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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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If I had the ability to, I'd be going to as many shows as possible. I honestly DON'T think I'd sit in the front row every time, even if I had the money and connections to do so. Reason? Hmmm....well, for one---and this is just me----I'd begin to feel uncomfortable about being so visible. I think I'd start to feel sorta guilty, too, actually and I hope I'd want to share the wealth with friends if I could. And actually, if I have the luxury to go to multiple shows (and I'm planning on it---Damned if I'm going all the way to NYC and then see just one!), I'd just as soon catch it from different perspectives--different areas of seating, I mean.

Now if I happened upon front row by the grace of the roulette called "Telecharge"? Oh yeah, I'd be there. Thing is---I haven't---gonna be third row when hubby and I go and I doubt I'll be that close again and that's okay. (Unless I just happen, donchaknow, into a better one.)

Stage door? I've never been an autograph person and I've had the chance a couple of times. For this, though? I might have to try for it. But once I have it? I don't need the stage door anymore. And I definitely don't need to be at the railing every time. I'd just as soon get my "Clay Aiken" scrawl and closeup GAH moment and then watch any subsequent mosh pit action from a farther away spot---let somebody else get that special thrill of looking up his nostrils and counting his pores.

So whereas I love to hear about what happens or doesn't happen at the show and after, I get a little uncomfortable knowing that Clay sees the same few faces at so many, many shows so often RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HIM. Am I jealous?

I'm jealous of the resources these people have that allow them to do what they're doing.

I'm not jealous of exactly how they use the resources. Does that make any sense? I'm not condemning them and I know a lot of people who can't go at all benefit a lot from their consistently good seats and railing 'stand'. That just wouldn't be me.

(bolding mine)

I have to say "WORD" to this!

But add also that what Couchie said (not a direct quote) about what many of these same people provide us with is a "godsend"! I am personally grateful for their generosity in sharing so myself and others like me may live vicariously through them.

I'm suprised I still remember my password. hee

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Luck and also hard work and and planning and yes money play a large part in getting those front row seats. Once I buy my tickets I'm pretty much done so unless I luck out the first time it ain't happening. Life's a bitch. I wanna be a millionaire and look like Tyra too but that ain't happening either.

I just had to quote this because it made me laugh. Sooooooo true, couchie. I was talking to my mom about the fandom last night, and I told her about "upgrade fever" and how it's not something I really participate in, because I can't afford to eat tickets. I've lucked out a few times on Ticketmaster or with the OFC presales. I had the most awesome 3rd row centre tickets at Canandaigua last summer just by such luck. I have a pair of row B Spamalot tickets for one of my two dates in March, only because I was quick and grabbed them from Telecharge the first day that we all heard the Spamalot news. I've never had front row tickets, but maybe one day that'll happen, too. I know someone who got a front row ticket for a Spamalot show the other day off of Telecharge, so yeah, it's honestly sometimes just the luck of the draw. Other times, it's connections to the right people, or playing upgrade fever. Which I can't afford. Heh, not that I'm bitter or anything. :P

Stage door? I just want an autograph. If I get one the first night, I may watch from farther back the second night. I don't begrudge people who can do it every night, but yeah, sometimes I wonder if Clay thinks "not her again!" to some of the familiar faces. But at this point, I think he is pretty used to it. They don't call it a FANdom for nothing.

Today I am going laptop window shopping. I will have a bit of birthday money this weekend, so I'm going to see if between that and my remaining few dollars on Visa, I can swing something. I just realized this morning that I lost all my website files and FTP set up to goldarngirl.com, so if I can get that figured back out, we should have some new Canandaigua files up and linked early next week. Classics is superb from that show! There are some really great angles and shots that include the girls & Jesse too, and goldarngirl did a fantastic job of putting it all together. I'll post a link as soon as I can, and we'll get them up to the CV vault as well. Next up.........Kalamazoo CITH!

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As one of those (or close to some of those) being subtly poked at a little for where we sit - and y'all are being nice about it (and yeah, we're aware of the not-so-nice comments, for those we say "feh").

