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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Well, at least they know he's not a sex-addicted drug addict with all kinds of FC girlfriends. I guess they know he doesn't troll the internet or hook up with psychos. We'll just turn that ship around. Nobody can change Clay. He is just plain Clay and all the media lies about him and hates him because they want to be the one with the real Clay Aiken story. Well, the real Clay Aiken story is that he is the real Clay Aiken and he's not going to talk about his girlfriends or any of his personal life until he's ready.

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I found the little follow-up article. It's very short, and basically says what we all already know - the comments about the article exploded overnight. They then quote a few of the comments. Here's the text, without the comments:

The sleepy comments pages of nymag.com have exploded in the past 24 hours thanks to a single, indefatigable force: the power of Claymates. Anyone who has ever written anything about Clay Aiken knows that he is the Ron Paul of the entertainment world: Like Paul, Aiken is followed by a cadre of fans that will tirelessly seek out anything written about the man and instantly, and overwhelmingly, respond. (This innocuous Quote Machine from back in July, featuring Aiken, was the subject of the most e-mails Vulture's ever received about a single post.)

So it should be no surprise that since Ariel Levy's fascinating profile of Aiken in the current issue of New York was posted online last night, it has already accumulated 104 comments, and counting. Some are from appreciative Claymates thanking Levy for writing such a thoughtful piece; most are from crazy Claymates with a bone to pick. Nearly all of them include digressions in which the writers loudly proclaim their everlasting love for Clay. A collection of the most passionate, after the jump.

Here's the pic they used:


I'm tired of this kind of article getting all kinds of mileage through the bs outlets that will piggyback on it and that the audience for such 'publications' is huge. I'm tired of the sensational and sordid of any situation overshadowing (to the masses, the general public at least) the good and worthy.

Just tired.

I'm tired of it too, Muski, but I think you're right - this little quote about urges is going to get an awful lot of mileage. I still have to wonder why Clay said it. Did he feel backed into a corner, so he felt he had to say something? Was he just playing with the reporter? Or, was he saying something he knew would be controversial and newsworthy to get the publicity? Or maybe, he was just telling the truth!

Anyway, for good or bad, Clay will be getting a lot of publicity out of this.

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Why do we all believe he said all that? I think she drug out the LTS book when Clay refused to answer personal questions and wrote her version of the Clay Aiken story? Does that sound like something he'd say to you? If he said anything remotely like that, he said it in snark because she was being so stupidly invasive.

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We don't know exactly what he said with this writer - it is just a piece of a quote replying wo who knows what? I really can't see Clay talking about his sex life with this person.

Yup. Unless and until I see/hear that from Clay's own mouth, I'll never believe he said that to her. And isn't she smart? He either ignores it (as has been his policy up until the Newsweek thing) or deny without comment, or make a real, public clarification about it.

Sorry - I just don't believe he suddenly decided to talk about his sex life with this chick. He went from the Newsweek position, to this? Nope.

It's funny - there was a time I would be wringing my hands and getting up.set about this. Now, I only shake my head (in disdain) at the OTT portion of fan reaction, and shake it some more (in sadness) at the state of so-called journalism and the public appetite for trash. Then I go look at my Spamorabilia, and I smile.

ETA: Cotton, I like scenario #2, and I bet it's not far off, either.

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I'm sitting here imagining one of 2 things happening . . .

1) Either there's a coke machine in the Shubert backstage area in dire need of repair . . .


2) Clay and one or two of his 'new friends' are sitting around laughing their asses off at this Levy chick and her inability to get it that Clay Aiken just used her to sell a buttload of tickets!

I'm not sure.

Maybe both!


I seriously do think Clay used this shit to his advantage!

His Mama didn't raise no stupid boy!

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From NY magazine by the mean lady- LOL!!! An article about her article.

/28/08 The Best Part 2:45 PM

Clay Aiken Is the Ron Paul of the Entertainment World

The sleepy comments pages of nymag.com have exploded in the past 24 hours thanks to a single, indefatigable force: the power of Claymates. Anyone who has ever written anything about Clay Aiken knows that he is the Ron Paul of the entertainment world: Like Paul, Aiken is followed by a cadre of fans that will tirelessly seek out anything written about the man and instantly, and overwhelmingly, respond. (This innocuous Quote Machine from back in July, featuring Aiken, was the subject of the most e-mails Vulture's ever received about a single post.)

So it should be no surprise that since Ariel Levy's fascinating profile of Aiken in the current issue of New York was posted online last night, it has already accumulated 104 comments, and counting. Some are from appreciative Claymates thanking Levy for writing such a thoughtful piece; most are from crazy Claymates with a bone to pick. Nearly all of them include digressions in which the writers loudly proclaim their everlasting love for Clay. A collection of the most passionate, after the jump.

