's a new wallpaper......... N-JOY! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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Couch Tomato

heee... keep dreaming hon. It's been 5 years and it ain't waned a bit for me. But since it's only been a year I'd love to hear how you found Clay...was it AI5?

I have been totally addicted to everything Clay since June of 06 much to the detriment of my garden and housekeeping but oh what joy he has brought into my life. Still grieving for my DH of over 30 years, a sweet loving man and waiting for the results of the investigation of a medical situation which, in it worst case scenario, would leave me totally disabled, both mentally and physically, I was spending my evenings surfing the net. I would fall into bed exhausted but then able to sleep, my brain too tired to go thru all the what if's.

So one night I happened to come across a video of Clay singing...one of the AI2 videos..and I wish I could remember which one it was and that was it. Who is this beautiful young man with the wonderful voice? There followed hours of video watching, blog reading (some of which made me heart sick) and I staggered off to bed at 4:00am, dazed and amazed.

There followed more investigation and a growing feeling which I found puzzling. Never had I felt this way about a singer and here I was, a grandmother of 5, feeling like a teenager, a randy teenager at that. After days of downloading videos, magazine articles and pretty well anything else I could find, I discovered fan boards and found a place for myself at the LBFCA, a place which understood this mixture of lust and maternal feelings. Since then by reading other boards I found that my feelings were not unusual. Tho' now my feelings are not so much maternal as carnal. hah!

For the following three months I would fall asleep at night with his voice in my ears, when I gardened, he was with me, when I woke in the morning his voice was singing in my heart. He got me through a rough patch.

My children think my fandom is cute and are glad that I am enjoying life again. I have told a few friends and they too see what a difference there is in my attitude toward life but....there are those to whom I will not speak of Clay because of what I know will be their judgment of him and me. That's their loss.


Lotus Wanes???? How long before it WANES???

Do you not see us here every day, slobbering over every picture and detail???!!! hubbahubba.gif

Spending money on Clay like lunatics!

Selling everything but our bodies (not speaking for everyone, of course) to get concert money!!!

Do we seem like waners to you???

Dream on.

I just want it to wane a little...just a little..that's all. I know there are lots of you with full time jobs. I'm retired. I should have lots of time to garden and write to my family and edit movies of my grandchildren instead of videos of Clay.

Right I'm whining about not waning...it's late and I'm off to bed...I think... but maybe I'll read just a few more pages. :cryingwlaughter:

I just read your post Bookwhore. In June of 06 there wasn't much going on in Clayland and I was spending my time discovering all the old stuff. In fact there was a drought of Clack so I had no idea what I would become when it all started again in September. OMG and then all the time learning about burning CD's then buying software and figuring out how to burn DVD's and worrying cause I had a few GB's of Clack on my computer. I just bought a 250GB external drive to be the Clack library and a new computer cause my old one refuses to burn DVD's of Holiday on Ice.

After flying to Minneapolis for 4 days for 2 concerts, I'm no longer a Christmas concert virgin. And now I'm trying to figure out how to get to New York...and it is all so much fun...I do love it.

Well you all know about how this goes.

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From CV

Click if you dare!


Holy Crap!







Chapped lip


Sparkly Eyes

oh MY!

Uh huh...what she said.

That is one goofy picture up there at the top of the page! Did I really take that? Yeah, I did....goof ball. I should have fixed his hair. Great banner, cindilu2.

Lotus, I do believe I recognize you. ;) When are you coming back to Houston? I'll be in and out for a while, but I know a few shy retiring women there who like to do lunch....and then, I know the eHP. They have to eat sometime. Welcome to FCA, if I've not said it to you before.

amy e from the Broads, somehow managed to tear her eyes from the thighs long enough to actually read the words in this picture.

And I had to squint real hard to see that "nutties" was actually "nuities."

I get up everyday, and I try to be good. It hasn't worked all that well for the past five years, so now I think I'm just going to be happy to get up every day..... period.

Party on, Wane!!