We do nothing even faintly wrong in sitting where we sit. Those who have hung with us know what we do. We take our chances with the rest the ticket buying world, we occasionally eat tickets (generally will give away what we don't sell), we have given permission to our friends to buy for us (networking), share rooms, hunt up bargains whenever possible, are sometimes fucking lucky. Me, I'm selfish. I'm gonna sit where I want. And as far as I can tell, when appropriate, Clay has happily grinned and eyefucked me whenever he notices me. He seems happy with it, so I'm ecstatic. Jerome has yet to tell me or my posse to back the fuck up - so as far I'm concerned, I'm good. Well, as far as I'm concerned I'm just about perfect in every way. I rarely whine (shut up Solo), only bitch on occasion (SHUT UP SCARLETT), am amazingly tolerant of everyone (OK, merrieeee, if your eyes roll any further back in your head, they'll get stuck there, then what are you gonna do? It's not like contacts.), rarely force people to do what I want or how to think (look 00lsee, I was very careful with that verb), and can name many, many Beatles' songs (heh, KF). I'm single, well into middle age, make a decent living, my only child is 21, my mother is 72 and most self-sufficient though I throw a little help her way, and in many ways am not particularly extravagant. I have an entertainment budget. When Clay is doing something, I go see him. When he is not doing something (the "drought" which I admit never particularly bothered me because I had every faith he would eventually pop up), I do crap like Europe and the Caribbean. Clay happened to show up at the right time in my life for this.

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Since we're talking about differing opinions....

...I've always LOVED that damn sweater. I think it looks soft and pettable and soft and snuggy and soft and huggable and soft and....


*pets sweater lovingly and calls it "baby"*

*pets man inside sweater and calls him "MINE!!!!!"*

I'm jealous of the resources these people have that allow them to do what they're doing.

I'm not jealous of exactly how they use the resources. Does that make any sense? I'm not condemning them and I know a lot of people who can't go at all benefit a lot from their consistently good seats and railing 'stand'. That just wouldn't be me.

muski, this makes perfect sense to me.

Off to visit my Mother today......

ETA: screen caps from bigappleforClay's video from last night -- she was also in the front row!



My favorite is this one....





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Hellooo FCA!!!!!!!!! I know that I seldom post here but I do still read here frequently - I always enjoy your intelligent discussions and the gratuitous smut is always a lovely bonus. My online time is often limited these days by work obligations and real life issues. But I fell compelled to comment about the discussion of the last few pages - I hope you won't think I'm intruding.

You may or may not know that I consider toni7babe and Scarlett to be wonderful personal friends of mine. But even though I found some of the comments here to be rather hurtful, I will try and make my point of view general because it concerns a topic that I have felt rather strongly about for some time now. I've posted about it elsewhere. This is it:

I really wish we Clay fans were not so hard on one another. I do. This is a cliché at this point but still worth remembering - we are all different - different ages, different faiths or no faith, different parts of the country, different personal histories, different sensibilities, different income levels, different family obligations, yada yada yada. It's no wonder that we pursue our love of Clay Aiken in such a wide variety of ways. I guess I just wish we didn’t feel the need to criticize those who behave differently than we personally would. It almost seems to me like the "right" way to behave has increasingly narrowed and has been more and more a topic on the message boards.

Just recently I have seen fans criticized for squealing too loudly at the stage door or squealing the wrong thing, for sitting too often in seat A101, for talking to other people in NYC or in Spamalot who might have info about Clay, for taking pictures at the stage door at the wrong time, for attending too many shows, for sitting up close too often. And what really troubles me about this is that often scurrilous motives are ascribed to these fans by people who do not know them and, in fact, have no idea what their motives may be.

There are also the "instructions" (not here) for what constitutes proper fan behavior at Spamalot - you can clap but not too loudly except in certain places, your clapping must be equally distributed, you can't yell "yeh!" or maybe you can if done discreetly, you can only do standing ovations here but not here… You get my drift. It almost seems to me as though being a Clay fan has become a business with the usual Standard Operating Procedure and work plans, etc.

