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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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And personally, every time I read a post (usually elsewhere), where someone starts in with a litany of all of the things that THEY think Clay SHOULD have said, my eyes start to roll back in my head! Interviews are done "in the moment". I doubt that they told him in advance that they were going to ask him questions about the airplane incident and Ripa. While it's great that fans can come up with pithy answers to the questions after taking the time to think about and carefully craft them over time, Clay has a split-second to react. I think his decision to not even engage the idiot is wise....and HAWT!!

ETA: aikim, I hope you don't think I was singling you out. I have read many posts (most of them last evening) where the consensus seemed to be that the only reason he was "pissy" with the reporter was that he was tired and cranky. I didn't get that impression, I think he would have answered the same way even if he had come off of a great sleep. ((hugs))

Yup this is my pet peeve too. They are not Clay Aiken what do they know. Do they really think anything in their personal experience will make them more qualified to answer for Clay??? That is just a joke.

I don't click on tabloid sites either...but I didn;t mind those blurbs because to me they were kinda neutral. I always expect the worse from tabloids so I didn;t get peeved by this.

djs :cryingwlaughter:

When it comes to inclusion...I think BAF simply wants that to be a possibility for all families with special needs children. I don;t think they are saying that every child should be mainstreamed. Whats important is for parents like me to have the option and that Caitlin will be able to go to camp like her sisters if she wants to and when she is ready.

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I don't click on tabloid sites either...but I didn;t mind those blurbs because to me they were kinda neutral. I always expect the worse from tabloids so I didn;t get peeved by this.

Well I'm not peeved either - it's more of the same old. I'm just participating in a conversation here. But neutral? They called him a Claymate involved in a girl fight. Not exactly neutral. Just because it isn't as disgusting as the 'normal' (ugh) swipes they take at him doesn't make it okay.

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I don't click on tabloid sites either...but I didn;t mind those blurbs because to me they were kinda neutral. I always expect the worse from tabloids so I didn;t get peeved by this.

Well I'm not peeved either - it's more of the same old. I'm just participating in a conversation here. But neutral? They called him a Claymate involved in a girl fight. Not exactly neutral. Just because it isn't as disgusting as the 'normal' (ugh) swipes they take at him doesn't make it okay.

we all have our own filter and things that piss us off. Calling it a girly fight was not a big deal TO ME... not saying what others should feel just how I felt and why I didn't mind it that much.

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If Perez Hilton suddenly started pouring on the Clay love, I wouldn't forgive all and embrace him. I don't hate him because he's mean to Clay; I hate him because he's an immortal creep who makes a living hurting people. TMZ in this case is just using some turns of phrase to say Clay likes to fight with people, and that includes fighting with people who ask him about how he loves to fight with people. Even if what they said was very positive, I would still not be affirmed by that, because it is TMZ, and TMZ is a sleazy gossip blog that has said nasty things about Clay in the past and will no doubt do it again. They're not in the business of loving celebrities.

Please, please please have that be a typo and not a prediction!

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Eh, by the end of the weekend, I expect the big story will be something like Britney, aided and abetted by Paris Hilton, being pulled over for running down Lindsay Lohan on Hollywood Boulevard while fleeing from Cedars Sinai after making an attempt to kidnap Nicole Ritchie's new baby - as filmed by the TMZ camera man permanently placed in the back seat of the car, with Dr. Phil hanging off the luggage rack. Hillary will get slightly schmoopy, Obama will say it's time for a change, and Rudy will remind us he was the mayor during 9/11.

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If Perez Hilton suddenly started pouring on the Clay love, I wouldn't forgive all and embrace him. I don't hate him because he's mean to Clay; I hate him because he's an immortal creep who makes a living hurting people. TMZ in this case is just using some turns of phrase to say Clay likes to fight with people, and that includes fighting with people who ask him about how he loves to fight with people. Even if what they said was very positive, I would still not be affirmed by that, because it is TMZ, and TMZ is a sleazy gossip blog that has said nasty things about Clay in the past and will no doubt do it again. They're not in the business of loving celebrities.

Please, please please have that be a typo and not a prediction!

bwah lilyshine!!

