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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


Thread Title Poll  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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OK, I'm game for Cora's, but will any of you Ontario folks go to Hong Ping with me for dim sum?

wanda, select the picture or pictures you want to post, then scroll down to the bottom right and click on the "generate HTML and IMG code" button. It will bring up a nifty window with many options, one of which is "IMG clickable thumbnails for message boards - recommended". Copy and paste that code into the window here, and voila!

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Luckiest, Thanks! Here goes. It will be a miracle if I get it on my first try!

This is my newly redone office. I sit at my desk and look right at Clay!


F#$K!!! I can't make the frigging picture show up. I've selected the picture. Gone in and copied the URL. NOW WHAT? I've tried pasting the address into both link and image. No frigging luck.

ETA SUCCESS!!! Although I can't figure out how to get the thumbnail!!!

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Wheeee, you did it! One day my "office" at home is going to look as good as that. Right now it is a tiny corner of the kitchen, with papers and cds and dvds and wires all a jumble around it (not to mention all the cat hair). Maybe when all the kids move out.....if that ever happens! ;)

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I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.

Thread title ???

I'll second that!

wandacleo - Very nice - I love the blue colour!

luckiest1 - I'll go for dim sum with you, but really don't like the steamed ones too much. So that everyone knows what we're raving about when we talk about Cora's, here's their menu:

Yummy Cora's Menu

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The Network is down at work. Internet not attached to it. Soooooo I get to file and clean and stuff. It's amazing how dependent we are on technology.

Great office wandacleo.

TimeTravelerPax - I'm so happy you'll get to see Clay but you know... wish I had known you needed a ticket earlier this year. Thankfully, you'll get that opportunity. It will be a great treat for you.

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Whatever your views, this is message board and I bet we all have a message and one is just as important as another if they are presented with mutual respect.

Yep, wouldn't that be nice. Until then, thank God for the ignore button.

Where the heck isthe ignore button? I have been looking for it? I haveto scrioll right now!

I think we're really all just having discussion.

heh, I think there is some pushing to get a point of view through beyond discussion, but that I why I can scroll when I get whatever.

And if people think C & J's relationship is weird, they haven't met playbiller's and my families. :lilredani: I think we could write a book.

Excuse me, speak for yourself. I am boringly normal! ahem I just like feisty dogs. Pun is deliberate since I found out she is a feist and that explains a lot of her odder behavior. - did you know that about half the fiests can climb trees in pursuit of squirrels!

Well, we now can tell why Quiana didn't know what she was doing! She is doing a stint at he NC theater again

From WOWpoc on the CB http://www.nctheatre.com/ratpacklounge.html

A salute to Etta James. Nov 13-22.

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I'll bet the whole Shubert outfit will be glad to see Clay back. (And whoever owns Junior's is probably ecstatic.)

Not only does Clay sell tickets at full price, and lots of premium seats too, but we all bought the programs and posters and magnets and bunny slippers and t-shirts and everything we could lay our hands on. I hope they come out with new stuff for us.

I had the nerve to mention to merrieeee over the phone that since a certain someone will be in NY during the holiday season, maybe just maybe UNICEF will have the Snowflake Lighting on a Sunday or Monday night this year ..... and merrieeee, if so, I think you should definitely attend, darling. I do think UNICEF would schedule for Clay.

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Clay content...yesterday we introduced a new red wine in our shop. It's called "Simply..Rich and Bold". I commented to my boss, who was working with me, that I would think of it as "Simply.. Rich and Bold and Well Hung". She said..."I knew you'd somehow relate it to Clay!!!"


BWAH! I LOVE this! :cryingwlaughter:





I felt like I needed more practice.

Well, a wise and well-hung young man once said, "Perfection takes TIME, honey!"...so practice away, babe. ;)

ETA: Oh, and word! re: the Shubert being glad to see Clay come back. Remember how the other cast members talked about the energy and fun the Clay-centric audiences had? How it was so much fun to be on stage with such responsive audiences? We're good, y'all. Of course, I doubt they'll be AS Clay centric as they were the first time around...

Then again...you never know.... :whistling-1:

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Idol Alumni Congratulate New Dad Clay Aiken

Idol Alumni Congratulate New Dad Clay Aiken

By Kristen Mascia

Originally posted Thursday August 14, 2008 03:50 PM EDT

Clay Aiken's American Idol cast mates are thrilled for the new daddy – and one even has her own baby news.

"Congratulations! I am very happy for him," Rickey Smith, 29, told PEOPLE. "He has great morals and ethics, and I think his baby will be brought up in love."

Smith added that baby Parker Foster Aiken's birthdate of Aug. 8 has a personal significance.

"My grandmother's birthday, god rest her soul, was August 8," Smith said. "I lost her, but here, another life has been born, so that's pretty memorable to me. Eight is a lucky number in my family – so tell [Clay] welcome to the family!"

Fellow Idol alum Vanessa Olivarez, 27, predicts Aiken will be a fantastic father.

"Before Idol, he worked with children [as a teacher], so I definitely think that experience will help him," she said. "He'll be a great dad, and a great role model. And I hope [the baby] grows up with his voice, for sure!"

An ecstatic Carmen Rasmusen sent big news with her congratulations. The Salt Lake City, Utah-based singer is expecting her first child with husband Brad Herbert, 25, son of Utah Lt. Governor Gary Herbert.

"I'm actually expecting my first boy this Christmas," the five-months-along former Idol contestant, 23, told PEOPLE. The couple met at Brigham Young University and married in 2005.

