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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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I love how both claytonic and atinal came to basically the same conclusion about ATDW: "new music FROM Clay." I'm kind of in-between both of them in that I knew and loved some of the songs he picked, and knew and HATED some of the songs he picked. But, I kept my mind open, because it was new music FROM Clay. And I truly appreciated those people who listened to the album a few times, said "I can't get into this" and let it go. IMO, at least they tried. But the feeling I got from more than a few was that they didn't even TRY. This was pretty much the story from the critics (and actually I expected that), but also within the fandom itself. It really made me sad when this became apparent to me.

AND -- in 25 days, we'll get MORE new music FROM Clay. EEEEE!

The reason I don't quite get the fuss over the ATDW covers is because, as atinal pointed out, we did, after all, fall in love with Clay during the Idol competition, where ALL the songs he did were well-known covers. Indeed, contestants are cautioned about doing obscure covers because the audience loves familiar songs. I love most of the songs on ATDW and the few I didn't particularly love, I still liked them because Clay sang them. I just find his take on a well-known song interesting as I love his phrasing.

OK, now I am pissed. I was alright about Clay losing Ai for years, sometimes even think it was better he lost, but now, NOW NOW I am pissed

'Idol' puts its stamp on postage

As part of the Idol Gives Back fundraising effort, stamps featuring the six Idols and this year's winner will be available to fans. If the limited editions — 100,000 20-stamp sheets for each Idol — sell out, Idol Gives Back would get about $7 million, Idol executive producer Nigel Lythgoe says.

Kelly Clarkson stamps are now available; each 20-stamp sheet has four images of the first Idol. The next five Idols — Ruben Studdard, Fantasia, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks and Jordin Sparks — will be released on the next five Tuesdays. Another set will come out when a new Idol is named in May.


I do have the stealth Clay Aiken stamps though.

Playbiller, perhaps we could make our own 'stamps' of Clay, and place them as stickers on snail-mail. Instead of $0.20c, they could be $priceless. (Yeah, got the idea from mama Aiken's poster...)

I did that with my address labels :D You can d/l and free program at avery.com called AveryDesignPro. Very easy to use!!

I was on my way here to bed but i couldn't go until I made a WS wallpaper for my own computer!!

So here it is - I'll do the other version sometime tomorrow!!


OMG - for some reason I was just reminded of Adam and Stuart Chandler! :cryingwlaughter:


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Play, your recap made the audience sound like a clayvention. I almost didn't go to closing weekend for this reason. I'm going to stay positive though. Maybe I'll go on a Tuesday or Wednesday night or something.

I think most people are going to jsut the last show, so no worries, couchie. I have been to several shows and this is the first where I have seen that, but I was sitting pretty close to front and was surrounded by other fans, just sit further back and you will be in NJU land, heh. I am sure someone would gladly change seats with you. The balcony is quite NJU.

Funny the different takes on this..........the "Clayvention" factor is one of the reasons that I am going to the last weekend. And heh, I have balcony seats for the last show, if anyone feels the need to downgrade.........just sayin'. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: I know we've discussed this before, but does anyone else have a Clay soundtrack playing in their head 24/7? Yesterday I had OMWH, ETYGA and IWKWLI. This morning I woke up with WKRP, I kid you not. WTF? Hee.

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Greetings from NYC! YSRN and laughn and I all arrived early yesterday afternoon. We been to Central Park, hit some shops to buy silly touristy stuff (that might just have been me), and in general have walked around a ton.

Spamalot tonight for us! EEEEEEEEEE!

And the Tyra pics? :hubbahubba:

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Good Morning Everyone,

17 Days until Clay is on QVC!

23 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

25 Days until On My Way Here is here!

Everyone have a great day!


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From notacanuck at the CH:

PR Newswire

Podcast Alert: PR Newswire Entertainment Roundup

SAN FRANCISCO, April 11 /PRNewswire/ -- A weekly audio roundup of top Entertainment industry releases transmitted by PR Newswire. This week's roundup includes stories on Clay Aiken, Mike Myers, JAY-Z and Mary J. Blige.

When: The Podcast will be available for download on April 11, 2008

Where: http://feeds.feedburner.com/entertainmentroundup

How: Go to the URL above, and follow the subscription instructions on the website.

Minimum Requirements: a computer, an Internet connection, (broadband required), a portable MP3/Video player or MP3/Video-player application on your computer, podcasting software and QuickTime 7.


