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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Here's a bit of sobering news for anyone still planning on going the final weekend and who still have no tickets. From the CH:

ETA some info for those going the last weekend and waiting to purchase tickets:

claym8 at CV wrote:

poisonivy, I bought tickets for May 3 when I was in NYC this past week. The guy at the ticket office (who said he has never in his 28 year career seen this kind of repeat attendance for any show ever) thought that there would be very few, if any, tickets released for that weekend. He said that Clay would more likely use his comps plus the shows are selling so well. I bought a mezz ticket for Saturday afternoonn since I haven't seen it from that vantage point yet. For that night I got row M. It's a tough decision!

I wonder how their sales will do after Clay leaves? I wonder who will replace Clay?

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Other than that, love all the pics & hope everyone is feeling better. Have as good a Monday as possible.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Here's a bit of sobering news for anyone still planning on going the final weekend and who still have no tickets. From the CH:

ETA some info for those going the last weekend and waiting to purchase tickets:

claym8 at CV wrote:

poisonivy, I bought tickets for May 3 when I was in NYC this past week. The guy at the ticket office (who said he has never in his 28 year career seen this kind of repeat attendance for any show ever) thought that there would be very few, if any, tickets released for that weekend. He said that Clay would more likely use his comps plus the shows are selling so well. I bought a mezz ticket for Saturday afternoonn since I haven't seen it from that vantage point yet. For that night I got row M. It's a tough decision!

I wonder how their sales will do after Clay leaves? I wonder who will replace Clay?

I think it is soooo cool that the theatre people are seeing stuff with Clay that they have never seen before. More and more people are understanding the power of the MAN, especially in those boots! THUD!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Well the repeat attending must be a bit strange because some of it is concetrated in short weekends - not that I think there are that many people who go to so many shows in a row at the same time. I think the Spamfans probably don't go to 5 shows in a row, although, overall, they probably repeat more shows than Clay fans.

Well, I will celebrate my 1st row balcony ticket that I bought to "be in the room" a month ago. You can tell how hard it is to get a good seat with all the board requests for tickets to the show. I worked to get Fear a ticket to the last show to weeks ago. I wrote about how a really great person needed a ticket and how much work she does for Bubel Aiken..... And the person who sadly sold it to me talked bout her regret at not being able to go and how how many people contacted her about the ticket, but I think the key to getting it was offering to drive to meet her and handing over cash.

It will be a Clay fan audience that weekend, so many people are going. It will be like a convention, are we having a FCA before or after party?

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It will be a Clay fan audience that weekend, so many people are going. It will be like a convention, are we having a FCA before or after party?

If you do get toether, I hope y'all will call somebody on the board so the rest of us can get the party reports. It sounds like it will be a great weekend!

:04: :04: :04: :04:

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I'm wishing a little bit now that I hadn't run to Telecharge like my life depended on it back in Oct. and bought tix for the first date I could get to NYC. :unsure: It might have been nice had I thought more about doing closing weekend cause I wanna be there.... Overall though, I'm just glad (and lucky) to be going - period - and I'm loving all of the recaps, whether the attendees have been 1 or 20 times!

I forgot earlier, in my I HATE MONDAYS!!!! morning fog, since the Starbucks hadn't kicked in yet -


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Re: tickets...all of you guys who've been to the SHubert and have sat in various places, could you tell us just how far to the left or right, to the back of the various levels, etc., the view remains good? I often see (you know, when I'm bored and have nothing else to do and so go browsing on Telecharge :whistling-1: ) available seats that are maybe 2 or 3 seats from the outside aisles, and/or seats that are in the last few rows of the mezzanine in the center or in the middle of the side sections, etc. and I just don't have any idea what the view would be?

And from what people say, it seems that sitting on the right sides of either the floor or the mezz is preferable to the left for Clay watching...is that true? Thanks for any tips... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Back in the office today...and dreading what the day will bring. So far behind with so much to check off of the evil TO DO list...meanwhile, older daughter is jumping out of her skin from excitement about her Friday departure to Europe with her class trip! Spain and Portugal! And younger daughter, although tearing up the mound in her softball games, is not batting a thousand at home. <_< Lordy, I got a feeling that this one's going to be a REAL challenge in her upcoming teenage years. :onFire:

Anyhoo....y'all here keep me sane. Thank you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I'm wishing a little bit now that I hadn't run to Telecharge like my life depended on it back in Oct. and bought tix for the first date I could get to NYC. :unsure: It might have been nice had I thought more about doing closing weekend cause I wanna be there....

