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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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OK. I am really upset. I feel like my post referring to toni7babe and Scarlett started all this.

First and most importantly - it was NOT meant as a criticism of either of them. I only met toni once and she seemed nice enough and you can definitely put me in the camp of loving Scarlett to death! I was trying to be snarky in my jealousy. It was meant more to be laughed at, not as criticism. And I am jealous. I hate that I have to work, can't take a day off, don't make enough money to go whenever I want. But I do not begrudge others who have more means than I do. If I had to guess I would guess they have worked hard in their lives to be able to do what they're doing. Or maybe they won the lottery. I don't know. None of my business. I am just jealous. I have green eyes, y'all!

I have also witnessed the ticket upgrading frenzy in action. I will never forget Scarlett in the bathtub shouting out ticket numbers in California! It is a science and demands a lot of work - and money - and luck. And I have also been the recipient of an unused ticket that bettered my view in LA significantly. I neither have the time, energy, resources or skill or luck to do that consistently. I have done it once or twice - the second AC JBT show and the Tampa show this year because I was depressed and needed to do it. I do not begrudge others who have mastered this.

I just get jealous sometimes when I read about because I want it to be meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I am sorry if my little snarky, jealous post made anyone think I was saying nasty things about either toni7babe or Scarlett. That was not my intent and I hope neither of them read it that way. As I said, I don't really know toni but I adore Scarlett and wouldn't want her mad at me (not to mention I would be very, very scared of the wrath of the rest of the eHP!)!

I know I am luckier than some. I don't live that far and I will be able to see Spamalot several times. I lucked out with getting good seats for the 3 shows I have tickets for. I know some won't even get to see it. I know some will see it many, many more times than I will.

And I am jealous of those who do. So sue me! Doesn't mean I don't love those people. Just that I am jealous.

As to the stage door... I couldn't even dream of getting close opening night. When I went to the matinee last weekend I suppose I could have pushed my way to the front, but I could see and hear where I was and that was fine with me. I don't feel the need to get his autograph. I rather enjoy observing from afar (but not too far, mind you...). If I happen to get in the first row, I guess I will have to find something for him to sign. But then I take whatever he signed and put it in a box, so why bother? But that is just me. I do wish that sometimes those who have been up close and personal many times would step back and let some who have never been that close get their chance. But I also know what it is like to feel the pull of the Aiken. It is a very, very powerful force that takes total control over your mind and body!

Anyway, I just don't want anyone to think I was dissing toni7babe or Scarlett in any way - most of all I don't want them to think that. I wasn't. If I had been awake when all the commenting down the line was going on, I would have said so earlier. But you know what they say - better late than never!

But I am still jealous.......

Still feeling under the weather, but quietly reading along and POW.

I guess I am just not very sensitive, it takes more than someone disagreeing with me for people to have me stop hanging out on their doorstep HAH! Can't get rid of me so easliy, just you try it!!!

And we are better for it! This is me too! Heaven knows I have been disagreed with A LOT here and on other boards. I only leave boards when I am not having fun anymore. So if you want to get rid of me, you all will just have to stop being so much fun!

I got up close twice now thanks to members of this board, and I have one more close seat that I bought off another fan on CV. Look at resale tickets, there have been some great deals for up close seats. I got some close seats from CB, but gave them up to someone else who needed a pair when I needed only one. I have seen a lot of great seats for sale and sold for the matinee on May 3rd on CB. Really, you should look for some tickets there.

Hey play - where are these threads? I have looked but I cannot find them. Links? Please?

Feb 28th

Damn that for being a week day and me having to work......

Okay, Jerome is CUTE, Clay is V.V. CUTE, but that sweater is still fugly.

Still => :DoClay:


The boy certainly does love hanging onto his clothes!! I never hated the sweater (I actually have one that is similar - and I had it before Clay!), but I did hate how he looked at the Chicago book signing!

Last week at this time I was arriving in NY. **sigh** I wish I were there again.....

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While it really makes no difference now, I do want to apologize for removing my post last night, as soon as I hit reply, I went back and deleted, thinking no one had seen it. This morning when I got up and saw JJ's various responses, I felt bad, that she may have taken what I said as a slam at her and that I hadn't left it so everyone else could know what my response had been.