Eh, by the end of the weekend, I expect the big story will be something like Britney, aided and abetted by Paris Hilton, being pulled over for running down Lindsay Lohan on Hollywood Boulevard while fleeing from Cedars Sinai after making an attempt to kidnap Nicole Ritchie's new baby - as filmed by the TMZ camera man permanently placed in the back seat of the car, with Dr. Phil hanging off the luggage rack. Hillary will get slightly schmoopy, Obama will say it's time for a change, and Rudy will remind us he was the mayor during 9/11.

double bwah..

Regarding politics - Unfortunately I've become very cynical and apathetic over time and believe that while there is differences between the parties during election season, they all want one thing once they get in, to stay in power and will do anything towards that end. No one in this campaign has sparked me out of that mindset as of yet.

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My first reaction last night was, "Wow! He's tired and cranky and not sure what he's gotten himself into", which sounds about rigth for someone stepping into a big, new creative endeavor. I also thought, "Wow - he didn't read Jemock's blog about how to properly put on your tights and his were in a wad!" :cryingwlaughter:

I don't see anything bad about what Clay did or said. I think the reporter was a horse's ass for asking such inane, dated questions. And as for labeling those questions "about his personal life"? WTH??? They had NOTHING to do with his personal life! Why not ask him how he's adjusting to life in NY? How's he doing getting around town? Oh wait, that might be sort of logical. Never mind!

There are no reports of Clay cussing the guy out or decking him, which has sadly become "the usual" for some stars nowadays. I'm sure his tone went right along with what he said and I don't think he was rude. Doesn't mean I didn't cringe at first, or that I wouldn't have kicked him under the table if I were his publicist, but this certainly sounds like it was Clay being Clay - and isn't that what everyone cires about so often? Let Clay be Clay? And he so is! :wub::clap:

Yet again, he manages to be "the king of contorversy" over much ado about nothing - just another day in the Clay Nation!

BWAH bottlecap!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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FYI, I read a blog that doesn't like Clay, so I will bring you something to give you a taste of what the I don't like Clay, but I don't hate him people think along with other examples they provide.

I cant believe I am about to praise Clay Aiken, but he stood his ground and refused to answer questions just because they were asked in Newsweek this week. What is with our media? 60 Mins goes to France and Pres. Sarkozy walks out when the first question for this maverick new leader is about his marriage? Good for him. News Corp wants us to be dumb. Not everyone has to play along. Media and the GP scream at celebs who exploit their personal lives, but its all they seem to care about.

Note to both: The show is on stage. If a celeb makes their personal life the story, then its fair. Otherwise, they are there to talk about their jobs and their art.

I was with O-Town one day doing a phone interview with USA Today. After the umpteenth silly question (What's your favorite Backstreet Boy song?), Jacob finally had enough. "Are you going to ask us anything about music, at all?" he shot back. Its your career, your art, your message. You don't have to answer stupid questions or indulge in gossip.

Good for Clay Aiken for being respectful, but not giving in. Bigger question is, why would Newsweek run it? Makes them look unprofessional. Then again, Naomi Campbell is interviewing the presidents of Argentina and Venezuela for GQ, so the bar has been lowered. But this Newsweek interview is retarded. Who did the interview, Chris Farley? Highlights (or read it all here):

They then have a flash video of Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney and asking stupid questions. That is pretty funny, but I don't know how to bring it over.

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Ansa said:

When it comes to inclusion...I think BAF simply wants that to be a possibility for all families with special needs children. I don;t think they are saying that every child should be mainstreamed. Whats important is for parents like me to have the option and that Caitlin will be able to go to camp like her sisters if she wants to and when she is ready.

Yep! I didn't really mean BAF, I was speaking more about training teachers to assist in classrooms so kids could be mainstreamed, just rambling, really, because it sounds like that is what jumpingjacks is doing. The mainstreaming would only work for Jacob in class if he has lots of meds, and I am not sure about long-term effects, so we don't like to go that route. We are very lucky that the charter school is nearby, because they offer no transportation or after-school care. It is a little expensive, but the state pays for quite a chunk of it.

