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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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I love large and in-charge Clay. In charge of the interview, and in charge of his album. Convincing RCA to let him choose songs that HE wants. Choosing lyrics that resonate with him, songs that he can sing beautifully, songs that are organic for him. And from what I've heard so far, he chose extremely well!

It will be ironic if he does get some radio play this time around. He's not shooting for it, he doesn't want to choose songs because they're 'radio friendly', but yet many of the songs sound perfect for AC or Hot AC. One or two might even work on top 40. But if they do get radio play, that will be the icing on the cake. The important thing is that we are going to have a fantastic album to enjoy!

My oldest daughter just left for New York. She and her small choir group, as well as lots of other people, will be singing the Faure Requim at Carnegie Hall this weekend. It will be exciting for them! If I had signed on as a chaperon, I wouldn't have been able to see Spamalot as they will be busy with various activities all weekend. So it's just as well that I'm not going, or it would be so lame to be in New York and not see Clay!

Safe travels for those traveling to New York! And I hope you all have a fantastic time!

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*sniff* I'm going to miss couchie while she's away....

...but she's told me she'll call a few times, so I guess it won't be so bad, huh? Have a great time, my friend.

I love large and in-charge Clay. In charge of the interview, and in charge of his album. Convincing RCA to let him choose songs that HE wants. Choosing lyrics that resonate with him, songs that he can sing beautifully, songs that are organic for him. And from what I've heard so far, he chose extremely well!

Yes. However, I will say until the cows come home that the reason RCA gave him a more freedom for this album is because of the negotiations for ATDW. I'm POSITIVE that there had to be some "give and take" 2 years ago between him and RCA. My opinion is that he KNEW if he did what his bosses asked of him last time, he'd get more leeway THIS time. To me, it's been a successful journey. He also knew, IMO, that he had time in his career to get the album he wanted, and that there would be detours along the way. I still don't believe that many of the fans believed that -- they needed the LAST album to be THE ONE. Unfortunately, I don't see much of Clay Nation as particularly patient. In my case, though -- I tried to be. I love ATDW, and am going to love this one as well.

It will be ironic if he does get some radio play this time around. He's not shooting for it, he doesn't want to choose songs because they're 'radio friendly', but yet many of the songs sound perfect for AC or Hot AC. One or two might even work on top 40. But if they do get radio play, that will be the icing on the cake. The important thing is that we are going to have a fantastic album to enjoy!

Totally agree on all points. I know I've said this many times here -- that by his not "trying" for radio play, he'll either GET it this time, or else he'll be totally prepared if it doesn't happen. I'm ready for either scenario as well. Of course, I'll be happier if he does get radio play...

I listened to the clips a few times last night, and will put them away now. I'm with jmh that my enjoyment of the full album will come when I actually HAVE the full album. I still don't know which song is which except for a few. I will say, though, that while I like the uptempo ones (such as Falling) as fun, boppy songs, I'm just more enthralled by the ballads that showcase his voice, like The Real Me.

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Another Planet Hollywood video:


From footloose at CH.

ETA: No Spam recaps from last night????

OK I found some, from d4kkkk2 at CB:

What another "Spamalot" night. No question, Clay mastered all his routine so much that he is so comfortable doing what he does in stage. He is enjoying it, I think he can do all his acts even with eyes close.. He bounced so much his knees, up almost to his waistline. The orchestra was SRO. Very enthusiastic audience NJU. They response to almost every scenes especially to Clay. Only frequent show goers could noticed the difference of the cast replacement. Lots of young ones. Men was really laughing hard, especially the one seating in Row T ctr. orch. I realized my favorite dance moves was changed when everyone was doing the same dance new routine. Clay did his dance routine on top of the dice. The space is limited so his moves was restrain. He stepped his Monk robe and almost trip when he did the "skip" part. They have choreograph dance while they were in the corner. Drunken Guard was the funniest scene of the night. There were 29 who took the pictures taken for $250 per picture. The last picture was a group of more or less 20, mixed of women and young ones. It goes so quick, no chance to pause.

