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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Scarlett is having a sinful amount of fun and eating cheesecake.

And I was also on the phone with KAndre trying to find a name for Clay's dance moves -- still trying to figure out what they call the one he does on 'Find Your Grail' right after he gets up from the slo-mo horse. Quiana and Jacob were doing it during the JBT and Clay wasn't even attempting it then, you know, the one Will Smith does a lot?

Hi {{{ldj}}} Get well soon! Ms Marmalade posted that quote. I was intending to copy and paste it everywhere as an original post but everyone is so quick about bringing things that it propagated faster than I could go around.

I really have to say that the bottle dance from the dead center seat is a killer. I was with xxx4clay tonight and he was headed straight at her!!!

The entire tower scene last night was just perfect -- all his facial exressions, the gestures with the strap, the perfect dsomewhat bored, irreverent tone towards King Arthur

KAndre wouldn't have liked our rooms last night -- I left every single window ajar until morning!

00lsee, if you're at the right side (eg. the seat that Cotton posted about a few days ago) you can see him at the back when Tom makes his entrance.

I swear, every time I think I don't really need to see Spamalot too many more times, I read recaps like yours and want to hop right on a train and go to the show!

Damn work! Damn having no money! Its all Clay's fault! (Well, not having any money kinda is his fault!)

Scarlett, you are one lucky bitch. I swear, if I didn't love you so much I'd have to hate you. <_<

What muski said! I love you Scarlett - I mean, what's not to love! - but am just a weeeeeeeeee bit jealous! And thank toni7babe for the purdy pictures. He really does look good in maroon! :hubbahubba:

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Sounds like Clay and the whole cast was in Sacramento IT mood last night. Oh you don't know what Sacramento IT mood is? Of course you don't...because there is no clack. If there were believe me it would be at the top of your all time favorite lists. Now it's just a best kept secret of the 15K people that were there. Sigh. :cry4::cry4:

:PickMe-1: Oooo! Oooo!

I was there too!! There is just something about the Arco Arena. The wooden bleachers make such a roaring sound when everyone stomps their feet. Clay seems to just love it, even if he did say that he was afraid the ceiling of his dressing room was going to come down on his head.

The point of no return for me was also at the Arco Arena at the AI tour. Ruben and Clay were doing their chat before launching into "The Girl Is Mine", and panties and stuffed animals and lacy bustiers with garters and whatnot were pelting the stage. Clay and Ruben were doing there "family friendly" patter. Someone threw a rubber sandal up on the stage and Ruben commented that now the audience were throwing shoes at the two of them. Clay walked over and picked up the sandal and held it out to the audience saying "Now THIS is an example of a family-friendly thong!!" OMG!!! That was it for me!!! He was so QUICK, and CUUUUUUTE!!!!

No, there's no clack of that moment either. :cry4:

Please forgive me, I only take still photos.

He was flirting like crazy with every PYT in sight that night:


He also did the most intense ISY EVAH!!!!


The tragedy is that Spotlightlover was at that concert, but she shot stills rather than video in those days. What a loss.

On a happier note, I have made a con.nec.tion here!! liney23 and I spent over an hour talking about all things Clay and now we're going out to dinner. :nana:

Shhhhh. Don't tell my husband!! He'll still be at work, and I wouldn't want him to get jealous!!

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Anyhoo....I'm chompin' at the bit to get to NYC! Dang! Another TEN more sleeps before the trip and ELEVEN more before I actually FINALLY see the show! Unfortunately, there's so much :officework: during that time, I'm doubly dying here!

Bad wife that I am....I was perusing Telecharge the other day :whistling-1: and a GREAT seat popped up for Tues the 25th...my fingers automatically started to do their thing on the keyboard and then I remembered---uh...I'll have just arrived in NYC then to...uh... :unsure: meet up with hubby for our first night in the city. MUSKI! Just.step.away.from.the.ticketseller! :chatting: Anyway, we have third row center for Wed--right behind Gibby and Mr.Gibby! :yess:

I have drugs for this double whammy of sinusitis and bronchitis but they're not working very quickly, damnit! Hope all of you FCAers struggling with similar ailments are faring better.

Scarlett, you are one lucky bitch. I swear, if I didn't love you so much I'd have to hate you. <_<

Oh, Muski, is it really only ten sleeps? YIKES!!!!!! I'm so excited for my trip, but like you I have sooooo many things to do before I go. I guess that will make the time fly. I hope you're all better by the time you fly out!