Have a great trip jamar, and EEEEEEEEEEE for bottlecap and laughn making it safely to NYC! Hope you all can check in, looking forward to the recaps!

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Safe travels to all heading to NYC, can't wait to read your recaps!


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More recaps from morganette at CH:

Recaps for tonight, from the CB.....

zakus wrote:

zakus and RedBay reporting. We were at the stage door tonight- along with about 2 dozen other Claynadians it appears LOL. RedBay did get some pics that aren't too bad and zakus got some too- but it sure is tough as Clay keeps moving. Maybe we can get some posted tomorrow. We did get Clay's and Tom D and Hannah's autographs. Tom and Hannah chatted for awhile- they are such sweeties. Clay looked so good!! zakus thinks he has lost 30lbs- he is so thin- his jeans were pretty baggy. He did have a lovely chat with that little boy- we told his mother before he came out that Clay would want to talk to him. The crowd was huge. Really HUGE!! It was a great day!!!

ldb51 wrote:

Just talked with Robyn and Dee------------------they said the show was wonderful!!! The Knights Who say Ni--------------used the ZZ Top song about Legs (whatever that is). Robyn said it actually looked like there was snot sailing through the air in Clay's direction when the Taunter said he blew his nose at them. Clay went over to the wooden rabbit--was feeling it and looking behind it as if he was trying to see inside. In the Prince Herbert and father scene------------Tom bent so far backward that Robyn said he almost touched the floor-----he actually held that stance for awhile!! The audience loved it. Clay as the drunken guard was looking at the flowers and streamers on his spear type weapon (too cute). When he said "what" to the father on one occasion----he forgot to use the Engish accent. Hannah was awesome as the DIVA! YWSOB--------Clay graced everyone with full view of his tush-------------he did chopsticks and missed the last note! The stomping part was super powerful. She said that during the dancing with the coconuts scene-----that Clay was doing a great job of shaking his THANG!!! Standing Ovations-----Clay and Hannah got the most applause, but Clay won!! He did a tiny salute at the end.

He came out to the stage door----didn't seem very animated--the whole atmosphere was quieter to Robyn----------average size crowd with the usual barrier---green hoodie with track pants and sandals. Jerome was with him. Didn't sign everything that was presented to him---skipped over some people. Robyn wanted to get her bear signed, but she said he "dissed" her (ignored/passed her by) LOL. Maybe next time. That about covers it!!!! Other than the fact that a great time was had by all!!!!!

d4kkks wrote:

What another wonderful, wonderful night with Clay. Clay did not only mastered his routine but continue to add some ad libs to it and more funnier and animated facial expressions. I am almost dying laughing. but I am not dead yet. I was in SRO during Act 1 and I was seating in right front row seat during Act 11 with my Claymate friends. There were scene Clay's jaw was trembling His dancing parts looks so easy for him; A little changed to my favorite dancing moves; The soiling of his pants acting deserve an award; Here comes my favorite funniest part The Tower scene Clay as the drunken guard. My friend said I was too loud. I was in front row and I was too loud, laughing and clapping. Well, I said "blame it to Clay", he is just too funny. Everyone were laughing too. I noticed there are more flowers in his helmet He starred at the spears while playing the ribbons with his fingers and the facial expression is really to die for. His funny antics continue until he fell down and played dead. Poor Clay, I can see how Prince Herbert Father keep walking while his giant robe was splashing almost in Clay's face. I love to hear the audience NJU enthusiastic reaction in almost every scenes.

Finally, after some SD misses my JN Tie completed with his #6 autographs. He came out with a sweet, sweet smile. He came right straight to me. He took my playbill with part of Santa Clause tummy is showing. While signing, Clay asked me "What is this"? I said "Oh, it's my x"mas tie". He asked again "What"? I said "It"s my Joyful Noise Tie". Then he continued making his round. Almost a hundred in the barricades. Not sold out but good enthusiastic crowds. Lot's of regular "Spamalot" goers. Welcome Claymate, her daugther and her friend from Winnepeg Canada, there first show last night. They know me from the Clayboard.