Me and my Friend talked to Theater Manager and informed him about the autographed Playbill and Spamalot Poster during intermission. He lead us inside the Stage door. Inside the mini office, the Lady in charged prepared autographed 22 Playbills and 4 Spamalot Posters. She told us to write the payment to Broadway Cares for $1,280.00. ( Playbills $40 x 22 = $880; Posters $100 x 4 = $400 ).

She then goes on to list the screen names of the people who requested these items. Way cool, IMO!

From austenfan at CB:

A recap of last night and tonight....

Bring Out Your Dead...Clay didn't miss the ding....but he hit the triangle a little off center and it didn't make much of a sound...next ding he looked carefully at the triangle to make sure he aimed right on...and yes Ding!!!! We got it....Clay's no square. He's the master of the triangle...

All For One got big screams for Clay. Last night especially...Clay had to sing over the huge screams....those eyes were smiling as Clay showed much enjoyment of it all. Smiling that half corner smile and moving from side to side up on each toe 'Idol Of My Age'....Exploding cheers. An extra spring in Clay's step at all the love...,

Clay danced on the dice again for Camelot. But he didn't do the full split leg jump as he did before. Those are big dice but no match for Clay's majestic size 13s. I think he was pushing it doing a full jump. So he kind of jumped in place without leaving the ground and used his arm to do the back and forth motion. Hannah fell forward to the ground during Camelot as she was crossing the stage to do the scatting. She didn't seem to trip on anything that I could see (I was pretty far back so hard to tell). I don't know if she slipped or had a twinge of pain or her knee is a bit unstable....she did seem fine afterwards doing bending and turning that didn't need to be there. And I didn't see any wincing. So hopefuly it was just a fluke. Galahad is really using his voice and is even singing over LOTL at times. Works for the diva feeling of Song That Goes Like This.

Clay looked behind the first Camelot lady that appears when king says 'Let go to Camelot'. He cupped his hands behind her....then looked under the skirt with a slow, deliberate scan....open mouth...eyes of glee...hands reaching out then backing off.

Last night Can Can lady thrust towards Clay's rear and slapped his bottom but good....Tonight she gave him a big, swift kick in the posterior...a message to Clay to let her pull him back by the tunic like she wants? Could be.

At the French Taunter scene Clay kicks the door and then balls his fists up in frustration....The Wooden Rabbit...Wow...All we have to do is leave it there and go....Bevedere says....and then the plan...we wait till nightfall and leap out of the rabbit...Clay's face falling in in that 'You've got to be kidding look' He covers his face...tonight he didn't cover that lusicous face...just rolled his eyes slightly....more than enough.

The Bottle Dance....tonight just after the first verse 'you won't succeed on Broadway If You Don't Have Any Jews' the audience errupted in extended applause. Clay had to start the head shake of frustration or it would have gone on longer. And the cheers were deafening when Clay dropped to his incredible, magnificent knees (as opposed to the less magnificent Nis). The blew the house down, down, down....and down....every phrase got a laugh....the piano....the tunic open to reveal the taught tights....my,my.....Screams, catcalls and real whistles.....the serious search for where to play...the preparation....big laughs...then the turn....the leg cross....the head toss...shoulders back....profile forward....eyes raised, nose down...lips just lips....nothing else needed....and then the shimmy....they're wild now.

A big full bodied foot stomp...shoulder and chest stomping along with arms raised high and fingers snapping in an oy of a Chasidic arm moves....arms rounded above his head....Jewish Body English in this one....Climbing the piano for those Oys....full strong, filling the room and next one even stronger.... Papa Can You Hear Me? Are you kidding? Great grandpa could hear you from the Ukraine...holding that cane and Yamulke...high kicks...the screams are so loud the place is just erupting....And Clay on his knees his head tilted up...his eyes so mockingly overcome, hand on his heart.....and then fist pumps....sees the king and shows 'concern' the King...'Gosh'...We better go find some Jews then....he got it....