It will be so fun for us to see the show together! We'll have to meet beforehand for dinner. Where do you want to go? Any suggestions from FCAers?

Scarlett, it's so fun to read your recaps! Keep 'em coming!

It was my birthday yesterday, and I was a bit ambivalent about it. I had to go play with choirs at one of the high schools I work with, so it didn't really feel like a special day. I couldn't rearrange my schedule to have the day off because we have a concert next week, and only have a few more rehearsals. Also, another birthday is just a reminder that I'm only a year away from a big decade birthday. Next year I'll turn an evil number with a zero at the end. And I'm not ready to think of myself at that age! I feel young, act young, and most people say I look relatively young. I know, you're only as young as you think you are, but still, it's going to take me a year to adjust to being that number that must not be named. Last year I celebrated my birthday by getting my first tattoo. Maybe next year I'll celebrate by getting another one, as a way to commemorate my big birthday!

On a positive note, hubby was very sweet, and took me out for a delicious dinner last night. He also ordered exactly what I wanted for my birthday - a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18 camera! YAY!!!! A new digital toy! And just in time for my New York trip!

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Perma..at least I know it wasn't all a dream. heee I remember that at the AI tour as well. Yep our man is quick quick quick on his feet. Spot swears someone taped the entire show at the Sacramento IT but it has never surfaced. Someone has that film in their home stash...lord i wish we could track them down.

Yay for the Perma/Liney connection.

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Woot! More Clay news! Yay!

But before I go back and get caught up, I had a thought last night that I wish I had mentioned sooner. A long time ago, when I had a particularly nasty case of bronchitis, I wasn't getting any sleep and having a tough time getting through the day with That Cough. Codeine didn't help, and once I started coughing, I'd end up having spasms...and coughing and coughing and coughing. Then someone mentioned BENZONATATE-(Tessalon Perle) to me (google it). I mentioned it to my doctor, he gave me a prescription, and now, when I have that kind of persistent, ticklish cough, he prescribes it for me. It works as an anti-spasmodic or something. Those suffering with this year's bad bronchitis might ask if this is a possible treatment for you. Yeah, I may still have to sleep propped up on pillows because of congestion, but those horrid spasms don't keep me up any more when I'm sick with a cough.

Just fyi. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play on one on TV.

Now, as for Clay Aiken's quick wit...I've always loved his large...brain.

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Sounds like Clay and the whole cast was in Sacramento IT mood last night. Oh you don't know what Sacramento IT mood is? Of course you don't...because there is no clack. If there were believe me it would be at the top of your all time favorite lists. Now it's just a best kept secret of the 15K people that were there. Sigh. :cry4::cry4:

He was a mere 40 minutes from me??!! Why or why wasn't I there?

Oh yea, I didn't "get it" yet!! :cry4::cry4::cry4::cry4:

and ya know, now that I DO he never comes back here. poop

Clay and Ruben were doing there "family friendly" patter. Someone threw a rubber sandal up on the stage and Ruben commented that now the audience were throwing shoes at the two of them. Clay walked over and picked up the sandal and held it out to the audience saying "Now THIS is an example of a family-friendly thong!!"

BWAH......I love him!

Last year I celebrated my birthday by getting my first tattoo. Maybe next year I'll celebrate by getting another one, as a way to commemorate my big birthday!

Hey Gibby, I hear body piercings can have a similar effect. Say for instance next time you get nipple rings....NOw THAT would certainly "take your mind off your age" and possibly everythng else for at least a good full week!! ouch :imgtongue:

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It was my birthday yesterday, and I was a bit ambivalent about it. I had to go play with choirs at one of the high schools I work with, so it didn't really feel like a special day. I couldn't rearrange my schedule to have the day off because we have a concert next week, and only have a few more rehearsals. Also, another birthday is just a reminder that I'm only a year away from a big decade birthday. Next year I'll turn an evil number with a zero at the end. And I'm not ready to think of myself at that age! I feel young, act young, and most people say I look relatively young. I know, you're only as young as you think you are, but still, it's going to take me a year to adjust to being that number that must not be named. Last year I celebrated my birthday by getting my first tattoo. Maybe next year I'll celebrate by getting another one, as a way to commemorate my big birthday!