Hee, and I'm trying my damndest NOT to buy what Telecharge is throwing at me for the final weekend.....until I am at least sure I will be able to go! ;)

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so, luckiest....are the seats that are popping up for you for that final weekend decent ones? And what would you consider 'decent'? I'm in that life-long issue of mine---not wanting to 'commit' to buying THIS one NOW because maybe ANOTHER, BETTER one will show up LATER... :shrug:

Oh, and 00lsee...thank you for that thoughtful post about my older daughter's diss of Clay...it's giving me lots to think about... :thbighug-1:

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g'morning - hmprh - Mondays....oh - but Happy St. Pat's

To Playbiller - from Webster:

: worthy of confidence : dependable
- doesn't say a THING about counting! hee...! And the posts were older than the statute of limitations allows anyway :whistling-1: (sorry - don't know how to reference her quote, apparently...) But just the same, this is now SEVEN.

Was I confusing - ? Sorry - just to clarify - Not selling tickets... Want someone to go WITH... during that time. Anyway, just saying again, in case...

And let's stick with shak :) - too hard to spell the whole thing, I'm thinking...! When I made it up in 2003 I had no idea what I was doing...


~shak o'lat

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Re: tickets...all of you guys who've been to the SHubert and have sat in various places, could you tell us just how far to the left or right, to the back of the various levels, etc., the view remains good? I often see (you know, when I'm bored and have nothing else to do and so go browsing on Telecharge :whistling-1: ) available seats that are maybe 2 or 3 seats from the outside aisles, and/or seats that are in the last few rows of the mezzanine in the center or in the middle of the side sections, etc. and I just don't have any idea what the view would be?

And from what people say, it seems that sitting on the right sides of either the floor or the mezz is preferable to the left for Clay watching...is that true? Thanks for any tips... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I sat in left mezzanine, 4 seats in from the aisle, and the view was amazing. However we were in the front row...I'm not sure I'd want to go any further back than maybe row F up there, because I think the balcony might get in the way after that. As for the floor section, I sat in seat 4 (2 in from the aisle) on the right side, and it was great. Any further over than that and I'd think that you'd miss action on the extreme right side of the stage. As for right vs. left? Definitely right is a better option than left. You get the face-on view for the tower scene. You can see his face after the bottle dance, when he's talking to the King. He is on the right for his guard scene, and when he lays "dead" on the stage. Otherwise, he really covers the whole stage, and spends time on both sides.

so, luckiest....are the seats that are popping up for you for that final weekend decent ones? And what would you consider 'decent'? I'm in that life-long issue of mine---not wanting to 'commit' to buying THIS one NOW because maybe ANOTHER, BETTER one will show up LATER...

I'm seeing back orchestra, extreme side orchestra, but some decent mezzanine (centre row F, etc). I'm holding out for the moment, until I can figure out whether or not I can find my way back to NYC that weekend (logistically and financially). But it's HARD to wait! Hee.

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Seats - I have been all over the place. I think that 3rd in the front rows and proportionatly further back ( except the last 3 or 4 seats on the side) you will see most of the action. One thing about the side is you get a different perspective, some blockng of the actions wil happen, some actors are in front of others, but you get different views and hear different sounds when you are really close. Balcony you need binocs - last row is scarey.

Seats get progressively smaller the further back you go. First row orchestra is hard on the feet for some odd reason (can't put feet undre seat ahead of you)

waves to shakolat

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Clay looks CUTE in green. :)

Good mornin', y'all!

Indeed, that is one CUTE leprechaun, 00lsee!

g'morning - hmprh - Mondays....oh - but Happy St. Pat's

To Playbiller - from Webster:

: worthy of confidence : dependable
- doesn't say a THING about counting! hee...! And the posts were older than the statute of limitations allows anyway :whistling-1: (sorry - don't know how to reference her quote, apparently...) But just the same, this is now SEVEN.