Find Your Grail had Clay dancing that side to side with shoulder in it big claps, gospel style. Clay's got the spirit....finger raised in front...oh yes..oh yes....power. Clay and the others lean back and sway with eyes closed and torch in hand, eyes raised to the sky in pure emotion of the moment....actually squatting down and opening his stance with legs wide apart.....as he sways....Big wooh at Clay's Hula...shake it.....stir...Slo mo horse riding so low and wide his bottom almost touches the floor then his rear goes back and his chest arches forward....tongue stretched out as far as it can go....mouth wide open.....holding that horse in check....check mate...this mate is down for the count.

Guard scene..the audience knee slapped (Bottle Dance On The Brain?????) laughed on this one. Braiding the ribbons had them rolling in the aisles which anyone whose tried walking through the itty bitty aisles knows - is a feat. Clay examined that ribbon, decorated spear so intensely he pulled it up to his face and almost collided with it. The father had to full stop Clay to end the braiding....and after he left Clay continued braiding....he picked up some ribbons close to his mouth and started blowing on them....puckering his lips....one smooth breath of air after another....Kissy face Clay...all over those ribbons like a steamy, hot bowl of soup needing a cool down. At the hysterical laughter at 'I thought you meant him....it'd be daft guarding him when he's a guard'.....Clay did full out chortles so big he was using his chest and legs...then the high pitched ringing laugh and Patsy's wave with Clay waving back. A sudden, wobbly, cross eyed to rolling eyes return to serious business.

Tonight's guard scene....sustained gut busting laughs for what seemed like forever. Clay wobbling in time to the dialogue, each sway of his head and chest like a punctuation mark...;leavin the room, yeah....head shake so sure...sway forward..we don't need to do anything apart from stop him entering the room....sway sideward....Patsy waves and several waves to Patsy who hiccups delightfully. He pulled the spear toward his chest and intense concentration as he carefully braids the ribbons all the way down as the audience breaks into full ovation.then following the father out....'we were going with you' as he backs into the wall in fear and confusion......father's frustaion just keeps building 'just don't let him leave'....oh I see....(finally)

Soiling involved a tip toe dance on one foot to a repeat on the other foot and then a waddle off stage,his hand with a strong, protective grip on the bottom end of said bottom. The second soiling Clay slowly moved those hips from side to side...he circled that bottom round to no avail..and those legs hopping up high....foot curled...head bobbing..the substitute minstrel missed the line 'he soiled himself and ran away' and said something like 'boldly ran away'....Lucky Clay made it obvious what he was doing. Didn't need a minstrel to tell that audience. and the Knights of Ni do their thing....Clay confusedly asking how they can avoid saying the word the Nights Cannot Hear if they won't tell them what IT (yes that's IT) is....I said IT again...I said IT again....Not IS...You can't get through lie without saying IS....It's 3;00 AM....a phone rings in the White House...but you don't care...you're not the president...you're the governor and you're partying with a $2000 an hour.....This message is APPROVED by Elliot Spitzer. Roars from audience

Nights Of Ni did It's Hard Out There For A Pi...You lose you Cadillac and the Ladies Jump Ship...and as he sang he kind of looked and pointed towards Clay..We know what ship those ladies are jumping to....Stay In School..Tonight Nighs Of Ni returned to

Tonight the first soiling Clay lifted his leg up on tiptoe and tapped that foot several times then the other side....and a chicken walk of stage....For the soiling encore (I can't believe I just gave an encore to a soiling) - Clay squatted low,,,low down and the rear stuck up....he held his legs together at first...our star pitcher valiantly tried for the save but those legs turned out and the deal was done....help...G-d....little yelp of dispair....