Soooooo, for what it is worth, I have reposted the basics of what I said, as well as I can remember.

Again, I am sorry that I added to the confusion.


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OMG that was easy..$50... I already bought the parts and the mechanic is only charging me $50 to repair. Wonder if that's because my brother in law was with me. The mechanic I called and talked to was going to charge me $180 despite me having the parts. Have I told ya'll how I hate mechanics..with all. due apologies to any mechancs, mothers of mechanics, wives of mechanics here. :cryingwlaughter: Brother in laws are good though. As I was telling folks in teh diet and exercise thread, I dropped my cell phone in a cup of lemonade this week and went kaput. But he dried out my chip and gave me one of his spares laying around. Hell between these two things I think I can buy another ticket to spamalot!!

Rhody thanks for putting back your post. Ahem hee I've done the personal upgrade on occassion. I'm always scared to do it cuz I have a fear of being publicly embarrased LOL.

ETA: The little green eyed monster. I think I get a twinge every now and then, not for front row seats and definitely not multiple shows as I've seen Clay in concert over 30 times but I always have to wait and plan and stretch the dollars. I can't just jump on things (because I refuse to use credit cards for the most part - I try to pay as I go - so I use my debit card for everything or I'll get myself into further trouble) But it's just a twinge. And I really have no complaints cuz things always seem to work out. Sometimes the best tickets are available later, or from people upgrading, or from the last minute releases (down Muski LOL).

Green sweater is flugy in a cute kind of way. LOL

ETA to fix spelling error: What in the hell is lemonate. I posted the same thing in the other thread. Sounds like some sort of chemical. Which reminds me that thanks to whoever posted that list of alternate meanings to words the other day. It cracked me the hell up.

Jazzgirl -- yep.. I watch my mom have 2 bad days and 4 good days and then 3 bad days and then 2 good days with no rhyme or reason and I just want to enjoy the things that I enjoy...my family and Clay. Trip to NYC and a trip to Hawaii with the family are on the agenda this year and lord help me if Clay tours heee but I'll be there too on the weekend or whever I can squeeze it in. Life is too short. I've only seen glimpses of the news but why do miserable people want to take out so many innocent people with them? This world is just nuts.

ETA..hee for the third time.. to say hey to treenuts.

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You know, you can't take it with you. My philosophy is to make every effort to enjoy every second of life. I think the recent events of the shootings at Northern Illinois University bring this subject home. If someone has the means to do what they do, has the health, and derives pleasure from it, they might as well do it while they are able. And many of these blessed people share their good fortune through reports and clack! As was once said, life is a banquet and so many people are not taking part.

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I guess I, personally, have a hard time with the concept of jealousy although I understand wishing I could have what others have, but their bank accounts, front row tickets, free time, ambition, whatever, don't in any way impact mine. People are at different places in their lives. I distinctly remember a time when I was so broke I ate crackers for week. Now, I'm retired, my daughter's grown, and I have more disposable income (I just love that term!) I try for good tickets, and I bought tickets early for Spamalot, so I GOT good tickets. I'm thrilled, but I'm also thrilled for everyone else who did and thrilled for the people who can go 20 times. I just wish I could!

As for doing things over and over--that's individual. I had one M&G and I don't intend to sign up for another one (well, maybe in 10 years), but I know people who bid on M&Gs and have gone to meet Clay over and over. I couldn't care less. It makes them happy, and they must have a need for this that I don't have, but this doesn't mean there's something wrong with either of us. We're just different. I wish we could all just accept that because I think some of the finger-pointing and tsk-tsk-tsk-ing over what people have or are doing is very hurtful--not only to the individuals but to the fandom.

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Well, I am not trying to "take it with me" but to allocate the fun for more than one thing - like the beach house (heh, that is kind of a misnomer since the trailer would fit in my master bedroom with room to spare. Every summer I do lose weight trying to to fit in there.

I understand jealousy because of location, not because of anything I have actively done. There are just more opportunities to see Clay here and have alwasy been more opportunities, there are also more opportumities to get hit by other cars (car insurance highest in country), the ability to be exposed to many diseases (health insurance highest in country), many opportunities to contribute to paying off the national debt (the government puts back less per dollar paid in taxes). We all make choices and my choice is to live here and waste my money this way. My property has just been re-evaluated for tax purposed at 1/2 a million dollars. So if you come and visit here, you will find this a wonderful opportunity to lose weight by laughing your ass off while looking around. If I sell off my house...... I could afford to see Clay a lot, but would have no place to go home.