Clay is without a doubt my favorite artist ever. I know there have been great artists and songwriters but I just enjoy the heck out of Clay. I guess you could say he gives me the warm fuzzies and really moves me when he sings. I was hooked at the first note that came out of his mouth. His talent, his charm, the fact that he is a wonderful, genuine and giving person has me totally hooked. —spacekmam

I hope and pray he can find a Church somewhere he can feel comfortable in because I think that is where he will find the woman God has planned for him, to be his soulmate and fullfill his life. —afan

Clay Aiken is the real deal, a true Southern gentleman who choses not to brag about his many obvious gifts. He's hardly a "hick." Believe me, I know plenty of hicks, and Clay is about as far from hickdom as they come. —Jasmine15000

The most important fact, is that Clay is in Spamalot and Clay is doing a FANTASTIC JOB and you should see for yourself! His comedic timing, and the pure fun he has on stage is such a joy to watch! His voice is superb and the whole evening is sooo enjoyable! —Useyourvoice2

I love Clay Aiken. Please feature and showcase musical singing sensation and platinum recording artist and America's Favorite Idol CLAY AIKEN a whole lot more in NY Magazine. Clay Aiken is my favorite male singer and male entertainer. —clayaikenrulez1

Gay or straight... I hope he discovers the joy of sex and the sooner..the better. He deserves both happiness and acceptance. My wish for him.. someday he will receive the respect he so desperately seeks.. He is much easier to Love because he truly needs to be valued by others. I think WE are both a lot confused. —Confused


Sorry, I didn't see it above. Well, anyway, there are some comments. Again, I apologize.

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I'm with you. Just tired, plain tired of the crap that gets printed about Clay. Really just feel physically exhausted today after reading the article and various boards.

A little suggestion for Clay--Insist that all interviews be taped. Then when you get misquoted or quotes are taken out of context or some dumb ass reporter makes it sound as if you can't even speak grammatically correct sentences, you'll have proof of what was really said. Maybe if the interviewer knew she was being taped, she wouldn't take such liberties.

God, I am pissed. (And that is strong language coming from me.)

Well, I do know one thing. Clay will not crack. I believe that titanium is pretty durable.

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I really don;t get the anxiety about this quote. It is just so OTT that I really can't take it seriously. I think its his way of being snarky or giving her what she wants....BUT, lets say this get mileage on the rags, why is that a problem? There has been all kinds of articles on his sexuality, speculations and innuendo, so now he has a new angle...he shut it off...I don;t see this hurting any public image Clay already has. I just don't think Clay puts too much importance on his...sexy image. I bet he would be more disturbed by the suggestion that he voted for Jesse Helms.

I guess to me it truly is not that shocking that someone chooses not to get involved in this time of his life. I also don;t find it weird that having made that decision he would have to shut it off since he is jut the type that won't get into flings or one night stands. I actually admire that stance very much.

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I'm starting to suspect that it's Clay's detractors who go to these sites and comment as "Claymates" -- because reading "fan" comments usually pisses me off more than whatever is said in the offending articles. Most of that stuff makes me CRINGE!

Another thing that makes me CRINGE .... is that Ron Paul actually is my congressman!

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I'm starting to suspect that it's Clay's detractors who go to these sites and comment as "Claymates" -- because reading "fan" comments usually pisses me off more than whatever is said in the offending articles. Most of that stuff makes me CRINGE!
kf, god yes! It's so fucking predictable...there's something printed about Clay and then the extremists on both 'sides' rally 'round the corpse.

Maybe I'm just...worn out (and not in a good way :cry4: ) these days. But...the odd and oddly disturbing article and the OTT response to the magazine and author has just sapped all the :dancingbanana: out of the fandom for me today. I'll get over it, but right now...I'm not a happy camper...

Is that okay? (This is going to become my new sign off, I think---thanks, Clay or Ariel or whoever/if anyone actually said it. <_< )

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I must be truly naive...but who is Ron Paul?

I never really dated much before my husband...I met him when I was 25 and we have been together for almost 26 years, so I don't find it odd at all that Clay may not be dating or has decided to put off a relationship for a while, if in fact that is true. I think it would be very difficult for any woman he dated given the rabidity of some Clay fans and I am sure as soon as he announced any relationship, there would be some heading to the nearest ledge.

Was he snarking? Who knows? Unless you were sitting there during the interview and could here the tone of his voice and the expression on his face, it is all speculation and I don't profess to know Clay Aiken...I know my image of him or who I think he is, but I don't really know him...so I can't say what he would or wouldn't say in any given situation.


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KAndre points at keepingfaith and laughs....

Ron Paul is a Republican/Libertarian representation from Texas - one of the few who wasn't a lawyer (he was an OB/Gyn, I think...he used to joke about delivering his constituents). He thinks just about all the government should be abolished (except for the military and tariff collectors) and abolish the income tax too. He's a odd duck too.

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KAndre points at keepingfaith and laughs....

Ron Paul is a Republican/Libertarian representation from Texas - one of the few who wasn't a lawyer (he was an OB/Gyn, I think...he used to joke about delivering his constituents). He thinks just about all the government should be abolished (except for the military and tariff collectors) and abolish the income tax too. He's a odd duck too.

So why is Clay being compared to him...I don't get it?