Brother Maynard...lost his balance a bit as he skipped a bit..audience cracked up...it worked. Clay looking twice, three times, circles his finger on the page....yes three. his face and voice in that uppity tone of the too formal clergy...pitch going from too high to too low...huge belly laughs on every line. Audience loved the lifting of the book to reveal Clay's face. This bit is getting so developed.

Finale dance had Clay bending down then lower then up again then up on his toes...While Patsy and Bevedere did the same but in opposition...up while they down....down while they went up.....Tonight...prepare yourselves.....Clay and Patsy (David Hibbard) and Bevedere (Brad Oscar) lifted their legs in the air and circled their feet around and then....PARTY ALL NIGHTmove....one arm in the air and a hip circle....Wooh Clay...

At the money request tonight when the king said you're not obligated to give Clay shook his head No.....and raised his arms all the way in the air with open hands several times...up there guys...up there guys....and we listened....huge line for pictures with just Clay for $250. Lots of young folks. A small group. And then a huge group of young people who said they were from North Carolina. It took awhile to set up. They couldn't get them all with the Polaroid and Clay said use the digital.this little girl was so overcome she started to cry and Clay gave her this great big hug till she calmed down....the little girl was aglow....just aglow...and Clay....my heart....melt,melt,melt....it's gone but I left it in a good spot....Clay looked so loving and warm....

This Met fan must quote Casey Stengel...Amazin, Amazin, Amazin!!!!

Sweet Dreams!

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ldyj I totally agree with you about ATDW; I never bought all the conspiracy theories that were being tossed around and believe that due to the circumstances of 2006; the promotion was limited so Clay could deal with the "gnatty" situations. I have not listened to the snippets but I am very excited by what I am reading on the boards, and I do believe that Clay finally got the CD he wanted.


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EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! For everyone leaving for and in NYC today!!!

One more week for me!!!

Lovin' all the BUZZ and snippets and everything surrounding that which is CLAY AIKEN!

I love him.

Will be extremely happy in 10 days when I can actually hear the whole thing.

AND...... we get a DEBUT on QVC on MONDAY!!!!

I'm HAPPY!!!!!!

eta: LOVE the msnbc.com video - thanks!!

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Good morning everybody! Loved the last recap from last night!!! Never thought reading in detail about a grown man soiling his pants would be so ding dang cute!!! :cryingwlaughter:

I have to say it's so gratifying to read various posts from people who don't buy into all the conspiracies and crap that was so prevalent on alot of the boards when ATDW came out. I've always felt that type of mindset was really a big slap at Clay - like he didn't know what he was doing or was ineffective in dealing with his business and career! On Simply we always used to say "trust Clay!" It's kind of foolish to think that we, his fans, care more about his career than he does! RCA is supposed to be making money. Clay makes money for them. WHY on earth would they undermine his career or not support his career. That just has always made NO sense to me. That and the theory that RCA did just enough to get their money back. That also makes no sense. What company is going to turn away from the chance to make more than their investment? As for ATDW - I liked it, didn't love it, but I still play it all the time and always will. There are certainly many more love songs he could have covered that would have got me in the gut! BUT - it gave us Lover All Alone and for that I will be forever grateful. And prejudiced as I am (ya think?) Clay did more than several of those songs better IMO than their original recordings.

Thanks for the MSNBC link! And the interview. I bet he will get all schmoopie the last weekend! I wonder if the cast will throw him a "going away" party!

As for Kimmel - I still think the confusion is that the show is taped on the 15th but theoretically doesn't air until the 16th at 12:05 (at least in PDT) I know they say Jimmy and Clay have something special planned but I still don't understand why he isn't singing. Gnarls Barkley does NOTHING for me!!!! I hope he's on Kimmel again soon after that where he's the musical guest!!!!

Saw this at CV (from CH)


Clay Aiken Talks Keeping Sexuality Private

Clay Aiken has no interest in taking his love life public.

