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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Need I remind you of a certain jeans picture from this summer that left nothing to the imagination; I can't imagine him going out on stage in those 5 years ago...course, it could also mean that he was just being stubborn and didn't want to go out and spend money on new jeans.


Well, this was the first picture that came to my mind :hubbahubba:

Talking about crotch pictures, I recall seeing one on this board of Clay sitting on a stool, I believe in brown or gray slacks, which left very little to one's imagination. hubba hubba. Does anyone remember this one and can someone post it again if they know which one I am talking about? Do you have this one Muskie? :hubbahubba:

I'm not muski, but I hope this will do.....you can never have too many Clay crotch shots I always say. heh

Somebody stope me! I can't seem to pull myself away from viewing the two WRAL

videos of him in the studio with the Kippper dude. I think those songs have now begun to grow on me. Like lots!!! FLOVE

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I hear congratulations are in order for Ruben - he gets the goodbye song for the top 12! This should really help sales of his album and push the negotiations with labels. It also helps for idol to reconnect with older idols.

Oh, and it will be a cover song.

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Cha Cha -- loved your captions

Cotton you'll be great

I took the night off. It felt so good. I just watched basketball games and finished filling out the stupid Nielsen survery..the thrill is definitely gone on that one. Glad to know Clay is feeling better or well enough to go on with the show.

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I'm saying prayers for you, Cotton! What will you be singing?

Thanks, Gibby! I need 'em.

Uh -

Look up

/ \






Play! My brain is mush!!!

Heeeee, Cotton, I think I'm the one with a mushy brain! Somehow I thought that the trumpeter was doing Amazing Grace, not you - now I see it's both of you! I'll blame it on this darn cold.

I agree with OOlsee - no one will criticize your performance; they will be glad that you're honoring your aunt with your singing.

Chacha, I love the screencaps with Clay's dialogue! Very funny, and CUTE, too!

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I need some prayers.

Don't post 'em. Just say 'em!

Cousin asked Sis and me to sing at Aunt Hilda's service.


We haven't been in choir since - well since Michael Jackson Jordan had hair! (duh!)

So - we rehearse with a friend on piano tomorrow afternoon.

And we rehearse for real with the organist Sat. at 10. Service is at 11.

And - the program will be typed up tomorrow - after which there's no backing out!

[sv] help! [/sv]

We are planning to do Amazing Grace.

Oh - and we just found out that the trumpet player is planning to do . . .

Amazing Grace!


He'd better have a bigger repertoire than we do!!!

One good thing - I may have mentioned - Mama's family has a history of needing hearing aids! Maybe I can find some kind of tech to jam their frequency! :cryingwlaughter:

Lord, help us!


So glad Clay seems to be feeling better and has his sparkle back!

13 days till I see Sir Robin and his long tunic-ripping legs!!! :clap:

cotton... prayers said! You'll be nervous, but you'll also be fine! Whatever, Aunt Hilda will love it cause it's being sung with love!

I have been to the Yahoo new page and played each of the downloads there, too. We need to give hits to Yahoo and WRAL for a couple more days! What great interviews!

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KAndre's Clack-Pack is in my Ausclaylian house!!!!! :nana:

Got home an hour ago, it is now just after 8.30pm and there is nothing else I need to do that can't wait until tomorrow ... It is Friday night here... guess what I am doing this weekend? Housework? Guess again... but no prizes..., sorry!

Thanks SO MUCH KAndre! :da_best::openflower3:

p.s. Ausdon, I will burn a copy for you ASAP so that your :family1: can find out what all the fuss is about and be :yahoo::yess: for Spamalot!

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cotton... prayers said! You'll be nervous, but you'll also be fine! Whatever, Aunt Hilda will love it cause it's being sung with love!

I agree. Cotton, when i was reading your posts about your Aunt Hilda, it crossed my mind more than once how lucky she was to have had you in her life.

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I hear congratulations are in order for Ruben - he gets the goodbye song for the top 12! This should really help sales of his album and push the negotiations with labels. It also helps for idol to reconnect with older idols.

Oh, and it will be a cover song.