On a positive note, hubby was very sweet, and took me out for a delicious dinner last night. He also ordered exactly what I wanted for my birthday - a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18 camera! YAY!!!! A new digital toy! And just in time for my New York trip!

Happy Belated Birthday, Gibby!!! How come we didn't know this yesterday??? Were you holding out on us?

I can outdo you on angst over birthdays... my oldest daughter turns the big 4.0. this May! I am not old enough to have a 40 yr old kid, sorry, I'm just not. Really! Gibby, I have learned not to worry about the number of birthdays I have had. I feel a good ten years younger than my age and I'm having more fun than I did ten years ago, so who cares. Congrats on your camera!!!

Yep, perma and I are gonna meet up! I can't wait! I have lots of board friends, many of whom I have met at various events, but no local ones that I can swoon with in person... YAY!!!

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Must get moving and do something productive like getting ink for my printer so I can do my taxes and get my money so I can spend it on Clay!

But first I bring you this from CV:

WoW!!! Just got a call from toni! :woohoo: my phone rang and I jumped a mile!!! Wish I had taken shorthand.

Okay - here goes!

Recap at intermission from toni7babe and Scarlett:

Looks like full house. They have front row center seats and the conductor said "good afternoon ladies" They got a kick out of that! toni hasn't been for four weeks and she said that she noticed that it is much more fine tuned now. New little nuances added that are great. Incredible energy from everyone. no subs today, regular cast.

Clay absolutely magnificent - very animated. In the "Note Dead Yet" part, he is much more involved and moving around and making expressive faces! More dirt on his face. Looking really grimy!

During the Dancing girls scene, Clay says to Sir Galahad, "Can I touch them? or "Can I touch?" and Sir Galahad says "We'll meet up with them later"

Clay is just killing them with his dancing!

Lots of fans in the audience - tons of applause.

xxx and Bright weren't going to go to the Matinee but "pfft" - they snagged 5th row center tickets so folded like wet blankets and they're having a ball!

That's it folks.

A belated :00003653: to Gibby!!!!! Congrats on the camera! We will be expecting many great pictures next time Clay tours!

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looks in Scarlett's general direction and shudders....

Thank goodness it will be early summerlike in NYC in April! Or at least, IT BETTER BE! I've got too much tush too freeze off any more for Clay!

I'm afraid Smokey Robinson is a freakin' POSTER CHILD for the evils of plastic surgery.

What the hell is a "Smegdorf"? And Mr. Joel is right, except he NEVER looked like a rock star...

KimberMe Skankastic is up ... with the most unnatural highlights I've seen until this season. She really is not a singer as she only has a range of about 5 notes...but she tries to cover to the best of her bare bellied abilities. Too bad we have ears! Simon is only right when he agrees with me, and he was right on this performance.

Hell, I didn't even remember "Just the Way You Are" being in Shrek. Ruben is seriously into movies, huh? For me, this was one Ruben's better performances...he put his own stamp on it and you can hear in the training in his voice. He simply is not one of the loves of my life.

Me against America - I just don't like this song. Kim did OK for me, a teensy bit theatrical (and I only like that in songs I like). She looked good and very New Yorkish to me.

Oooooh! Here is the worst outfit of any contestant of any season, bar none (and yes, I'm including BicBoi in the banana outfit). What the HELL was she thinking???? A shiny green streaked strapless tube top dress with a black t-shirt...with printing on it...and a green dog collar and a yellow button???? At this is the song where she TOTALLY earned the moniker "Goat Girl". How could she not HEAR that? Does she LIKE it? Is she INSANE??!?!? You might get the impression I didn't like this performance. You'd be absolutely right! HA HA! And yes, I know I'm wrong, but I swear I fell out of my chair when I heard Randy baa'ing at her. That was simple HILARIOUS. And Paula didn't even say she was pretty. It was so bad the judge had no redeeming comments. And listening to her current comments, yeah, chick - hindsight is 20/20 but you cannot tell me they didn't have mirrors SOMEWHERE backstage. I don't know any other 18-year-old who would have been caught dead in that outfit much less gone on national TV with it!

Heeee, Trenyce is in her underwear! Yeah, you can pretend it's a real dress, but we all know it's underwear. That's my grandmama's girdle slip, I swear. Wrinkly underwear at that. Not a thrilling song choice. She's a little goatish too, and lost a lot of voice control. I think she knew it was a bad song choice. And the weave was bad, people, BAD.