I know people who sit close work hard to do and plan a lot to be able to do that or it could be like the person who told me the best way to sit close is to establish a personal relationship with a broker (not likely!). The last reminds me of my sister-in-law that told me I should have a personal relationship with a jeweler to pick out the correct pieces for my "collection". Priorities differ.

The one thing I find amazing though - I remember seeing Toni behind me as I was leaving the theater, I kept looking and she was always behind me, until I turned a corner and wallah! She was in front of me! It was like magic!! But I really think it was hustle, she is a good hustler! I mean that in the nicest way.

I need to stop having coughing fits so I can go back to the show, I need one more autograph, this one for me. I have faith, I can get it. Still need to get the pins to Clay, as well. I am still ticket shopping, but may wait until the day of the show to get it for one. So far only premium tickets are showing good seats for that day.

Oh, I was reading a McVargus girl post the other day (she found a place where people encourage her, there is a place for everyone) and she was explaining that Clay named them, they were just cheering and yelling until he named them one day. She/they don't go every weekend, they don't have that kind of money, but they try and go when they can. She said that Tom stops to talk to them a few times now claiming he wants yelling fans, too. When judging people, you just never know because no two people see the same thing the same way.

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Posthoing before I go to work:

I agree Play - there is a place for everyone. One of the good things about the fandom.

For me the key is how is my enjoyment affected by what others do. That's why I'm more concerned with the chattering at concerts than anything else. It's rampant. And I do think that is symptamatic of seeing the same show over and over. I mean if you're only at one concert and that's all you're going to see would you really sit there and have a conversation about the boards while clay is singing?

The only time I really seethed about tickets is when I felt people were trying to influence management at a casino to offer up the expensive packages with the good seats. The weren't offering them and weren't going to offer them but they kept being pestered about it, letting them know how much money there was to be made off Clay fans. I thought that sucked and said so at the time. Even the screaming doesn't bother me. Hell most of the time it's involuntary. Clay does that to people. I don't care if the clack is ruined because the show is for the people in the audience first and foremost. Of course there are always obnoxious people so exceptions can be made here.

wandacleo I felt the same way about meet and greets before the new format. I would love to participate in the new format one of these days.

HELP I can't stop editing to add... BUT I just love the way Jerome looks at Clay in that picture... if he's even looking at him LOL. Anyway I had to right click and save that one..it's just adorable.

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Oooh! I love this discussion.

I've had to answer to many people this past year how I could get to go to so many concerts. I save save save like everyone but also, I'm single. I do take care of my Grandma, but thankfully my parents live next door and are here to step in when I want to get away for a Clay concert.

I would love to get good seats more often. I've been kind of lucky this year for where I have been able to sit but it's really just luck of the draw for me. I can't go to every concert and definitely not all of them that I'd like to (I'd love to meet everyone I get to talk to on the boards in person) but I go when I can afford it. It makes for such great memories. Last year had some pretty crazy ones.

Living in the midwest doesn't always make for many opportunities for Clay road trips but I take what I can get and fly where I can afford to.

And finally I get to sit in the front row with PuddinsJoy and Marilyn at Spamalot next month! First time ever being that close for a concert.

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wandacleo I felt the same way about meet and greets before the new format. I would love to participate in the new format one of these days.

Oh, absolutely, if my M&G had been in a line passing by a table, I would have signed up again in a heartbeat, but I was lucky and got to chat! I hope everyone gets this opportunity at some point.

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I feel personally very close to the discussion from last night/this morning. Although I'm not a very well known or visible member of the fandom, I have been blessed to have had front row tickets and to have met Clay more than once- and I plan to continue to do that as often as I am able.

My travel partner is my cousin- she is several years younger than me and unmarried. I am married with a son who will be 15 this summer. We both work full time. We started our yearly travels back in 1992, before I even had my son. My husband likes to go on gambling, camping and fishing trips- me...... not so much! So we made the deal long ago that he would be able to do what he liked on vacation, and so would I. We (cousin and I), were big fans of tennis player Andre Agassi, and started travelling around to see him. My husband went with us the first time, then bowed out. We started out going to see him play, then when he started holding a charity gala for his foundation every year in Las Vegas, we went to that. We planned for it and looked forward to it every year.

