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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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So Clayzorback, do you think hubby was surprised with Clay's performance or impressed one way or the other? And ... did Clay surprise you? I'm so so glad you got to go.

Clay did not try and use his star power to upstage the real stars

Now, Clayzor darling, he is one of the real stars! His name promotes the show on the marquee, and his face is on the bus. He's real, I tell you, REAL!!!!

Yes, girl, I took that carriage ride through Central Park one beautiful September day with my man. Unforgettable.

And ... before you go back into deep cover again (and btw I think it's time to come out of hiding with the new album coming on), what do you think of the new album cover?

Amen, sister!

There were a couple of North Carolinians at the stagedoor on our last trip, and they were quite willing to tell any and all that they could not understand why Clay would get 'star billing' (speaking of him being the last to come on stage for curtain call before King Arthur). And they were quite incredulous. Funny tho', that didn't stop them from pressing up against the railings and calling for his autograph. And leaving the second he was gone, instead of waiting for the 'real stars' to come out. Pffffffffffft. Of course they spent the rest of the time making sure that anyone in earshot knew that Clay himself got them the tickets. They were quite proud of the fact that they knew his body guard's name too. *g*

ETA: Wow, I guess I should've read this page before I posted again. Wow, Clayzor - I hope you mean all those laughing smilies you posted between the names you call Clay. Wow.

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osted by GBB at the CH:


Invisible926 called in a matinee report to Corabeth, who was in her car and called it in to me. The Clay News Network at its finest *g*

Clay did fine today. He did well in the bottle dance, he did the stage door -- signed quick and went back in. Someone said they thought he was limping outside, but she didn't see it. She did notice that during the slo-mo bit he didn't do the deep knee bends very deep.

In the Camelot scene, Clay looked under one of the girl's skirts. "He's a lech up there." *g*

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In the Camelot scene, Clay looked under one of the girl's skirts. "He's a lech up there." *g*

The man really IS a horndog, you know... :cryingwlaughter:

CG and I have an ongoing discussion about Simon. Although I do see CG's side re: Simon as an animal lover; his public 'face' on AI is mostly his stage persona and ratings inducer, etc.---our major point of agreement is how often Simon's assessment of the performances is 'right on' for us. This season especially he has usually said what I was thinking after each performance...well, until recently.

However, I'm more with others re: his unnecessary bluntness (rudeness) in how he delivers his critiques. Nothing excuses for me the fact that he said after TITN to Clay, "You were really ugly then." Yes, his point was to say how handsome he'd become, but the ugly comment isn't something you can take back once it's been said in front of millions of people. Inexcusable to me.

The way he and Randy behaved the day after Clay's later appearance on AI also told me more than I want to know about this man. I really do think he's just someone who has lots of money, has built himself a position of power in his field, takes advantage of the open doors his power gifts him with, and enjoys all the perks of his business. Not necessarily a bad thing; but I just don't like people who use their power to belittle others. Yep, he's important to the contestants in that he will 'tell it like it is' and not how they'd like to think it is; however, he speaks with little compassion most of the time and is

1. either ignorant at articulating negative criticism in a constructive way or

2. just cruel by choice, which is not ignorance but rather the behavior of bullies.

If it's the former, he needs to work on that--he's in the public eye and dealing with real people's lives and he could learn how to still speak his mind without being rude...

If it's the latter, then I have less patience for his attitude.


On a happier note---glad to hear Clay went with 'the show must go on' path today, although I hope he lets people take care of him, too. :whistling-1: Didn't we hear something about his hip being a lifelong issue because of his ankles when he was in Malaysia after the Indonesia UNICEF trip?

I'm really, REALLY looking forward to this new cd! :clap::DoClay:

ETA: Clazor! Those are some of the most obscene emoticons I've ever seen! I'm shocked, I tellya! (not) :sleezy:

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So Clayzorback, do you think hubby was surprised with Clay's performance or impressed one way or the other? And ... did Clay surprise you? I'm so so glad you got to go.

Clay did not try and use his star power to upstage the real stars

Now, Clayzor darling, he is one of the real stars! His name promotes the show on the marquee, and his face is on the bus. He's real, I tell you, REAL!!!!

Yes, girl, I took that carriage ride through Central Park one beautiful September day with my man. Unforgettable.

And ... before you go back into deep cover again (and btw I think it's time to come out of hiding with the new album coming on), what do you think of the new album cover?

Amen, sister!