During a promotional appearance for his upcoming album, “On My Way Here,” and his Broadway show “Spamalot,” the “American Idol” Season 2 runner-up told “The Billy Bush Show” it’s only the media who cares whether he is gay or straight.

“I think for the most part, I really think that people don’t care, honestly,” Clay told Billy Bush. “I think that the press… people like that care more than anybody else does.”

Aiken told Billy that when press attention first began focusing on his sexuality following his “Idol” season, things were rough.

“It can be difficult initially. I think when you get into anything and you’re not used to people scrutinizing this, that or the other… it bothers you,” Aiken said. “After awhile you kind of just say, ‘Forget this… This is not who I am, this is not about me, what I want to do is be a singer, want to be an entertainer, and forget all that stuff.’”

The singer, who releases his new album on May 6, said his sexuality is not an interest to most people — it is his voice they are interested in.

“I think for the most part, people don’t want to have that type of stuff pushed, people who are living in Omaha or in Charlotte or wherever,” he said. “They don’t want stuff like that pushed in their face, I don’t think that’s necessary and that’s also not what I’m here for. I mean I went on ‘Idol’ to be a singer, I went on ‘Idol’ to be an entertainer and that’s what my priority is.”

Aiken will continue his journey as a singer with “On My Way Here.”

And while he may not comment publicly on his love life, Aiken gets revealing, somewhat, in song.

“Some of the songs on the album are personal, some of them are not personal, some of them are very universal and I like to keep that — allow people to interpret it that way,” he said.

Access Hollywood from CH

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I have to say it's so gratifying to read various posts from people who don't buy into all the conspiracies and crap that was so prevalent on alot of the boards when ATDW came out. I've always felt that type of mindset was really a big slap at Clay - like he didn't know what he was doing or was ineffective in dealing with his business and career! On Simply we always used to say "trust Clay!"

:clap: You've come to the right place. ;)

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I seem to remember that Clay wouldn't give an interview to BillyB a while back, saying he was too busy, and Billy was miffed. Billy is a cousin of George Bush, and he has always, IMO, been a smarmy cheesy stupid shallow interviewer or whatever the hell he is.

I do wish Craig Ferguson would lay off the gay is funny stuff, too - I wish I had not clicked on his View appearance, because I don't find it funny that he is so relieved his son must not be gay because his son was bored at Mary Poppins musical - I got the impression the ladies were not all that amused either.

His Clay is queenie bit is old, I think, and seems a stupid thing to repeat when Clay is going to be a guest soon.

I've always felt that type of mindset was really a big slap at Clay - like he didn't know what he was doing or was ineffective in dealing with his business and career!

Oh, I'm sure some of those people are quite positive he has taken their advice straight from the boards.

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You know what? I thought that Access Hollywood interview made a strong statement. I think he's carrying the torch for decency in the media, and I admire Clay for holding his ground. He's helping others that will come after him. It's a bigger issue than what feels good or makes it easier for today.

ETA- Forget this- This is not who I am!! Perfect. I love him I love the snippets. I really do. Is it Monday, yet. I want a great press release. Hoping and praying.

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Well, let's listen to how Clay handles Billy Bush:


I'm listening right now, but won't be able to report until after lunch.

ETA: but I do have time to say that they have ANOTHER different snippet, from The Real Me. Sounds beautiful!

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Eeeep! More stuff to catch up on even though I went to bed late. Will have to wait until after lunch - I'm off to the doctor, as my annoying cold has turned into a raging sinus infection. :grrrr:

Like it needs to said :cryingwlaughter: but I will anyway - HAVE FUN everyone heading for NYC and lots of Spam! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oh, I agree Clay handled the issue beautifully, it is just that BillyB seems obsessed with the Question, like a tacky little Larry King wannabe....Billy's sense of decency has been kilt dead by his sense of self-importance.

Hee...listening.....Billy is being quite disingenuous - he really really really wants to know! Else he would not have brought it up.

OMWH is so absolutely stunning!!!!!!!!!!!