While I go chacha wallpaper the ceiling of my bedroom.

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Well you all know about how this goes.

Hee, Lotus. Indeed we do. Replace June of 06 with May of 03 and you pretty much just described most of us.


Seriously... I just started back in my garden last year and didn't do half of what I used to do. And I don't think I've folded clothes for four years... I finally just figured out how to dress in the laundry room. LOL! And I have four 256 GB hard drives. I didn't get them all at once!

{{ for the loss of your husband and I hope your medical "condition" worked out }}

That ^^ is the most perfectly beautimous picture of the freckly, happy guy I've seen in two years! Love it! I adore reddish-blond, freckly, sparkly, sideburned Clay. drool.gif

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Party on, Wane!!

While I go chacha wallpaper the ceiling of my bedroom.

Party on Karth! :cryingwlaughter:

Allow me to help by offering a couple variations in patterns:



Seriously... I just started back in my garden last year and didn't do half of what I used to do. And I don't think I've folded clothes for four years... I finally just figured out how to dress in the laundry room. LOL! And I have four 256 GB hard drives. I didn't get them all at once!

Having grown up on a farm, I hate gardening! And folding clothes?? What's that?? :D But seriously... Clay has enabled to do all the things I'm passionate about! Listening to live music, recorded music, collecting recordings, memorbilia, playing on the computer and the internet and making new friends, photography and computer graphics. And I think I have about that many Hard Drives around the same size. (Mine don't match!!) :D

Lotus - wane along with me....... LONG LIVE THE CLAY!! I am happy that Clay has made a difference in your life, that's what he set out to do!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:



(sorry - the regular size one will have to wait till morning! afternoon!!!) :nightienight:

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Ok, I just saved that picture 2 3 more times. I now have 11 12 copies of the same picture, all with different names. No wonder my gigabytes are um, whirring...

In the original, look how his one hair is touching hers. Why am I mesmerized by that one hair?

OT: Anyone wanna see how the storm tried to kill me the other day? http://thistlehut.com

This happened long after the 60 mph gusts... Scared the beejesus out of me. I'm considering removing many more trees from my property now before they fall on my house and all you see are my wicked shoes poking out. Yikes!!

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WOW!! I just got tickets in 7th row for opening night of Spamalot!! WOO HOO!!

And its only a short train ride on the Long Island Railroad away!!

Woo and hoo! Have a blast. Report back! :)

Wow, YSRN, that was close! I'm glad it fell away rather than toward your home. It's funny, when we lived in Austin, we were house-hunting in a fairly new development and a storm blew up. We headed into one of the model homes to wait it out and as we did, my kids noticed a new home across the street (the one we were supposed to go see next) and both of them said they hoped their tree didn't fall over. Well, it was a hum-dinger of a storm, hailed so hard, the ice coming down the gutter spout piled up like a snow cone on the ground below. And there was a crash. Yes, the tree had fallen, right in middle of that new house, caving the roof right in. Made everybody kind of sad for that home...not even lived in yet and already damaged. heh

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OT: Anyone wanna see how the storm tried to kill me the other day? http://thistlehut.com

This happened long after the 60 mph gusts... Scared the beejesus out of me. I'm considering removing many more trees from my property now before they fall on my house and all you see are my wicked shoes poking out. Yikes!!

:scream: YIKES indeeed! That was very close., and I'm glad your house is okay.

It makes me worry a bit about the condition of the maple tree in my front yard that is larger than my little house.

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Good Morning Everyone,

9 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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This fantastic pic cannot be posted enough (especially in a larger size):


It took several viewing of this picture for me to make my way up to the hair. I got side tracked by the thighs, the crotchal area, the waist, the shoulders, the arms, the face. But on my umpteenth viewing, is anyone else mesmerized by that wind-tossed blonde mane? I wish it was a gif. I'd love to see it softly ruffling in the wind.

Wouldn't a gif be nice! I focused on Clay's hair, too, bookwhore, and I really don't pay much attention to it usually. It looks....what's the word.... lush.

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