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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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I don't really find that article that bad. I think the interviewer sees him as someone who uses self-deprecating humor as a defense mechanism, and while some comments may be less than fawning, on the whole, she seems to recognize that he's a smart guy and a talented performer.

There were some very interesting revelations. For example, it was interesting to see that Clay recognizes the "chasm" between him and many men, and his hope that Spamalot will change some minds. If reports are to believe, it has. To me, this shows him to be a fairly shrewd individual.

As for his personal life, I can believe that he's not as obsessed with it as many of his fans are. I can also imagine that this is something he would not want to discuss in an interview, anyway. I don't worry about him, one, because he seems pretty happy, and two, he seems to get along well with the cast. He may have worried about living alone when he first moved to the city, but like so many others, I think he can deal with it.

To me, there really are no shockers in this piece. It's not the typical PR fluff piece, but it's not a hatchet job, either.

I'm not bothered by it either. We are not the target audience of the article and frankly I think a piece that would have pleased us would have turned off the readers of that magazine so much that they would have skipped right over it. This piece might intrigue enough readers to give it a glance and when they do, somewhere in there they will find out that: Clay is smart, well-informed, broad-minded, perfect in a Broadway musical, there's probably a lot more to him than the dork he always claims he is, has a whole bunch of achievements (and they were listed quite nicely), is more recognizable than many NY celebrities, is puzzling, ambitious, interesting... and in the end the article concludes that he will probably fit right in.

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What an odd article. It tells me much more about about the writer than the subject...she strikes me as the kind of person who would go absolutely batshit if she had to leave the 5 boroughs for a couple of months...New York is interesting, mind you, but it ain't all that. Crack him like an egg? Oooookay. New York culture doesn't tolerate "schticks"? Hell, as far as I can tell, it seems to be made up of schticks - including "world weary journalist". And damn, she does a LOT of extrapolating...voted for Jesse Helms? "Working on his angle for decades?" The dude is 29, not forty, and has only been in show business for 5 years. Hell, the last time Helms ran was in 1996 - Couchie's right, Clay couldn't have voted for him - unless there was some voter fraud involved...

It never seems to occur to her that at some point, he might be pulling her leg a little?

Not bad, not good - just an odd article. I did think she got the facade he presented for her - I don't think she "got" Clay any better than anyone who's spent a hour with the dude.

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I am feeling a bit better about the article. I do know that people can be happy and not be in a relationship. I just think he has so much love to give...it makes me sad that he can't share that. I do believe that when Clay does find that special person, he will want to be able to devote time to her.

But, come on, Clay, you can still date. You don't have to marry the girl.

I was my husband's first serious girlfriend and he was 27. Clay's life has been nuts since he was 24, so I guess I can understand it. I am surprised that he even talked about it.

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It occurs to me that this author may "get" Clay more than this fandom would like to think.

Not everything, but there was a lot in that article that struck me as most likely true.

I could have done without the reminders that he is widely thought of as gay and all that - but then again, that is true too. But I think she hit on a lot of points that may be right on the nose. I also think by the end of the article she sees him a bit differently than she did when she first sat down to interview him. She may not turn into a fangirl, but I think got the impression she ended up more impressed with him than she was when she started out.

That is something in and of itself.

Yes...I do agree. I think she sees Clay, just through a different filter than us. I see his insistence that he is a nerd as defense mechanism and she sees it as a marketing schtick... we both really do not buy the nerd bit. Clay is too confident, too sharp and intelligent to really be nerdy. I also sense a disbelief in her in his insistence that he does not know New York or that he will stay in every night thats why she seem to make fun of those statements. I do think Clay tend to exaggerate his hick persona.

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Well...I posted this at the CH, but I'll share it here, too. And then I'm going to bed.

Well, you know...having passed from rage to despair to resignation in the short space of a few minutes, I have to laugh.

Just. Laugh.

What else can I do, really?

Clay will weather this just as he always does. Maybe he'll grow from the experience, who knows? Maybe some good will come of it. Maybe not. But what's done is done. I'm still going to be here in the morning.

And in the morning, Clay will still be that mad-talented, gorgeous, good-hearted man I admire so much.

