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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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K'Andrea & Couchie, your cleaning stories are making me :cryingwlaughter: partly because I just spent the entire weekend doing that myself! The cleaning I was supposed to be doing last weekend. Mostly done now. How can one person and two cats have so much stuff? And how did Clay Aiken get into just about every freakin' nook & crannie??? I need Benedryl and my bed!

Will have to listen to OMWH tomorrow night when I get home 'cause I'm not making it 'til midnight. That means it's going to be an extra long Monday, doesn't it? :cry4:

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Do you think the AOL will go up at midnight Eastern or midnight Pacific?

It better be eastern time! I will be struggling to make it to midnight eastern. I'll never make it until 3am - not to mention I would be catatonic at work!

ETA: I saw this at the CH:

Quick question for those in the know... on AOL where does one find First Listen? I notice that there is a Webisode ready to go for OMWH, of course nothing plays yet, and that is under the videos section, but is the first listen under songs or radio, or is it the webisode?


How do you find the webisodes? Are they on the same page as the First Listen? I don't want to miss anything!

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Heh, no way I'll be staying up 'till midnight, but I'm hoping that by 6:00 am I'll be able to access it (or find a nice mp3 link in my PM box, *hint hint*) ;)

Glad to hear Clay is performing tonight....I have no doubt in my mind that he tried his darndest to get back for the matinee today but couldn't make it.

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Eh, I've played around on the AOL Music site, and can't figure out where the "First Listen" link will show up. I am highly confident, though, by the time I wake up in the morning the Clay Nation International Detective Agency will have found it and will post specific directions on how to get there.

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I'm be up waiting to hear the new song. Heck, who needs sleep! Yeah, I have to work tomorrow, but I'm sure all those flower arrangements I have to do will be just fine if I can just get my sleep deprived brain to remember to put water in the vases. But gee, what's more important.....the flowers in water.......or listening to Clay's new song. :lilredani:

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Let Me Dance

Let me dance, let me dance

Up on toes, hands up high

Swing, swing, twirl and play

Let me dance.

Let me dance, let me dance

Flying hair, blurring sky

Spin, spin, leap and sway

Let me dance, let me dance.

Let me dance, let me dance

Laughing hours, gliding by

Sweet, sweet, blissful day

Let me dance, let me dance, let me dance.


Thanks in advance, Clay. Can't wait!

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For once, my timing is right. I'm not working tomorrow! YAY!!!! I'm gonna be listening to Clay. I just went over to AOL listen, and was able to hear Kat McPhee singing 'Over It', so I know I'll be able to hear OMWH.


About getting rid of stuff - I made a resolution at the beginning of the year to either donate or throw away something every weekend. And so far I'm doing quite well! I've found lots of stuff that we needed when our girls were younger, stuff that we don't use anymore, clothes I won't ever wear, etc. The trash guy has taken some of it away, and I've donated some of it to the Vietnam Vets. They come to the door to pick stuff up, so it's pretty easy to donate. It's a good way to dejunk the house without getting too overwhelming!

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I've been working on clearing out my Mother's house (now mine) for five f'ing years! :cry4: Every once in a while I haul out another box of a jumble of treasure, trash and who knows what.

My biggest coup so far was selling a tube of toothpaste from the '50s on eBay for $50. Don't even ask why Mother kept a tube of toothpaste for 50 years!

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For once, my timing is right. I'm not working tomorrow! YAY!!!! I'm gonna be listening to Clay. I just went over to AOL listen, and was able to hear Kat McPhee singing 'Over It', so I know I'll be able to hear OMWH.


Were you able to hear that on the first listen link? I can play other music but nothing from that first listen link.

Do you know how to rip songs? I might need some help hearing this song.

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Emily just called...

We have a date...October 4th. They will be calling halls tomorrow and hope to have one booked by Wednesday.

The colors are going to be plum and silver.

Around 200 people...I need to put a guest list together.

We will be going dress shopping in about two weeks.



aikim... nice date... happens to be my birthday! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I've married off 2 daughters and 1 son, so I remember every step, including the not so nice part where my ex told my daughter that he wouldn't sit where he could see me or have pictures taken with me. He's a real grown-up sorta guy. :cryingwlaughter: It was a great wedding anyhow!

I remembered to put my AI Rewind recap in the right thread! Yay me!

OK, I'm turning AOL on in 6 hours and 20 minutes and they had BETTER have my stuff up!

and Liney, the likelihood of me and my sister cleaning for anyone who didn't go through a couple of day's of labor giving birth to us (though as I explained to my mother, since she was doped to the gills while having me and doesn't remember any of it, it should count and my youngest should have to do it all by herself. She didn't agree. So I took great delight in throwing away three-quarters of her crap. I like throwing away other people's stuff!) is zilch. Hell, I still haven't managed to clean up my place!