You know what? There is no "right" way for every Clay fan to behave. There's a right way for me - what I feel personally comfortable with but that doesn't make it right for everyone else. I'm not talking about truly abhorrent behavior - see "Fake Clay" - that's a whole nother thing. I guess I just wish we'd cut each other a break, particularly when other fans' behavior has absolutely no direct impact on us. It also might not hurt to remember that we are talking about other people here - just average every day folks who happen to love Clay. Imagine how they might feel.

I sincerely hope this post doesn't come across as me doing exactly what I have said I find troubling - i.e. me criticizing other fans. That is not my intent. I am hardly "Miss Pure as the Driven Snow" - I have been guilty of this myself. I'm just trying to say how I feel about this now and how it makes me feel now. I recognize that others will see it differently.

And just in case this has bored you silly, I'll add some redeeming Clay Content - my current favorite picture:


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Good Morning Everyone,

I have loved the green sweater since the first time I saw Clay wearing it at the Border's Book signing in Chicago and I love it even more on him now; it goes so good with his blond hair!

78 Days until The Closing Night in Spamalot!

80-87 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Hee, I hatessssssss that fugly sweater. But I love the man wearing it. :)

You know what? There is no "right" way for every Clay fan to behave. There's a right way for me - what I feel personally comfortable with but that doesn't make it right for everyone else. I'm not talking about truly abhorrent behavior - see "Fake Clay" - that's a whole nother thing. I guess I just wish we'd cut each other a break, particularly when other fans' behavior has absolutely no direct impact on us. It also might not hurt to remember that we are talking about other people here - just average every day folks who happen to love Clay. Imagine how they might feel.

Nice post. Thanks for sharing your perspective. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly!

Yes, she certainly was. I saw her up close that night and she was totally adorable.

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Fans getting to see Clay more than others is nothing that concerns me (as in it is none of my business). I think it is wonderful if people have that opportunity. The recaps by almost everyone are so much fun to read. For those few who always seem to have a snide comment, I now skip their posts so as to not aggravate myself. If someone who is normally fangirly has a negative comment about an event, I read it and think that is too bad they had that experience, feel sympathy for them, but move on. As to the front seats, more power to whoever gets them. It isn't a lottery or a take turns event.

I do have to comment on the recent controversy about the yelling at the SD. Surprise. I have an opinion. My impression is that it wasn't so much the shouting as the length of time it went on, several minutes before Clay came out the door and while he was signing things, and a little about what was said. For a couple of other fans waiting there, getting the full experience of it all appeared to be a WTF/STHU moment. Fans shouting out in excitement even during a concert can really add to the excitement. I love it as long as the person isn't next to me yelling the entire concert. In that case, my poor ears especially if I forgot my ear plugs.

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from leroy1704 at the CH:

Spam report posted by xxx4clay at CV:

After the show report from toni7babe and Scarlett -

Clay was wearing the green sweater from the Chicago book signing ....

He wore that green sweater. *g

I don't believe the man ever throws anything out, although, I'd just as soon he sent this to the Salvation Army. I can just hear some poor homeless man saying, "Don't you have anything spiffier?"

HaHa! I don't believe he does...and when packing for NYC, I can just hear him saying..."hey, I haven't worn this for a while!"....just like we all do! And then, having worn it, remembering WHY you haven't worn it for a while~cause it's scratchy (heh) or makes you look fat :lol: or whatevah. It may yet hit the SallyAnn; although, in preference, I hope it hits ClothesoffOurBack.org so that I can bid on it!

Life's a bitch. I wanna be a millionaire and look like Tyra too but that ain't happening either.

:cryingwlaughter: CMSU and I so agree!

I'm single, well into middle age, make a decent living <snip> Clay happened to show up at the right time in my life for this.

Me too, if people these days are living to 130! :lol: I've had people say they are jealous of me too; I say "Huh?" I raised three kids on my own and damn near starved to death doing it. I had to tell 2/3 of them that money for university was out of the question, and watch them perform their own struggle for a few years (they all now make mega-bucks, much more than Mom). I had to give up TV, movies, parties, music and everything else for 20 years. I worked 100 hrs a week plus at some points.

Now, with the kids self-sufficient and me on my own, I kind of feel like I've earned the right to spend every cent I have, if I want to (which I don't) on what makes me happy.

