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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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I am so obsessed.

Me too and I think that is a verra verra good thing!

Two weeks tomorrow and the eHP will be winging its way to NYC! I am so excited about going I bought two tickets for the same show!!! Yes I know a lot of people bought more than two tickets for the same show but not for the same night!!

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CG oh I just have fun with the shipping..... only a few even interest me so I can understand not being gung ho about a certain pairing. I do love me some Clyra though... and I didn't even pay any attention to her before Clay. Clangela is still my fave though. It's not reality..it's all fantasy.

And yeah I hope we can send positive karma out there for Clay... what's important is now and RCA is doing a great job so far. And we have yet to see the "big" stuff eg tv appearances.

I'm flying into Newark Play..they better not mess with my flight..or I will go all ClayAikenFan all over their asses.

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I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.

thread title?

I was thinking the same thing, Couchie...but just starting wtih "He's altered.." I really don't need more reminders about the first sentence. :cryingwlaughter:

Oh, c'mon, CG....lighten up about the Clyra...it's all just fer fun...besides, I'm just liking that there are pics with Clay and a hot woman out there! :clap:

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I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.

thread title?

I was thinking the same thing, Couchie...but just starting wtih "He's altered.." I really don't need more reminders about the first sentence. :cryingwlaughter:

Oh, c'mon, CG....lighten up about the Clyra...it's all just fer fun...besides, I'm just liking that there are pics with Clay and a hot woman out there! :clap:

Oh, I didn't mean to imply I was down about the Clyra! I just think its funny. Of all those I enjoyed the shipping about, its just funny that perhaps the one most fans get around is one of the few I can't!

Besides, they are almost too pretty together! It should be against the law for two people to be so pretty!!

This is my favorite Clyra picture. Look at those matching very, very bright white smiles! :D


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For me it's all about the touchy-feely. He's like that with Angela on stage. He's like that with Tyra whenever he's around her. Enlarge that picture above and check it out -- he's touching her arm with his left hand, and his right hand is holding hers. Come on, there's a visible attraction there.

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Not to mention this ....


See this picture to me SCREAMS buddies. Look at their faces! That is pure joking around!

But you're right. He is very touchy feely with women.

I sure wish he would be touchy feeling with me!

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Not to mention this ....


See this picture to me SCREAMS buddies. Look at their faces! That is pure joking around!

But you're right. He is very touchy feely with women.

I sure wish he would be touchy feeling with me!

of course...its a photo op. But there is something in the second that makes me think Tyra was not so casual about the whole thing. I kinda still like the pictures with the hand holding...the best with such joy in their faces...and its not quite posed.

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Either it's "Clay time frame" or else, since it's OK magazine, it's lazy journalism:

Clay Aiken: I Haven't Watched Idol in Four Years!

April 10, 2008

Clay Aiken: "I Haven't Watched Idol in Four Years"

One-time American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken has found his niche now that he’s playing Sir Robin in the Tony-winning musical Monty Python’s Spamalot.

“It’s very much a small tight-knit community and it’s very much a family backstage at the show,” he tells OK! during the Planet Hollywood Handprint Ceremony to commemorate his accomplishments. “People get along very well, and that’s different from a lot of things that I’ve done in the past.”

Though none of the American Idol judges have been able to see his performance because they’re not allowed to travel while the show is taping, Clay certainly acknowledges that the show made him the star he is today.

“Being able to make a career out of something that used to be a hobby is a big difference,” the former special education teacher says.

Still, the season two runner-up doesn’t tune in to root for his favorites. “I haven’t watched it in four years,” he admits.

Indeed, the 29-year-old singer has been too busy focusing on his own career. “I don’t have any free time,” he says. This busy bee has sold six million copies of his first three albums, and is readying his fourth, On My Way Here, for release May 6.

In the meantime, the North Carolina native is doing his best to adjust to life in NYC.