There were a couple of North Carolinians at the stagedoor on our last trip, and they were quite willing to tell any and all that they could not understand why Clay would get 'star billing' (speaking of him being the last to come on stage for curtain call before King Arthur). And they were quite incredulous. Funny tho', that didn't stop them from pressing up against the railings and calling for his autograph. And leaving the second he was gone, instead of waiting for the 'real stars' to come out. Pffffffffffft. Of course they spent the rest of the time making sure that anyone in earshot knew that Clay himself got them the tickets. They were quite proud of the fact that they knew his body guard's name too. *g*

ETA: Wow, I guess I should've read this page before I posted again. Wow, Clayzor - I hope you mean all those laughing smilies you posted between the names you call Clay. Wow.

You know cindilu I can always count on you. Thanks for helping me win 50.00 bucks that you would have some smart ass comment to say to me. You are one reason why I stopped posting on this board.

Perhaps you missed the first paragraph in my post where I said to scroll if you think you won't like something I said. That was directed at you. Have a good day............

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Not Cindilu but you know; when you post on a message board you have to assume the risk that someone is not going to like what you say especially if it can be interpreted as controversial...and there will be discussion. That is what we do, there is give and take...If you are not willing to own your posts and be willing to discuss your position, than you shouldn't post.

I know myself, that I have posted many things that are disagreed with and I am sure I have incurred my share of eye-rolls, etc....but when I post, I mean what I say and yes, there are times when I have regretted posting something (and this maybe one of them, LOL!); but I think if you feel strongly about something you should respond to it and I usually do.

More and more, cruising the boards, I see this happen, someone posts something; someone else has a problem with it and makes a comment and the original poster gets in a snit. I don't get that...why post something you know some are going to have a problem with and then get mad when they do?

Sorry for such a heavy post on a Holiday week-end...


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I bet the family whose mortgage Simon paid off don't give a rat's ass if he went on Oprah and talked about it or not.

I had a whole post written as a response to what you said, cindilu, but its not worth it. I guess I just don't hate as easily as some. I bet Clay doesn't either.

You know, we are supposed to be here to have fun and talk about fun things involving Clay. But then someone decides to bash Simon for whatever reason and others join in with glee but God forbid someone else comes along and disagrees with them, indicating that Simon isn't evil incarnate.

I guess I didn't read the rule book where it says its ok to bash and hate Simon but never to defend him. Would someone please post the Hate List so this won't happen again???

We talk about how ugly the tabloids are and certain talk show hosts and other members of the media. Sometime I think the next time members of this fandom so easily hand out their hate and talk about the ugliness out there, perhaps they should take a good long look in the mirror.

Its one thing to disagree with Simon or not like things he says or does. But its quite another to spew hatred with glee - the same kind of thing some often accuse Simon of - and that is so often the case in this fandom. It makes me WANT to defend him. Its not like I am in love with Simon. I do like him, but I don't like everything he does or everything he says. Sometimes he makes me cringe. But I don't think he is a bad person and I hate it when people talk about him like he is.

Now, to change the subject (I hope....):



ETA: In preview I saw muski's post. Yup, of all the things we agree upon, through the years Simon has not been one of them! But I love her anyway! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Well now I feel special!

Sorry, but calling Clay names like that on a fan board just isn't something I can understand. If you can post your feelings, why can't I? When you preface a post as you did, then surely you expect reaction? And now after I post, I read CG's response also. I didn't hate on Simon, I expressed my feelings about him, just like ALL feelings about Clay are welcome.

When I post, I'm posting MY opinions and reactions. I don't think I've ever asked for anybody else's posts to be removed, or for them NOT to post. But are we posting in a vacuum? When exactly, is it okay to disagree? When your name doesn't start with cindilu?

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All I saw was people posting their points of view.

I don't think anyone said that you can't like Simon. They just stated why they don't like him.

I feel that Simon is a self-centered asshole. Many times I agree with his commentary but I don't think he's a 'good' person. The only person he really cares about is himself.

Do I hate him. No. He's not worth my time.

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Not Cindilu but you know; when you post on a message board you have to assume the risk that someone is not going to like what you say especially if it can be interpreted as controversial...and there will be discussion. That is what we do, there is give and take...If you are not willing to own your posts and be willing to discuss your position, than you shouldn't post.

I know myself, that I have posted many things that are disagreed with and I am sure I have incurred my share of eye-rolls, etc....but when I post, I mean what I say and yes, there are times when I have regretted posting something (and this maybe one of them, LOL!); but I think if you feel strongly about something you should respond to it and I usually do.

More and more, cruising the boards, I see this happen, someone posts something; someone else has a problem with it and makes a comment and the original poster gets in a snit. I don't get that...why post something you know some are going to have a problem with and then get mad when they do?

Sorry for such a heavy post on a Holiday week-end...