I wish BAF could put some more people into the Y here in my town, they have a decent summer camp, but somehow Jacob is always irritating someone who has 50 other kids to corral. Not fun for him at all.

I love how this little Newsweek interview is getting so much attention.....I never notice stuff like that about other artists much. I was just watching an interview with Thom Yorke on Ovation channel. He said one scary thing is people who will do anything to get close or contact, the other thing is journalists constantly asking silly questions and not talking about the music he is actually creating, they ask him when he is going to do something iconic like Bono or something like that. Same old shit - people either ask stupid questions or ask about future direction, as if what an artist is doing right now doesn't count for anything.

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If Perez Hilton suddenly started pouring on the Clay love, I wouldn't forgive all and embrace him. I don't hate him because he's mean to Clay; I hate him because he's an immortal creep who makes a living hurting people. TMZ in this case is just using some turns of phrase to say Clay likes to fight with people, and that includes fighting with people who ask him about how he loves to fight with people. Even if what they said was very positive, I would still not be affirmed by that, because it is TMZ, and TMZ is a sleazy gossip blog that has said nasty things about Clay in the past and will no doubt do it again. They're not in the business of loving celebrities.

Please, please please have that be a typo and not a prediction!

BWAH and crap! Back to edit.

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Ansa said:

When it comes to inclusion...I think BAF simply wants that to be a possibility for all families with special needs children. I don;t think they are saying that every child should be mainstreamed. Whats important is for parents like me to have the option and that Caitlin will be able to go to camp like her sisters if she wants to and when she is ready.

Yep! I didn't really mean BAF, I was speaking more about training teachers to assist in classrooms so kids could be mainstreamed, just rambling, really, because it sounds like that is what jumpingjacks is doing.

In our school district, all kids are mainstreamed to the extent possible. Our severe/profound kids have access to the same services within the school as any other child. They are not shoved into another building across town and hidden from view, as was the experience when I first moved to this district....24 years ago.

My job is to advocate for the kids and parents. That means I do everything I can to keep them in the regular classroom with their peers. What is frustrating is teachers who refuse to follow a behavior plan that is created so that the kids can be successful in their neighborhood schools. I see it all.the.time. It seems we still have the perspective of "get them out" rather than "keep them in". It's a battle I'm fighting right now and it is truly exhausting. Luckily, I have the law on my side!

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Ansa said:

When it comes to inclusion...I think BAF simply wants that to be a possibility for all families with special needs children. I don;t think they are saying that every child should be mainstreamed. Whats important is for parents like me to have the option and that Caitlin will be able to go to camp like her sisters if she wants to and when she is ready.

Yep! I didn't really mean BAF, I was speaking more about training teachers to assist in classrooms so kids could be mainstreamed, just rambling, really, because it sounds like that is what jumpingjacks is doing.

In our school district, all kids are mainstreamed to the extent possible. Our severe/profound kids have access to the same services within the school as any other child. They are not shoved into another building across town and hidden from view, as was the experience when I first moved to this district....24 years ago.

My job is to advocate for the kids and parents. That means I do everything I can to keep them in the regular classroom with their peers. What is frustrating is teachers who refuse to follow a behavior plan that is created so that the kids can be successful in their neighborhood schools. I see it all.the.time. It seems we still have the perspective of "get them out" rather than "keep them in". It's a battle I'm fighting right now and it is truly exhausting. Luckily, I have the law on my side!

Oh I have a friend that needs an advocate like you. I send cait to the English school system and they have been mainstreaming children for a long time because they don;t have a school exclusively for special needs kids. So in Caits school everyone is very cooperative and the TAs are very experienced in handling children like my daughter. However...in the French school system, the situation is different. They do have a special needs school that gets most of the funding allocated for special needs children...so my friend that has a DS child thats Cait's age is having a harder time getting what she needs from the system. At first they strongly discouraged mainstreaming...now the problem is the teachers and the TA's just don;t know how to handle the kid. On one hand they want to see him acting like other kids...on the other they treat him like a baby without much limits and consequence.