“I’ve had to live without my dogs because it’s really not a dog city,” he tells OK!. “I had them when I was up here for awhile, and one of them couldn’t really handle it so he went back and the other one was really lonely so I sent her back to be with him. I guess that’s the only real adjustment. I’ve stayed really busy, and I’ve been to New York a number of times so I’m really used to the cab situation and getting around. There’s not really an adjustment, except for never having any quiet whatsoever.”

Catch Clay in Monty Python’s Spamalot at the Shubert Theater through May 4.

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Well, it's only been FIVE years since he's been on the show. He's said he watched season three, and I thought he also said he watched season four as well (because I seem to remember him getting really nervous for Carrie Underwood). IMO, he's only been saying "no more Idol" for about the past two years.

*off to check my facts on this*

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He was in the audience during Season 4. Once or twice. That still doesn't mean he watched it though.

Time flies for us...can you imagine how it must fly for him...as busy as he is!

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The first time I heard Clay say he didn't watch Idol was during the time of the televised audition shows in Season 6. I remember him telling Diane Sawyer that he wasn't watching, and I believe he said that he hadn't watched it in over a year, which would include Season 5. That would make Season 4 the last one he watched, and that was in 2005, which is three years ago. Maybe Clay was counting 2005-2006-2007-2008, which would be four years, but only three years past.

It's ballpark for me. :cryingwlaughter:

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Nice try,Wandacleo, the Ch tried it years ago, but cound not get approval for any pictures with a rcognizable Clay Aiken on them.

C. To upload, order for print, or otherwise transmit or communicate any material that you do not have a right to transmit or communicate under any contractual or fiduciary relationship or which infringes any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right or any moral right of any party;

OK, back from Spamalot, you would have thought it was a CH convention - so many there on a Thrusday all sitting around me.

Well, I don't know what Clay said on the left side, but on the right side, after the knight from Ni scared him, he said OH, while carefully holding his rear.

Today Rick was out, and the replacement was a better dancer and singer, but did not have the timing down, hence the taunter was not so much fun today. Sigh

Clay was very bouncy today, bouncier than I have seen him for a while. Maybe he is finally feeling better? The audience was full of fans. I could not believe some of the things - applause when Clay ever appeared, Laughing at every line from his mouth and big time hoots and wolf whistles when he sat at the piano and cheers and applause when he came out and the exchanged look with LOTL.

I met some fans from the south who made this trip on a shoe string and were trying to do the trip cheap, so only bought balcony tickets and were only going to one show. I told them if they decided to go to another, to try SRO. They had row one, though so that was good.

Clay came out and looked good, but I kind of had a minor mind error and lost my close on the barrier space when I had to run back to the theater.

Good travels to everyone.

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night's stage door report from CV...


there was a Stagedoor tonight per Educlaytionmajor and Clay looked MIGHTY MIGHTY FINE - Emerald Green hoodie with grey embroidery but she could not read it and some "buttalicious" jeans in a dark wash color and sandals - thought they are some of the jeans from the summer tour - slight possiblity maybe even the sterling heights ones but could not say for sure - looked VERY nice. It took a little bit for him to come out and some other folks came out first but when he did he seemed really happy and took quite a bit of time signing. There was a little boy in front of her to the left and of course when Clay got to him he bent down to his level to talk to him - asked his name and where he was from. She could not hear where he was from but heard Clay say that it was somewhere near him. He kept signing and then was making his way back to leave and he said to the little boy Enjoy New York Jacob and gave one of his little winks. She was able to get her program signed and he was taking his time so it was a pretty clear larger signature. A few notes from the second act - when Clay comes back on and the Knights of Ni are onstage instead of getting totally scared this time she heard him say "What the hell?". He did sort of a quirky little dance at curtain call and then gave his 2 finger fan salute to us. It is a gorgeous night in NYC and they will be headed home tomorrow but had a wonderful time. Clayizzaqt got maybe a couple of pics but it was tough - lots of tall heads and hair in front.