I can't see him through that writer's cynical eyes, but the article did make me think of this poem:

Our Deepest Fear

By Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness

That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small

Does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking

So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,

As children do.

We were born to make manifest

The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us;

It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.

Shine on, Clay Aiken.

G'night, y'all.

(((HUGS))) to those who could use one.

And yeah, I think he resorts to the defense mechanisms when he's uncomfortable. Perhaps her having fangs threw him off a little.

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Whoa. Lot to discuss in that article...but I gotta go now, damnit....

Let's just say that this writer isn't afraid to say what he/she thinks... There's really only one part of the whole article that bothered me and that's only because I think I believe it's true.

He imagines his social life here will be “nonexistent, really. I’m not a nighttime person.” He does not plan on dating, and he is not involved with anyone. “Heck, no,” he says. “My dogs.” He has never had a romantic relationship with anyone, unless you count the girls he took to dances back in high school in Raleigh. “I just don’t have an interest in … any of that at all. I have got too much on my plate,” he says. “I’d rather focus on one thing and do that when I can devote time to it, and right now, I just don’t have any desire.”

But Aiken is 29 years old and he is also a human. Surely he must have needs. Urges. He contemplates this in silence for 20 or 30 seconds. “Ah think maybe I don’t! I mean, not really. I’ve just kind of shut it off, maybe. Is that bad?”

Oh good god.

ETA: Considering that elsewhere in the article the writer describes how Clay arches his eyebrow in that "queenly way of his"....the above excerpt does Clay NO favors whatsoever, IMO. I don't need to know who Clay is with or what he does, but I really don't think this kind of answer just creates opportunities for misquotes and extrapolation and rumor building.

Oh well. He's the one who has to live with his words, so I'll let him decide.

muski... I will wait impatiently for your take on this article when you have had more time to think about it and maybe a second read.

I hated it. The picture had to have been chosen deliberatively and it is awful. The part you quoted above, about shutting off his urges... I just can't see Clay even discussing that with a journalist he has never met before. And, when in hell did arching your eyebrows become queenly.

There was just enough good stuff (how smart he is) to mask what was a very sophisticated hatchet job to me... course I'm just a hick from mid-Illinois so what do I know! Grrrr!

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((((00lsee)))) and anybody else that is disturbed by the article...

I also love how diverse the opinions are. If this womans goals was to get people talking about her article...she sure achieved it.

I think my feeling is closest to KAndre...not good not bad...but very odd...or interesting.

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I guess I'm shocked that the author seems to think that Clay's "urges" are so uncontrollable...I dunno...I've never been one to look for love - don't particularly miss it if it ain't there - simply enjoy it for what it is and how long it lasts...p'haps she projecting a little of her neediness on Clay? Of course, my sibs all think I'm unnatural...of course, like Clay, I've never had my heart broken either...and am happy to have missed it! He didn't say he was "sexually thwarted" - she did - and in that she's definitely projecting...

I will admit, the factual error about Jesse Helms makes the article less in my eyes - hell, it's not like it's a hard thing to check...

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Well...I posted this at the CH, but I'll share it here, too. And then I'm going to bed.

Well, you know...having passed from rage to despair to resignation in the short space of a few minutes, I have to laugh.

Just. Laugh.

What else can I do, really?

Clay will weather this just as he always does. Maybe he'll grow from the experience, who knows? Maybe some good will come of it. Maybe not. But what's done is done. I'm still going to be here in the morning.

And in the morning, Clay will still be that mad-talented, gorgeous, good-hearted man I admire so much.

I can't see him through that writer's cynical eyes, but the article did make me think of this poem:

Our Deepest Fear

By Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness

That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small

Does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking

So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,

As children do.

We were born to make manifest

The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us;

It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.

Shine on, Clay Aiken.

G'night, y'all.

(((HUGS))) to those who could use one.

And yeah, I think he resorts to the defense mechanisms when he's uncomfortable. Perhaps her having fangs threw him off a little.

00lsee... that poem is wonderful! Thank you, I needed that! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I don't see anything in this article that Clay needs to weather.

I don't see cynicism.

I don't see fangs.

