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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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Good Morning Everyone,

11 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"!


19 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


40 Days until The BAF Gala! :woohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


I can't believe it's just 11 days. I sure have missed him. It's strange how when I know he's performing and we'll have news , everything seems brighter. Lordy, I've never been a fan of anything in my life. Clay has some serious mojo!!!

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I can't believe it's just 11 days. I sure have missed him. It's strange how when I know he's performing and we'll have news , everything seems brighter. Lordy, I've never been a fan of anything in my life. Clay has some serious mojo!!!

Sounds like a thread title to me. :lilredani: Off to drop it into the appropriate forum.

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Iseeme, maybe I am missing something, but I haven't seen any insistence about Clay's relationship with Jaymes - HERE - for quite a while.

I wonder if the Clannah legend will get like the Clelly legend - there are those who think that Clay and Kelly found eternal true love, but can never ever make that love public, due to fan reaction, so they will be seen with others, marry others, have children with others, and when they shuffle off this mortal coil, they will still be madly full of unpublicized love for each other. And anyone they associated with throughout their entire lives is just a coverup.

Heeee......way to throw us off the scent, Clay!

Damn! I can't afford HBO right now (I should not even be spending money for FIOS TV!)

I haven't seen any insistence at all. Funny how we all read things just a bit differently

Bwah over the the Clelly Hannah stuff.

This is a good discussion. Truly, Clay is so private that we don't really know as much about him as we used to think we did. Clay loves hugging women. Does that mean he is involved with all of them...I doubt it. But as Clay fans it is our "job" to speculate. :hysterical: It keeps us busy in the downtime. Everyone has their own ideas about who and what Clay is. Are any of us right? Who knows? Clay has always marched to his own drummer. If he decided he wanted a child with Jaymes, for whatever reason, I don't think he cares that maybe it polarized the fandom. Most celebs these days have lives that are open books....rehab...DUIs...latest new mates....sex rehab (?) .... with Clay he keeps us guessing...and guessing...and guessing. I kind of like that.

hee I'm with you girl. I enjoy the discussion... and yep I understand what you mean about it being our "job" in quotes. I wish my real job were like this, I'd do it for free. Oh and I so agree with you about Clay and his hugging of women. For every woman that Clay has ever been aroumd there is a scintillating photo thatcan be interpreted all sorts of ways. All of them, from Kim to Jaymes...ok all accept Quiana. heee. If anybody thinks there is a Cliana I'm sending them to therapy :cryingwlaughter:

I know these discussions can be tiring for some but hey a new subject will come up soon enough. At the very least September 18th Clay will give us something new to talk about :cryingwlaughter: My burning question, how difficult will it be to do that bottle dance again.

Cagney, I don't have any specific "wants" but am interested to see how he gels with the new cast. Also, will there be any new changes to show for his return. It's all very exciting

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I won't get to New York this time around, so I'll be depending on the recaps. What I'll be interested in hearing about is how Clay's characters work with the new King Arthur since they have several major scenes together.

What I'd also love to hear about it if it happens, but don't ever expect to, is Parker's first backstage visit with the cast and crew. Can you imagine all the Laker Girls swarming that father / son duo? Like flies to honey, I bet. :hysterical:

heee...hey Bottle. damn... am I ever going to meet you. Next tour, I swear I will stalk you.

Clay has some serious mojo!!!

I second your nomination Bottle. Love it merryclay. Does he ever.

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Can't you just see Clay duckwalking through his house getting his legs and butt ready for the bottledance? I remember when I was in school, they used to make us duckwalk in gym. Do they even have gym anymore? LOL!!

Thanks- girls -Seriously, it is all mystifying. Is there anyone in the entire fandom that can explain what happened to us all?

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New Ebay listing to win tickets, merchandise, and a meet & greet with the Spam cast, for charity:


About this nonprofit:

The mission of The Loved World Foundation is to give people and animals an opportunity to experience unconditional love and learn life skills. With our first program, "Another Chance for Love," shelter dogs are brought into juvenile detention facilities and paired with at-risk-youth. Both are empowered to positively change their lives as the dogs are trained using The Loved Dog's play training methodology then offered for general adoption. Truly a WIN-WIN program!

Monty Python's SPAMALOT on Broadway Meet the Cast +More

Meet the cast of the hit Broadway Musical SPAMALOT backstage in NYC and receive a valuable gift set of SPAMALOT merchandise! Monty Python fans, Broadway buffs, and heck- even Spam enthusiasts- can bid on this incredible SPAMALOT package!

