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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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44 members have voted

  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Not so fast there, Claytonic, that is voting to see who interviews people on the Ai red Carpet. I think Clay is past that now. This job is better for the lesser known idols.

I guess you are right playbiller, I am not as advanced as you guys in terms of Clay's position in the grand scheme of things. But if they pay him enough, would he do it? I agree it is a job for the lesser Idols, but since when does AI care about the individual contestants when it comes to grabbing the audience? At least from my experience in Oz, they only care about what puts bums on seats and brings in advertising dollars. Clay did say that going back to Idol would be like going back to high school... i.e. he doesn't attend the football games at his own school any more. But if they asked him nicely, since he is one of their biggest star 'students', would he do it? Just asking, I have no clue!

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I highly doubt that they hire based on the results of an internet poll. :cryingwlaughter: Sorry, I just don't take polls that seriously anymore. Which is why I rarely bother to vote. Hee, does that make me a bad fan? ;)*slaps self, just in case*

I don't take polls seriously either, but I just like my fav artist to have the most votes, even if it is manipulated!! And sometimes I know that just one or two fans can determine who wins the poll! I just want to see Clay at the big events so that he gets the exposure for his album sales, since he will be releasing an album around that time.

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I recall Faye talking abut watching the top 12 with her friends and when Clay came out and did the thing with the arm in I Can't Help Myself, her freinds swooned at the sexiness and she said she had to tell her friends, "excuse me that is my son!"

I think she had to get used to it pretty darn quick.

I remember that Clay said his mother felt he had a gift he shouldn't waste, and she and Ray pushed him to keep singing and not give up on it, I think that might be what he meant by her wanting it for him. Supposely Ray kicked hiim out of bed to try out for Hometown Connection, he really didn't want to, but what a great training ground it turned out for Emcee Clay!

Hm thanks, I didn't know that.

I am not really interested in Faye herself, just what her thoughts are about how far her son has come since 2003. I did note that his family and friends are something he likes to separate, just as he told Tyra, he is Clayton to the people in his life pre Idol, and he is Clay to the people he met post-Idol, and that he doesn't like to be called Clayton by people who didn't know him before American Idol. This made me realise how much he wanted to preserve what he had before, as a private person, not a celebrity. I was very surprised that LTS revealed as much as it did, but I guess it would not have been possible to write about the strong influences in his life without mentioning them.

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I guess you are right playbiller, I am not as advanced as you guys in terms of Clay's position in the grand scheme of things. But if they pay him enough, would he do it? I agree it is a job for the lesser Idols, but since when does AI care about the individual contestants when it comes to grabbing the audience? At least from my experience in Oz, they only care about what puts bums on seats and brings in advertising dollars. Clay did say that going back to Idol would be like going back to high school... i.e. he doesn't attend the football games at his own school any more. But if they asked him nicely, since he is one of their biggest star 'students', would he do it? Just asking, I have no clue!

Well, he did a similar type of thing for the Insider a while back, so I guess it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. And he did say 'yes' to AI Rewind. But I agree with play that it's probably better suited for a "lesser" Idol.

I don't take polls seriously either, but I just like my fav artist to have the most votes, even if it is manipulated!! And sometimes I know that just one or two fans can determine who wins the poll! I just want to see Clay at the big events so that he gets the exposure for his album sales, since he will be releasing an album around that time.

Oh, I totally agree, I'd love to see him get some exposure on TV, and even on AI, that would be fine with me, but I'd rather it be singing than doing a red carpet. JMO.

I am not really interested in Faye herself, just what her thoughts are about how far her son has come since 2003. I did note that his family and friends are something he likes to separate, just as he told Tyra, he is Clayton to the people in his life pre Idol, and he is Clay to the people he met post-Idol, and that he doesn't like to be called Clayton by people who didn't know him before American Idol.

Yep, with the exception of Jaymes Foster. ;)

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I can't remember when it is, but there's a point in the show where Clay does this head move that is so fluid. It's not the head snap. He leads with his head left following with his shoulder and body sort of like a left to right wave as opposed to the body wave. He goes left then right - with maybe a clap at center when he changes direction. Does anyone know what I'm talking about from this description?