We had plans to go to the gala in 2001 as usual, but then 9/11 happened. Our trip was planned for the end of Sept, and we were nervous about taking a plane from NY to LV. We didn't go, and haven't been back on a plane since.

We started looking for somewhere else to go for our yearly vacations, and since we're both huge Yankees fans, for the next two years, we both drove to Tampa, Fla for Spring Training, and took a train to NY to see the games. Then, in 2003, when we discovered Clay, HE became our favorite "vacation destination!" :hubbahubba:

We've seen him 40 times- and we always drive to see him. We're thankful that we live in a part of the country that he tours in extensively- although we did drive as far as Kansas City and St Paul during the IT. We've also driven as far south as Raleigh/Charlotte several times. Luckily- we love to "road trip', and my cousin has "map quest for a brain", as Clay told her at one of our M&G's. I don't think any other fans would begrudge us any of the above, but.........here's where the bad feelings come in.........

I am fortunate to have a decent amount of money to spend on Clay every year- and I take advantage of all of the opportunities I can get. This also means sending money for the BAF, as well as Unicef. I started with the first BAF auction of some of Clay's jersey's that he wore during the AI tour- and I won one- (I think it was the cheapest one :cryingwlaughter: - the Indiana Pacers basketball jersey)! Then, my cousin and I went in together and won the "Cat in the Hat" package that was offered at the first BAF gala in Kansas City. ( I have some odd stories that go along with that win, as well as some others from the AI tour, but those can be saved for another day- maybe.) :cry4:

When they started offering the stub-hub/ticketmaster auctions, we started going for those as well. I won for the M&G at the first concert of the JBT- Tom's River- and it was short and sweet- and INCREDIBLE!!! We wanted to do it again, and share the experience with some friends, so my cousin and I BOTH tried for the M&G at that year's JNT concert in Albany- and won both pairs of tickets! We took the first friends we ever made on the Clay board's- a husband and wife that we had gotten together with at several other concerts- and again, it was wonderful! So, since we have the means to keep doing so, we decided to keep trying for M&G's and to bring people along who haven't had the chance to meet him yet. Last year, we both won again for the Canandaigua concert, and brought a friend from our days on one of our earliest boards, and someone we had met in the lobby of the Red Bank JNT 06 concert and had struck up a friendship with.

I hesitate to put all of this information out there, because there are those who will, of course, be upset that we have been so fortunate so many times, and feel like we should give others a chance. But, the way we look at it, we are not taking away from anyone else. We don't sign up for any of the OFC M&G's because for those, we feel like we WOULD be taking the opportunity away from someone who would otherwise not get the chance. But for the auction M&G's, we are not guaranteed anything- we have a chance to win, and obviously it has worked out for us so far. Do we NEED to see Clay again and again- well, maybe not, but we sure WANT to- it is something wonderful to look forward to, and we have never regretted it for any reason. There have always been comments from those who are jealous that they haven't had the opportunity to meet Clay, and while I do feel for them- because for a while, we WERE them- we're not going to stop doing what we do.

Well, I'm finally getting this ready to send after having a 2+ hour fight with my son. If anyone knows what oppositional defiant disorder is- that is what I deal with on a daily basis with my son. It is difficult- and stressful, and I end up crying pretty much every day. Maybe that's why I view so much of what is going on within the fandom with a roll of the eyes sometimes..... because it's hard for me to get worked up over whether Clay's hair is the right cut, or color, or style, or whether he is wearing the correct clothes and looks like GQ every time he steps foot out the door, or whether the songs on his new CD will all be ballads, or covers, or up-tempo, yada, yada, yada. Clay makes me happy. I will go to see him every chance I get, and I will go to M&G's every chance I get. I know I said up there somewhere earlier that I don't NEED to see Clay........ but maybe I do!

Sorry for the novella.