I don't see venom.

I don't see anything bad about this article.

I don't think Clay will be upset when he reads it.

As ansa said:

I think she sees Clay, just through a different filter than us.

I don't think they are bad filters, just different. She probably hasn't stalked followed him like we have the last 5 years. I would bet she isn't as obsessed invested in him as we are. Naturally her filters are different.

Add to that that its part of her job to make everyone feel if you aren't from NY then you just don't measure up and you get the picture.

I just don't see anything in that article that the NJUs would read and come away with a negative impression of Clay. It doesn't gush about him, but that's ok.

I just find it rather interesting and, in the end, more positive than negative.

I am sorry so many seem to be so upset about it, though. I don't get why, but I am sorry you feel that way. Maybe in the light of day it won't seem so bad.

Opinions on this article really are all over the map, aren't they!

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Add to that that its part of her job to make everyone feel if you aren't from NY then you just don't measure up and you get the picture.

That alone is enough to make me dislike her and her take - but then I don't like anyone who tries to perpetuate a false sense of superiority - especially one based on what? Geographic location? Feh. Like New York doesn't have it's fair share of idiots and the rest of the world doesn't have their own bright lights? Double feh.

I saw both the bad and the good - lord knows it wasn't neutral - nor was it even-handed - I still have to place all my chips on "odd".

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I've read lots of articles like that about celebrities. I take them with a grain of salt because I think that the author in this type of article has an agenda. To me, the agenda is to sound uber-cool, all-knowing about what's hip, and qualified to make snap judgements about people and their lives in the span of an interview. That kind of attitude turns me off, so I don't believe everything in articles written in that style. Really, I think she treated Clay as she would treat any celebrity.

I do think it's surprising and somewhat sad that he actually answered her nosy questions about his needs and urges. Of course, if he didn't answer, she may have said that he was defensive and not forthcoming.

At any rate, I'm not going to let the article upset me. It's just another piece about Clay, some positive, some not so positive. Meh.

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So exactly what is New York Magazine and who is the audience for it.

It has 1.8 million readers and descibes itself as "a smart, critical guide to life in the city for readers who want to stay on top of the players, trends, culture and politics of city life . It delivers timely insight on everything from local entertainment options to real estate trends, from the hottest hairstylists to the best neurologists, from the restaurant scene to the singles scene. It's a must-read for New Yorkers who want to know what's new in the city. "

I don't think it's intended to be read by middle america and IMO a "movie star picture" accompanied by a glowing article would be really stick out like a sore thumb in that magazine -- readers would probably wonder how much "payola" exchanged hands on a 90% positive article. If we can't stomach something like that, I think we should ignore it and just go on with our fangirly discussions. It's not a deliberate diss, I don't think it even qualifies as a diss where it's from... I feel like we're looking at this from a different cultural POV, kinda like star trek's data or the terminator wondering why somebody says "Oh, he's so baddd."

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There are some interesting tidbits about the other Idols when she was on the show and on tour, including some fond memories of bonding with Clay about religion/modesty stuff

Sooooooooooooo Carman has a book out... pulled this from TWoP..... so who is taking one for the team and buying the book :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Regarding the part of the article about church -- so how many people think those were fans that popped into church when Clay was in town. I actually think that's shameful. I hope he can find a place to workship in NYC if that is what he wants.

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So exactly what is New York Magazine and who is the audience for it.

It has 1.8 million readers and descibes itself as "a smart, critical guide to life in the city for readers who want to stay on top of the players, trends, culture and politics of city life . It delivers timely insight on everything from local entertainment options to real estate trends, from the hottest hairstylists to the best neurologists, from the restaurant scene to the singles scene. It's a must-read for New Yorkers who want to know what's new in the city. "

I don't think it's intended to be read by middle america and IMO a "movie star picture" accompanied by a glowing article would be really stick out like a sore thumb in that magazine -- readers would probably wonder how much "payola" exchanged hands on a 90% positive article. If we can't stomach something like that, I think we should ignore it and just go on with our fangirly discussions. It's not a deliberate diss, I don't think it even qualifies as a diss where it's from... I feel like we're looking at this from a different cultural POV, kinda like star trek's data or the terminator wondering why somebody says "Oh, he's so baddd."