Hey play, when will this be aired? I don't watch AI, so I have no idea when the top 12 is, but I'd like to watch Ruben sing.

I have been to the Yahoo new page and played each of the downloads there, too. We need to give hits to Yahoo and WRAL for a couple more days! What great interviews!

The videos are up on Yahoo? Cool! Off to investigate.

ETA: I can't find it. Can someone provide a link?

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snickers quietly to herself...

See, Clay teaches me stuff all the time...conquering the planet little by little...quietly.

OK, claytonic...make sure you have dry, heavily preserved snacks (because cooking will be beyond you) - lots of sugary drinks (you'll the quick energy for screaming at the judges periodically, "Are you insane - and the remembrance that even through he looks like jailbait, he was legal then and even more legal now!

Of all the movie DVDs to forget to send, it was the first! That just had Clay's audition, Hollywood week and Group 1 - you have the files on the data DVD and they should be clearly labeled.

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Good Morning Everyone,

9 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

22 Days until The First Day of Spring!

65 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

67 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Some reports about last night's show:

jtgranny from CV:

Clay was great tonight!! He's putting a bit more oomph into his character. Facial expressions, the come to daddy line.....etc. He's got a few more moves now than when I saw him on opening weekend.

They had the baracades up and we went over and within minutes Jerome came out to let everyone know if they were there for Clay that he would not be coming out because he was still a bit sick. However, if you wanted to wait for the others he was sure they would be out soon.

HotMomOf5 from CH:

Wow, that is so neat, to have just been there last night, and now to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on under your feet!

What a fun day and evening we had! And COLD!!! Wow. It was about as cold as last time I was there Jan 19th.

We got to the city in time for lunch and then we walked over to the theater to make sure Clay was performing. Actually, if he was not, we were still going to see it anyways-dh and boys wanted to-but at least I would have been prepared. So we headed off to see some sights. We walked up 7th Ave to Central Park, the kids played on the playground and climbed the rocks. Dh spotted the horse-drawn carriages (the kind of ride the BAF Golf auction winner will take with Clay) and wanted to go, so we all piled in one. I assume the price in winter is considerably cheaper than in summer! While it was fun, and it did have blankets which we used, I hope the BAF winner can wait till later April or so to go. The carriages are cozy so they will be up close with Clay, hee!

We walked past the plaza where, in 2003, we saw Clay on TES (in the clack, 4yo dd is an infant in a carrier!) and saw there is a subterrainian Apple store-I wonder if Clay's been, it was Apple everything and I almost bought an Ipod! Didn't, but had fun playing with it. We eventually made our way back to have early dessert at Juniors (we had a large lunch) and I kept an eye out for Clay arriving at the theater but I think we may have just missed him. It was neat people-watching, anyhow.

It was incredibly cold waiting outside to get in to the theater! Shubert Alley is a wind tunnel. We finally got in and went to our seats in the balcony. Now, that was an experience! It is really high. The seats are so crammed in. You have to be agile to get in up there-it would be undoable if one is mobility-impaired in any way. But, we had row c center and our view was actually really good! The kids saw well. The balcony was mostly full, and there were two large groups of young people-maybe high school seniors. They seemed to really enjoy the show, and Clay! One young girl went down at intermission and bought a Clay tshirt and showed it to her group-they were all excited about it!

Clay was excellent-if you didn't know he was sick, you wouldn't know! Dh and boys thought he was hilarious, and loved the whole show. Last time, I was on the floor, so seeing the show from up high was a new vantage point. Clay sure does a super-flirty dance with the girl in the vegas scene. He really does move around in the show! His voice was super-he didn't miss a note that I could tell.

After, we got out quick to the barricade, but Jerome came right out and said Clay was still sick, but other cast members may come out. It was so cold and we weren't sure how long it'd be, so I said Hi to Sean and we headed for the subway back to Grand Central. Truly, I'm glad he didn't try to come out in that windy cold.