You mean like we've seen cindilu do whenever someone comments about her posts critisizing someone she feels is critisizing Clay? Then she makes a pity me post and leaves the board in a snit for a few days?

I own my posts and mean what I say and don't regret anything I have said. I also don't feel that I need to defend my opinion, on my own recap, of my own experience seeing Spamalot. It is what it is. Why not just ignore a post you have a problem with? Perhaps it is more fun to make someone feel less than a fan, for not falling all over themselves.

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:hugs-1: to cindilu, because I find myself agreeing with you approximately 99.9% of the time.

As one who also posted her (negative) feelings toward Simon, (although I didn't consider them particularly "gleeful"), my preference is ALWAYS to talk about Clay- and my tone when doing so is probably ALMOST ALWAYS going to be positive. I don't particularly care about many others who are mentioned often here in passing, such as past Idol contestants and such, and therefore won't even bother commenting on them. Simon, however, pushes all my buttons- and not in a good way! But as cindilu said, at least I'm not going to a Simon board (do they even exist? :cryingwlaughter: ) and posting my dislike for him there. As thankful said, he's not worth my time.

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Not Cindilu but you know; when you post on a message board you have to assume the risk that someone is not going to like what you say especially if it can be interpreted as controversial...and there will be discussion. That is what we do, there is give and take...If you are not willing to own your posts and be willing to discuss your position, than you shouldn't post.

I know myself, that I have posted many things that are disagreed with and I am sure I have incurred my share of eye-rolls, etc....but when I post, I mean what I say and yes, there are times when I have regretted posting something (and this maybe one of them, LOL!); but I think if you feel strongly about something you should respond to it and I usually do.

More and more, cruising the boards, I see this happen, someone posts something; someone else has a problem with it and makes a comment and the original poster gets in a snit. I don't get that...why post something you know some are going to have a problem with and then get mad when they do?

Sorry for such a heavy post on a Holiday week-end...


You mean like we've seen cindilu do whenever someone comments about her posts critisizing someone she feels is critisizing Clay? Then she makes a pity me post and leaves the board in a snit for a few days?

I own my posts and mean what I say and don't regret anything I have said. I also don't feel that I need to defend my opinion, on my own recap, of my own experience seeing Spamalot. It is what it is. Why not just ignore a post you have a problem with? Perhaps it is more fun to make someone feel less than a fan, for not falling all over themselves.

I don't believe I was trying to make you feel less of a fan; your feelings are your feelings, but I and anyone else on the board has a right to respond to them. And I do ignore many posts when I feel responding to them would be counterproductive. If your post was meant to be snark, than I apologize; I guess not being able to see Spamalot bothers me much more than I thought it would and I have a very hard time with fans complaining when they have been very lucky to see this show.


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From rcknrllmom at CV

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!! peeking in between shows...we hadnt planned on going to the matinee but when we heard he was not doing it then he was we grabbed SRO tickets in case he cancelled tonight...I would have kicked myself then not taking the for sure show at 2.....and SRO was wonderful.....I hope he does the show tonight because we have 6th row seats ....the stage door....OMG....he IS 'f&$*ing gorgeous' !!!!!!!!! wow....i just stared..how can you not...and I DID see him limping back in......without a doubt....I hope he takes care of himself.......

OH we went in to Virgin Records....right in the door they had LOTS of MOAM and ATDW CD's and one guy was there looking at the back of ATDW...guess I should have told him to buy it..but make sure to get the new one on May 6th! lol

and today during the performance, I found myself choking back the tears. Surprised myself with that reaction....I was just so glad to be there.

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Its one thing to disagree with Simon or not like things he says or does. But its quite another to spew hatred with glee - the same kind of thing some often accuse Simon of - and that is so often the case in this fandom. It makes me WANT to defend him. Its not like I am in love with Simon. I do like him, but I don't like everything he does or everything he says. Sometimes he makes me cringe. But I don't think he is a bad person and I hate it when people talk about him like he is.

I really don't see your point here at all. This is a Clay board. So some of us 'hate' Simon.....so what? You don't. OK then. What's the big deal? Why are we even discussing him?

But when a Clay fan comes on here and uses words like "hate, selfish, twit, weeny", and "panty waste" in relation to Clay, I do see a problem. That crosses a line for me.

Not to mention that when Clay doesn't come out to sign autographs (which is not a part of the ticket price) "we" have no idea what he reasons are (except what we are told by Jerome), but we do know ONE thing - his reasons are personal TO HIM. They should not be taken personally by the fans. I understand feeling disappointed that you only had one shot and it didn't pan out for you. I can understand feeling upset and sad. But anger? Hatred? I just don't get that.

