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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Intermission report via xxx4clay from CV:

Intermission report from toni7babe (with Scarlett helpfully yakking away in the background):

I quote: "OHNIGOD! He's unbelieveable! He so cute!"

The details: toni says the Tower Scene was a little different and even better. Says that Clay had some new/different facial expressions that she had not seen before - he showed more puzzlement, more disbelief in keeping with the role.

She also made sure to say that when he does the slow motion horse thing, his tongue was hanging out of his mouth. To the right side to be specific. She describes this as being in characgter and demonstrating his exhaustion. (My personal take is he's just so hawt he can't help himself.)

toni also said that during the Camelot scene where he is holding the dice (die?) a girl shimmied up against him. And he later shimmied right back. ahem.

Also said that at the end of the I'm Not Dead scene when he sitting on the cart and singing he was moving his legs his around as if dancing as he sat.

Lots of fans there as well as lots of NJU. King Arthur character appeared to be having trouble keeping from cracking up a couple of times. Hannah is there and wonderful.

Since they're in the front row and can see every little expression, they don't expect to be able to get up close for pics, etc at the stage door. Or so toni says. Somehow though I think she'll find a way to manage. It's like a siren call you know. My money's on them.

I think that's it. She's a little excited. A little.

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1 User(s) are browsing this forum (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users).....I'm all alone *sniff*

Scarlett has learned a new language! She is speaking "Spamalot-ese". I wonder if she sings "I'm All Alone" just like King Arthur? It must be the total immersion language approach from repeated viewings of Spamalot. :whistling-1:

aikim, thanks for the clack recommendation!

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I just watched Claymelia's wonderful stage door video, taken last night. Whew, is it hawt! I replayed the end mumblty-mumblty times, just to see Clay fill up the screen in an extreme close-up, with his mouth open like he was ready to kiss meeeee! And then he walked to the stage door and did that silly scream when someone came out of the door. BWAH! I have a silly grin on my face now. Grinning is good!

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Computer finally booted. Probably took an hour because of the 82 freaking viruses it had to heal. Son needs to learn to say YES to updates.

Love that blog! Love to read about the buzz going around the theatre world.

Less than a month until it's my turn to go. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

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Glad you computer finally came back, luckiest.

Just 2 months + 3 days until I can give a recap in Spamalese, too! :nana:

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I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly! There is photographic evidence of that. But I hadn't heard Tyra was there? Was she? And if she was, was there a cat fight backstage?

I want to have the means to be toni7babe and the lovely Scarlett. Seems almost every weekend they are in NY (at least toni7babe is). Where do they - and the other stalkers fans who are there from out of town A LOT get the money to fly there, buy up to 5 tickets a piece - usually in the first few rows - stay in a hotel, eat, drink and be merry????? And why can't I get in on that sweet deal????

Jealous? Moi?? You bet!!

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I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly! There is photographic evidence of that. But I hadn't heard Tyra was there? Was she? And if she was, was there a cat fight backstage?

I want to have the means to be toni7babe and the lovely Scarlett. Seems almost every weekend they are in NY (at least toni7babe is). Where do they - and the other stalkers fans who are there from out of town A LOT get the money to fly there, buy up to 5 tickets a piece - usually in the first few rows - stay in a hotel, eat, drink and be merry????? And why can't I get in on that sweet deal????

Jealous? Moi?? You bet!!

I'd like to know how toni always ends up in the front row of the stage door, too....it's amazing.

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from leroy1704 at the CH:

Spam report posted by xxx4clay at CV:

After the show report from toni7babe and Scarlett -

First, from the show. During the bottle dance, Clay was "coming right at" toni and Scarlett. They survived but barely. Though happily. During the part where Clay bangs the coconuts, he was just "moving so sexy." The Knights who say Ni sang about the TV show Celebrity Rehab and called it "bullshit." LOTL sang about Posh Spice not Britney. Much applause and kudos for Clay at the end and throughout. They sat next to a man and his son who loved the show and Clay's performance.

Stage Door - It was very crowded at the stage door. Clay was wearing the green sweater from the Chicago book signing which tha-rilled toni and Scarlett! Said his hair looked absolutely perfect! Had on jeans and reddish sneakers. He was soooo cute! He signed Scarlett's t-shirt and one of toni's own pictures that she had blown up. They got right up front (did I predict that or what?) so toni only took a few pics because Clay was standing right in front of her for a long time and she didn't want to flash him. With her camera that is. :biggrin: She did get a few pics when he moved away though and will post them later. BigappleforClay got video of all of it! There were a bunch a young girls there from, I think she said the Charlotte thespian society, and they were so excited and screaming to Clay "You're so cute!"

They are all at Junior's now getting much needed food and will try and post their own reports later.

...that wore me out...

He wore that green sweater. *g

I don't believe the man ever throws anything out, although, I'd just as soon he sent this to the Salvation Army. I can just hear some poor homeless man saying, "Don't you have anything spiffier?"