I think Brother Maynard might have a different stance on the counting thing & the number seven, shak...... heh! ;)

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so, luckiest....are the seats that are popping up for you for that final weekend decent ones? And what would you consider 'decent'? I'm in that life-long issue of mine---not wanting to 'commit' to buying THIS one NOW because maybe ANOTHER, BETTER one will show up LATER... :shrug:

Oh, and 00lsee...thank you for that thoughtful post about my older daughter's diss of Clay...it's giving me lots to think about... :thbighug-1:

Muski - I sat on the aisle on the right side, row K I think, last time. I worry that much more over than 4 seats in you could miss a bit, but I'm not sure. I could see everything but barely. Right is most definitely better than laft for Clay viewing.

I am not seeing any center orchestra coming up for the last show. I even put in premium seats for fun (cause I could never afford those!) and NOTHING came up. I suspect not too much good is going to be released. Not sure if you can get better tickets at the box office, but I suspect short of a miracle you (and by you I mean me too) will just have to settle for not great seats.

But I hate to buy something now and then something better comes up later.........

ETA: I read someone on some board say that she found you get better tickets if you try for 2 tickets than if you try for one. Anyone found that to be true with Spamalot?

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Happy St. Patick's Day!

I fixed corned beef and cabbage yesterday for dinner (yum), even though the Irish don't do such a thing. It's still good food though.

I'm still fighting the cold that started to get me this past weekend. The pill form of Zicam I think is helping somewhat. However, it's not helping my mental state all that much. I'm like muski -- work is a bear (with way too much to do), I don't feel so hot, and I'd rather be looking at pictures of boyfriend, and planning my trip to see CLAAAAAY!


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ETA: I read someone on some board say that she found you get better tickets if you try for 2 tickets than if you try for one. Anyone found that to be true with Spamalot?

Yes, it is sometimes true. I try for both and see what is better. I have paired with people to get some tickets and let others go when I couldn't.

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I found an outfit for my Spam trip - - -


Subtle & tasteful, coordinating with Sir Robin's tunic.... the lack of length and blinking might be just a tad distracting from the front row, but should be get some attention at the stage door, no? :cryingwlaughter:

Why yes, I am procrastinating at work this moring. :wacko:

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Is it April 26th yet? I need a break so bad and nothing better than my favorite pasty skinned boyfriend (has that body ever seen the sun hee) with NYC has a backdrop. I never thought NYC would play second fiddle to anything for me, yet it is doing so. So how many people went to NYC with the idea of seeing a certain number of shows and ended up seeing more. I keep telling myself that for final weekend I have a sat matinee and sunday evening show and that's enough. Right? Right? HELLLLO? heee.

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From AuntiKMimi at the OFC

Hi Ladies, Randy Jackson was just on the WRAL noon news. He was being interviewed by Lynda Loveland and she mention that Raleigh was Clay's hometown and Randy threw out props to Clay in NY. Lynda said that she had just came back from NY seeing Clay in Spamalot. Randy said that Clay was a very talented guy and he could so anything that he wanted to. It was all good. Hopefully they will put the video up on WRAL's web site, or maybe someone capped it and will put up the link.
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Randy said that Clay was a very talented guy and he could so anything that he wanted to. It was all good.

Right...and then he'll show up on some talk show with Simon and do impersonations of Clay as Sir Robin...I trust those Three Stooges as far as I can throw Randy! He knows Linda's a fan...now if he were to be a guest of Conan? I can imagine his commentary might be different.

Why yes, I'm cynical...why do you ask? :lilredani:

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Oh, I agree, 110%. BLEAH!


It snowed here overnight. The change in the barometric pressure seems to have thrown me completely off kilter. Plus, I couldn't sleep last night (the damn 'power surges' kept waking me up) and now I've got a terrible sinus headache. :wacko: Darn, I hope I don't get a sinus infection just before I go to New York! I went to one of the high schools I work with this morning, and things didn't go all that great. There's a concert in a couple of days - hopefully we will do better by then.

I have waaay too many events to play for by Sunday, which is Easter. And when I get back from New York, I play for a choir contest, a recital, and then for a solo vocal competition. And, in the middle of all of that, my mother in law is coming for a short visit.


I think I need to take a deep breath, take one day at a time, and listen to some Clay music. [/whine] :fedora:

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