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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Ok, kids....here we go....Tomiehawk posted on CV that there is clack of the show and it is supposedly being posted at You Tube. She said it originated at CH...GBB said "nu-uh...nope, nope, nope" (paraphrased!)

My friend in Houston just emailed and said the minions are watching it at the swamp....some fan got pissed because her friend wouldn't share the clips with her...so...another fan sent them to her and she's posting them.

Good lord...less than 24 hrs. since the great article and here we go again!


A very simple post that I attempted to make last Saturday was initially trouted over there. That was very confusing. (eta: no, I didn't take any) I posted it because someone had PM'ed me that there was a clip out there that was being attributed to me.

What's the matter with this?:

Some folks asked about clips I make, pls. scroll if you don't think this is relevant:

I have a very unique way of rendering my clips. I modified the program that I use, and I haven't shared it with anyone (with apologies to those who asked me for assistance/copies in the past). I wanted to be sure I could always tell whether or not a clip is mine.

I'm usually very helpful on all other techie issues and and would love to consult/offer opinions & advice.


I saw that and didn't think a thing about it. I have no idea where the clips came from and, quite honestly, don't care....if people have copies, more power to them. I get to see it (twice)...

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hee scarlett...I totally didn't get that post of yours...thanks for explaining now.

the thing is...the swamp is a very questionable source too...some people seem to have an ax to grind so hard to really make any judgment on it.

CG...not sure but I think the swamp is JP's blog...

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Well, I heard a few days ago there were clips being circulated in the swamp and it was by a known Clackmistress. If someone did this and thought they could keep it a secret, they aparently don't know fans very well, everything escapes its bounds. It is just the nature of clack and the eagerness of fans to share.

Of course, no one will ever admit to passing it, so whatever. It was bound to happen with major boards having people beg for this clack and fans who just don't care what Clay asks of them. Us fans all have different ways of defining our fandom, I tend to think it is a good idea not to cross Clay, but others apparently care more about their own needs first. I put family first, but when it does not concern them, it is easy to follow simple instructions from Clay.

Anyway, I couldn't figure a way of getting in there and asking more information without looking a little odd like I wanted a copy, so I just backed out of the thread and went away. Not really my business.


ETA - heh, I saw your post aparently before you were trouted?!? Did you get the dreaded PM telling you why you offended? Mine used to come with " I am so disappointed in you" - duh?

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Well, I survived the piano-playing marathon, and it actually went fairly well. It's thrilling to be on a stage with 100+ singers - the sound is amazing! And my sciatica did act up by the end of the day, but it's not horrible. It's a fairly new problem, and not really severe, so I'm hoping that I can get on top of it quickly and make it go away!

Gibby, all my sympathies for your low back/sciatic pain. I can relate as I suffered from a congenital inoperable defect in my lower back that began when I was 17 and lasted until a series of epidural steroid injections from Dr. Doctor about 10 years ago put an end to the pain. He's a wonder-working anesthesiologist whose precision with a needle is legendary, and he developed this procedure -- in fact, PBS did a feature about him. I was married to a chiro -- put the bastard through school, I did -- and it never helped me for long. (I was his guinea pig for so many cervical adjustments I'm surprised I can still hold my neck up.) After my two lumbar injections a year apart from Dr. Uday Doctor (that's really his name), I haven't felt as much as a twinge, and it changed my life. Dr. Doctor give me the news ..... Yes he did!!!

It's really nice to read a story about a medical problem that ends in such a positive way! It's great that you're so much better. Hopefully my situation won't get to that point, but it's good to know there's a successful treatment out there if all else fails!

Gibby, I hope everything works out well for you, both health wise, and also for your mental stability. I hate that when someone throws something at me at the last minute, so I feel your pain over that.

Thanks, ldyj. I think it's pretty rude to throw stuff at a musician at the last minute, but everything turned out okay. I play so much music these days that I've gotten pretty good sight-reading out of necessity!

Gibby, have you tried acupuncture? That works like a miracle for me.

I had acupuncture years ago, and it was very helpful. I'll have to keep it in mind as an option!

This is me...just the little bit of angsting I saw today had me rolling my eyes and sitting on my hands to keep them away from the keyboard, lest I say something that would get me in trouble.

Pre-emptive worrying about something we have no control over just seems so pointless.


It seems that some people aren't happy unless they're worrying about something. I'd rather look on the bright side of life! :)

A very simple post that I attempted to make last Saturday was initially trouted over there. That was very confusing. (eta: no, I didn't take any) I posted it because someone had PM'ed me that there was a clip out there that was being attributed to me.

What's the matter with this?:

Your post seems pretty innocent to me. You posted that over here, too, and I found it quite interesting! But not offensive in the least, and really not trout-worthy, either!