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Well, let this be a lesson to you all---gossip and rumors are terrible things.

Heh. I guess I remembered wrong. Was there talk about Tyra being at his LA concert? Was it just in my fertile imagination? I guess it was. Yeah. That's what happened. I just WANTED it to be so. oh well. mea culpa.

And yeah, too, about feeling a bit green over fellow fans whose pocketbooks are so much fuller and calendars are so much emptier that they can get Spammed over and over and over and yes! yes! yes! :hubbahubba:

ahem :blush:

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I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly! There is photographic evidence of that. But I hadn't heard Tyra was there? Was she? And if she was, was there a cat fight backstage?

I want to have the means to be toni7babe and the lovely Scarlett. Seems almost every weekend they are in NY (at least toni7babe is). Where do they - and the other stalkers fans who are there from out of town A LOT get the money to fly there, buy up to 5 tickets a piece - usually in the first few rows - stay in a hotel, eat, drink and be merry????? And why can't I get in on that sweet deal????

Jealous? Moi?? You bet!!

I'd like to know how toni always ends up in the front row of the stage door, too....it's amazing.

Funny you should say that......

from leroy1704 at the CH:

Spam report posted by xxx4clay at CV:

After the show report from toni7babe and Scarlett -

Stage Door - It was very crowded at the stage door. Clay was wearing the green sweater from the Chicago book signing which tha-rilled toni and Scarlett! Said his hair looked absolutely perfect! Had on jeans and reddish sneakers. He was soooo cute! He signed Scarlett's t-shirt and one of toni's own pictures that she had blown up. They got right up front (did I predict that or what?) so toni only took a few pics because Clay was standing right in front of her for a long time and she didn't want to flash him. With her camera that is. :biggrin: She did get a few pics when he moved away though and will post them later. BigappleforClay got video of all of it! There were a bunch a young girls there from, I think she said the Charlotte thespian society, and they were so excited and screaming to Clay "You're so cute!"

They are all at Junior's now getting much needed food and will try and post their own reports later.

...that wore me out...

They did it again!!! How????

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Never mind...back to being invisible.


Oh my, I thought I had deleted my post before it could be commented upon. I no more than hit the reply button, when I realized that no one really cares what I have to say, so why bother.

So while I don’t remember exactly what my post said….here is the gist of it…

I commented that I was glad that they were able to attended multiple shows, that at least they were paying their own way, unlike some loud obnoxious fans who steal seats, abuse friendships and use and abuse whoever they ‘need’ at the moment. That they at least provide clack for those of us unable to attend, while the other type of fans scream , shout out and often ruin clack.

I also said that getting to the front of the SD or any group isn’t that hard if you are observant, quick and willing to slip into any ole opening and make it your own. Being short, I know this can make it even easier.

Had I known it had in fact been read…just that quickly, I would not have removed it.


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I don't know and perhaps it's petty jealousy but how many autographs does one person need? Seriously.

Many of us who can't go (me, me, me!) depend on the kindness of strangers (TM Blanche DuBois)who give first-hand reports. Everyone's life has different pluses and minuses that we may not know about other than the small slice that is Clay-related that is visible to us. I think our board life would be much poorer without all of us being able to share in the good fortune of others who let us be virtual participants (or a Muski might say, voyeurs !)

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I don't know and perhaps it's petty jealousy but how many autographs does one person need? Seriously.

I think I'd probably start grabbing and tossing if I were there and couldn't get an autograph...just sayin'

ETA: rohdy, I don't begrudge them getting to go...hey, if I could afford it and didn't live half way across the country, I'd go, too. I will see this show twice....if I get the autograph the first night, I probably won't even go to the door the second night.



I think that if I had the chance to get Clay's autograph more than once I'd do so just so that I would have the pleasure of being able to feast my eyes on him up close for that millisecond that it takes for him to scrawl his name.

Speaking for myself we're talking some serious addiction here and if I didn't live on the other side of the continent from New York, I'd be going there more than once fer shure. It's the air fare that's the killer, especially Canadian airlines and I don't travel enough to be able to use air miles.

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JJ I'm going 3 times to see Spamalot, and I'm planning to go to the stagedoor each time and hope I'm lucky enough to get signatures all 3 times because I have friends who can't go and would LOVE a Playbill with Clay's signature. i think it's possible to think the best of people instead of assuming that people are just selfish.
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ok, y'all win. I'm a bitch.

I'm petty and selfish and an awful person. How have I ever survived on this planet without all of you telling me how awful I am.

Hey jumpingjacks you're kidding, right?

Hard to tell when I can't see your facial expression.

I certainly was not telling you that you are petty etc.....just stating my view point as you were stating yours.

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jj... just because someone disagrees with a viewpoint you have, doesn't mean they think you are bad and wrong... only means they have another viewpoint.

Can't wait for a more detailed recap by Scarlett and toni... and pictures... wheeee!

