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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Ausdon when is your trip in April? The eHP will be in full force around the 26th. Maybe we could meet up? Wait maybe you don't want to*g*

Hey Merrieee I think we will be there around the 12th to 19th. So I might miss the ehp that I've heard so much about (and lived vicariously through):cry4:

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Hi all! I'm baaaack! :F_05BL17blowkiss: and getting vv excited about Spamalot sometime in April. Travel agent is booking our tickets but I don't know if he knows the absolute URGENCY and IMPORTANCE of doing this asap! Or I might combust or explode!!! Anyway we have now paid for all airfares so it really is happening! EEEEEEE. That is all. Now back to catching up.

Hooray for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those new pictures---not good, IMO. His expression is sour, and his poses look awkward. That's OK, I'll go back and look at some of the beautimous ones from yesterday, which were the Best! Ever!

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jmh...I'm with you. And what's with the lipstick?

nope...these don't do much for me at all....way too 'pretty' for my tastes....what IS with the colored lipgloss? Good God.

And of course, if these pics are circulated you know where the 3rd one will be found and with what caption, too.

wow...and was this for M&J or one of the other interviews? Anybody know>

And what's with the whistling, ms merrieeee? Hmmmm :naughtywag:

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I'd say it's on-camera make up - he looks fine on the set ones. I'm betting he didn't ask to be photographed in the hallway.

Ultimately, that was what I decided too (because I did notice that the set pictures were "normal" looking). But I'm with jmh that these pictures do nothing for me (which is rare for me). In this case, I think the extreme high-res aspect doesn't help. These pictures seem to work better at a regular resolution.

Still love that blue shirt though. It's a good color on him.

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Poor baby just looks tired to me. I hope he's getting enough rest and eating well. Yeah, I know, that sounded awfully maternal of me. What can I say? Sometimes, he makes me want to take care of him.

I actually think the blond hair makes him look older than the brown did. I sometimes wonder what he sees when he looks in the mirror with all these different looks. The brown hair with bangs made him look a good 5 years younger than he was. Now, I think he actually looks his age. I think this is the first time I've actually thought he looked his age. He's always looked so young to me. But, hey, I'm not complaining. I like older looking Clay. :29:

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I sometimes wonder what he sees when he looks in the mirror with all these different looks. The brown hair with bangs made him look a good 5 years younger than he was. Now, I think he actually looks his age. I think this is the first time I've actually thought he looked his age. He's always looked so young to me. But, hey, I'm not complaining. I like older looking Clay. :29:

good question. I wonder what he thinks as well. I kinda like the new pics. Serious? Tired? Ticked? who knows. How early did he have to get up.

I'm so excited about going to NYC. Back before 9/11 I used to go evey other year. I love that city. I'm staying for 10 days. I have friends and family there so it won't be all Clay 24/7 but heeee I'm sure I'll squeeze him in once or twice or 5 times.

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{{{{{Claygasm}}}} I'm so sorry for your loss.

Well, I ain't got nuttin' to say about the pictures. I think he may be growing out his hair for whatever the label wants to do with it for the new album cover.

I've enjoyed the info about the new album today. Not that I need too many particulars about it ... but I like knowing that the time frame following Spamalot is "days and weeks" and that the label is supporting it, Then I read that Clive has shelved Jennifer Hudson's album and sent her back to the studio, even though she's supposed to be his pet project. And just when is that Whitney Houston album being released? Yikes, I still get the willies posting anything that mentions the name Clive, but this is too rich for me to ignore.

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Couchie, I'm so glad you get to go to NY! It sounds like a fun vacation. And adding Clay to it will make it fantastic!

From zippy888 at CB (bolding mine):

I'm now writing my recap from my Spamalot time in NYC this past weekend. We decided to get matinee tickets on Friday for the Sunday matinee. While at the ticket box office and trying to decide which tickets to get, he asked if we were Clay Aiken fans and we said Yes! So we got really good seats. I asked him if he's met Clay and he said he did and that Clay actually manned the ticket booth for them once and they all had a break! The ticket guy said that no one's ever done that since James Earl Jones! He also said that Clay's such a nice guy.

That evening we went to Sardi's for dinner and when we were about to leave, our waiter asked what show we were going to and I said Spamalot and he said that was a funny show. I said we were here to see Clay Aiken and he said that Clay was at Sardi's on the Tuesday before and that the maitre-d would know more 'cos he was the one that spoke to Clay. I cornered the maitre-d and asked him a few questions and sure enough, Clay was there on Tuesday evening and he also said he's such a nice guy. I asked him if Clay's picture might be up soon and he said when Clay comes back the next time.

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I asked him if he's met Clay and he said he did and that Clay actually manned the ticket booth for them once and they all had a break! The ticket guy said that no one's ever done that since James Earl Jones! He also said that Clay's such a nice guy.

