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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Without question--HE IS THE AMERICAN IDOL just as jmh123 said.

Or maybe Simon is just jealous because when you go to those gorgeous pictures at the Yahoo site, you can click to "recommend" them. Clay's all have well over 100 "recommends." Simon's picture comes up right after Clay's. Guess how many recommends Simon has------zero!!!

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I decided the regret wasn't worth the ill-timed self-denial.

That's what finally got me, as well. And pouting severely in front of my husband. At that point, he knew that my mind was made up and there was nothing he could do. But....he did say that I couldn't do April, just because that's our anniversary month, plus my Mom's birthday. Thank God there's 5 weekends in March. *g*

Bought my plane ticket today. The rates were outstanding -- $216 total for a round trip to NYC. It was funny, though...I went through Orbitz, and after I selected my flight, it gave me a chance to buy lots of extras. It's usually ground transportation and the like, but for NYC, they also offer a chance to buy Broadway tickets. If I could have known for positive where the seat would have been, I would have bought a ticket for Spamalot for the Friday night I arrive. (Actually, I'm still planning on that, just not sure if I want to wait until I get there that day, or if I want to buy ahead of time.)

I wish I could figure out the secrets of Avi uploading on this boad. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
BW, I was having major trouble with that today myself. I wanted to grab one of those beeyoutiful pictures early for an avatar, before anyone else did (yes, I'm selfish). But it.would.not.load. I have no idea what was causing it. And then, photobucket was giving me grief too!

I'm still basking in the glow of that article. Good, good stuff.

Clay Aiken is THE American Idol. It's that simple. They can't stop mentioning him because he is unforgettable, and they know they will get attention for saying his name.

I agree 1000% jmh. It's the only reason I can think of. If nothing else, I think TPTB know it gets the Clay Nations attention, whether for good or for bad.

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I have not turned AI on this year and I don't intend to. The show doesn't interest me at all anymore. It is too fabricated for my tastes. I prefer a real talent competition with amateurs who go on to become stars. Clay has done that. He is a star and while Simon is dissing him, Clay is getting all kinds of great press for Spamalot. Spam is going to run almost as long as AI so it should be interesting to see what happens as Clay's star continues to shine. You just can't deny someone's talent and Clay is both talented and interesting. If Simon/AI want to deny the talented Clay Aiken then they are fools since he came from that show. I have never understood the dissing at all. Makes no sense. I expect this to be a very good 3+ months for Clay and then he will go into CD mode.

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Yeah! But Simon didn't have to comment and they did not have to show it! They chose to......why?

Because "Clay Aiken" is their money name -- the undiscovered talent who went to the top. Clay was the biggest star that show ever had, or will have, and Simon missed it. It's kind of funny to me that he can't get over it. Patooie, those grapes are sour! Am I wrong to think Simon and Nigel aren't exactly close?

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I've enjoyed AI in the past, but I just don't enjoy it anymore. I watched a bit of it a week ago when Slimon mentioned Clay, but I have no interest in watching any more of the auditions. It's too much fun to surf Clay boards and see fantastic pics of our boyfriend!

I agree, skybar - it's soooo contrived. It's so scripted that it's really not a reality show anymore. I may watch an episode or two when the auditions are over, and see if anyone grabs my attention. But no one will ever grab me like Clay has!

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Yeah! But Simon didn't have to comment and they did not have to show it! They chose to......why?

Because he matters. First because he is still one of the most unforgettable idols and the one that can create a buzz. Its all about getting a reaction.

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I've enjoyed AI in the past, but I just don't enjoy it anymore. I watched a bit of it a week ago when Slimon mentioned Clay, but I have no interest in watching it again. It's too much fun to surf Clay boards and see fantastic pics of our boyfriend! I agree skybar - it's soooo contrived. It's so scripted that it's really not a reality show anymore.

You know I enjoyed it for what it was until E's then boyfriend tried out for the last two season. He is just the kind of guy who could have soared on AI, great voice and look, personality & talent to boot, just needs a break. But hearing how the audition process really worked and how disillusioned HE was by the process I wasn't able to watch either season. Sort of made breaking the habit easier I guess. I seriously doubt that a guy like Clay would ever get to make it on the show now. Which is sad. There is so much talent out there to be seen if only they (AI) would just keep their fingers out of the pie for a bit.

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EEEEEEEEE! There will be high res versions of today's fantastic pics available in a little while. YES!!!!

I think we'd all better prepare to die.

Oh hell. Just kill me now.

No. Wait.

I'd rather his high-res pix do that.


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Skybar said...

If Simon/AI want to deny the talented Clay Aiken then they are fools since he came from that show. I have never understood the dissing at all. Makes no sense.

I have never understood the dissing either. He is one of the most successful of the alumni and yet they never miss a chance to diss him in some small way and I firmly believe AI5 was meant to be a diss and Clay turned it around on them completely. They should be bragging about him up one side and down the other. Oh, well... their loss!

ETA: Please send purdy flowers to my funeral, as those high res's have kilt me dead! GAH!!! That is a photoshoot! They could use almost any of those for an album cover for sure! S.W.O.O.N.

(Those tags are criminal, dang it!)

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I told myself that I would go upstairs by 10:30 to ride my exercise bike tonight, but I think I'd rather sweat it out looking at all of these bee-yoo-ti-ful pictures!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for bringing them over!!!

MORE........ MORE......... MORE.........!!!!!!!!

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OK....THESE pictures are the real Clay, imho. The pictures they did for the OFC last time around were not the real Clay. He looks comfortable and his smile is real...his eyes are gorgeous and he doesn't look "pretty", he looks HANDSOME.

I don't know who took these but God bless 'em whoever he/she was! WOW!!!

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