Clayzorback, I am happy that you got a chance to go to NYC and attend Spamalot. I am happy you enjoyed the show. I hope you can hold on to those memories, instead of letting your disappointment at the stage door overshadow your trip.

ETA: Guess I need to get my snark-o-meter checked. *g*

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ok I guess this is where I step in and say stop it.

People have a right to not like Simon. Hate him even or to like him. There is no right way to be..and one person being tolerable about him doesn't make you the better person because we can move on to another subject and shoes might be on the other foot. We have five years of history here and I don't think anybody feelings on Simon come about lightly. For some reason Clay fans aren't supposed to express that they don't like something associated with Idol, be it another idol or a judge or the producer or the show itself. I know I'm hard sometimes on this issue because I honestly don't have ill will towards idol. It brought me clay and his season was memorable and life went on and Clay did well so I don't relive the finale every other week. It's old news, an interesting part of his history. But on a Clay fan board, I honestly don't expect everyone to be like me. So even if it's not me...I get it. Perhaps had Simon not taken things beyond the show and put salt in wounds several times over people would be over it. But he didn't ..so that's where we are.

On the other hand, if somebody writes something you can't stand, try ignoring it. I read Clayzor's post and I understood that she was dramatically expressing her disapointment. Her post to me was about her, not Clay. I never thought for a moment that she hated Clay. And by now you've just got to take everyone's body of work, their personality, and understand where they are coming from. On the other hand, do I have another hand, expressing open distate for other members, don't know how that will solve anything. Actually it won't solve anything.

The only thing we have in common here is Clay. Really, that's it. And there's just no way all of our personalities and posting styles will mesh to the point where there is no conflict. But I ask you to consider your words before you post.

ETA: I do want to add that if you write something provacative, everybody won't understand and you will just have to deal with it. And there are some strong opinionated people here and they are going to respond...be prepared to deal with it.

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Not Cindilu but you know; when you post on a message board you have to assume the risk that someone is not going to like what you say especially if it can be interpreted as controversial...and there will be discussion. That is what we do, there is give and take...If you are not willing to own your posts and be willing to discuss your position, than you shouldn't post.

I know myself, that I have posted many things that are disagreed with and I am sure I have incurred my share of eye-rolls, etc....but when I post, I mean what I say and yes, there are times when I have regretted posting something (and this maybe one of them, LOL!); but I think if you feel strongly about something you should respond to it and I usually do.

More and more, cruising the boards, I see this happen, someone posts something; someone else has a problem with it and makes a comment and the original poster gets in a snit. I don't get that...why post something you know some are going to have a problem with and then get mad when they do?

Sorry for such a heavy post on a Holiday week-end...


You mean like we've seen cindilu do whenever someone comments about her posts critisizing someone she feels is critisizing Clay? Then she makes a pity me post and leaves the board in a snit for a few days?

I own my posts and mean what I say and don't regret anything I have said. I also don't feel that I need to defend my opinion, on my own recap, of my own experience seeing Spamalot. It is what it is. Why not just ignore a post you have a problem with? Perhaps it is more fun to make someone feel less than a fan, for not falling all over themselves.

I don't believe I was trying to make you feel less of a fan; your feelings are your feelings, but I and anyone else on the board has a right to respond to them. And I do ignore many posts when I feel responding to them would be counterproductive. If your post was meant to be snark, than I apologize; I guess not being able to see Spamalot bothers me much more than I thought it would and I have a very hard time with fans complaining when they have been very lucky to see this show.


You didn't and I was not referring to you but to cindilu and others who want to make anyone feel like they are not fans because they didn't like something or was disappointed in something.

It is just a shame that when people don't like you for their own reasons they only take out of your post what they can spin into another entirely different scenario. Too bad some people don't have any sense of humor at all or recognize a real fan when they see one. All they want to see is negative. It is their life mission to stamp it out. Too bad they don't recognize a little snark and sincere hurt and disapppointment when they see it. Too bad they feel special for running off real Clay fans from the message boards. Sorry I broke my vow never to post again. Some things never change.

My apologies to the admins of the board for getting upset with cindilu on the board instead of PM. I guess I just didn't feel the need to extend her the courtesy to do it in PM since she likes to respond negatively towards me and others on the board.

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Couchie I remember something you posted a while back and it cracked me up then. It still brings me a smile when I think of it (at times like today). It was simply:

" Thunderdome Anyone?"

BTW it's Easter Sunday here so Happy Easter to all. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Couchie I remember something you posted a while back and it cracked me up then. It still brings me a smile when I think of it (at times like today). It was simply:

" Thunderdome Anyone?"