"Isn't this crazy? We're going to both be parents! It's so exciting – we went from being nobodies to being on American Idol together, and now starting our families [at the same time]."

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Well, a wise and well-hung young man once said, "Perfection takes TIME, honey!"..



Wise and well-hung.


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I do believe that 'we' comprised a good little percentage of the audience for Clay's intial Spam run (especially on weekends), but I never believed it was 'just us' that was filling those seats because he was there. They promoted him so well in NYC - I think he lured a few non-board people in, too. And I know he blew away more than a few people who had no idea he was in it! That was fun to watch. And you really didn't have to ask (I never, ever do) - the buzz was just there during intermission and after. GAHHHH I hope I can get there this time around.

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I'm positive that you're right about Spamalot. I know Claymates were clustered up front because we had the good sense to get tickets months in advance, but the theater was full every night I went--so it couldn't have been just Claymates.

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And I am sure some are thinking if I am so big on marriage how I can be accepting of Clay and Jaymes bringing a child into the world without being married...I have thought about that for a long time because it does go against my core values, but the bigger issue to me is committment and responsiblity...and that is what I am seeing...two mature adults who made a decision to have a baby and have committed to raising that child together. Big difference between them and say Kevin and Britany...I have no respect for men who have children with one woman and then leave her to have children with another woman or JLo and Marc...sorry, but I cannot condone going after a married man or a married man leaving his wife and kids for another. So that is the difference I see between with Clay and Jaymes and the others. Some may call me a hypocrite and believe me, I have gone around and around on these trying to sort these feelings out.

Okay, I have rambled too much and need to get to work.


aikim... WORD, especially my bolding. Committment is the thing and you can be committed without marriage. I totally believe this committment will last their whole lives cause it's based on deep friendship rather than sometimes fleeting lust.

Since none of us know shit about what really goes on in Clay's life and loves, I think it's perfectly fine to think he's married, not married, in love, not in love, has a traveling baby, has an at-home baby.....whatever....as long as it's just speculation and not laying judgement on his head or insisting on a point of view.

I don't know one single thing about the private man.

My only hope is he's getting it from someone because it would be such a waste if he's not.

wanda... Amen, sistah!!! He's so much more comfortable with his body and his sexiness than he used to be so I've thought for sometime some woman and some good sex was responsible for that change. I really like your office, by the way!!!





I felt like I needed more practice.

kf... I like your practicing! YUM!

I'm thinking he may not get as many of us as last time, since last time was only months ago, but the word of mouth of those NJU that did go and the good reviews he got should put more NJU in the seats this time. I'm sure the attendence will go up, but not as much as last time. Hope I'm wrong! In the meantime, he'll go a great job and have a great time and we'll get recaps very frequently, which makes me very happy since I still cannot afford to go.

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I just checked AOL for the first time in at least a month, expecting to see Clay off their charts, but it floored me to see that OMWH is still their No. 1 song.

As of now, the AOL chart placements for Clay were:

l. On My Way Here

5. Ashes

8. Everything I Don't Need

14. Falling

21. Lover All Alone

Then I checked the Videos and his Sessions vids are still hot apparently. Clay's picture is in the No. 1 spot for Most Viewed Videos for On My Way Here and he's also No. 8 for Ashes.


Somebody is still paying attention!

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I'm not sure why it's so important to everybody - or seemingly everybody - that Clay and Jaymes be romantically involved.

And I’m not so sure why it’s so important to some that they’re NOT. So what if they are?

I think everyone is doing what you just did iseeme..speculating. I think the one thing all of us will agree on is that nobody knows anything. I'm not looking that far ahead... in January when Clay wraps up Spam, Parker will only be 5 months old. Maybe he will have wracked up a few free plane tickets by then or maybe with his dad in one city for 4 straight months he will still be working on his first 10,000 miles. I don't think they will all be joined at the hip forever. However, I wouldn't be shocked to learn that Parker played some part in Clay not being in South Dakota on Tuesday and Ohio on Wednesday and Illinois on Thursday during his first few months. But having said that, I just don't see how one opinion over the other takes more or less imagination. It's all just spec.

Now THIS is realistic! There is no more or less imagination in ANY of these posts, you got that right. <g> Both “sides” are indulging in speculation. I’m not too invested either way, but I definitely think they are living together, romantically or not. Why? Because why would you get your best friend pregnant, clearly be over the moon about it, tell everyone you’re going to raise it together, give it your last name with no hyphen, etc. and then not live together to do just that? Why?

There is no genuine realistic logic to be applied to the situation; Clay is not in The Truman Show. We don't know what is going on, we just see and interpret glimpses of things to suit ourselves.

Ahem. I still say you owe me a “tm” after The Truman show. Oh, wait, I said he’s not in the *fucking* Truman Show. Nevermind. <g>

Probably I'm being too realistic and not schmoopie enough.

I don't know...I think its more realistic to be open to any possibility cos we really don't know anything.


I would hope that his own fans, many of whom are not spring chickens themselves, would not be age prejudiced either.

Let me gently dash that hope against some pretty, sparkly rocks.


Now if only the fandom could do the same. It seems ever since this kid was born sensitivities have been running awfully high. None of you gave birth. That kid is no more yours than mine. Why so defensive of him? And especially, why so defensive of what some of you want Clay's relationship with Jaymes to be??

Other people are defensive?? Bwahahahahahaha…yer killin’ me here.

Sometimes this place is funnier than Spamalot. Well, okay, maybe that's overstating it a bit.....<g>

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