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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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To elaborate on play's post above, in an email from Aron Hall:

What an exciting beginning to 2008 we have had! Our Golfing for Inclusion event in Florida was a huge success as we introduced our mission of inclusion to over 500 people who had not heard of us previously. Many were touched and pledged their support going forth. We also received great news from our annual Holiday fundraiser, Wrapping for Inclusion. We set a lofty goal of raising $100,000 at wrapping sites around the US and actually exceeded it with a total of over $102,000! That is a 59% increase from our total in 2006.

We now have another opportunity to raise funds and awareness for our mission of opening doors for children with disabilities. Read below to find out how you can partner with us in America’s Giving Challenge.

Along with the Case Foundation, Parade Magazine is presenting America’s Giving Challenge and awarding $500,000 to charities whose supporters have attracted the most unique donors to their cause using new and innovative online tools.

Who can participate:

Anyone with access to the Internet, a willingness to try something new, and the passion and commitment to advocate on behalf of a cause they care about. The entire Challenge is designed to take place online, involving the use of such everyday activities as e-mailing, blogging, and social networking.

How it works:

Champion a Cause and have the chance to get $50,000 for the charity of your choice. The eight individuals whose charity badges attract the most unique donors through the America’s Giving Challenge will get $50,000 for their cause.

Click here to go to our badge: http://www.networkforgood.org/pca/Badge.aspx?BadgeId=109694

The Challenge will close January 31 at 3pm EST.

A quick note about unique donations:

To succeed at the Challenge, the objective is to get as many people as you can to donate to your cause. Duplicate donations from the same individual will only be counted once.

What do I do now:

1. Donate! A $10 donation is all we need for your donation to register in our total. This email has gone to you and to 1,355 other people who support us. Just one donation from each of you would vault us into the top 10!

2. Email, talk, blog, SPREAD THE WORD! Personalize this email for your friends and family. Talk to people about the opportunity this presents. If you have a blog or webpage, link to our badge.

We feel strongly that we have some of the strongest grassroots support in the country. Let’s show everyone what we’re made of and make another huge difference for children of ALL abilities to be able to learn, live, and play together!

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Could I ask a policy question re: Spamalot.

I know that the vaults won't be hosting Spamalot videos (as they shouldn't), but I'm sure that some will make their way to YouTube because they always do. My question is, if we should find video on YouTube, is it ok to write about it on the board, post a link, copy the video and post a link to download the video, post a "PM me for a link" note or all or none of the above?

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Could I ask a policy question re: Spamalot.

I know that the vaults won't be hosting Spamalot videos (as they shouldn't), but I'm sure that some will make their way to YouTube because they always do. My question is, if we should find video on YouTube, is it ok to write about it on the board, post a link, copy the video and post a link to download the video, post a "PM me for a link" note or all or none of the above?

I know everyone has their own opinion on this, and mine is maybe a bit more extreme than most, but to me, posting youtube links or saying 'PM me the link' to a download is just encouraging that there is a market for Spam video. And since Clay has requested that we not take clack, I don't think it's a good idea to encourage it. Just my two cents. [/not a mod]

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Quiana's review in the News Observer

Quiana Parler gives the troublesome Effie a steady arc. She's stunning in the show-stopper, "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going," but she reserved enough power to wow in her second act "I Am Changing." This performance alone would make the show a must-see, but Valisia Lekae Little's steely strength as Deena, who ousts Effie as the Dreams' lead singer, and Anika Ellis' hilarious turn as the naïve backup singer Lorrell, add equal electricity.


With "Dreamgirls," NCT establishes a standard of professional excellence for measuring all future productions.

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Could I ask a policy question re: Spamalot.

I know that the vaults won't be hosting Spamalot videos (as they shouldn't), but I'm sure that some will make their way to YouTube because they always do. My question is, if we should find video on YouTube, is it ok to write about it on the board, post a link, copy the video and post a link to download the video, post a "PM me for a link" note or all or none of the above?

The admins and mods will have to talk about this. Personally...I don;t think download links should be posted on the boards. You Tube links...I think people should just check you tube on their own. Clay made a specific request and I think we should try to honor that.

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Could I ask a policy question re: Spamalot.

I know that the vaults won't be hosting Spamalot videos (as they shouldn't), but I'm sure that some will make their way to YouTube because they always do. My question is, if we should find video on YouTube, is it ok to write about it on the board, post a link, copy the video and post a link to download the video, post a "PM me for a link" note or all or none of the above?

