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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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    • I'm considering running for President!
    • Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!
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Thanks for all the kudos! I've been like a woman obsessed!! I've been tweaking and tweaking since last night. It's one of those things which may never be perfect!

In those infamous words of that anonymous someone who will never be properly identified....... "IT IS WHAT IT IS!!"

here's the link again to the new and improved page:


I have also added a SPAMALOT YOUTUBE VIDEOS PAGE - you can see some of the staging and hear the songs!

I'll continue to tweak both pages but right now I have to back away slowly, put down the mouse, and shower, eat, and sleep!

I also found someone else's labor of love, the entire Broadway Cast Recording set to animation! I'll be making a video page of that sometime soon.

TTFN! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Radio play is no guarantee of sales, but I think it's no coincidence that majority of the biggest selling albums tend to have radio hits on them. However, I've begun to wonder if Clay is really interested in being a music superstar. He may be content with moderate sales, if it means he can sing the kind of music that satisfies him. And RCA may be willing to accept this, as long as the costs don't exceed income, and revenues are within expectations.

However, if he's unwilling to chase trends and conform to fit standard commercial niches, his fans have to realize that he may not necessarily get the benefit of the most expensive marketing strategies. Labels will only spend lavishly on those projects they feel will net them a large financial return. Someone like Clay who doesn't want to fit into boxes (and no longer has the weekly exposure of #1 show) may not seem like an obvious bestseller.

Clay is already saying, "I'm not focusing on airplay." So no one should be shocked if there's no single released for airplay. But I can already anticipate the outrage that will inevitably arise if Clay doesn't get the kind of promotion that occurs with a single release. The usual crowd will cry out that Clive is out to sabatoge Clay, that RCA despises him, and that it's all so unfair that Carrie gets X, Y, and Z while Clay does not. Truth is, Carrie is a very commercial artist with very radio-friendly songs. I'm not 100% if that's Clay.

Clay has a lot of talent, and I think, the potential to go far. However, staying true to yourself instead of conforming to corporate demands has its trade-offs. I suspect he gets that. I'm not so sure about his fans.

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Radio play is no guarantee of sales, but I think it's no coincidence that majority of the biggest selling albums tend to have radio hits on them. However, I've begun to wonder if Clay is really interested in being a music superstar. He may be content with moderate sales, if it means he can sing the kind of music that satisfies him. And RCA may be willing to accept this, as long as the costs don't exceed income, and revenues are within expectations.

However, if he's unwilling to chase trends and conform to fit standard commercial niches, his fans have to realize that he may not necessarily get the benefit of the most expensive marketing strategies. Labels will only spend lavishly on those projects they feel will net them a large financial return. Someone like Clay who doesn't want to fit into boxes (and no longer has the weekly exposure of #1 show) may not seem like an obvious bestseller.

Clay is already saying, "I'm not focusing on airplay." So no one should be shocked if there's no single released for airplay. But I can already anticipate the outrage that will inevitably arise if Clay doesn't get the kind of promotion that occurs with a single release. The usual crowd will cry out that Clive is out to sabatoge Clay, that RCA despises him, and that it's all so unfair that Carrie gets X, Y, and Z while Clay does not. Truth is, Carrie is a very commercial artist with very radio-friendly songs. I'm not 100% if that's Clay.

Clay has a lot of talent, and I think, the potential to go far. However, staying true to yourself instead of conforming to corporate demands has its trade-offs. I suspect he gets that. I'm not so sure about his fans.

jennaz... you are entirely right about many of the fans having to accept what Clay wants for himself and quit trying to put him in the same box that RCA seemed to be. I said "seemed" cause if he gets the cd he wants this time, then they have eased up on their box a bit.

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I'm not interested in Clay chasing trends at all. I'd be happier for him to be a trendsetter. And that doesn't mean in terms of Top 40, but in the big picture of whatever the music business is becoming. And I think that, already, the internet has overtaken radio in driving music sales -- selling not only singles and albums, but videos and ringtones and whatever else is coming. I think TV is even more influential than radio these days. Somebody appears on Idol or DWTS or some other televised forum for music and the sales shoot to the top on the download sites.