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Ansa said:

When it comes to inclusion...I think BAF simply wants that to be a possibility for all families with special needs children. I don;t think they are saying that every child should be mainstreamed. Whats important is for parents like me to have the option and that Caitlin will be able to go to camp like her sisters if she wants to and when she is ready.

Yep! I didn't really mean BAF, I was speaking more about training teachers to assist in classrooms so kids could be mainstreamed, just rambling, really, because it sounds like that is what jumpingjacks is doing.

In our school district, all kids are mainstreamed to the extent possible. Our severe/profound kids have access to the same services within the school as any other child. They are not shoved into another building across town and hidden from view, as was the experience when I first moved to this district....24 years ago.

My job is to advocate for the kids and parents. That means I do everything I can to keep them in the regular classroom with their peers. What is frustrating is teachers who refuse to follow a behavior plan that is created so that the kids can be successful in their neighborhood schools. I see it all.the.time. It seems we still have the perspective of "get them out" rather than "keep them in". It's a battle I'm fighting right now and it is truly exhausting. Luckily, I have the law on my side!

Oh I have a friend that needs an advocate like you. I send cait to the English school system and they have been mainstreaming children for a long time because they don;t have a school exclusively for special needs kids. So in Caits school everyone is very cooperative and the TAs are very experienced in handling children like my daughter. However...in the French school system, the situation is different. They do have a special needs school that gets most of the funding allocated for special needs children...so my friend that has a DS child thats Cait's age is having a harder time getting what she needs from the system. At first they strongly discouraged mainstreaming...now the problem is the teachers and the TA's just don;t know how to handle the kid. On one hand they want to see him acting like other kids...on the other they treat him like a baby without much limits and consequence.

Being an advocate comes easy...being an advocate and fighting your professional peers, not so much. It does put a person in a position of always being a bitch, for lack of a better term. However, the relationship with my kids and their parents is far more important than being seen as a bitch by my peers. :)

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Dang ! woke up to multiple pages to read before posting! :imgtongue: And I'm :lmaosmiley-1: Heh! Perez Hilton is immortal? BWAH! (and shudder) And that Kevin Spacey interview transcript just lays this all to rest for me. Evidently, this kind of 'interview' is this particular asshole's claim to fame. Guess the fact that it's Newsweek that pays him instead of the NE or Star is the saddest part of all of this.

Anyhoo. My boyfriend has a massive brain and massive titanium balls. I like things big. Like feet and ears and a voice and balls and....whatnot. :whistling-1:

Okay. I'm goin' in! Heading downstairs now to see what damage Carrie and her overnight friend did to the living room and kitchen. I think I hear them rummaging around appliances that can make fire. :huh:

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And that Kevin Spacey interview transcript just lays this all to rest for me. Evidently, this kind of 'interview' is this particular asshole's claim to fame. Guess the fact that it's Newsweek that pays him instead of the NE or Star is the saddest part of all of this.

Exactly. Apparently this kind of interview is his schtick. And he's won awards? Blows my mind that Newsweek thinks it's a good tactic.

I think child advocates are the bomb. I don't know where my son or I would be without them. Although man, that school that your grandson attends, djs, sounds wonderful. But my son really wanted to stay with his friends in the public high school system, and so far, we are getting through it ok.....lots of pulling hair out at home with homework and projects, as you mentioned, but if you would have told me 3 years ago that he would be in grade 11 and have all his credits earned to date, I wouldn't have believed you. So :F_05BL17blowkiss: to jumpingjacks and all the other advocates for children with ADD/ADHD, learning and developmental disabilities out there!

Ahhhhhhhhh! Thanks for the reminder about AI Rewind. I completely forgot about it. I can catch it at 8 pm here. This one is gonna be good!

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I just have to LOL at some of these people who would like to be Clay's advisors. Seriously, there are some who think they know it all. They wouldn't last an hour with him. Bottom line, he is going to do this career his way and it might not always be PC. I love that about him and it makes him all the more intriguing. If Kevin Spacey can do it, well I say go Clay.

djs111 wrote:

Ladies and Gentlemen

Every fan (or not!) is here

ev'ryone who should be here is here

What a smashing, positively dashing

Spectacle: a new Clay interview.