I really want to know what this move is called. He's the only one doing it. I'm wondering if Angie or Quiana taught him or if the choreographer/dance captain showed him. He looks so comfortable doing it and he's the only one on stage doing it. I think it may be my favorite move of his onstage.

Anybody have any grandchildren who might know?

I loved watching him because he looks like he's having so much fun!

This is during the Find Your Grail scene, when LTOL is up on the riser behind them. All the knights are doing their own free-style thang. Clay has perfected whatever it is that is called. I remember him getting the girls to do it during the JBT when he was making them 'dance' during the 80's medley. Then he'd try it and look like a dork. Heheh! He's come a long way, baybee!

I consider myself a fairly quick-witted person... well I did up until I saw this show. *g* There are sooo many things that I didn't catch the first, second even third time I saw it. Well now I've seen it ten times, and as I was falling asleep last night in my drug-induced (thanks, all you germ filled people who have passed on your crud :-P) haze, I had another revelation. The Prince Herbert scene is high up on my list of favorites, and there are so many little things that add to it. The wedding decorations on the guards helmuts and spears (took me several times to catch that), the roses on the back drop behind the castle - stuff like that there. I've always kind of wondered about why Prince Herbert has the bow in his hands (he lobs it out the window when he first starts to siiiiiiiiiing. I thought maybe it was a Cupid reference or something. It finally dawned on me last night that he's the one who shot Concorde with 'the note'. Duh.

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From moonhead/CV

Treehouse Music Group has the following blurb on the main page of their website...



It sounds as if Ryan Tedder is a co-writer of On My Way Here along with Hunter Davis and Chris Faulk (Davis and Faulk appear to be the owners of the site).


I do think the discussion of Faye has been respectful.

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Morning FCA!

Cute recap of last night's show from Austenfan at CB - - -

First of all, it was indeed a sellout. I heard someone say 'sold out' when I entered the theater but I couldn't see the box office because it was too crowded. But when I left I could see the 'SOLD OUT' sign in the window.

There was a full stage door with signing as the rain and wind stopped and it got milder. I got some video though not the best due to the big crowd but something.

Lots of young people. As a matter of fact there were lots of large groups of young folk which I'm guessing is spring break related. Spring break, Clay in wooly tights...Yoewa.

When I sat down the guy next to me looked at the program and read 'Clay Aiken, Sir Robin, Guard 1 and Brother Maynard. Then he said something about AI and 17 year old kids and who says folks from those shows can sing and act. And he said these are the same people who think Britney Spears can sing. At the end of the show he said something about 'amazing'. And the person he was with was laughing so hard they were doubled over in their chair. I thought they were gonna fall off their seat.

We got a truly majestic 'raising of the tunic'. Full view of all the luscious gorgeousness. And for quite an extended length of time. Got some catcalls and whistles from throughout the crowd. And it even got a laugh from the guy next to me. Clay searching the piano keys for where to play got more laughs. And when he did the faces while turning to the front of the piano and then crosses his leg and moves his head back and gives the 'look'. --- wow. BIg laughs at every move. And the audience went wild at the shimmy. Clay's singing was so rich and strong on those 'Oys'. Just a little singin' 'll do you.

Second part....

The drunken guard scene was one of the funniest ever. There was a substitute for Patsy. The sub did get a huge laugh on 'It's not the kind of thing you say to a heavily armed Christian' when he explained why he didn't say he was Jewish. The sub did allright but just didn't catch the drunken guard. So Clay's facial expessions and body movements and Christopher Sieber as the 'dad' really made that scene. And just my goodness. People were laughing so hard and so long it hurt. When Clay did his laugh and said 'I thought you meant him' (thought he was supposed to keep the other guard in the room instead of the prince) - he got huge laughs. I remember early on that got very little laughter. Now every phrase is hysterical. When the 'dad' is about to leave the guards he holds his hands out and hesitates to talk like he's afraid the guard (Clay) will again say something clueless. As long as the audience laughs he keeps at it. And this time it went on and on..I think had the dad not stopped people would have laughed for several more minutes. After that the other actors picked up the energy and Herbert in the tower (Tom Deckman) and Lancelot (Rick Holmes) were hysterical.

Clay was so animated during the Brother Maynard scene raising his eyes and looking down like he's trying to read and being so serious about the silly Holy Hand Grenade and how 'thy foe will snuff it, in his mercy'. The timing was perfect so laughs at every word.