Hell, from Celebration the only way to go for Josh was up - but hell, he just barely sat up. He really shows that he hasn't had any formal training because he's trying too hard to project. He does have more of a range than KimberMe and no Billy Goat Gruff. And Simon really wasn't being mean, Josh didn't sound special.

Finally! What I been waiting impatiently for! HA HA! He tricked people by starting out as a ballad! He looks good in blue and black - but the tennis shoes need to go. Wait, let me play it again...OK. I feel better. What can I say - he coulda made a BEAUTIFUL ballad out of it but instead made a kickass ballad/mid tempo (dude, this didn't come close to uptempo) song - and he moved a little! Yay! In case you're wondering, I liked Clay best! He sang "gurrrrrrrrrrrrl" I love the way he sings "gurrrrrrrrrrrrrl". Heh. and I especially loved when he did that tick thing when Simon was being stupid. Simon is so shallow.

Clay has KLo to hold onto and is therefore happy. I like shallow Clay. That pink and camou 205 wasn't quite as bad as the atrocity Carmen wore, but close. Very close. Sort of like the Bride of Frakenstein hair of KimberMe. Maybe they were trying to make Goat Girl feel better. Bye KimberMe!

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Ha I had a laugh today. I am shopping for a new car and I want one that has the Sync system in it. One of the cars I was looking at had the connector for the iPod and a USB port for a flash drive in the center console. The young guy says you know you can get something called a Flash drive really cheap and put music on it. He says all I would need is a 1gb! Ha! That wouldn't even come close to what I would need! I said who only buys a 1gb? He said most people! I guess then I am not most people.

The look on his face was priceless! This "seasoned" woman was discussing the merits of iPods over Flash drives like I knew what I was talking about! He seemed a little surprised that I knew about all the latest "stuff". You know it is so much fun to play with their little pre-conceived ideas about us mature folks!

Another salesman thought he had to explain Bluetooth to me! Still didn't buy a new car but had fun anyway!

The weather here today is just great! In the 80s.

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KAndre, such an articulate, subtle and thought provoking assessmant! :lmaosmiley-1:

Love the pic's bc, especially the one of him in the blue sweater w/pinkish stripey shirt under. Yum-mo :DoClay:

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We are stuck in the hotel from hell—DO NOT STAY AT THE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL!!! We have no internet connection and they charge by the 1/2 hour in the lobby among [MULTIPLE] other sins.

Have to laugh at this again because I was perusing the outragious April rates for hotels in NY again this morning and saw flight/hotel combo "deal" on some website for the Pennsylvania. Fitting right in with your brief description, wanda, the price was $666..... :cryingwlaughter:

Ooooh - yummy pics, bc! :)

A belated :hb2: to Gibby!

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Kandre I love your recaps of AI Rewind; since I get the show on Sunday I can read your recap on Saturday and know when to expect Clay and then I can watch the others and relive your comments...it makes the show much more bearable for me!


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Closing in on a good ticket for 3/18 from some one who can't make it..

Can someome please tell me when do those great tickets show up at the last minute? Is it because I am only looking for 1 ticket that I only see icky seats?

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More from linlas at CB

This is after the matinee today:


Shannon came out the stage door, he yelled...."Shannnnnon" and grabbed her and hugged her.....

She said everyone was more aninamated....the Knights of Ni was about Elliott Spitzer again......very energetic bottle dance again, added in a few new dance steps since the last time she saw it....

Sound guy in hysterics during the drunken guard scene......

Rick came out at the same time as Clay and signed at the front end....after Jerome took Clay to the other end......

In case anyone forgot Shannon is Clay's dresser.


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More from the matinee:

from linlas at the CB:


Just got a call with a stage door report....from Hopelessly Devoted

It was sold out....big crowd at the stage door....already gathered when they got out there.....

He had on sandals.....

Jamie was there in one of the box seats

He started signing at the usual end....there was some commotion, someone said, "no shoving"......Clay stepped back and Jerome moved him to the other end...and he worked his way back to the beginning.....I may edit this when I think of more of what she said.....

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Clay and Shannon

Lookin' GOOD Mr. Aiken :hubbahubba:

Looking very very good! :hubbahubba:


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