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From CV via CH

Fox5Atlanta just showed the clip. Short. But Sweet.................................showed clip of him in the Sir Robin outfit, singing and then doing the Bottle Dance. Short interview where he says his schtick about Broadway being a lot of work...you have to sing (breathes heavily) dance and speak in accents !! He is wearing a grey and white patterned sweater over a grey and white patterned shirt (looked kinda small polka-dotty, or flowers). Looks like he had his NYC closets fitted out with matching shirt and sweater combinations, since we have seen several. Very nice. Love his clothes
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I'm sorry but WHAT? You were trouted for that post? :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think that's awful. I'm sorry that happened to you Scarlett.

Thanks! (& thanks for mailing my hat -- I'm glad to have a purple hat this weekend) :F_05BL17blowkiss: MUAH jj & Ansa too. Just to clarify, I was able to post it back after a modification. I guess folks are being v. vigilant.

Lots of hugs to you, Gibby!!! Sending virtual massages and water/bubble therapy. I'm glad that's over. :elephanthugs:

Claygasm, No, I wasn't there and have never been. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww! Someone just PM'ed me about it. Heard later that it was a comment that mentioned me, not the original post.

ETA: Yes, that's right Ansa. I have never been there.

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Ok - if play and Scarlett were there, the swamp couldn't be JP's blog.


Sometimes I feel like such an uneducated Clay fan!

I thought scarlett was trouted at the CH and Play just heard it was being discussed and circulated in the swamp but didn;t feel like she could go in there.

I am pretty sure it is JP's blog...lots of people comment back and forth.

From CV via CH
Fox5Atlanta just showed the clip. Short. But Sweet.................................showed clip of him in the Sir Robin outfit, singing and then doing the Bottle Dance. Short interview where he says his schtick about Broadway being a lot of work...you have to sing (breathes heavily) dance and speak in accents !! He is wearing a grey and white patterned sweater over a grey and white patterned shirt (looked kinda small polka-dotty, or flowers). Looks like he had his NYC closets fitted out with matching shirt and sweater combinations, since we have seen several. Very nice. Love his clothes

Now this is clack I would love to see...so was this captured???? I certainly hope so.

Gibby...glad it went well for you and hope the back gets better soon...

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Play seems to me this is more about hatred for other fans than eagerness to share. But I'll wait to see how this plays out. I don't go to the swamp for my news or to people that play in it apparantly for whatever reason they may have to do so.

We have a lot of lurkers and for now we won't be adding fuel to any fire. PM me if you need any clarification.

Gibby glad things worked out.

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Nononono I did not go there, I was on a clayboard and someone said it was there.

Claygasm, No, I wasn't there and have never been. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww! Someone just PM'ed me about it. Heard later that it was a comment that mentioned me, not the original post.

ETA: Yes, that's right Ansa. I have never been there.

I was SURE neither of you would EVER go to such a place!

Ok - if play and Scarlett were there, the swamp couldn't be JP's blog.


Sometimes I feel like such an uneducated Clay fan!

I thought scarlett was trouted at the CH and Play just heard it was being discussed and circulated in the swamp but didn;t feel like she could go in there.

I am pretty sure it is JP's blog...lots of people comment back and forth.

Boy was I confused - but I think I have it straight now! Thanks for the clarification!

(And why would dear, sweet Scarlett be trouted for that post?????)

From CV via CH
Fox5Atlanta just showed the clip. Short. But Sweet.................................showed clip of him in the Sir Robin outfit, singing and then doing the Bottle Dance. Short interview where he says his schtick about Broadway being a lot of work...you have to sing (breathes heavily) dance and speak in accents !! He is wearing a grey and white patterned sweater over a grey and white patterned shirt (looked kinda small polka-dotty, or flowers). Looks like he had his NYC closets fitted out with matching shirt and sweater combinations, since we have seen several. Very nice. Love his clothes

Now this is clack I would love to see...so was this captured???? I certainly hope so.

Me too!

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You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see Jimmy Kimmel figure out a way to have Clay "on his show" on Valentine's Day. Seems kind of sad to let such a fun "tradition" pass by just because Clay is in Spamalot. Anyone else hoping for a taped interview or "bit"?

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We have a lot of lurkers and for now we won't be adding fuel to any fire.
You're right.

To lighten things up a bit, this is my Top 3 "look at the bright side" take at being mentioned in a swamp:

1. At least it was flattering. From what I hear, the point made was something to the effect of: the quality is really good so it's probably Scarlett's

2. Maybe it'll bump up my street cred.

3. Does this give me an excuse to "investigate matters in order to protect my name"?

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You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see Jimmy Kimmel figure out a way to have Clay "on his show" on Valentine's Day. Seems kind of sad to let such a fun "tradition" pass by just because Clay is in Spamalot. Anyone else hoping for a taped interview or "bit"?

that will be cute!