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OK Claygasm was first with a restaurant for SUNDAY< APRIL 27th... after the matinee if anyone wants to join us.

Its John's Pizzeria. Its right on 44th, almost across from the theater - more across from the theater where Phantom is. Just down from Sardi's.

Its a restaurant on an old church complete with stained glass windows!

If anyone needs my cell, PM me or get it from LdyJ if I'm not around.

My flight isn't until tonight but very busy day....

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That actually was a great interview with Billy Bush. I don't think Billy pushed too hard on the personal stuff, and Clay was pretty articulate in response. Billy played all of On My Way Here and the beginning of The Real Me, and Clay discussed his take on the songs.

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Wow, what a difference the actual mp3 of the interview makes! Great interview, and Billy Bush (whoever he is) is very complimentary of Clay. Love, love, love to hear him talk about the album and how it came about and what the songs mean to him. :)

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That was a great interview! You all must listen to it! I thought he was very respectful to Clay and really promoted the CD and Clay is just so darn adorable and I love his giggle!


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ABRASIVE "Access Hollywood" presenter Billy Bush had a run-in with Tom Hanks at the premiere of "The Ladykillers," spies tell us. Hanks apparently asked the president's cousin, "How does it feel to be famous for being so obnoxious?" As Bush attempted to laugh off the sleight, Hanks followed up with, "People in this town have long memories." Hanks's rep didn't deny the words were spoken.

Old page six item - but this is the Billy Bush I am used to - evidently he has learned to rein in his obnoxiousness. Great interview, still don't like him! I think he said a few things about Clay a few years ago, and then was quite bitchy when he wanted some sort of back-stage interview and Clay said he was too busy.

So now he plays nice!

Clay's voice, incredible as it seems, sounded even better in the song clips!

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We had dinner at John's Pizzeria when we were in NY. It's good. Pretty busy. Very noisy. Very close to the Shubert. And they won't take reservations for any less than 15 people. Of course we were there during Spring Break so the place was crawling with high schoolers and it was hard to get in to ANY restaurant. But the service is good.

I don't care who it is - Billy Bush (little Larry King wannabe - bwaahahahah!) I'M TIRED OF THE QUESTIONS. They have nothing to do with Clay the entertainer. I've had people say "well, he won't answer!" That's not true. He's answered the question numerous times and right from the beginning in the RS interview. I don't blame him for not wanting to say it anymore. People will believe what they want to believe and his constant denials wouldn't make any difference and would just call more attention to the issue. Aside from being a gross invasion of privacy, it's nobody's busines and extremely RUDE. It just goes to show the level the 4th estate has sunk to for the almighty dollar. Why not talk about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom rather than the wonderful contributions they make toward the well-being of children all over the world. I just get incensed when this crap comes up again. And it also pisses me off that Clay has to pimp his CD on shows like Leno and Ferguson - and then the next week those anal sphincters will turn around and tell gay jokes about him and show him utter disrespect. I know "it is what it is" - but it still makes me furious. (oops, can you tell?) Sorry, tangent over.

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OK Claygasm was first with a restaurant for SUNDAY< APRIL 27th... after the matinee if anyone wants to join us.

Its John's Pizzeria. Its right on 44th, almost across from the theater - more across from the theater where Phantom is. Just down from Sardi's.

Its a restaurant on an old church complete with stained glass windows!

If anyone needs my cell, PM me or get it from LdyJ if I'm not around.

My flight isn't until tonight but very busy day....

Ok PM me for mine. I'll be around until Sunday morning. Cme play with us if you're in NYC Sunday afternoon. We'll be meeting right after the matinee!

That actually was a great interview with Billy Bush. I don't think Billy pushed too hard on the personal stuff, and Clay was pretty articulate in response. Billy played all of On My Way Here and the beginning of The Real Me, and Clay discussed his take on the songs.

So this means I can't listen to this interview if I want to remain all virtuous and stuff, right?

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