And I'm only going to NYC once (although we will be seeing him 5 times that weekend) EeeeeeeeeHHHH!!!!

(waves....) Hi xxx...didn't see you there....

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I am hardly "Miss Pure as the Driven Snow" -

Whaaaaaat!?!?!?!? *sigh* another one bites the dust.



jj I hate that you feel that way about being here. I will miss you if you decide to not hang around anymore. We've been board buddies (& sometime tag team partners *g*) which is why I wanted to share my experience here at FCA with you. I hope you reconsider. {{{jumpingjacks}}}


But yeah. We are all at different points in our lives. I'm a single women and really have no day to day obligations other than my poochies. I am fortunate to have a decent job with good benefits. I'm healthy. My kids are all on their own and I have no grandchildren. I'm at a great point in my life to do what I want. But I spent my 20's knee deep in babies and toddlers and rarely had two pennies to rub together. I spent my 30's working to feed my kids because their father had developed an allergic reaction to it. For years I worked two jobs, shuffled everyone around in one old used van and felt blessed if we could keep the electricity on. When my kids were teenagers I became a single parent...officially anyway. Somehow, by hook or by crook, with smoke and mirrors and some twine and fish glue I managed to get them all through college and keep the house standing. We all worked our hineys off and drove old cars and just plain sacrificed. But as the years have fallen away ... my financial obligations have decreased. I could go to movies every week and eat out and get new carpeting and remodel my kitchen. But I choose instead to save my money so I can do Clay things with my Clay friends or go to sporting events I want to see, or help my kids out when they need it. I never would have been able to travel and see Clay 23 times in 4.3 years or plan a trip to NY with my daughter to see a Broadway show 7 years ago.

In short...for me, and I suspect many others, it's just a matter of timing and desire to do so.

eta...see Kandre and FromCalgary above me...*g*

I guess I can only relate it to my sports fan experiences. On my baseball board it's usually the same fans that do Spring Training every year They all know each other and pool resources and travel and stay together in Fort Meyers. They plan out of town trips to take in the same series or set of series each year, they get season tickets together. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't find it all that unusual for a fandom. Personally I don't know if I would ever do any of those things, even if I had the means or the time. It's just not me. Just like I probably wouldn't see Clay every weekend even if I could but I'd hate not to be able to see at least one live concert from each tour. That's just where MY balance is.

TMI probably but I'm done now. *g*


Thanks for asking couchie. I'm still in the good days/bad days funk. Everytime I think I might be over the hump ... it gives me a little kick in the butt again. Just in case I forget.


...I've always LOVED that damn sweater. I think it looks soft and pettable and soft and snuggy and soft and huggable and soft and....

Yep. :wub:


Three day weekend! :yess:

--let the editing begin--hee....

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Nice recap from emerson032 at the CB, via CV:

luckiest1 and others, note the bolding....DANG! Why couldn't I be in high school!!