During intermission this young woman talked on her cell phone and said the show was 'bleeping hysterical'.

The peasant was an older man. His last name was 'Height'. And when he said that Clay raised his arm above his head to indicate 'height'. Very cute. Then the King said 'and he's a Jew'. And Clay squatted down to the ground (Yeowza again) and then jumped up and down like a kid at Christmas.

The entire audience appeared to be on their feet from the first bow. And Clay got a great response. I'd say the best of the night. The whole show was incredible.

Cute moment from stage door...several folks came to sign while Clay was there..Rick Holmes, Hannah Waddingham and Tom Deckman. At the end when Clay goes in you can hear Hannah squeal 'I Love You Clay' in her best fangirly voice. Clay was on fire tonight. The whole show was wow.

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I've always kind of wondered about why Prince Herbert has the bow in his hands (he lobs it out the window when he first starts to siiiiiiiiiing. I thought maybe it was a Cupid reference or something. It finally dawned on me last night that he's the one who shot Concorde with 'the note'. Duh.

Well, CRAP!

Now I feel stoopid!

I'm right there with you - except I didn't have the lightbulb moment! It took you saying it for me to see it!


I may change my screenname to Imma Dunce! :blush:

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I consider myself a fairly quick-witted person... well I did up until I saw this show. *g* There are sooo many things that I didn't catch the first, second even third time I saw it. Well now I've seen it ten times, and as I was falling asleep last night in my drug-induced (thanks, all you germ filled people who have passed on your crud :-P) haze, I had another revelation. The Prince Herbert scene is high up on my list of favorites, and there are so many little things that add to it. The wedding decorations on the guards helmuts and spears (took me several times to catch that), the roses on the back drop behind the castle - stuff like that there. I've always kind of wondered about why Prince Herbert has the bow in his hands (he lobs it out the window when he first starts to siiiiiiiiiing. I thought maybe it was a Cupid reference or something. It finally dawned on me last night that he's the one who shot Concorde with 'the note'. Duh.

I guess I need more tickets!!

Reading that recap, I think a lot of people feel the way as that man. It's not just oh no, Clay Aiken? It's Idol and those kids aren't really singers. I'm not surprised it still has some stigma. Yes there are a lot more successes out there but really those are in the minority. It's snobbery and the thing is not every successful musician did the I struggled for years trying to make adn I write every song and my voice is extraordinary anyway. Just watch some of these award shows and you see most of the so called real singers can't even sing live. I wonder how many of them would even survive on Idol week after week.

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I consider myself a fairly quick-witted person... well I did up until I saw this show. *g* There are sooo many things that I didn't catch the first, second even third time I saw it. Well now I've seen it ten times, and as I was falling asleep last night in my drug-induced (thanks, all you germ filled people who have passed on your crud :-P) haze, I had another revelation. The Prince Herbert scene is high up on my list of favorites, and there are so many little things that add to it. The wedding decorations on the guards helmuts and spears (took me several times to catch that), the roses on the back drop behind the castle - stuff like that there. I've always kind of wondered about why Prince Herbert has the bow in his hands (he lobs it out the window when he first starts to siiiiiiiiiing. I thought maybe it was a Cupid reference or something. It finally dawned on me last night that he's the one who shot Concorde with 'the note'. Duh.

Heh. First off, you're welcome for the crud. Secondly, maybe it is a Python thing, because I knew the note was from Herbert right off! Because in the movie The Holy Grail they show Herbert shooting the arrow out the window with the note attached. So I guess I kind of put two and two together from that. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Tomorrow is the first day of spring, and it's freaking snowing out?????? Ugh, I've had enough of this white shit to last me a lifetime!

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smirks and raises her hand too

Another Python fan here - I knew too! HA HA!

Clay on the AI red carpet? Hell, considering all the other stars they have shilling their shit on AI, I say what the hey, let Clay shill along with them. Jim Carey went on in a frickin' elephant suit.

I just tend not to vote for anything entertainment-wise. Because I'm lazy.

And I also thought that most people though the AI kids/people ('cause some of them are just old) had talent, they just weren't real stars and for the most part, I think that's true. There have been 4 real major successes from the show that I can see - Kelly, Clay, Carrie, and Daughtry - and two of those didn't even win.