Tidbits: While I was in SRO, just the show starting, two Lady ushers ( whom I befriend already) came to me and asked me if I will gonna see them again if Clay's gone. I said "Well, no one can ever replace Clay, but I might come back if Donny Osmond will take the role". They both laughed and said they might consider my suggestion to the THEM. While Clay was at the Tower scene, A Lady usher whispered to me "Clay is getting better and better". I said "I know, but he is leaving soon already".

clangel13 wrote:

The balcony was packed with large groups of high school kids. They really enjoyed it. Sat next to a couple who were Python fans and knew about Clay but haven't kept up since Idol. They thought he was great and will probably check out his album now.

I hope that with more experience Clay will play a bit more with his head up to the balcony. It seemed like the other actors had their faces lifted most of the time. Of course, I was spoiled by second row seats last night.

I was a able to get a stage door signature from three people back and he looked great.

And this one from Shadylil at CH:

I won't re-cap until later, hafta work tomorrow but Clay was on FIRE tonight! On FIRE! I was dead center, front row for the bottle dance. OMG, he came so close to the edge of the stage, if I leaned front, I could have touched him. He's more lecherous than ever, he shimmies better than ever, he soils his pants better than ever. What a difference a month made. He no longer plays Robin, he is Robin. His dancing is effortless. On opening night, you could see the wheels turning in his head for the steps. No longer, it's innate. He doesn't have to think about it, he just does it.

Heard a squeee from the third row and looked back to see Ficus waving like a madwoman. It was Clackhouse-reunited tonight, Playbiller, Ms Marm, Qoat, Salamander, Ficus, another lady who's a member but doesn't post and I forget her board name *waves*, Lindylo, ImNotWorthy, and Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar, Kiermar. And more Kiermar. I've embarrassed myself in front of Kiermar so many times, I'm too embarrassed to say why. She knows *g*

'Night everyone!

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Greetings from NYC! YSRN and laughn and I all arrived early yesterday afternoon. We been to Central Park, hit some shops to buy silly touristy stuff (that might just have been me), and in general have walked around a ton.

Spamalot tonight for us! EEEEEEEEEE!

And the Tyra pics? :hubbahubba:

Have fun guys!!! And give YSRN a big hug for me!

Podcast? Damn. Last time there was a podcast it took me FOREVER to find them and to figure out how to download them and play them. Hopefully I won't be so stupid this time round!

TGIF baby!!!!! I swear I live for the weekends. Unfortunately before I can enjoy the weekend I have to drag myself to work....,,

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Greetings from NYC! YSRN and laughn and I all arrived early yesterday afternoon. We been to Central Park, hit some shops to buy silly touristy stuff (that might just have been me), and in general have walked around a ton.

Spamalot tonight for us! EEEEEEEEEE!

And the Tyra pics? :hubbahubba:

Yay have a good time you guys. Wish I was there... Whoo hooo Jamar!

Yay for the podcast....wait..April 11th..isn't that today? heee

OK it's 6am..on my way to traffic court... I hope I'm leaving early enough to make the damn cut. Claygasm I hear you babe.

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If you go to the link mentioned in the press release, it gives you the options for playing it. If you have iTunes on your computer, all you need to do is click on the iTunes link and it automatically downloads it to your Podcasts in iTunes. It looks as if the page that comes up also had the ability to simply listen via that page.

I tried it this morning, and it worked fine for me -- but they don't have the current podcast up quite yet.

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TGIF baby!!!!! I swear I live for the weekends. Unfortunately before I can enjoy the weekend I have to drag myself to work....,,

CG.... ain't that the truth!

I'm leaving early to go shopping.... at Disneyland. :cryingwlaughter: We went for my DGD's 3rd birthday a couple of weeks ago and my daughter has been wanting the Tinkerbell soft doll for her daughters and can't find it anywhere. She saw it in the park, but waited to get it at the Disney store outside the park... you guessed it, they didn't have it. When I bought my ticket it was for 2 visits in 30 days, so I'm using my 2nd visit to go shopping for her. I told her I was going and I soon got an email with a whole list of things she wants. Gonna take a truck to get it all home. Hehe. Only ride I plan on going on is the new Nemo submarine ride, since I missed that last time.

Clay is popping up EVERYWHERE!!! I'm going around with a constant smile on my face! I'm really expecting sales in the 300Ks this time.

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Agh, I had unexpected indigestion yesterday before the show and was kind of uncomfortable sitting down, so it kind of interferred with the show and my attitude, but Clay has indeed raised the guard postition yet again to new heights of hilarity and increased the fun faces during the song of his heroism. How could I forget to mention that?! The guard is so easily distracted now,if makes his ififififif so much more believable and he just drifts off so well. I guess they have more lee way than you would think in so many places with this play.