Music styles are primed for big changes -- it's been the same old thang for so long now and everybody I know from 14 on up thinks that radio is in a rut and the music sounds the same. The bad girl/bad boy thing was cutting edge until it became a great big bore. The music marketeers have sliced and diced and over-categorized and classified what were once the the sounds of a generation into unsatisfying bits of fine-tuned, robotic nothingness. Yuck.

I think RCA has learned that Clay isn't going to be Justin Timberlake, and Clay has learned that RCA isn't going to release an album of contemporary Christian music ... so now they are operating on the same page and something may come of it.

And the "gossip is king" mentality has already run it's course, IMO. It just ain't cool -- in the big picture. Who cares what a bunch of losers think, other than the insecure?

More Neil Young .... Find someone who's turning, and you will come around.

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I think RCA has learned that Clay isn't going to be Justin Timberlake, and Clay has learned that RCA isn't going to release an album of contemporary Christian music ... so now they are operating on the same page and something may come of it.

Just curious....what do you think that "something" is? I guess for me, it's simply an agreement between the two that he'll record the music he wants to record; if it's good stuff (according to RCA standards....and that's a whole 'nother ball of wax), RCA will market the shiznit out of it. If's it's not....well, they've kept Clay, as an artist, happy.

And the "gossip is king" mentality has already run it's course, IMO. It just ain't cool -- in the big picture. Who cares what a bunch of losers think, other than the insecure?

Unfortunately, there are a LOT of insecure people in this world, and they don't like to be told that they're not cool. And unfortunately, they've still got some control of the media. This is one of those "it's gonna take some time" things, IMO.

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Just another nasal opinion. snort, hooooonk, sniff, sniff Programmers (radio, not computer) are in lock step, what, are there about 3 of them? They are willing only to promote what is extrememly well paid or what is same old same old. Clay is not cool and even if they are paid, they don't even put him on the call out polls, at least near me. I don't think Clay can afford to pay for radio play, not that kind of money. I think Clay is just doing what he can, not anything novel. He is happy he has a label and doesn't have to shop around for one. I don't think it is any moral or artistic stance, it is just accepting what ever and doing his own thing.

I think Clay makes money for the label and gets to make music and perform for a living and he would like to have a hit and get all the good stuff, but what he has is so much better than what lots of others have, what is there to complain about? I wonder if we are going to hear about a talk show again, or maybe he will switch to talking about a movie?

Now for my afternoon break, I am going to watch rewind again, but just fast forward to all the interviews.

Oh, Yeah, Keeping Faith and Contemporary Christian music, I have suspected mightr have discussed the possiblity with RCA and hence his remark this summer that it would not be the type of music he would release in the next album.

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This new CD? I can't wait till that first snippet comes down the pipe. I expect it's going to get done, get out there, and hopefully get noticed. I don't expect any shenanigans on the part of the label. Lots of promotion is good, but word of mouth and a good product will get him more respect and genuine interest than anything else, in my opinion. This Spam gig will sell him some records and if it's a good CD then those new buyers will pass the word along. It isn't blockbuster level but it's grassroots. Clay's job is to be the best Clay that he can be.....he can't be expected to be anything else and I don't think he would want anything less at this point in his career. It's time he stood up and showed the world who he is musically. If he wasn't sure of who that was a few years ago, it seems like he has a clearer vision of it now. That is a very good thing. I'm more interested in the music than I am in (most) fans and what they have to say about Clay's career. I have ears that still work, a finger with enough strength to press a shutter release and move a scroll wheel. That's all I ask for in my Clay life. Well.....enough money to buy one of those dinners with Clay would be nice, too. (Note to self......remember to where a print top that night.)

I sure hope I'm back in North America when that CD is released. If I can't get my hands on it the first day to savor every itty-bitty word in the liner notes, I am going to DIE. I know I will. I'm delicate that way. TV promo appearances will be capped and uploaded in Hi-Def won't they? Please say "yes"......I know they will but I need third party affirmation right now. Thankyouallveryverymuch....

cha cha.....I have this wee little PhotoShop project that's due on Sunday....can I interest you in some Spam tickets perhaps? (J/K.....I'll get my butt in gear by tomorrow I hope.) Beautiful banner and my goodness that is an incredible Spamalot page! Thank you for taking the time to put that all together. It's great! Love your obsessions.