Yamin? Never saw what anyone heard in him. Really didn't.

We won't even mention Hicks. Ptui!

Is anyone still paying any real attention to Jordin? Ruben? Fantasia? Constatine? The other 30 or so still in entertainment with solid careers but not stardom? And at this point, I think only Carrie has any real claim to superstardom...

Oh wait, I went back and counted - did y'all realize there have been 70 top 10/12 contestants (not counting this year?). I think I will see what they all have been doing...

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I guess that guy forgot about the Idol contestant who won a little thing called an Oscar?

Yeah, that. (I know there's an emoticon for that, but I'm too lazy to look for it....)

I think so much of the "stigma" for American Idol happens because of this: the bad audition rounds. For some reason, those seem to be the most popular episodes (not in my household). Those bad auditions seem to get so much publicity IMO -- I would venture a guess that more people know who William Hung is as compared to Taylor Hicks, for example. I think that makes people really question the validity of American Idol, even though there has been some great talent from the show. I also think that more people think of AI as a TV show first, and then maybe as a vehicle to find a recording artist. I do tend to believe that most people tend to forget about most all the contestants once the show is over. Clay, in many ways, is one of the "lucky ones" in that regard -- he still gets publicity. Even then, though....not everyone follows the careers of contestants once the show is over.

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Just watch some of these award shows and you see most of the so called real singers can't even sing live. I wonder how many of them would even survive on Idol week after week.

Couchie, this is so true. I get tired of hearing all the so-called 'cool' musical artists dissing anyone who gets known because of AI. To me, the fire that these contestants have to walk through during the whole process of AI is freakin' incredible! And I'll even say that the contestants in those earliest two seasons had it even harder than the more recent years.

A recorded track vs live band

A recording of harmony/background singers (sometimes your own recorded voice) instead of live people.

Simple staging with minimal bells and whistles vs multi-million dollar hoopla

Just you and your voice vs you and your guitar, piano, harmonica and whatever else...

Just you and your vocal talent and showmanship...every week in front of millions of people and then subjected to public criticism by the Three Stooges. It really is trial by fire. And I agree that some of the people who complain the loudest about the 'sham' of the musical merit in the people who become 'famous' because of Idol are the ones who'd never have made it past the screening process BEFORE having a chance in front of Paula, Simon and Randy in their audition city...

Good morning, all! Well, two 12-hour days in a row and today will most likely be a third. Looks like I'm going to have to give up my Saturday in order to get all the crap done I need to before being away for a week or so...shit.

Good thing I'll be seeing my boyfriend next week. :hubbahubba: (even if my hubby is sitting next to me, heh :blush: )

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I made the connection between Prince Herbert--bow--arrow--Concorde when I saw the show, but someone more observant than I went much, much further. Concorde's arrow has pink fluffy flight "feathers" on the end of it when it suddenly appears in the middle of his chest. An eagle-eyed poster noted that Herbert is wearing pink ballet slippers. One has a little clump of pink fluffy feathers on it, and on the other slipper--the pink fluff is missing. I don't remember who noted that, but we could use those observational skills here at my research institute!! :clap:

I agree that part of the disrespect for AI grads lies squarely on the producer's choice to feature so many bad auditions. I HATES them, and never watch those shows. Supposedly, American Idol was supposed to be a new legitimate way to find a few new genuinely good singers and give them a shot at a career. However, it has become abundantly clear that it is first, last and always a TV show. Even Clay has said that, I think, although please don't ask me for the quote. I'm cheating on my boss here at work since one of my patients cancelled. The contestants' contracts even stated that the show could present them any way they chose, including bending the truth.

I think that Kelly's success surprised them, so they do put some effort into the winners or their chosen ones, but first and foremost it's all about TV ratings and advertising dollars. I think that attitude shows, and it has hurt the "legitimacy" of the AI grads.

Geez, people want me to do stuff here. How rude!!

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Jon is a sick kid taht a lot of people are going around collecting photos from friends and famous people holding that sign, there is even a cute cockerspaniel holding the sign.

Yes, it I do not remember the filmin great detail, but I knew that Herbert shot the arrow because he said "you found my note". I thought that was a dead giveaway.