I don't know why this makes me so happy. Maybe just because it makes Clay all the more 'real' and so NOT what some people try to make him out to be---as in paragon of virtue/saint/angel/pedestal person, etc.

He's a man (ohyeah) and he's 29 years old and he's funny as hell and smart and sarcastic and nobody MADE him say that one on stage...it's not in the script! :cryingwlaughter: Just like it wasn't scripted for him to say in WPB "She didn't have the BALLS to write to ME!"

BWAH! Love him, love him. :DoClay:

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People must know after 5 years that Clay isn't an angel. I think it's kinda weird that people can really make him anything they want. I don't really get turned on by cursing Clay although I know what you mean Muski. I kinda like that he doesn't... much. Some of us just don't like to curse :whistling-1: Anyway, Play, your recap made the audience sound like a clayvention. I almost didn't go to closing weekend for this reason. I'm going to stay positive though. Maybe I'll go on a Tuesday or Wednesday night or something.

I love Don't forget the lyrics. I knew so many of those songs tonight and I want to hear Clay sing every single one.

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I think most people are going to jsut the last show, so no worries, couchie. I have been to several shows and this is the first where I have seen that, but I was sitting pretty close to front and was surrounded by other fans, just sit further back and you will be in NJU land, heh. I am sure someone would gladly change seats with you. The balcony is quite NJU.

As closing day approaches, I am having second thoughts about my seats.

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I think most people are going to jsut the last show, so no worries, couchie. I have been to several shows and this is the first where I have seen that, but I was sitting pretty close to front and was surrounded by other fans, just sit further back and you will be in NJU land, heh. I am sure someone would gladly change seats with you. The balcony is quite NJU.

As closing day approaches, I am having second thoughts about my seats.

I'm goin gto the last three shows......... :needclay:


What about your seats Play? Need better ones?

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I love how both claytonic and atinal came to basically the same conclusion about ATDW: "new music FROM Clay." I'm kind of in-between both of them in that I knew and loved some of the songs he picked, and knew and HATED some of the songs he picked. But, I kept my mind open, because it was new music FROM Clay. And I truly appreciated those people who listened to the album a few times, said "I can't get into this" and let it go. IMO, at least they tried. But the feeling I got from more than a few was that they didn't even TRY. This was pretty much the story from the critics (and actually I expected that), but also within the fandom itself. It really made me sad when this became apparent to me.

AND -- in 25 days, we'll get MORE new music FROM Clay. EEEEE!

The reason I don't quite get the fuss over the ATDW covers is because, as atinal pointed out, we did, after all, fall in love with Clay during the Idol competition, where ALL the songs he did were well-known covers. Indeed, contestants are cautioned about doing obscure covers because the audience loves familiar songs. I love most of the songs on ATDW and the few I didn't particularly love, I still liked them because Clay sang them. I just find his take on a well-known song interesting as I love his phrasing.

OK, now I am pissed. I was alright about Clay losing Ai for years, sometimes even think it was better he lost, but now, NOW NOW I am pissed

'Idol' puts its stamp on postage

As part of the Idol Gives Back fundraising effort, stamps featuring the six Idols and this year's winner will be available to fans. If the limited editions — 100,000 20-stamp sheets for each Idol — sell out, Idol Gives Back would get about $7 million, Idol executive producer Nigel Lythgoe says.

Kelly Clarkson stamps are now available; each 20-stamp sheet has four images of the first Idol. The next five Idols — Ruben Studdard, Fantasia, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks and Jordin Sparks — will be released on the next five Tuesdays. Another set will come out when a new Idol is named in May.


I do have the stealth Clay Aiken stamps though.

Playbiller, perhaps we could make our own 'stamps' of Clay, and place them as stickers on snail-mail. Instead of $0.20c, they could be $priceless or $Pricele$$ or Pricele$$. (Yeah, got the idea from mama Aiken's poster...)

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