Crazy Concert Stories.....now there's a book I'd buy. I love those.

Humor me. I'm going to cut and paste an excerpt from one that goes back to the IT in Uniondale, New York. We found out that night that a Ticketmaster Box Office won't replace tickets you buy from a broker....in fact they pretty much slam the window shut on your fingers. Meanies.

from Our BEVR of March 9, 2004 (Oh God! That was a long time ago!)

Jannet may be better known to some of you as Chardonnay....

KAREN EH? and JANNET: It seems there is a hazard to upgrading your tickets too many times and to attending too many concerts. Sometimes the paperwork just gets to be too much. Sometimes mistakes get made and the guy at the door in New York says, "M'am these tickets are for Washington...tomorrow night." Now, this REALLY can't be happening to us! It can't!! There is no way that we are not going to get into that concert tonight...no way!! But it seemsAttila the Box Office Dude has other ideas and he says there's "no way he can help us" because he is Master of his Ticket Domain. Never in our wildest dreams did we ever think we would meet the original "ticket b*stard" but we did. If you're curious, he has blond hair and he works at the Nassau Coliseum.

It was almost too much to bear.....traveling all these miles and getting turned away on a slight technicality. If it wasn't for Lila's quick thinking there might have been two extra floaters in the Hudson River that night.

"Weren't those E-Tickets?"

"Why as a matter of fact....they were."

"All you need is a computer to print them out again."

"Yeah.....but where?"

"There! Run, its seven-thirty already......Go!!

Thank goodness Clay was the headliner in Uniondale. Thank goodness our legs are long and our hearts strong. There's a lot to be said for sensible shoes. We thank heaven for the Angel in the Lobby.

We spent $700 on our airfare. We paid $400 for our third row seats. We almost paid dearly for leaving our tickets behind at Lila's so many miles away in New Jersey but we were rescued by the invaluable kindness of someone who knew two hopeless basket cases when he saw them. We dedicate this BEVR to the concierge at the Marriott Hotel who was more than happy to help us, who printed our tickets and handed them to us with a smile as big as......well...um.....you know who. Will he or won't he recover from the big Broadly hugs he got? Someone call and check on him in a couple of days. We need him to be healthy and strong to save the next damsel or two who shows up in distress.

The next night we did get to use our DC tickets and we still talk about these two nights. I don't know how we survived these two days. I seriously don't. But I just laughed my ass off when I read through this again. I am really just a hopeless fangirl.....nothing more nothing less. I should step away from my opinions and closer to the jumbotron. Seriously, if you ever get the chance sit at eye level with and within arms reach of the jumbotron.....especially at the MCI Center where the camera dude knows just what you want and how to give it to you, jump at the chance. Even though words cannot in any way deliver the same kind of feeling of being that up close and personal in an intimate arena setting, I give you.....


Scroll if I've cornered you with story about 500 times in the past. Just trying to share the love and I forget who I talk to all the time.

***Please baby Jesus, let there be one more arena tour so that I experience this one more time before I die of not reading liner notes.***

Okay, I have some foolish project to do by Sunday night. Make me go away.

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cha cha.....I have this wee little PhotoShop project that's due on Sunday....can I interest you in some Spam tickets perhaps? (J/K.....I'll get my butt in gear by tomorrow I hope.) Beautiful banner and my goodness that is an incredible Spamalot page! Thank you for taking the time to put that all together. It's great! Love your obsessions.

Seriously?? Can we talk!! :laola0: :balloons:

Thanks - love your obsessions too! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I think RCA has learned that Clay isn't going to be Justin Timberlake, and Clay has learned that RCA isn't going to release an album of contemporary Christian music ... so now they are operating on the same page and something may come of it.

Just curious....what do you think that "something" is? I guess for me, it's simply an agreement between the two that he'll record the music he wants to record; if it's good stuff (according to RCA standards....and that's a whole 'nother ball of wax), RCA will market the shiznit out of it. If's it's not....well, they've kept Clay, as an artist, happy.

And the "gossip is king" mentality has already run it's course, IMO. It just ain't cool -- in the big picture. Who cares what a bunch of losers think, other than the insecure?