BTW it's Easter Sunday here so Happy Easter to all. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks Ausdon. I actually feel like that today because I not all knowing and frankly don't know what to do or say here and I'm the only one around. How did I get so lucky. It just feels like to me that personal dislikes are manifesting themselves and unfortunately nothing good will come of it. I have to admit I haven't noticed a bunch of you're a bad fan stuff going on here and I thought I was pretty sensitive to that because I can't stand it myself. I think some people have gotten to a point where they see a name and their eyes start rolling before they even read a word. I've been there, done that, and it's not pleasant feeling for anyone. If anybody has suggestions for how to get over it, I'm all ears.

Thunderdome might work! I'm going to work (aka stick my head in the sand and trust in ya'll to work it out).

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The reason Clay can not come to autograph sometimes is because it is the theater's (liability) liability if you should get injured, in a sense. Walking outside on a windy day is your liability. Not his fault. I had a friend walking down a street in the city and a garbage lid flew down the street and broke her leg. It was pretty windy off and on the last few days and what ever is windy here is magnified in alleys in NYC. He knows he has fans who travel and he goes much further than any other performer to keep his fans happy (in a non-sexual way, sort of). How may others do bus lines or sepnd that kind of time autographing when he can? I have chased other actors in the play and they still won't stop and autograph. Did anyone get the King yet? Not a requirement


There were a couple of North Carolinians at the stagedoor on our last trip, and they were quite willing to tell any and all that they could not understand why Clay would get 'star billing' (speaking of him being the last to come on stage for curtain call before King Arthur). And they were quite incredulous. Funny tho', that didn't stop them from pressing up against the railings and calling for his autograph. And leaving the second he was gone, instead of waiting for the 'real stars' to come out. Pffffffffffft. Of course they spent the rest of the time making sure that anyone in earshot knew that Clay himself got them the tickets. They were quite proud of the fact that they knew his body guard's name too. *g*


I have heard about these people. Perhaps they know FF (Fake Faye). Did Clay charge them for the tickets they got? Why didn't he just autograph the tickets and not keep them for waiting for him outside? Why not take them backstage for an up close and personal? I am voting for there being an FF connection. Did they text her to say they had seen Clay?

Sheesh, can't spend too much time writing or editing.

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and if you are so inclined..here's something to distract you...

Well, I know that I'm always willing to be distracted by pictures of that gorgeous man! :clap:

Glad to hear that Clay was able to do the matinee today, as well as the stage door. Here's hoping he's resting and relaxing right now, and preserving himself for tonight.

On a different subject, I had a true "weenie" moment earlier this week. I was driving to work, listening to Lover All Alone, when suddenly the image of young Clayton in his "too tight tuxedo", dancing with Erin Cates sprung into my head, and I just started to cry. He has undergone an amazing and profound change of life over the past-what?- lets say 10 years, and yet some things still remain the same. I truly hope that some day soon, he will find the person with whom he will "share his everything"! (Told you I'm a weenie!")

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Just hang on a minute Bottle!!!!!! Kindly elaborate the wheres and hows as to this black leather performance!!!!

This week's episode of American Idol Rewind. Clay sang "I Could Not Ask for More" on Diane Warren night (Top 6) and was exceedingly CUTE in black. Here the link to Clack Unlimited.

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It wasn't too cold for those middle aged horny women who just wanted to get their fodder for the next few rounds of sexual fantasy.

Clayzor! I resemble that remark, dammit! I'll go to my grave advocating the getting of fodder for the next few rounds of sexual fantasy! :cryingwlaughter:

Oy...You say tomayto, I say tomahto, you say potayto, I say potahto..




French Fries...

Lighten up, y'all! Simon's a sex god; he's a moronic buffoon. Clay's a sex god; he's pissy and dorky. Muski's a sex goddess; Muski's a sex goddess.

Deal with it. B):whistling-1:

I'm busy with more important things: I'm leaving for New York in 3 days and suddenly I feel like an old woman! Woke up Thursday morning with my right knee feeling like glass was slicing here and there and it's been swollen and painful as hell ever since. I'm afraid it's arthritis, for god's sake. I went online and did some reading and it seems that knee and other joint problems are hereditary---my mom's knee problems (same fucking knee, too) led to knee replacement surgery! I've taken ibuprofen and even broke down and bought some stuff to rub on it! It's killing me...and I'm thinking, "How the HELL do I do all the walking I'm planning to do in NYC?" :cry4:

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :cry4:

Okay...I'm over it now. Gotta go give the dog a bath. He stinks....


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