KAndre... see bolded part... that's why it could work. I need someone else to be ruthless, since I seem to have a "well, I might still use this someday" attachment to a lot of stuff. :cryingwlaughter:

muski -- I wasn't doing my taxes (need to get those filed this week) but my wallpaper changer came upon this picture (by sapphire):


And I immediately said to myself -- "Good Lord, he looks sooooooooo young." And what an angular face at that point. I think he needed some weight at that point. He seems to be at a good place right now. Anyway, isn't it amazing how much he's changed in 5 years -- and yet, he looks the same. It's so strange.

I'm going to try to stay up to make the AOL thing tonight. I hope I make it.

ldyj... drooling here. I loved that appearance and I love his appearance in that wallpaper. Latent sexuality in every pore! THUD!

Heh, me 'n my sister literally waited til she was going to be gone for most of the day (grandbabies make good distractions!). Most of it was in a dumpster far, far away by the time she got home - she just whined a bit (that I know of - I fled as quickly as possible). We got rid of things like Bama jelly glass (those from the south of about 40 years ago will recognize these) - every empty butter tub known to mankind - what is the point of washing and keeping disposal flatware? I ask you! I swear to God, we pulled out a training bra my mother bought for me when I was ELEVEN. Eleven! One boob wouldn't fit into both cups - if it actually had cups. What the hell were these things supposed to be training? We threw away calendars for every year from 1973 - which means at some point she packed them up and moved them to her CURRENT place. And just because it cost a dollar back in '88, doesn't mean you have to keep it. I swear, if she finds she can't live without a half melted half grapefruit holder from Tupperware, I will get her another one.

She did call my sister at six this morning, claiming I had thrown away ALL her pots and she could make any pinto beans. I guess the entire NEW set of pots were defective. There's a reason I have Caller ID.

KAndre... BWAH!!! My weakness is books. I have boxes and boxes of books I might want to re-read (or read for the first time) someday! And, clothes in different sizes, just in case I ever am that size again. :cryingwlaughter:

I don't know if AOL will start at midnight eastern, cause that will be 9pm out here on the left coast. It would be nice if I could hear it tonight, but not counting on it.

I feel bad that Clay missed the matinee. He should have chartered a plane. The airlines are doing soooo badly right now on flights it isn't even funny! They are charging more and doing less. What choice do you have, tho, unless you can sprout wings. LOL

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is right orchestra row D seats 6, 8 ok or too far to the right...I've got 5 mintues

I think it would be ok. Seat 6 is the 3rd from the aisle.

I would bet Clay didn't fly anywhere last night. He had said once about this wedding that he wouldn't be able to make the ceremony but he would be at the reception. That leads me to believe the wedding was last night and in the greater NYC area.

Maybe he was just hung-over from all the partying! :trink4:

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Thank peeps...However I think I messed up the cc info so we'll see if they let me keep them or cancel them. Is it possible to call them to straighten things out or do I just wait to see if my tickets arrive? I'm such a ditz sometimes.

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Thank peeps...However I think I messed up the cc info so we'll see if they let me keep them or cancel them. Is it possible to call them to straighten things out or do I just wait to see if my tickets arrive? I'm such a ditz sometimes.

You should get a confirmation email. If not, see if they are still available and try again.

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Heh, me 'n my sister literally waited til she was going to be gone for most of the day (grandbabies make good distractions!). Most of it was in a dumpster far, far away by the time she got home - she just whined a bit (that I know of - I fled as quickly as possible). We got rid of things like Bama jelly glass (those from the south of about 40 years ago will recognize these) - every empty butter tub known to mankind - what is the point of washing and keeping disposal flatware? I ask you! I swear to God, we pulled out a training bra my mother bought for me when I was ELEVEN. Eleven! One boob wouldn't fit into both cups - if it actually had cups. What the hell were these things supposed to be training? We threw away calendars for every year from 1973 - which means at some point she packed them up and moved them to her CURRENT place. And just because it cost a dollar back in '88, doesn't mean you have to keep it. I swear, if she finds she can't live without a half melted half grapefruit holder from Tupperware, I will get her another one.

She did call my sister at six this morning, claiming I had thrown away ALL her pots and she could make any pinto beans. I guess the entire NEW set of pots were defective. There's a reason I have Caller ID.

As a person who is probably your mom's age............ AKkkkkkkkk

I hope no one ever does that to me unless I am in a nursing home and not expected to ever return home!!!!

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Yessss!!!!!! I can hear it! It's gorgeous!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

I think it's a really cool arrangement - contemporary sounding, in spite of the strings.

Clay sings it wonderfully, of course, and you can hear his voice very well, even though the instrumentation is so full.

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Gorgeous! It sounds beautiful, but modern. It is great! Not a slow ballad.

Yes, there are strings, but I can totally hear it without them in concert!

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