Thanks for this explanation. I did see the article as very new york centric...its like she was trying to figure out how Clay would fit in...a square peg in a round hole. I think this is why...although she was certainly snooty and unpleasant and didn't portray Clay in the most flattering light, I really didn;t mind the article.

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I thought I had shown it - it is for the pretentious in NY - supposedly the yuppie rich, except most of the people who buy it are from Brooklyn or Staten Island and can only dream about adding that indoor swimming pool to their one bedroom appartment.

It was a really good magazine when it came out 30+ years ago, but has since gone off the deep end of Cool. i.e. it is a rag for pretentious people.So, I guess the article is aimed correctly. It is useful for the movie listings and the restaurant lists, but the restaurant reviews are frequently out of the reach of most people. I don't do pirx fixe for $500 a meal.

I don't see anything in this article that Clay needs to weather.

I don't see cynicism.

I don't see fangs.

I don't see venom.

I don't see anything bad about this article.

I don't think Clay will be upset when he reads it.

As ansa said:

I think she sees Clay, just through a different filter than us.

I don't think they are bad filters, just different. She probably hasn't stalked followed him like we have the last 5 years. I would bet she isn't as obsessed invested in him as we are. Naturally her filters are different.

Add to that that its part of her job to make everyone feel if you aren't from NY then you just don't measure up and you get the picture.

I just don't see anything in that article that the NJUs would read and come away with a negative impression of Clay. It doesn't gush about him, but that's ok.

I just find it rather interesting and, in the end, more positive than negative.

I am sorry so many seem to be so upset about it, though. I don't get why, but I am sorry you feel that way. Maybe in the light of day it won't seem so bad.

Opinions on this article really are all over the map, aren't they!

I very, very much disagree with you on this from the first look at the distorted picture (he must have come out looking too good and they had to "fix" it) where they carelessly wasted his time on a photo shoot - this I could see angering Clay. To the prentious "coded" words for Cool New Yorkers - voted for Jesse Helms - only he couldn't because he was so young - written as if he said it, when he could not have - to the quotes in heavy accent and the Opie comparison. Let me state, most NYers do not have things against people in the south, but the cartoonized ignorant hicks? - how much worse is it that they protray Clay as both an ignorant hick and smart and posing as country? Sorry, this was a hatchet job for their intended audience. Clay came across as a phoney and the words were so so so very laden with pretending to not be a homosexual. Bitch is all I could see while reading this. I do not consider myself a portective fan and ignore most hatchet jobs, but this is a person who wasted his time for days.

The one thing Clay is not is a phoney. She even mocked his philanthropy. Come on - maybe she did not hit us with a hammer, but her words were laden with over and under tones of bias and distaste. I think she had half the article written before she even met him.

Let us start with the first sentence "Clay Aiken is communicating with a groomer "

Is she insinuitating he is just an animal? she starts oif with this questionable conversation that cannot make sense - except we know it is not the entire conversation because it just is not. I cannot see Clay being rude to someone he has in there to fix him and this converstyion comes off not only idiotic but rude.

Then she goes into how he "says" people are aways looking at him - well that just reeks of self importance!. We know they are, but the way it is written, seems Pretentious.

Then she takes her stories out of Learning to sing, only combines them so it sound different and writes them as if she actually knows of what she writes, even if it is diverse sentences that convey something different edited that way.

Then back to the photo shoot (waste of Clay's valuable time) where he says something funny ans she just randomly makes up that he voted for jesse Helms - ????

Lets get to talking about his charity work she says "and quite the impressive little charity worker." Little? I guess she had to reach for a way to make it sound less impressive.

Let's look at this sentence "No, he’s not stupid, but playing the hick dummy is definitely part of his shtick. " Hick Dummy? Has he EVER played the hick dummy? I don't think so.

"But New York’s is not a culture that smiles on false humility or unprocessed self-loathing. And this is the angle Aiken has been working for decades." False - I hardly think so - maybe some fans think this, butI am not one of them. It is one thing to kid around with people and self depreciate and another to self loath - Clay is far from self loathing and damn far from false humility. I do think he sees some pretty effective people that he wants to measure up to, I am always surprised at people he met and calls friends. No, he is not a big self promoter, I don't consider that a flaw.