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KAndre, I was sorta surprised when you posted 'coss I hadn't even been thinking of the eHP when I wrote my stuff! I've been on the receiving end of the generosity and thoughtfulness of more than one member of that troop---whether it be a shared hotel room or a ticket that fell victim to a lucky upgrade for you!. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Anyhoo...I definitely agree about each of us being at different places in her own life and having different circumstances that make multiples and 'good seats' easy/possible/hard/impossible. Walk a mile in my shoes, donchaknow? :imgtongue: And I'll also say that for the most part, I'm irresponsible when it comes to financing my Clay life. I'm NOT in a place now where logically I should be able to go to any as many Clay events as I do and I admire those of you who have 'entertainment budgets' or budgets of any kind, actually! :cryingwlaughter: I sorta live life the way I write stories---without an outline or sense of what's coming next.

I love CLACK. And I am so very grateful for those who are the gatherers of it. I've had a first row seat ---pure luck, day of the Anaheim IT from a last minute call to ticketmaster----, a second row seat---my one splurge when I bought it from someone who had bought it from a broker ($200)--back at the Sacto IT. I had third row with CG at the Orlando DCAT and I got a third row for my March Spamalot just 'coss I went to telecharge early. And my very first Clay LIVE! experience was when a friend sold me a fifth row ticket to the Winston Salem IT! Grindage side, baybee! :hubbahubba:

So I've had some good seats. I'm nobody anyone needs to take pity on. I'm a lucky beyotch---got a wonderful family and a roof over my head (although only a concrete floor since we haven't replaced the ruined flooring from our hot water heater blowout! :cryingwlaughter: ), etc. I ain't bitchin' about poor me.

I'm saying that it makes ME uncomfortable to think about the same faces in the front row in the theater and at the stage door railing. That's MY issue. I know that it's not something I would do (especially the stage door thing)---again, that's MY issue. I can no better tell somebody else NOT to do that than I can tell Clay to slip me his hotel room key.


So if anybody wants to give me a front row ticket, please....don't hesitate. I'll take it/buy it from you with no hard feelings at all. :whistling-1: If I've already gotten my stage door autograph from the railing, though, I'll pass on trying to be up front again...thanks anyway.

Now...onward ever, backward never! (My high school graduating class motto. :rolleyes: ) I can actually breathe for quite a few minutes without coughing today! :clap::lilredani:

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I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly! There is photographic evidence of that. But I hadn't heard Tyra was there? Was she? And if she was, was there a cat fight backstage?

I want to have the means to be toni7babe and the lovely Scarlett. Seems almost every weekend they are in NY (at least toni7babe is). Where do they - and the other stalkers fans who are there from out of town A LOT get the money to fly there, buy up to 5 tickets a piece - usually in the first few rows - stay in a hotel, eat, drink and be merry????? And why can't I get in on that sweet deal????

Jealous? Moi?? You bet!!

I'd like to know how toni always ends up in the front row of the stage door, too....it's amazing.

I am only a short $19 train ride (round trip) away- the only cost would be my ticket and food is negligible- and I cant afford it either. Add to that fact that I HAVE been checking even WEEK days, and I dont pull up anything but way back center or front row way to the side.

HOWEVER- I love Toni and Scarlett and I LOVE the clack they bring. If I was able to, I would go to more shows and enjoy Clay (WHEW) and I say MORE power to them if they are able to do this.

I wonder if they will share the secret of obtaining good seats

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I have to agree with whoever said it has to do with where we are in our lives. I'm lucky that Clay came along at a time in my life when my nursing career was finished. ( retired after 30 yrs) & our children were grown & gone. Hubby & I worked hard & saved liked our lives depended on it to hopefully have a comfortable retirement. When he died in 06 it was really a wake-up call for me & how I wanted to live my life. I still work hard, long hours running his business. But I MAKE the time now for what is important. My family always comes first. I love spending time with my grandchildren- they have been such a blessing. They are fun & help me stay REAL belive me!! I find time for my FRIENDS & my volunteer work. And then there is Clay. He is my hobby. I've never really had hobbies. Didn't have time for them. But my computer time on the boards, & traveling to see him when I can brings me so much joy! After losing darling hubby it brought home to me just how fragile life is. I'm not putting off til later what I can do now. I'm blessed to be financially secure. I travel with my bestest Clay buddy & we share expenses. My children support my Clay hobby , even encourage it, & sometimes participate. I took them with me to Spamalot for opening night & they loved it. I sincerely wish everyone had the time ,resources, etc to enjoy Clay like they want to. But if there's one thing I've learned it's that we don't always get what we want when we want it but it's how we make the best of what we do have. So while I'm able I'm going to enjoy the hell out of my Clay time & hopefully there will be lots more of it in the future!!