If you could spare a daily vote here http://votenumber1.com/voteamericanidol.html, Clay is dropping even further. Once a day, just once a day.

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TGIF baby!!!!! I swear I live for the weekends. Unfortunately before I can enjoy the weekend I have to drag myself to work....,,


Sending good travel karma out for all heading to NYC - hoping nobody has to resort to this: 1.gif

For those already there, I hear there's some mighty fine 1.gif at the Shubert theatre! HAVE FUN!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

This time next week I'll be there, meeting a friend for breakfast, sightseeing in the afternoon & anxiously awaiting my first Spamming that night! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! :00000442:

Ooooooo, liney, have fun! I *love* Disneyland! Having grown up in southern CA, we used to go quite often when I was little.

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Sabahiniz Xeyr!

It's me.....saying Good Morning and doctoring up the foreign lingo a little bit since I don't have those upside down "e" thingies to work with or the undotted "i's" , either.....but that's okay nobody's gonna know, are they? I had a great four days in New York last week....did a lot of walking and sight seeing and took in a couple (okay, four) episodes of Spamalot. I ate almost as many pastrami sandwiches and highly recommend the "Run Chcken Run" salad from Bubba Gumps. The Spam was delish, too. Served up with a heaping helping of Clay Aiken, it went down verra verra easily and left me with a nice warm full feeling that lasted until I was home two days. That was the point at which I realized I needed to go back for more (more than next week which I already had in the bag)....but to closing weekend. I caved! I wasn't going to go near that event with a ten foot pole, but I caved and bought tickets for both shows on the fourth. I have to be there......and I really have the urge to take a little road trip...so....I'll be there. I got seats in the the back orchestra and the mezzanine this time.

Out of the four shows I went to this week, Clay did the stage door once and I didn't manage to get my Playbill signed that one time. I think I was close enough, but I tend to be a little lame in close proximity and didn't exactly hold it out very far. Same thing happens to me at concerts when he walks to the edge of the stage in front of me. My camera involuntarily goes to my lap and my lower lip falls open so that I resemble some form of sea bass. I don't think I'll ever be able to take stage door pictures. I took my camera out after my first show in January and I just stood there with it in my hand. What a dumbass.....

So, many thanks cha cha for the new wallpapers. I love the naughty and nice twins. LOVE. I peed gasped a little when I opened them. Seriously! Among my top 5 favorite hair moments. It took me forever to decide if I liked the one with the tie or the one with him leaning on the soba better. In the end, I resigned myself to the fact that I would do either one in a heartbeat on the xalca, the stol the yazi stolu, the divan, the kreslo, and the doshama.....and that's just in the livingroom.

I was at the show on Tuesday the 1st through Friday the 4th. I went alone the first two nights, and sat in the first row and then second row in the center. Damn fine seats.....but definitely had to concentrate on not doing my sea bass impersonation for the entire two hours and ten minutes. Same went for Thursday night when I went with guitargirl and bonnechance.....first row on the end of the center section right below Robin in his first scene. There, my sea bass impersonation would have served me well if only to catch spit but I was trying so hard not to look like a dumbass. I don't think I succeeded. I just sat ther and gaping up at him.....fiddling with his straps.....and there is something terribly sexy about the roughness of the cloth around his wrists in that costume....

On Friday night bonnechance and I sat in the dead center of the third row. Since bonnechance was only going to be able to make one very short trip to New York to see one show, we decided at the last minute to squeeze in a second one for her (yeah really.....I wasn't going to get a thing out of it). And since we both have gained twenty pounds since the fall and most of our pants don't fit anymore, we were depressed enough to treat ourselves to premium seats. bonnechance (who some of you might remember as my invisible friend, Lynda) also has a lot of work and moving stress going on, too. OH wait! I have moving stress! All of my stuff is STILL sitting somewhere in Houston and the mover won't call me back!! ANYWAY......we had no idea when we bought them that our premium seats came with the added benefit of sitting next to the most infamous *snerk* parent in the fandom....and her fidgety sidekick. I would take the madonna over the sidekick (who I hardly recognized with the darkened locks) any day. They switched seats at intermission and I got the fidget for the second half.....fidget didn't shut up the whole time, screamed and whistled at even inappropriate times throughout the show and generally behaved like she was at a basketball game. People who were sitting far to my left down the row were looking up to see what was going on and rolling there eyes. The the two girls next to bonnechance were appalled. I couldn't help but think what Clay had said a few days before in an interview about seeing boogers in the 3rd row......made it all bearable. Except, I have a feeling he really did see them on Friday night and he didn't seem all that amused. I, on the other hand have been cracking up over the whole thing ever since.....and I know that's not nice but seriously......what a bizarre world that is.