random observations

I haven't slept yet....so I am trying to remember things: Clay, and the entire cast, were amazing last night (as usual). Actually, they were better than two weeks ago, if that is possible. Clay is spot on in every scene and his dancing seems to improved evem more!!!! He never ceases to amaze me. Observations from before, during and after the show: (most good/some good about Clay, but....) At Juniors, before the show, I was in the rest room. Some people who were going to a different show asked what show I was going to. I said Spamalot. ONe person said,. I just saw that a week ago and Clay Aiken is great in it. I said "Are you a Claymate?". "No, she said, but if you want to see the Claymates, go to the ladies room at intermission". Some of them are a bit over the top"....but, Clay Aiken was REALLY good. As I showed my ticket to the guy at the entrance, I said, "Will the show be starting at exactly at 8pm (as that was 5 minutes away). "NO", he said. "When will it be starting?", I said. "Whenever they decide to start it". He was a fairly old guy and seemed annoyed by my question. The play didn't start until a tiny bit after 8...but, he just made me laugh (not a pleasant guy). The theater seemed really full....a fair number of Clay fans...but, many seemed to be there just to see Spamalot. The person called up was from D101...and he was a sweet guy. He seemed genuinely surprised, as did his adorable girlfriend. She was laughing hysterically, almost to the point of tears, throughout. It made me smile and I was glad a guy went up. There was a very young boy in the first row center...maybe about 8-10? He was laughing hysterically....actually falling over laughing. It was so cute. Lots more teenage guys than I imagined and they seemed to be enjoying it, too. In the playbill signing line, there were some fans seeing it for the first time from Montclair College. Also, there was an entire high school class (both guys and girls) from Ontario on a field trip. I asked the guys if they liked Spamalot and they said they loved it. I asked if they liked Clay Aiken in it and they thought he was great. They knew he could sing, but, didn't know he could do all the other stuff. They guys were taking tons of pics of him and shouting out his name. When trying to get a cab, I was with four late teen, early 20 somethings from Liverpool. I asked them if they saw a show and they said no. They were going to Little Mermaid the next night. What did I see, they asked? Spamalot! "That's the one with Clay Aiken?". Yes, I said. You know about Clay Aiken over in Liverpool, England? Of course, they said. I love hearing things like this. In fact several other people I talked to said similiar things. Everytime I mentioned that I was going to Spamalot, the first words out of their mouth (if they didn't say how funny it was) were "Clay Aiken is in that"!!!! I sure loved hearing such great name recognition for Clay....even from a few places in different countries. I haven't slept....so excuse any grammatical errors and I hope this makes sense. p.s. Jerome was in the best mood I have seen him in. He is a cutie-pie.

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My thoughts on fans and the ups and downs of this fandom... scroll at will... LOL

When someone posts a critical post... do they do it all the time? Then scroll and roll your eyes!

However, if they are not negative nellies, we never know what really prompted that post. They may be in pain, physical or emotional. They may simply be jealous/envious. Their car may need work that they can't afford. Who knows.

The posts in response to the critical post, at least here, are often very well written and interesting to read. We have some very wise people around here who can express that wisdom well and, in KAndre's case, very funnily.

So, while I agree with xxx that we need to cut each other some slack, I also enjoy reading other's point of view. Broadens my horizons (and my butt, too, since I spend too much time sitting in a chair reading said points of view). :cryingwlaughter:

ETA... I am THRILLED that toni and Scarlett got to the rail. They are so generous in sharing their beautiful work, not to even mention the time and money it takes for them to do it!!! Thanks to the both of them and to all the Clack Gatherers, etc that make the fact that I am not going in person to be tolerable. Recaps are devoured with gratefullness, too! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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But yeah. We are all at different points in our lives. I'm a single women and really have no day to day obligations other than my poochies. I am fortunate to have a decent job with good benefits. I'm healthy. My kids are all on their own and I have no grandchildren. I'm at a great point in my life to do what I want. But I spent my 20's knee deep in babies and toddlers and rarely had two pennies to rub together. I spent my 30's working to feed my kids because their father had developed an allergic reaction to it. For years I worked two jobs, shuffled everyone around in one old used van and felt blessed if we could keep the electricity on. When my kids were teenagers I became a single parent...officially anyway. Somehow, by hook or by crook, with smoke and mirrors and some twine and fish glue I managed to get them all through college and keep the house standing. We all worked our hineys off and drove old cars and just plain sacrificed. But as the years have fallen away ... my financial obligations have decreased. I could go to movies every week and eat out and get new carpeting and remodel my kitchen. But I choose instead to save my money so I can do Clay things with my Clay friends or go to sporting events I want to see, or help my kids out when they need it. I never would have been able to travel and see Clay 23 times in 4.3 years or plan a trip to NY with my daughter to see a Broadway show 7 years ago.

In short...for me, and I suspect many others, it's just a matter of timing and desire to do so.