Unfortunately, there are a LOT of insecure people in this world, and they don't like to be told that they're not cool. And unfortunately, they've still got some control of the media. This is one of those "it's gonna take some time" things, IMO.

Re RCA and Clay: I think they are working together these days ... Clay said as much last summer when he said in a M&G that he had heard from Jaymes and the label had approved two of the songs for the new album. In other words, I think Clay does what he wants, and then the label can turn thumbs up or thumbs down. Maybe he's going through this process incrementally now, rather than presenting a bulk of material that could be flatlined. Obviously it pays to hold hands with the label to some extent ... Kelly Clarkson case in point.

Regarding the gossips, I really do believe that the overkill on Britney, Paris and that ilk has destroyed much of the natural curiosity people have for celebrity. The Paris Hilton "movie" generating a whole $25 thousand is a great start.

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Don't mean to change subjects...just wanted to drop this off...I found this while reading around the boards. From Linluvsclay on the CB...

Yahoo News

Just read this on AOL~~I've always been impressed with Mike Nichols, but this really shows that he can also be included in "the measure of a man" category. Very classy, very empathetic, very thoughtful in what he did. No wonder he and Clay get along as well as they do. I copied it and brought it over....

'Spamalot' Musical Changes Britney Lyric


Posted: 2008-02-12 16:15:36

NEW YORK (Feb. 12) - Britney Spears is out, Posh Spice is in - as a lyric for the Lady in the Lake in the Broadway musical "Monty Python's Spamalot."

Asked why the lyric was changed in the song "Diva's Lament," "Spamalot" author Eric Idle said Tuesday in an e-mail:

"Because we don't laugh at sad people. Mike Nichols (the show's director) requested it and he's right. We changed the lyrics in London, on tour, on Broadway and in Las Vegas. We think that it's now too sad. Britney Spears is being tortured to death and we don't want to be on that side."

The changes went into the various companies last week.

What the Lady in the Lady once sang:

"I am sick of my career

Always stuck in second gear

Up to here with frustration and with fears

I've no Grammy no rewards

I've no Tony Awards

I'm constantly replaced by Britney Spears

Britney Spears!"

It's been replaced by:

"My love life is a mess

I've got constant PMS

My career is about as hot as ice

They hate me there backstage

They say I'm too old for my age

They're trying to replace me with Posh Spice

With Posh Spice!!"

Class act kind says it all, eh? Speaking of 'eh'...

Kareneh...loved your concert story. I have one or two myself. Thanks for making me smile, both at reading your story and then reminding me of my own. Good times. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I wanna know who are all the British people he's hanging around all the time....

eyes merrieeee with suspicion as she know the eHP has no problem holding out on fellow members...

Some Americans can get certain British accents mixed up with Australian accents.........just sayin, just putting it out there......eyes Claytonic with new suspicion......

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I wanna know who are all the British people he's hanging around all the time....

eyes merrieeee with suspicion as she know the eHP has no problem holding out on fellow members...

Some Americans can get certain British accents mixed up with Australian accents.........just sayin, just putting it out there......eyes Claytonic with new suspicion......

Yes, they all sound alike to me. :cryingwlaughter: Just keeeeding, merrieeeee!

I've been thinking about "all the British people" and who they could be and came up with the following:

AI People -- Fuller, Lythgoe and Co.

SAM People - beginning with Renshaw

Some of the people he works with through RCA, including songwriters, and then, of course,


Anybody else find it interesting that the producer is a 3-minute song hitmaker and Clay has been working to change the producer's hitmaking mindset? Clay is getting the producer to move away from the Formula? I find this absolutely fantastic. I guess I'll never get the counter-culture out of me. I still remember when The Beatles smashed the 3-minute hit song with Sgt. Pepper. And then there's In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida! What was that, like 17 minutes?!

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I wanna know who are all the British people he's hanging around all the time....

eyes merrieeee with suspicion as she know the eHP has no problem holding out on fellow members...

Some Americans can get certain British accents mixed up with Australian accents.........just sayin, just putting it out there......eyes Claytonic with new suspicion......

Hmmmm, that makes sense (at least, in the Clay Nation!)

now eyes merrieeee and claytonic and ausdon and a bunch of canadians with ever deepening suspicion (because frankly all non Yank accents sound suspiciously alike)...and tries to remember if that British Empire thingie is still going on...and how to usurp it...and Clay.

