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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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I hope someone gets a screen cap of that quick shot of Clay up fast!!

Damn he looked HOt and IN CHARGE!! :hubbahubba:

ETA: More Ryan??? If they had just cut his segment short there would have been more time for Clay to sing!!! Time is getting short here!!!!

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OK. Waaaaaaaaay too much time with Ryan. :Ahh:

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Odd look Ryan gave afterthe screamng for metioning Clay's name. You would think he would know.

(tothose without it yet, Ryan said he knew he had tohurry up becuase they ahd to get to Clay. Screams ensued and he sort of looked funny.)

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Funny how no one complains when Clay's first on the show (a la Rachael). I watched all of her show today, and the Ace of Cakes got a LOT more time than Clay. Yet, no one complains. Hee.

CG, I have a feeling your snark will be seen as the truth to some. Sigh.

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Odd look Ryan gave afterthe screamng for metioning Clay's name. You would think he would know.

(tothose without it yet, Ryan said he knew he had tohurry up becuase they ahd to get to Clay. Screams ensued and he sort of looked funny.)

I thought he was just trying to be funny...

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Probably right, ldyj!

Waaaay too many commercials!!!


We're down to about 15 minutes left - and most of it will probably be taken up by commercials!

I bet we'll hear 2 notes of Ashes......

At this rate, we'll only hear 2 notes of OMWH!

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So from what I can gather from the various reports, Ryan's desperately trying to convince everyone how important and in demand he is, then they shift to a shot showing Clay silently standing there...


Bwah! Bwah!

Oh. Karma's a bitch.

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AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!! Could there be any more commercials????????

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"What the hell am I gonna do with that??" :cryingwlaughter:

I am pretending that first part didn't happen.......

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Well, he's cute and adorable but damn - there will BARELY be time for OMWH, much less Ashes.

At this point, with the million and one commercials, I'm wondering if we'll even get OMWH!

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Hee the fans were a good sport...I think Kimmel audiences are used to over the top stuff like that.

that was right on with their humor...

I always love how relaxed clay is with Jimmy...

should we nominate his new name...

and OMG how true and funny is that about laughing sooo loud then texting...hee

love that picture with the girls of spamalot.

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Voice is pretty shakey...

Of course they cut it off right before he got to the wailing!!!!!!

They CLAIM we can see the whole performance on JK's site - but didn't they say that the last time only it was never there??

Bye Clay! See you again.... sometime.......

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I want to know more about that picture with the girls, that looked like it was soooooo funny.

Nice performance of OMWH, but I did hear an iffy note or two. Really liked the outfit though -- the yellow tie was cool.

CG, I think we did get all the Invisible the last time online. We didn't with Kyrie, but I think that was before they "promised" that kind of thing.

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