This is a really good point. I'm not quite at the point in my life that you are, but I am single, employed and raising 3 teenagers/adults who all still depend on me for quite a bit (hee, some more than others). So I don't have money to spare, but I'm also to the point in my life where I realize that yes, I do deserve some time off, and some fun.....in fact, I've realized that I need it for my own mental health. So I occasionally splurge and do more Clay things than I can afford. I have to pick and choose. I went overboard last summer, so I've had to scale it back in recent months. Hence only one, quick Spamalot trip (and why I am not currently on the train to NYC with a good friend of mine). But I'm hoping to be in a better place for the next tour. *fingers crossed*

FromClaygary, that's so cool about the Ontario high school class! I love that people who might not have been particularly receptive to Clay under other circumstances are realizing his talent. :clap:

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Heee KAndre.

xxx I loved your post. Nothing wrong with it at all. In fact I agree with you on most of it. Now last night I could have halted the conversation because I know this subject affects not only the Toni who I know and like a lot, Scarlett, who I love a lot, KAndre, who I love and who makes me laugh every time she posts, and you know what even myself who benefits greately from having friends who know people -- I had all 5 row and above on my last trip thanks funny special women who don't pay for broker seats, just have a really marvelous system (and LOL one of those times I was pulled from the very last row of the theater) - but we've always allowed folks to have their say. And this whole ticket issue is a larger issue and always bubbling under the surface of this fandom. Have you felt that KAndre? Although I often do some "oh shits" on this board, I've often discovered that the conversation out of it is pretty darn good. I love the posts I woke up to from K, From Claygary, Jamar, xxx and others.

As for stage door screamers, did no one just tell them to shut the fuck up? I think the larger issue there is that JNU had their sensibilities attacked as though these people would pin their actions on Clay. I don't get embarrased by other Clay fans. Personal responsibility is what I believe in.

So yeah being single allowed me to lose my mind in 2003 through 2005 when I drowned in Clay conerts. If I had a family, the time alone away from them would have made this totally impossible. For those that have raised their families and now have the freedom to do this? More power to you.

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The posts in response to the critical post, at least here, are often very well written and interesting to read. We have some very wise people around here who can express that wisdom well and, in KAndre's case, very funnily.

So, while I agree with xxx that we need to cut each other some slack, I also enjoy reading other's point of view. Broadens my horizons (and my butt, too, since I spend too much time sitting in a chair reading said points of view). :cryingwlaughter:

Liney I should have just waited for you. I always focus on the whole of a conversation and to me it's better than people holding what they feel in. How can understanding be reached or other perspectives heard if you just have to shut up. Like I said, while I've only had one front row seat, I've actually been very fortunate over the years and feel like one of those who have often hit the lottery when it comes to going to Clay concerts and probably fit more into the category of why the hell is she always in the front than not.

Going to get my car fixed. No admins around... Mods are in charge. KAndre, don't redecorate with bling ok

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Honestly? There are times when I get so jealous of the people that get to go multiple shows; always sit in the front row and get numerous "up close and personals" with Clay that I have to walk away from the boards because I can't stand reading their fangirly posts about their experiences. Sometimes. it is hard to put it in perspective and feel happy for them when you want so bad for it to be you just once.

My kids are grown and we are financially better off than we have been in years, but still, a big splurge for me is going to two concerts in one year; provided they are in driving distance. My hubby doesn't mind me going and is pretty good about the whole Clay thing and I know how lucky I am in that regard.

I truly don't begrudge the people who can afford to travel, etc.; but I think it is human nature to be jealous at times.


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Going to get my car fixed. No admins around... Mods are in charge. KAndre, don't redecorate with bling ok

but, but, but... I want KAndre to redecorate in Bling! That sounds totally awesome! Bring it, girlfriend! :cryingwlaughter:

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OK, I'll weigh in on this topic.

I am thrilled that there are people with the ambition, skills, means, and energy to get the great seats it takes to gather premium Clack, even if right now that only means pics at the stage door. They are so generous, not only with those goodies, but with telephone reports, re-caps, and posting things as quickly as possible. What they offer helps so many fans who can't go to NY to have a vicarious experience. I see a true generosity of spirit, a sincere enthusiasm that is infectious, and a positive benefit all around. BUT..... I also feel badly for those people 5 back at the stage door rail who have never seen Clay up close or had anything signed, and think it might be nice to make room for them. Can I give up those wonderful pictures for the benefit of a stranger's opportunity to get close to Clay? It would be hard, for sure, but I think so.

{{{jumping jacks}}}

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