In my traverses around the net, I find that the Danny Noreaga fans are up-set because Clay over took him. They think we are greedy fans and that gave me a flashback to the fall of TTC and the great withdrawl of Justin fans who liked Clay because Justin had always won a small internet poll and suddenly Clay rushed in and won everything, even when they pleaded to let them just have this poll, Clay still won, until the owner of the site, a Justin fan, disallowed any votes for Clay, just for Clay. It was really a nothing poll, just a small unnoticed by google, poll. I think I rethought voting for everything then. The steamroller is hard to stop and some people need what ever little thing they can have. JMHO, I vote when I have time, but not for everything, just on large sites and just for things I want Clay to win. I remember a whole bunch of people voting to make Clay win some poll, but winning meant you were a sad case - some fans never read what the poll was and that we really wanted Clay to lose by the most.

for it....)

I think so much of the "stigma" for American Idol happens because of this: the bad audition rounds. For some reason, those seem to be the most popular episodes (not in my household). Those bad auditions seem to get so much publicity IMO -- I would venture a guess that more people know who William Hung is as compared to Taylor Hicks, for example. I think that makes people really question the validity of American Idol, even though there has been some great talent from the show. I also think that more people think of AI as a TV show first, and then maybe as a vehicle to find a recording artist. I do tend to believe that most people tend to forget about most all the contestants once the show is over. Clay, in many ways, is one of the "lucky ones" in that regard -- he still gets publicity. Even then, though....not everyone follows the careers of contestants once the show is over.

While that is true, I remember it being started by the critics who call the show Kareoke (probably the recorded background, even though it was newly recorded) and we all know how easy it is to sing kareoke.

Thatg seemed to be followed up by some jealousy from performers that idols were not seasoned musicians who worked for years to get this fame. No, the seasoned musicians ignored the Mickey Mouse club kids and would not have survived a week of season 2 (I still think the hardest year for all they did - I mean 2 group songs a show! two singles to go with theiralbum, several non-idol appearances performing, Wayne Brady and Oprah), extra shows with performances - Halfway home and top 2, the extra clips of life in the mansion and trips out to movie premieres, etc. If idols were still seasoned, it would still be hard, but to be semi-amatuer and perform in front of cameras and on a stage! Well that says something.

Faye - I don't write opinion pieces on her, I don't connect the dots, I just repeats some stuff that has been said aand hope it is in context.

Clay and Faye did in 2004. Neither does a lot of real life personal interviews anymore.
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I agree that part of the disrespect for AI grads lies squarely on the producer's choice to feature so many bad auditions. I HATES them, and never watch those shows. Supposedly, American Idol was supposed to be a new legitimate way to find a few new genuinely good singers and give them a shot at a career. However, it has become abundantly clear that it is first, last and always a TV show. Even Clay has said that, I think, although please don't ask me for the quote. I'm cheating on my boss here at work since one of my patients cancelled. The contestants' contracts even stated that the show could present them any way they chose, including bending the truth.

I don't understand people who say that is their favorite part. I don't find it funny. I find it degrading. Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I can't stand the ridicule.

One reason I have never been an AI fan. I stopped on the channel because this kid from NC was singing like CRAZY! That was it.

I'm a fan of Clay. I'm not a fan of AI.

I wish iTunes would understand that! Ack!

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I will confess: I have laughed at the ones I thought were funny. Didn't see any bad auditions in AI1, 'cause I didn't start watching it until halfway through the season. Laughed a lot at a number of the auditions in AI2 (frankly thought I was gonna laugh at this geeky kid from NC - he sure fooled me!). By AI3, it was getting a little predictable. BY AI4, it was totally predictable.

I admit, I occasionally sometimes almost all the time have a warped sense of humor (one of the reasons I hung on at TWoP for a very long time). I personally will watch "funny" for waay longer than I will watch "sentimental". I hate 90% of the weepy backstories that are foisted upon us. A lot of people like that stuff. To each their own.

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I don't mind the bad auditions on AI when people KNOW they're bad and ham it up or are just clueless but are treated with some degree of respect--but I hate it when people really seem to think they have talent and then are quashed like bugs. That makes me feel bad. Some of them look so humiliated. How is there humor in that? The producers could easily edit those out and spare people further humiliation.

I don't like mean.

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