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Now that I'm on the ticket hunt, can someone please post again the best places to sit. I know there was a post about it but can't find it. I'm trying to figure out if right or left orchestra is better. If I sit in the mezzanine or balcony which are the better sections to sit. Thanks. Some good seats are still coming up on telecharge but would love a little advice.

and can people recommend other shows ot see while in town

ETA: Loving all the posts. LAJeterfan, thanks for sharing!! I really enjoyed reading your perspective. I totally relate to loving travel before Clay..he just gave me more destinations to hit.

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Last row in balcony, not good. First row in balcony, OK.

First row in Mezzanine, even off on the side a bit, good. High rows in mezzanine, not good.

Orchestra up to L good, after L, might as well sit in mezzanine. Side rows in audience, fine, as long as they are not too side. Even number side, a lot of the characters sing in front of the aisle during songs, including Clay. Odd numbers, many times Clay stands or sits on this side.

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I feel personally very close to the discussion from last night/this morning. Although I'm not a very well known or visible member of the fandom, I have been blessed to have had front row tickets and to have met Clay more than once- and I plan to continue to do that as often as I am able.

My travel partner is my cousin- she is several years younger than me and unmarried. I am married with a son who will be 15 this summer. We both work full time. We started our yearly travels back in 1992, before I even had my son. My husband likes to go on gambling, camping and fishing trips- me...... not so much! So we made the deal long ago that he would be able to do what he liked on vacation, and so would I. We (cousin and I), were big fans of tennis player Andre Agassi, and started travelling around to see him. My husband went with us the first time, then bowed out. We started out going to see him play, then when he started holding a charity gala for his foundation every year in Las Vegas, we went to that. We planned for it and looked forward to it every year.

We had plans to go to the gala in 2001 as usual, but then 9/11 happened. Our trip was planned for the end of Sept, and we were nervous about taking a plane from NY to LV. We didn't go, and haven't been back on a plane since.

We started looking for somewhere else to go for our yearly vacations, and since we're both huge Yankees fans, for the next two years, we both drove to Tampa, Fla for Spring Training, and took a train to NY to see the games. Then, in 2003, when we discovered Clay, HE became our favorite "vacation destination!" :hubbahubba:

We've seen him 40 times- and we always drive to see him. We're thankful that we live in a part of the country that he tours in extensively- although we did drive as far as Kansas City and St Paul during the IT. We've also driven as far south as Raleigh/Charlotte several times. Luckily- we love to "road trip', and my cousin has "map quest for a brain", as Clay told her at one of our M&G's. I don't think any other fans would begrudge us any of the above, but.........here's where the bad feelings come in.........

I am fortunate to have a decent amount of money to spend on Clay every year- and I take advantage of all of the opportunities I can get. This also means sending money for the BAF, as well as Unicef. I started with the first BAF auction of some of Clay's jersey's that he wore during the AI tour- and I won one- (I think it was the cheapest one :cryingwlaughter: - the Indiana Pacers basketball jersey)! Then, my cousin and I went in together and won the "Cat in the Hat" package that was offered at the first BAF gala in Kansas City. ( I have some odd stories that go along with that win, as well as some others from the AI tour, but those can be saved for another day- maybe.) :cry4:

When they started offering the stub-hub/ticketmaster auctions, we started going for those as well. I won for the M&G at the first concert of the JBT- Tom's River- and it was short and sweet- and INCREDIBLE!!! We wanted to do it again, and share the experience with some friends, so my cousin and I BOTH tried for the M&G at that year's JNT concert in Albany- and won both pairs of tickets! We took the first friends we ever made on the Clay board's- a husband and wife that we had gotten together with at several other concerts- and again, it was wonderful! So, since we have the means to keep doing so, we decided to keep trying for M&G's and to bring people along who haven't had the chance to meet him yet. Last year, we both won again for the Canandaigua concert, and brought a friend from our days on one of our earliest boards, and someone we had met in the lobby of the Red Bank JNT 06 concert and had struck up a friendship with.