HA! KF is joining me in my paranoid delusion! Wait a minute...she's got one of those Texas accents! Mebbe she's in it too...

I had no idea that Simon Renshaw was English/British/Australian...

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I wanna know who are all the British people he's hanging around all the time....

eyes merrieeee with suspicion as she know the eHP has no problem holding out on fellow members...

I'm curious about the "British people" answer too. Unless he's going back to Vanessa and the two Simons. And as keeping faith said above,


cha cha, your project is awesome! Many thanks for your labor of love!

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I think Layla was over 30 minutes. I know DJs used to put on some long songs for bathroom breaks, but Layla used to let them go to a bar for a drink.

OH, besides the angst, I have seen people already surmise that David Foster is sharing EP credits with his sister for this album. Please leave the guy alone? Can't Clay have a friend he does not use for anything but a friend?

I thought Vanessa was one of the people who violated the trust in Hollywood. Or was it just another fan made up rumor?

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I thought Vanessa was one of the people who violated the trust in Hollywood. Or was it just another fan made up rumor?

There's one I missed. I thought she went away simply because of management change.

cha-cha, forget to tell you how much I love the new banner.

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I thought Vanessa was one of the people who violated the trust in Hollywood. Or was it just another fan made up rumor?

There's one I missed. I thought she went away simply because of management change.

I thought she was behind the unauthorized leaking of the TITN video and thus persona non grata, or is that fan mythology?

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I thought Vanessa was one of the people who violated the trust in Hollywood. Or was it just another fan made up rumor?

There's one I missed. I thought she went away simply because of management change.

I thought she was behind the unauthorized leaking of the TITN video and thus persona non grata, or is that fan mythology?

I could be talking completely out my butt here, but I thought her stint ended when he left old management and went with Renshaw. She stayed with AI basically.

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HA! KF is joining me in my paranoid delusion! Wait a minute...she's got one of those Texas accents! Mebbe she's in it too...

I had no idea that Simon Renshaw was English/British/Australian...

Should I be paranoid that I'm the only member of the eHP with a Texas accent? Wait a minute, do I have a Texas accent?

Simon Renshaw should have a good grasp on handling clients with integrity and principles, and if you doubt it, watch Shut Up and Sing. Although he was born in Britain, Simon R has an abiding love for the Bill of Rights. Maybe he'll be handling Clay's run for the White House one day!

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida -- I think it was accidentally intentional. While practicing a new song, In the Garden of Eden, the Iron Butterfly singer was intoxicated and slurred the words. The band liked it and kept it for the recorded version ... although he does enunciate Garden of Eden once near the end of the song.

Some of the long songs are fabulous -- for me the Stills/Kooper/Bloomfield SuperSession "Season of the Witch" gets it done. But Layla? I only like the first part with the badass guitar.

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I thought Vanessa was one of the people who violated the trust in Hollywood. Or was it just another fan made up rumor?

There's one I missed. I thought she went away simply because of management change.

I thought she was behind the unauthorized leaking of the TITN video and thus persona non grata, or is that fan mythology?

If that was what happened, I'm surprised Clay Nation hasn't taken up a collection for her.

KeepingFaith, Solo has an Asian Texan accent. Surely that counts.

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now eyes merrieeee and claytonic and ausdon and a bunch of canadians with ever deepening suspicion (because frankly all non Yank accents sound suspiciously alike)...and tries to remember if that British Empire thingie is still going on...and how to usurp it...and Clay.

That Empire thing has made a huge come back. Haven't you bought a top lately? Talk about world domination.....the Commonwealth is on a roll....or hiding a few, maybe, for which I am grateful. :D

Gee, I wonder what I'll sound like in 6 months time....taking lessons in a form of Turkish while hanging out with Scots.

Yes, kf, you do have a Texas accent. I guess we'd have to say that you put the "H" in the eHP....the rest of us are just evil and...um...posse-like.

Did you know that "Inna Godda Divida" was actually supposed to be "In the Garden of Eden" but the dudes were so stoned they couldn't sing it...

Guess that explains why I heard the way it was written, too. Tenth grade, dark basements, record players......homework projects.

Somethings never change. *Sigh*

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