We didn't get home till 2 am-when I planned this, I took off from work Thu, Fri and Sat-a mini break, so I don't have to rush off this am. It was dh and boys' first Broadway show, and they had a blast! I'm so glad we had a chance to do this. I've said it before and I'll say it again-this journey with Clay has afforded so many new and amazing opportunities for my family!

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Hi all!

WOW, what a week to be travelling for work...and have it kicking your BUTT!! Sometimes when I am in one city for a week, I have extra time; but not this time! I am going to be SO glad to get home later today.

Have seen once or twice the videos, but am looking forward to spending the weekend in jammies watching and rewatching.

I'm SO looking forward to this CD!!

Good wishes to those who need them, hugs to those who need those as well....and for me, the countdown to Spamalot starts! Three weeks....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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00lsee waltzes in with flowers in her hair, strewing rose petals from a beribboned basket. Forest creatures cavort at her feet while birds chirp happily...lalalalala...la...la la! She can't help but sing along as she dances and twirls in her gossamer gown...until a foot comes from nowhere, catching her in the ankles. She trips, basket flying. Tumbling head over heels down a steep embankment, she lands, butt-first, in a frigid pond.

Apparently, not everyone in Clayland is a morning person.


Can't help it, y'all! I feel happy...Clay Aiken is CUTE!!!! And that just makes me want to....SING!!!!

*no shovels, please*

Click at your own risk. :)


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Apparently, not everyone in Clayland is a morning person.

:deepersnow: And others of us are so %^#^%& tired of the #&^*&*(^& SNOW that we can hardly stand it. :angry22:


Trying to think thoughts about spring and CUTE knights who are able to sing and dance, often at the same time, despite experiencing the heartbreak of frequent crotch rips. :wub:

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Ruben is going to sing the exit song on AI this year, Celebrate Me Home.


So. does this mean he is only going to record it, or is he actually going to sing it live the first time? Wow, good for him, but sucks that they'd choose a song I so closely associate with Clay.

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Oh that's cool for Ruben.

Now, eeeeeeeeeee for the videos being available on Yahoo. Loving the roll out so far. People, WRAL..again Clay goes to people he "trusts" as much as you can trust anyone these days. Perfecto. The tone set is wonderful. I can't imgaine the same with snobby music people right now. I love that raw footage of Clay just going on and on and on. Go Team Clay.

Yay it's Friday. Everyone have a good day!

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I thinkit means he will record it and put it on his new album and this should help his sales a lot and help in negotiations iwth new labels. It will be a big bump for him and bring him back on people's radar. I hope it does not bring the hater back out in people. Only one person gets to have this, so no, Clay can't do it at the same time and no, Clay does not own the song - he just does a great version of it, but probably wants to keep it in his Christmas repitoire. It is a good thing and Nigel (aka liar) said it was due to the good reaction with Ruben at the finale last year. Ruben will probably perform onthe show next year. I hope people do not expect Clay on the show before May since he sort of has a committment with Spamalot. I do not expect Clay at IGB, just because he is trying to limit his charity use so as not to get spread too thin and ask too much from his fans. Not allthe money goes to UNICEF and UNICEF may prefer if he does not use this platform.

About Clay performing on the show in May, if he does, good, if he doesn't OK too.

Happy Leap day!!! Remember this isthe day when girls can officially ask boys to marry then, heh, likethey can't andy damn time they want!


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Apparently, not everyone in Clayland is a morning person.

:deepersnow: And others of us are so %^#^%& tired of the #&^*&*(^& SNOW that we can hardly stand it. :angry22:


Trying to think thoughts about spring and CUTE knights who are able to sing and dance, often at the same time, despite experiencing the heartbreak of frequent crotch rips. :wub:

Bwah, bottlecap. See, Houston...is a temperate zone. I don't enjoy hot and humid, but I don't like the cold, either. (((snowed in folks)))


...sucks that they'd choose a song I so closely associate with Clay.

I know! The moment I heard the title, I pictured Clay doing the priiing move...growling "come on, woman, come on daddy"...throwing his head back, arms extended...killing on that chorus.

I wish Ruben the best, though...and just hope he doesn't do the "don't take my baby" move anymore. heh

WRAL vids up on AOL, too. Woot! :)

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