I hesitate to put all of this information out there, because there are those who will, of course, be upset that we have been so fortunate so many times, and feel like we should give others a chance. But, the way we look at it, we are not taking away from anyone else. We don't sign up for any of the OFC M&G's because for those, we feel like we WOULD be taking the opportunity away from someone who would otherwise not get the chance. But for the auction M&G's, we are not guaranteed anything- we have a chance to win, and obviously it has worked out for us so far. Do we NEED to see Clay again and again- well, maybe not, but we sure WANT to- it is something wonderful to look forward to, and we have never regretted it for any reason. There have always been comments from those who are jealous that they haven't had the opportunity to meet Clay, and while I do feel for them- because for a while, we WERE them- we're not going to stop doing what we do.

Well, I'm finally getting this ready to send after having a 2+ hour fight with my son. If anyone knows what oppositional defiant disorder is- that is what I deal with on a daily basis with my son. It is difficult- and stressful, and I end up crying pretty much every day. Maybe that's why I view so much of what is going on within the fandom with a roll of the eyes sometimes..... because it's hard for me to get worked up over whether Clay's hair is the right cut, or color, or style, or whether he is wearing the correct clothes and looks like GQ every time he steps foot out the door, or whether the songs on his new CD will all be ballads, or covers, or up-tempo, yada, yada, yada. Clay makes me happy. I will go to see him every chance I get, and I will go to M&G's every chance I get. I know I said up there somewhere earlier that I don't NEED to see Clay........ but maybe I do!

Sorry for the novella.

I've seen Clay once and I'm so glad there are people that can go and report back. I live vicariously through them. My time will come. I want people to go and fill the place for Clay's good. I'm here for Clay. I want people to go see him and I want Clay to be wildly popular. That's good enough for me at least for now. Just remember those recaps for your sisters. LOL!!!

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I have only seen Clay 4 times and each time I had great seats but never front row. I won't go to a concert unless I'm up close because of all of my physical limitations. I also have to go in a wheelchair because of those limitations so unless I can get good WC seating, it's not going to happen for me.

Although I have never been jealous of others who seem to be there numerous times and up front and personal, I have wondered about how and why they do that. Reading some of the comments here has helped me gain some understanding about that. Thank you all for sharing. I have no idea what I would do if my circumstances were different but I doubt I would go to more than a couple of concerts per tour but that is just me. I adore Clay and I got to meet him at the Boston JBT and that was wonderful. The only way I can see him again is if he comes to AZ. as my traveling days are over. It's way too difficult for me at this point. I certainly don't begrudge anyone for seeing him as often as they like but it helps to understand how and why they do it so often because Clay really is a phenonmenon and he has obviously given lots of us much joy as well as bringing people together in friendship. I have made a few good freinds in this fandom. Speaking of friends, JJ, please don't disappear. I loves ya!

laljeterfan, I do know what Oppositional Defiant is and used to work with kids and families to help them cope and deal. You deserve to take breaks and enjoy yourself! If Clay is what does it for you, then you go girl.

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I hesitate to put all of this information out there, because there are those who will, of course, be upset that we have been so fortunate so many times, and feel like we should give others a chance. But, the way we look at it, we are not taking away from anyone else. We don't sign up for any of the OFC M&G's because for those, we feel like we WOULD be taking the opportunity away from someone who would otherwise not get the chance. But for the auction M&G's, we are not guaranteed anything- we have a chance to win, and obviously it has worked out for us so far. Do we NEED to see Clay again and again- well, maybe not, but we sure WANT to- it is something wonderful to look forward to, and we have never regretted it for any reason. There have always been comments from those who are jealous that they haven't had the opportunity to meet Clay, and while I do feel for them- because for a while, we WERE them- we're not going to stop doing what we do.