At the gate are all the pundits

Waiting for the cue to post away

What a gripping, absolutely ripping

Moment for a new Clay interview

Pulses rushing!

Faces flushing!

Heartbeats speed up!

Gosh, we always get so keyed up!

Any second now

They'll begin to post

Hark! Just hit refresh!

The fur begins to fly....


Look! It has begun...!

What a frenzied moment that was!

Didn't they maintain an exhausting pace?

Twas a thrilling, absolutely chilling

Dissection of a new Clay interview

Ain't it the truth!

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I just think it's pretty easy to sit in a chair no where near the action and say what Clay should have done. I'm a really good NBA coach too in my own mind but probably wouldn't last an hour in the job for real. I think the bigesst problem people would have is with Clay himself - he is not a yes man and probably has ignored advice from people way more qualified. Yeah people can take his words any way they want and that's fine. But I don't think most people analyze this kind of thing too much (or they analyze it and promptly forget it) --well other than the people who love him and those that don't. Somebody on TWoP mentioned chickengate..and I"m like WTF what the hell is chickengate and I realized that came from 2003. LOL...they know more about Clay than I do. It's quite funny actually.

PIN ALERT. I'm placing the order on Monday. Looks like we have about 20 or so left to sale of each. PM me if you haven't ordered and can't order by Monday but you want me to hold for you.

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I just have to LOL at some of these people who would like to be Clay's advisors. Seriously, there are some who think they know it all. They wouldn't last an hour with him. Bottom line, he is going to do this career his way and it might not always be PC. I love that about him and it makes him all the more intriguing.

skybar, ain't that the truth??!! He'd chew 'em up and spit 'em out and they wouldn't know what had happened! :cryingwlaughter:

I was thinking this morning how this whole thing reinforces what I've always seen as some parallels between Clay and my hubby.

My husband is a nice guy. He's sweet and personable and always tries to see the best in people. He's a fun person to be around and in many ways Clay has some of the same qualities. AND I know that some of the people who see these things about my husband probably also think he's 'mild-mannered' and ---for the more obtuse people---meek. (Especially since I'm NOT particularly 'mild-mannered', heh.) I think some people think the same about Clay.

But both men have very strong principles and will defend them when pushed. They don't go around posturing and telling people they have principles, or trying to be all macho and shit---they just live what they believe. Then, if somebody gets in their face too much or crosses a line, they let it be known---in no uncertain terms--- what's not acceptable. That's hot.

Oh, and Couchie? I want to see you as an NBA coach. I'm sure you'd improve the dismal state of that sport in my eyes.

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And now for something completely different!

E! is talking about Kat and they say

It's only partly surprising, since Idol number twos often do better than winners. (Hello, Clay Aiken; goodbye, Ruben Studdard.) In a way, of course, McPhee did do better than winner Taylor Hicks—he was dumped by BMG before she was.

What second place finishers have done better than the winners? Oh yeah just that Aiken guy!

At the bottom there is a poll on who should get dumped next

here are the results

From Idol to Idle

Which BMG Idol stars should be bounced next?

* 33.5% Blake Lewis

* 11.4% Jordin Sparks

* 29.4% Fantasia

* 12.7% Clay Aiken

* 13.1% Kelly Clarkson

Bway - some haters have not discovered this poll yet

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LOL..already seeing google alerts with clay storming out of an interview. Controversy King lives. I hope everybody who talks about it actually links to the article. And popdirt of all blogs, had his quote from the airplane incident. I loved that one as well. If I recall correctly he had a little jab at the meda on that one as well.

Hi FCA, been lurking but I have to say the little jab he made. he said ' now that i have your attention, UNICEF needs your help." or something to that effect. A British entertainment news described it as "Clay Aiken cheekily ended by saying 'Now that I have your attention..........' ". It was funny.

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laughn, thanks for posting the TMZ blog. I didn't want to give them a hit, so I appreciate you posting it.

Quiana's debut in Dreamgirls was last night - she's looking really gorgeous! She's in the black dress. I'm happy for her success!


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