"And while it is true that he is wearing a green sweater with yellow trim on one sleeve and pink trim on the other over a white shirt with bright-green stripes, it is also true that Clay Aiken is beloved, a bizarre sex symbol." Ooooh, Pink - code "gay" word. Bizarre sex symbol - well, that is pretty insulting in any terms. unusual is a much better term. Less colorful, but not as repulsive.

"Despite the fact that Aiken is so widely assumed to be gay that Rosie O’Donnell accused Kelly Ripa of homophobia when Ripa recoiled at having Aiken put his hand over her mouth during an interview, there are women—" Well, she is not disputing the widely assumed - no big deal, unless you get into the middle agesd woman story again. Blech. Then she gets into urges.

"Perhaps Clay Aiken is not a homosexual; not every person who is sexually thwarted is in the closet." But most are, aren't they honey?

Then the good in broadway part filled with " cheesy, octave-spanning man-voice " "his corny, cartoony facial expressions" "slightly more erotically charged than Smurf Village, so here Aiken’s suppressed, indeterminate sexuality seems logical, usual, male" The last one I think indicates that he Aappears straight on stage

"in Spamalot—a show that rhymes “a lot” with “twat," And will you tell me exactly where this fit in the interview - I seriously doubt Clay said it.

"He’s promosexual. " This is self explaintory and stupid

Sorry. I found an undercurrent of insult and I used to read this mag all the time. They make "snotty" a culture. I usedto be one of their target customers years ago, now they are going under financially because they are too hip for the public..

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Welcome back Claygasm, you've been missed, I'm so sorry for your loss

Regarding the article: From CV via the CH:

Just an FYI I grabbed at CV about the author of the article ju jour:


Ariel Levy has focussed her work on modern sexuality in today's sex driven society from an urban feminist lesbian perspective. She was probably interested in exploring what she sees as the attraction of middle aged women to a perceived asexual object.

I guess that explains her interest in his sexual urges.

-----------------End of quote from CV-------------------------

I kinda wonder if once she started in questioning his "aw shucks" schtict, if he poured it on a little more.

I think the word "Odd" that I've seen so many others use, pretty much sums up the article for me. It comes across pretty hoity toity. That she even thought that 18 weeks in New York would be too much for him, tells me she didn't get a very good read on Clay Aiken

:what_d_fuck: <<<I think this more accurately states my reaction!!!!!

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Feh. I used to have a subscription to this magazine years ago, when it was funny and had cool shopping info....it got boring, so I cancelled it. I can recommend The New Yorker, though, it is wonderful and is not delusional about NY being the center of the universe.

The article seems, to me, to be the result of one more frustrated journalist who thinks that just because they ask THE question, or ask ANY question, Clay must of course answer it and give them a scoop.

The real critical stuff can be lifted almost word-for-word from the boards, really, and IMO some of the comments, good and bad, might just as well have board names attached to them.

I do think some are under the impression that if they talk scathingly or dismissively enough Clay will change to suit them. Snerk.

I'm not going to even bother with any sympathy for his "shut down" answer because I get the feeling that part of his answers could be classified as "none of anyone's business, but here, chew on this". He is under no obligation whatsoever to share that stuff, and he doesn't, really, it is funny.

Yeah, she wanted to write a too cool article, and yeah, there are some in the fandom who think New York ass should be kissed (really talking about their own needs, I think) and they won't be happy. What's new.

Again, we have no way of knowing what was actually said, how it was spun, or the writer's agenda - I am surprised Clay got that much attention in the first place.

I get the distinct impression he was poking fun at her. Made me laugh. Heee... I know boards where the Jesse Helms reference will be the hot potato. Yes, she needs a fact-checkerrrr, but as usual, some will ignore her bias in some areas and seize on the remarks that mirror their own wishes, and act as if this was a do-or-die deposition taken under oath. Heeee...then they would be pissed if a bible was used because it isn't cool.