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We don't know exactly what he said with this writer - it is just a piece of a quote replying wo who knows what? I really can't see Clay talking about his sex life with this person.

Yup. Unless and until I see/hear that from Clay's own mouth, I'll never believe he said that to her. And isn't she smart? He either ignores it (as has been his policy up until the Newsweek thing) or deny without comment, or make a real, public clarification about it.

Sorry - I just don't believe he suddenly decided to talk about his sex life with this chick. He went from the Newsweek position, to this? Nope.

It's funny - there was a time I would be wringing my hands and getting up.set about this. Now, I only shake my head (in disdain) at the OTT portion of fan reaction, and shake it some more (in sadness) at the state of so-called journalism and the public appetite for trash. Then I go look at my Spamorabilia, and I smile.

ETA: Cotton, I like scenario #2, and I bet it's not far off, either.

cindilu2, you are me. I feel exactly as you do.

muskifest, don't be down, please. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I also wish the fans writing there would stay away but I think some will never learn to leave well enough alone !

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I agree AIKim. I dont know what Clay would or wouldn't say or what context any of it was in. He refused to answer Newsweek because it was Newsweek, yet he had no problem at all answering those same questions in the Tony Blog. It's all about expectations. What did Clay expect from the article, writer, magazine. Never fails though, the second article gets written cuz we can't stay away. And I don't believe it's a bunch of haters posing as Clay fans.

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I agree AIKim. I dont know what Clay would or wouldn't say or what context any of it was in. He refused to answer Newsweek because it was Newsweek, yet he had no problem at all answering those same questions in the Tony Blog. It's all about expectations. What did Clay expect from the article, writer, magazine. Never fails though, the second article gets written cuz we can't stay away. And I don't believe it's a bunch of haters posing as Clay fans.

I don't either...just the same fans who for some reason think they are helping Clay by defending him to the haters...I will never understand it.


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Thanks for the pins. Very nice!

Now that I have the pins I suppose I will have to go back to Spamalot? How do I break this to Mr. Fear? Actually he is pretty good -- as long as I pay for the trip. :think:

I enjoyed reading all the opinions here about the NYmag article. I don't know about you but I'm ready for the next article. :waiting:

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I guess what the article has brought out to me is more of a disconnect with some of the fandom - the sneering at Clay's "Aw Shucks schtick" - as I am one of those who don't see it as so much as a "schtick" rather than a real part of his personality. It's something he's always done from the first time we saw him on AI. It may be a part people don't like or are tired of, but that may not make it any less real - and the desire people have for him to suppress or change it is a little disturbing for me. I also tend to draw a blank on the offensiveness of Clay's (or anyone's) using "we" and "us" - I agree with someone earlier who said he doesn't even hear it anymore, and if he did, probably wouldn't see why it would bother anyone. I don't see why it's so unbelievable that he might see himself as a nerd - hell, I see myself as one. He really is a multi-faceted personality - just like everyone else - and many of those facets simply don't line up with everyone else's. And I don't think particular facets need to be "fixed" because some may not like them. I guess it just pushes some of my buttons elsewhere that people say, "oooh, he's self-depreciating therefore it's a defense mechanism therefore he needs therapy because that's what I would do and look how clever that author is to see what I see!"

The more I read the article and reactions to it, the less I like it.

I'm just going to WORD this. Clay is who he is and I happen to like him very much. I see no reason for him to change himself. He is doing very well and is STARRING on Broadway. The article paints him in a very unflattering way but all in all, she has to admit to his talent. I don't like it either.

Ansa wrote:

I really hate it when people suggest he takes therapy or change. He is a very successful man that had all these people following his every move. He seem to be doing something right. If he feels he needs help in anyway....he will get it and I don;t think he will be announcing it to the fans.I really hate it when people suggest he takes therapy or change. He is a very successful man that had all these people following his every move. He seem to be doing something right. If he feels he needs help in anyway....he will get it and I don;t think he will be announcing it to the fans.

I am a therapist and I also hate it when anyone suggests he needs therapy. First of all, that is invasive. Therapy is a choice some people make but many are forced into due to how messed up they are. Clay seems to be an extremely strong and capable, well integrated man of 29. I think he has all the insight he needs to understand himself and he has all the intelligence he needs to continue to do that. If he ever does get stuck, he has all the money he needs to hire someone to help him figure it out and that should and hopefully will remain his business and no one elses. I get really squicked out by armchair therapists who think they know what goes on in his psyche. They don't and often times it is their projection of their own crap onto him. Believe me when I tell you I have seen some very sick souls in my work and Clay is a breath of fresh air in a world where many are so truly not dealing with a full deck. To me Clay is is a wise soul, handling a heavy load of celebrity and doing a great job finding his balance. He sure appears to be happy and at peace with the important things in life. He has a loving family, a great group of close friends, associates who admire him and a huge fanbase which hopefully will continue to grow. He feeds his soul with his humanitarian work and frankly I think he is spiritually and psychologically pretty darn healthy which is more than I can say for most people much older than him.

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