Well, I'm finally getting this ready to send after having a 2+ hour fight with my son. If anyone knows what oppositional defiant disorder is- that is what I deal with on a daily basis with my son. It is difficult- and stressful, and I end up crying pretty much every day. Maybe that's why I view so much of what is going on within the fandom with a roll of the eyes sometimes..... because it's hard for me to get worked up over whether Clay's hair is the right cut, or color, or style, or whether he is wearing the correct clothes and looks like GQ every time he steps foot out the door, or whether the songs on his new CD will all be ballads, or covers, or up-tempo, yada, yada, yada. Clay makes me happy. I will go to see him every chance I get, and I will go to M&G's every chance I get. I know I said up there somewhere earlier that I don't NEED to see Clay........ but maybe I do!

Sorry for the novella.

laljeiterfan... go for what you can, when you can. I agree totally with my bolded part above. My feeling, too. Everyone has to decide what works for them. By the way, there is a family thread here somewhere where many post their experiences with children with disabilities you might want to go investegate for support.

I was thinking about that recap where Clay said, "Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey." What is it about this man that makes some go into the Aiken fog when we get close? He must shake his head in disbelief that some get tongue-tied by him. :cryingwlaughter:

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Intermission report! I just had calls from both kcudawg and regaled by clay and indirectly got some chatter from Scarlett who was next to regaled and they were talking a mile a minute. Had a phone at each ear for a moment there so I'm not sure exactly who made which comment so I am going to lump it all in one report. Kcudawg and regaled were Spam virgins until today.

Kcudawg was nearly struck speechless! She just kept saying "Amazing!" to every question I asked her! " How did he look? AMAZING! How was his dancing? AMAZING! How did he sound? AMAZING!" I wish I could somehow convey the awestruck tone in her voice. I could HEAR her grinning from ear to ear. Does that make sense? Oh and it turns out her seat is right next to toni7babe!

regaled and her friend's flight was 2 hours late, but they made it to the show with about 10 minutes to spare. She was seated near Scarlett I think because they were both comparing notes and I wasn't even sure who I was hearing at times. LOL! Some of the things they noticed today..

In one of the dances, he did a 'neck snap' move like the one Q and A tried to teach him all summer and she said he has it DOWN! Looks totally hot doing it and seems very into it.

In the Camelot scene opening, one of the 'showgirls' swings a mace and Clay completely imitated her move. GAH!

Also in the Camelot scene, one of the girls comes up to him and does a very pronounced shoulder shimmy and Clay does it right back at her! OMG! They don't think he said the "Come to Daddy" line today. If he did they couldn't hear it.

They said after the "Run Away" scene when they ride the slomo horses that Clay was really breathing hard and they aren't sure if he was acting or breathing really hard for real...maybe both. heh!

regaled could not stop repeating how CUTE he is with his smudged face in the Tower Guard and Bring out Your Dead scenes. She said multiple times, "I loved his dirty face! He is SOOOOO cute!" in her best fangirliest voice.

She said his accents are dead on. She heard one split second when his NC accent leaked out, but said it was just so fast that no one even noticed and it was soooo cute! Do you sense a theme here? LOL!

She remarked that he is just the "prettiest knight" of all and no matter how she tries to watch the other actors, her eyes just involuntarily go right back to Clay and she can't stop it. We wondered aloud if the NJU types have trouble taking their eyes off Clay or if it IS indeed,just us?

That's all I remember for now. This post brought to you by the phrases "She said" and "They said". No spell checking device was harmed in the writing of this entry.

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Now that I'm on the ticket hunt, can someone please post again the best places to sit. I know there was a post about it but can't find it. I'm trying to figure out if right or left orchestra is better. If I sit in the mezzanine or balcony which are the better sections to sit. Thanks. Some good seats are still coming up on telecharge but would love a little advice.

and can people recommend other shows ot see while in town

ETA: Loving all the posts. LAJeterfan, thanks for sharing!! I really enjoyed reading your perspective. I totally relate to loving travel before Clay..he just gave me more destinations to hit.

Couch Tomato, I went Valentine's day and center mezzanine centers which were very good...

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Thanks skybar and liney for your suggestions regarding my son. I guess for me, in a way, Clay is my "therapy", and I ain't ever gonna give him up! :cryingwlaughter:

I love all the recaps from everyone who has been to see him, and the pictures and video that everyone so graciously shares, (we gave up on that long ago when at our first AI concert, my cousin's camera was taken and the film was pulled out by security- broke the camera too!), so we are doubly appreciative! We can't wait till we get our chance in March to see him in person!!!

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