The important thing is that she said he was great in the show.


Ariel Levy has focussed her work on modern sexuality in today's sex driven society from an urban feminist lesbian perspective. She was probably interested in exploring what she sees as the attraction of middle aged women to a perceived asexual object.

Heh - Agendas-R-Us....I would bet ANYTHING she was hoping for a scoop. Another person who views everything through their sexual orientation, and thinks everybody else should, too. (Won't even respond to the but.... but.... being heterosexual is assumed and pervasive - yep! But heterosexuals I know don't compulsively need to talk about sex all the time like certain writers or posters. That's all.)
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I think its very eye opening to me to see the many things I admire about this man seen from another perspective. To this person who is so used to people always trying to impress others or want to be cool...she can't see how Clay can be happy with himself identifying as a nerd. TO this person that is so used to celebrities partying and hoping from one relationship to another...Clay's stance of not needing relationships is pretty weird. But to Clay...it makes sense. I also don't think he was about to reveal any relationship to this writer. I think he would rather be thought of as a Eunuch than to open up that part of his life. He is stubborn that way I suppose. I totally admire him for it...and good for him for not trying to pander to the too hip for school New York media.

I feel like she is trying to crack Clay...and he didn't. In the end she did acknowledge that he s pretty good in Spamalot.

hmmm...Clay's stay in New York sure is becoming very interesting...and he is only at his second week. She predicts he won't be able to survive...I bet he will thrive!!!

eta: I don;t mean to imply that he is lying here about relationships, but if he is determined not to have a serious relationship at this point in his life I can see him making sure of that. I also can see him being tongue in cheek or sarcastic as he said this.

I know that article seem to be a buzz kill but I don;t think his career would be affected by this one way or the other.

I wonder if his relationship situation would be a different story if he had never auditioned for American Idol. Really, I cannot begin to imagine how hard it would be to have your relationships scrutinized. And it is all the harder now that whilst women genuinely lust after him, how does he KNOW that the girl he might pick truly loves him for himself, especially since he was never the object of interest to women before Idol. Now that he has some serious money, he knows too well that he could attract the wrong kind of woman. That's why he has said she'd have to have her own thing happening and not just be his wife/GF.

I can't believe I am writing this because I hate the way his private life has been disrespected, but I also frequently think of someone called Caroline Jones when I see Clay committed to improving the lives of children the world over rather than being committed to a personal relationship. (Caroline Jones is a highlyl-respected Australian journalist, of the vintage of Barbara Walters.) While she was married for a short while in her twenties, she later decided to become celibate, embrace Catholicism and dedicate her life to community service, and explained that having a marriage and children would mean she could not be readily available to the community. Her book "An Authentic Life" is worth reading, it is beautifully written. Her "Search for Meaning" series of interviews have great depth, and I could see a much older Clay doing these kinds of interviews. I think Clay would adore her.

I don't know Caroline Jones except for what I have seen on television and read in her autobiography (An Authentic Life) so this is not a plug for her. I am mentioning it only because Clay reminds me of her. (I just had a look and her book is on e-bay. ) Her book is even worth reading for no reason other than the fact that it is so beautifully written. But of course there is more to it than that. There is one part in the book about her mother that truly rips at your heart.

If anyone has read the book, tell me if Clay crosses your mind when you think about it.

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At any rate, I'm not going to let the article upset me. It's just another piece about Clay, some positive, some not so positive. Meh.

Pretty much felt the same way when I read it.

But I've decided to skip my usual morning trip to other boards. Hee.

Just an additional thought on the tone of the article. Sounds like the writer wants to stuff him into a box and can't. Because in her mind people should fit nicely into the ready made boxes. I don't believe that but I do believe that many people willingly step into those boxes because they don't know how to be themselves. Clay knows how to be himself and she doesn't understand that.

eta...BWAH! bottle

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I'd like to comment about Ms. Levy's oddly distorted, funhouse mirror view of her subject, but I have to catch a ride on the turnip truck so I can get my sadly sagging, delusional, lonely and unfulfilled middle-aged ass into my job here in the vast cultural wasteland of Middle America. And Crap! My best overalls are still out on the clothesline!


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