I wonder what this involved? How neat.

Oh, and I got a call today from telecharge..seems they thought tickets for the same show for three different nights might be some kind of error. LOL I set 'em straight. :)

Claygasm, my condolences. Check in when you can.

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Review of tonight's show from AustenFan at the CB:

went to tonight's show and it was fantastic. I'll try to recap a little though I need to get some rest.

All I can say is Clay is getting more hilarious if you can believe it. He's getting laughs on every line. And finding more laughs each show. Even some laughs that get into applause. He's getting laughs from facial expressions alone. His Idol Of His Age Yodel was so good. When he hit that super high, full note the audience applauded. The whole audience applauded. Clay rocked the Bottle Dance.

There was a group of cool, hip twenty somethings sitting near me. These were not the kind of folks who'd feel comfortable saying they liked Clay. I have a feeling they didn't come in expecting or thinking much of Clay. At the intermission one of the women mentioned Clay Aiken and said she liked him better now. And he did a good job. The she said doing this play is so much cooler than being on American Idol. The group laughed and had a great time. And they roared during the second act.

The orchestra looked pretty full and I saw people in the balcony and mezzanine. One man near me said that when he got tickets at the ticket booth the person had only a handful of tickets left. So they must have sold very well. After the show he said they made the right decision picking this one. I heard other people say how great it was. This was an NJU crowd and the folks near me were pretty much NJU.

I met up with some fellow fans and we waited at the stage door. Clay looked so handsome he blew me away. This guy asked if he could take a picture with Clay and he said sure and did. And other people asked and Clay said just have it ready. With the smaller weeknight crowd he could do that. Clay looked so happy and relaxed. I get the feeling things are going very well for Clay right now.

Sweet Clay Dreams!!!

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Not feeling these new pix too but I pretty much expect that from paparazzi pictures. Today there was an Enquirer in the school staff room and I looked through it and gah...lots of ugly pictures of usually gorgeous people. Watching ANTM taught me that lots fo the gorgeous pictures we see are not accidental. So many elements goes into it and that to take constant gorgeous pictures one must be conscious of every aspect of your face. Clay is a gorgeous man...but is no model. So bad angle and bad lighting can make some scary looking pictures at times.

But we have so much great clack today that a few unflattering paparazzi pictures won;t bother me.

great interviews in the morning shows. Too bad Mike and Juliet was too short. I wouldn't be surprised to see a co hosting stint when the CD comes closer.

Back to that excellent radio interview...I find his response to the AI question interesting. I would venture a guess that he is disturbed about all these ringers that are being used in the show. And I can so understand the stress level for him. I remember he got so disturbed in AI3 when the diva's got taken out early.

So excited about the CD...so the label is sooo supportive. Good. I think this is what is giving him the confidence of giving a May date.

That boy will be very busy. I bet his spamalot promo cycle probably will end with the critics reviews. Then he will lay low while actively recording...then expect another bunch of appearances hopefully in in the middle of his run and towards the end in anticipation fo his CD.

I think its good for clay to have these shows that are not as full and filled with NJU's...that will truly hone his skills and get him used to more mixed audiences. Love the great reception he is getting...

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That boy will be very busy. I bet his spamalot promo cycle probably will end with the critics reviews. Then he will lay low while actively recording...then expect another bunch of appearances hopefully in in the middle of his run and towards the end in anticipation fo his CD.

I hope he gets fantastic reviews because I think that would put him on Letterman and most every other NY-based show, for at least a week or two. And if he gets rave reviews, R&K would probably have to invite him on for a big makeup with Kelly. Clay may have put R&K in the Conan basket, which wouldn't hurt my feelings.

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That boy will be very busy. I bet his spamalot promo cycle probably will end with the critics reviews. Then he will lay low while actively recording...then expect another bunch of appearances hopefully in in the middle of his run and towards the end in anticipation fo his CD.

I hope he gets fantastic reviews because I think that would put him on Letterman and most every other NY-based show, for at least a week or two. And if he gets rave reviews, R&K would probably have to invite him on for a big makeup with Kelly. Clay may have put R&K in the Conan basket, which wouldn't hurt my feelings.

I hope so too...but not holding my breath...I don;t think he will get terrible reviews but I don;t know about rave. I think he is certainly capable of it...just not sure how much bias these critics will have if any.

You are right he might get some more invites...since I don;t follow fantasia I wonder how much press and TV appearance she did and got after her reviews.

If they wait for the end of January....good to rave reviews coudl keep him busy through Feb.

what i am hoping for is a visit to GMA...and Today. Also letterman will be great. Really don;t care about R&K...

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Speaking of Fantasia I heard box office plumeted after she left and The Color Purple will be closing in Feb. I have to say I didn't think she could even act well enough to do this but she proved me wrong. I wasn't as worried about Clay heee..but had some worries before opening night. So proud.

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