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You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see Jimmy Kimmel figure out a way to have Clay "on his show" on Valentine's Day. Seems kind of sad to let such a fun "tradition" pass by just because Clay is in Spamalot. Anyone else hoping for a taped interview or "bit"?

Maybe Jimmy can do a skit about not having Clay around for Valentines and him missing him terribly. THat would be a hoot.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ah man ..way to short.

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Fox atlanta spamalot clip is up....in the vaults I think

short but sweet...stilla bit of trace of eyeliner during the short interview so he looked a bit different...EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the few scenes they showed...he looked too cute!!!!

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That boy sure does have the strangest taste in sweaters and shirts!

And that hair! Ugh! I mean, I like his wig from "Spamalot" better!

(Yes, I am shallow! I keep telling you all I am shallow!)

But I LOVED the quick clips from the show and now I am thinking...... IS THERE MORE PROFESSIONAL, LEGAL VIDEO OF "SPAMALOT" OUT THERE????????

Would it be too much to hope for a Clay in "Spamalot" DVD????

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do they put out Broadway show DVDs? Anybody know. I think it's a farfetched proposition!! We're still waiting for our tour DVD. Crap, I should go to work.

ETA: Oh I hope too..just wondering if it ever happens. I've seen some off off off off broadway stuff by Tyler Perry at Walmart but don't know if they do this for real broadway shows while they are still going.

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do they put out Broadway show DVDs? Anybody know. I think it's a farfetched proposition!! We're still waiting for our tour DVD. Crap, I should go to work.

Of course its far fetched! But I can always hope........

Because hope helps you look on the bright side of life!

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I just want to buy some new music that Clay Aiken's voice renders.

But it's kinda sad, I think, that along with the excitement I feel about the new cd I also have trepidation. Not because of the actual music that Clay will present, but because of the inevitable fan wars over its 'worth'. God, I can hear it now---either declaration that it's the best.cd.of.all.time. or the deathknoll of a talented vocalist's career. :rolleyes:

Some...er....'discussion' is, of course, natural and even fun...but history in THIS fandom has made me a bit paranoid, you know? :unsure:

I only have a Southern accent when I'm talking with other Southerners. I guess since I moved around a lot as I was growing up, mine never got a chance to really stick. :cryingwlaughter:

I know what you're talking about, Muski, which I why I plan to play nice right here at the FCA right through the next album. I must have passed the Rubicon because reading a lot of strange freak outs juxtaposed with superexperts bestowing the truth just doesn't appeal.

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I must have passed the Rubicon because reading a lot of strange freak outs juxtaposed with superexperts bestowing the truth just doesn't appeal.

keeping.... I like the way you think and I agree! FCA, the safe place to be!

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We have a lot of lurkers and for now we won't be adding fuel to any fire.
You're right.

To lighten things up a bit, this is my Top 3 "look at the bright side" take at being mentioned in a swamp:

1. At least it was flattering. From what I hear, the point made was something to the effect of: the quality is really good so it's probably Scarlett's

2. Maybe it'll bump up my street cred.

3. Does this give me an excuse to "investigate matters in order to protect my name"?

Scarlett, have I told you lately that I love you? :wub:

ETA: Anybody else notice that it's FELIX playing the drums on AI tonight? !!!! :clap:

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Sometimes I think that the reason Clay is keeping the details of his album to himself is that he doesn't want it to be judged before it is heard. And we already know that even something as simple as the name of his producer can send the fandom into paroxysms of panicked extrapolation.

I also suspect that the publicist we hear about is actually the Spamalot publicist, not the RCA publicist (or his personal publicist), which may explain why he talks more about the show than the album.

I actually enjoy the mystery, right now. I don't need to to know all about the album, or hear about how it'll revolutionize the industry or doom him to oblivion, before I've listened to a note of it.

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Sometimes I think that the reason Clay is keeping the details of his album to himself is that he doesn't want it to be judged before it is heard. And we already know that even something as simple as the name of his producer can send the fandom into paroxysms of panicked extrapolation.

I also suspect that the publicist we hear about is actually the Spamalot publicist, not the RCA publicist (or his personal publicist), which may explain why he talks more about the show than the album.

I actually enjoy the mystery, right now. I don't need to to know all about the album, or hear about how it'll revolutionize the industry or doom him to oblivion, before I've listened to a note of it.

Amen...although I suspect the publicist is Mary. We already know that she accompanied Clay at the new york interview.

I also like the mystery...although I think we may get a leak before the release...I think labels may use that as a way to raise interest in the album...viral marketing...

at least I hope we get a leak...

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