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whoa, jj! Hold on, there! I was just going to post something---had to be away for a bit. Here's my thought on this subject (I'm sure you're all holding your breath, huh? :rolleyes: )

If I had the ability to, I'd be going to as many shows as possible. I honestly DON'T think I'd sit in the front row every time, even if I had the money and connections to do so. Reason? Hmmm....well, for one---and this is just me----I'd begin to feel uncomfortable about being so visible. I think I'd start to feel sorta guilty, too, actually and I hope I'd want to share the wealth with friends if I could. And actually, if I have the luxury to go to multiple shows (and I'm planning on it---Damned if I'm going all the way to NYC and then see just one!), I'd just as soon catch it from different perspectives--different areas of seating, I mean.

Now if I happened upon front row by the grace of the roulette called "Telecharge"? Oh yeah, I'd be there. Thing is---I haven't---gonna be third row when hubby and I go and I doubt I'll be that close again and that's okay. (Unless I just happen, donchaknow, into a better one.)

Stage door? I've never been an autograph person and I've had the chance a couple of times. For this, though? I might have to try for it. But once I have it? I don't need the stage door anymore. And I definitely don't need to be at the railing every time. I'd just as soon get my "Clay Aiken" scrawl and closeup GAH moment and then watch any subsequent mosh pit action from a farther away spot---let somebody else get that special thrill of looking up his nostrils and counting his pores.

So whereas I love to hear about what happens or doesn't happen at the show and after, I get a little uncomfortable knowing that Clay sees the same few faces at so many, many shows so often RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HIM. Am I jealous?

I'm jealous of the resources these people have that allow them to do what they're doing.

I'm not jealous of exactly how they use the resources. Does that make any sense? I'm not condemning them and I know a lot of people who can't go at all benefit a lot from their consistently good seats and railing 'stand'. That just wouldn't be me.

So jj....don't leave, for God's sake. Just read and nod your head or say pffft! and scroll! Nobody's opinion is ever all alone here or anywhere.

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Well what I normally do when someone asks to have their membership deleted..and yes it has happened a few times (imagine that) is let them know that I see their request and will delete it in a week if they haven't posted. I hope you come back JJ but everyone needs to be open to alternative views. I don't have a problem with anyone having the means to see the show as many times as they please. It's their life and it's their money. And them not going is not going to open the seat up for me cuz my ass still can't go until April. And I'm not saying this cuz I think Toni is a cool customer. Plus I appreciate anyone who can be there with a camera who will then share it with the rest of us. For many, this time around, those stage door shots and photos are a godsend.

Luck and also hard work and and planning and yes money play a large part in getting those front row seats. Once I buy my tickets I'm pretty much done so unless I luck out the first time it ain't happening. Life's a bitch. I wanna be a millionaire and look like Tyra too but that ain't happening either.

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Still feeling under the weather, but quietly reading along and POW.

I guess I am just not very sensitive, it takes more than someone disagreeing with me for people to have me stop hanging out on their doorstep HAH! Can't get rid of me so easliy, just you try it!!!

I found where the flu came from. Someone knew she was at the beginning stages of the flu and stopped off at my house for a few minutes because she didn't want me to think that she would forget about me and seeing the change to the kitchen, so many times before she forgot. Weird. I told her in the future, when she is ill, to please stay home. My goodness, I was never so sick with the flu, ever.

I am not going to quote any of the weird Aiken comments this week because people are so weird. There is this survey over at IDF for best and worst runner up ever. Clay is coming in 3rd for best runner up (not a lot of Clay fans on the genral board, they have their own miniboard with separate registration to reduce trolling) but he is the least of the worst of all runner ups. I find that calming. The winner of the best runner up is Kat with her large IDF fan base in the general threads, yet is close to the worst. The least best and the worst is Justin, at least people are consistant in that.

ETA Front row seats

I believe a lot of people upgrade on the day of the show to those seats. It is worth a swing by the box office for it and pay the upgrade fee.

I got up close twice now thanks to members of this board, and I have one more close seat that I bought off another fan on CV. Look at resale tickets, there have been some great deals for up close seats. I got some close seats from CB, but gave them up to someone else who needed a pair when I needed only one. I have seen a lot of great seats for sale and sold for the matinee on May 3rd on CB. Really, you should look for some tickets there.

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I guess I am just not very sensitive, it takes more than someone disagreeing with me for people to have me stop hanging out on their doorstep HAH! Can't get rid of me so easliy, just you try it!!!

ETA Front row seats

I believe a lot of people upgrade on the day of the show to those seats. It is worth a swing by the box office for it and pay the upgrade fee.

Exactly..it's part of the game and you have to be willing to play it. My one and only front row seats came about just a few days before the show right from ticketmaster. It's a time consuming process. You have to be dilgent. I won't say who but one lucky FCAer lucked out and got front row seats for a show coming up. And I think she thought she'd never have them. She may still be in shock.

Oh and Play, Just try to leave..I'll track you down. Sorry you're still not all the way back health wise. Jamar how you doing..you better?

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