The admins and mods will have to talk about this. Personally...I don;t think download links should be posted on the boards. You Tube links...I think people should just check you tube on their own. Clay made a specific request and I think we should try to honor that.

Well, my understanding is that it is against the rules to take pics/videos at a Broadway show, and that's certainly the way it should be. However, if perchance THEY themselves record some of it and it winds up on YouTUbe, you can be sure I will find it because I check YouTube daily for new uploads about Clay.

If I do find anything, I will probably make reference to it here because I know all too well how it feels to be left out of everything from TV to live gigs because I live at the other end of the world and if it's weren't for Clack Unlimited and YouTube, I would feel even more deprived! I definitely won't post any YouTube links here that relate to Spamalot because the mods here can do that if they decide it's okay to do so.

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What a great review for Quiana! Thanks for posting it, Play. Here's to hoping we read something equally as great for our brave, hawt knight! :clap:

Not a mod and still somewhat a newbie, but I'm with luckiest & ansa regarding no links to possible Spam Clack.

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In case anyone has some curiosity about Mike Nichols,

a Charlie Rose interview with him about Spamalot. It's about the original cast, but shows some insight into the process and into his mind and history.
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If its Spamalot promo clips or if its clips shown on TV, like if they show a clip of Clay as Sir Robin on The View...then thats definitely OK...

If people refer to something that they saw then thats fine but please lets not have postings of people asking for links on the board. Y'all know how to contact each other.

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Bwah to the picture tag.


From claymama on the CB

That tag line is outstanding....and could possibly be a thread title? Heh.

So it was the whole interview on line????

I'm thinking that there was even MORE interview out there, that just wasn't published in ANY format. Which means, of course, that I'm dying to get to that reporter's tape recorder....

And of course, muski goes right for the jugular. Heh.

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Quiana's review in the News Observer

Quiana Parler gives the troublesome Effie a steady arc. She's stunning in the show-stopper, "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going," but she reserved enough power to wow in her second act "I Am Changing." This performance alone would make the show a must-see, but Valisia Lekae Little's steely strength as Deena, who ousts Effie as the Dreams' lead singer, and Anika Ellis' hilarious turn as the naïve backup singer Lorrell, add equal electricity.


With "Dreamgirls," NCT establishes a standard of professional excellence for measuring all future productions.

Thanks for that! "I Am Changing" is my favourite song from Dreamgirls (I have the DVD). I am sure that song is what won Bianca Ryan the AGT's title, rather than "And I AM Telling You". LOL I watched America's Got Talent entirely on YouTube because it wasn't screened in Oz.

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In case anyone has some curiosity about Mike Nichols,
a Charlie Rose interview with him about Spamalot. It's about the original cast, but shows some insight into the process and into his mind and history.

I'm a blubbering idiot after seeing half of this interview. To think that this icon of entertainment has chosen Clay as Sir Robin speaks to Clay's huge talent. It's so exciting.

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To think that this icon of entertainment has chosen Clay as Sir Robin speaks to Clay's huge talent. It's so exciting.

I know! And listening to him talking so casually about these highly respected people he knows and the works he has done, I just want to swoon. I especially love it that he seems to value NICE people in the business. How wonderful it would be for Clay to fall in with some "good guys" in what can be a perilous industry. Whee! :)

Yay for Quiana's good review. The first of many, I hope!

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Bwah to the picture tag.


From claymama on the CB

I like it. All of it. The picture and his answers. :clap:

muski, you make me smile. :naughtywag: I love your posts ! I love your boyfriend too. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

skybar, :thbighug-1: off the watch the Mike Nichols interview !

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My husband and I just went to see "Charlie Wilson's War" this past weekend....directed by Mike Nichols. (Great movie, IMO...) My husband saw the credit, and said, "is this the guy from "The Graduate?"" Uh, yeah. Nichols and May too, from back in the early 60's. I didn't mention the Spamalot connection to him...hubby is rather sick of Spamalot at the moment. *g* Anyway, I've been a huge admirer of Mike Nichols for a long time now, and I'm incredibly glad that Clay's now got Mike on his side.

So...will Diane Sawyer be at the premiere this weekend? *g* What other celebrities will be there, do you all think?

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