I can't spend anymore time thinking about that...... I have to get my CD purchasing organized. It seems like there are going to be a thousand different ways to get that sucker into my hot little hands....but I have to make sure I have the timing down. If I order from Amazon Canada when can I expect to actually get it. I'm going back to Azerbaijan on the 12th of May. I'll have to arrange for someone to get me a Music Pass, since I won't be here for that one and I wouldn't attempt to download it over there anyway......but I think I'm lost about the rest. There is iTunes on the release day, and something else....can someone jog my memory? I'm making a list here in my notebook so I can keep track of what I'm supposed to be doing.

Hugs to anyone who is affected by these airline cancellations! I knew I always hated flying on MD-80's for a reason other than I just made up my mind to avoid them. I've always irrationally disliked those planes. I hope this weekends attendees get stage-doored but good. I hope they get lost of pastrami, too.

Are we organized at all for the final weekend? I think I'll go check the right thread for that and then do some homework. One more project to go.....an artwork mock up of two web pages....like I"m not going to do it about Clay and further out myself to this class. You gotta love the partial anonymity of the internet.

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I don't think the PRNewswire page has loaded it yet, I've been refreshing all day -- they seem to be behind this week. And you MUST go through their page and click on the iTunes link to get it to add to iTunes (see my posts above).

Maybe someone else from another board has different information.

I listened to last week's podcast this morning, and I think it's probably just going to be either a reading of the press release for the album, or else about his Planet Hollywood appearance. I don't think it will have an "interview" with Clay.

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Yay free of traffic court... I lucked out because I wasn't totally prepared and got an extension but really just have to go back and show my registration and pay $10. Got their at 6:30 am and still barely made it in. They were only giving out 55 pink tickets and I was number 50. I had to listen to a fire and brimstone, you're going to hell you criminal sermon by the courthouse preachers cuz I wasn't leaving my spot in line. And it's nice to see the entrepreneurial spirt at work as some people get out there to be first in line and then sell their pink ticket to the highest bidder. Ain't america grand :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I might try that to pay for my Clay trip.

So 20% of the board is in NYC :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Looking forward to more Clay stuff. Now off to work.

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From Corabeth at the CH:

From RCA Marketing

Another fun one - we just completed a Clay Aiken 'widget' that includes a word scrambler game, video, and a link for to anyone embed on it their MySpace, Facebook or website (under 'Grab It'). Check it out! (and please post or send around).

(It is the webisode and the word jumbler and other games)


Took me a minute to figure out who the "we" was....*g*


cha cha, the link you want is embedded in this story. The actual link is: http://feeds.feedburner.com/entertainmentroundup

I love RSS feeds, especially for PR Newswire, because I can NEVER find anything on their home page!


YAY for couchie being free from Traffic Court!


ETA: almost forgot! Kareneh, glad you had a fantastic time in NYC seeing boyfriend (although that one show sounds....um...interesting). And have a great time at the last shows too!

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ldyj - this is starting to get ridiculous!! Am I a dunce???

I click on that link, then I clicked on the link in the press release, then I clicked on "add to itunes" and as far as I can see nothing happened!

Oh well........ I guess I'll catch up later!!

THANKS!!!!! :thankyou:

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From Corabeth at the CH:

From RCA Marketing

Another fun one - we just completed a Clay Aiken 'widget' that includes a word scrambler game, video, and a link for to anyone embed on it their MySpace, Facebook or website (under 'Grab It'). Check it out! (and please post or send around).

(It is the webisode and the word jumbler and other games)


Took me a minute to figure out who the "we" was....*g*

OMG -- It worked!!! I just put the widget on my myspace page!!

THANKS!!!! :thankyou:

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Clay sent me a text! He told me to CALL him.

All you other heifers get off the phone! I keep getting that stupid "all circuits are busy"

He played me a terrible clip of OMWH - he wants to know what I think.

Frankly I think the man needs to take me to dinner first.

Then I will probably give it all up.

I may be easy, but I ain't cheap.

Lord knows, Clay isn't cheap either!

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