Meet the cast of the hit Broadway Musical, Monty Python's SPAMALOT from Writer Eric Idle and Director Mike Nichols.

You'll receive 2 tickets to see SPAMALOT at the Shubert Theater in New York City on the date of your choice. (Certain date restrictions may apply.) We will arrange for a stage manager to take you and your guest backstage either before or after the show to meet the cast.

Please note, this package does not include transportation to New York, nor hotel accomodations which must be sought independently.

SPAMtastic SPAMALOT Gift Set

As a bonus, the winner of this auction will also receive a SPAMALOT gift set including the following items:

1. ToyVault "The Black Knight" Talking Plush in package

2. ToyVault "Tim The Enchanter" Chibi Plush Figure

3. ToyVault "Knight Of Ni" Chibi Plush Figure

4. Signed Spamalot Souvenir Brochure with Bonus CD "Soggy Old Blondes" by Eric Idle

5. Spamalot "God Toasts" Logo T-Shirt - blue, size M, 100% pre-shrunk cotton

6. Spamalot "Shields" T-shirt - black, size M, 100% pre-shrunk cotton

7. Spamalot "You've Got Grail" t-shirt - black, stretch-fit size XL, 100% Cotton. - Front: Glittery golden grail picture; Back: "You've Got Grail" phrase; Left Sleeve: Spamalot logo

ETA: Parker is one month old TODAY! :dancingpickle:

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heee...hey Bottle. damn... am I ever going to meet you. Next tour, I swear I will stalk you.


Watching a double header softball game is kinda boring---even when your daughter is playing---if the competition is lousy. :rolleyes:

Just sayin'.

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Hee. I have my fingers crossed about winning the MyCokeRewards sweepstakes for the trip to Spamalot in November (my eyes are still wonky from trying to decipher all those little numbers in the inside of the Coke caps :blink: ), so you never know. Otherwise, I hope Clay and Co. are back out on the road in the spring / summer of 2009 - 'cause laughn and I will be ready to road trip again by then.

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Lynnie - I think if Clay was asked what he sees in the mirror today he would still say "I see me!" And I'm betting it will be that way the rest of his life.

Just a few comments: the Tyra interview.....I don't remember Clay cuddling any other host and asking for a kiss! Not saying they're involved or were involved, but there was some serious flirting going on from both sides of that couch! Faye saying Jaymes is family and her being allowed to call Clay "Clayton" doesn't mean any more to me than she's "a dear friend!" Although she's certainly some sort of "family" now! The picture - there were comments on this board and a few other boards about Clay looking like he had been drinking. I think it was just not a good picture of him but don't see how anyone can infer he was drinking from a picture! The rest of it? People are going to believe what they want to believe no matter what he says. (oh wait - didn't Clay say that?") So I believe that he and Hannah have a special relationship. Not putting labels on it though!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and I think I'll put on my "I'm Not Dead Yet" t-shirt and go for a walk! Ohhhh - I wonder if they'll have new Clay merchandise at Spam! And I do hope he's doing some exercises to get back in shape for that bottle dance! Ouch!

Love Clay has some serious Mojo as a thread title!

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Actually, it was Clay. He said, "I should kiss you." And then he did.

Yep. He suggested that in answer to her remark about closing the show in a way she hadn't before. After he kissed her, then she asked for another! :kiss:

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11 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"!

And something new to talk about, analyze, GAH over...thank Goddess!

I just discovered the "Laughter, The Best Medicine" thread and laughed til I had tears running down my cheeks and had to run to the bathroom before I wet myself.

I did post a couple of links to youtube videos but want to post one of them here also, if that's OK.

Dawn French is a British comic and the star of the Vicar of Dibley. I think her reaction to Tom Jones will be very familiar to those Clay fans who have been fortunate enough to be in his presence. Star struck Dawn French

On re-reading this post I realized i should add that I did not mean to imply that any Clay fan would actually react in this way but that the feeling would be similar.

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Well, now I have to watch it again, I thought for sure she asked - Guess I have not seen it enough!

Is there ever enough Clay?

But firstI have to drive about 80 miles and buy a cooktop. Ihave decided that buying one in a store is a better idea than ordering one by mail.

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Is there ever enough Clay?

Thread title!

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OMG! I went to youtube to look for that and got totally sidetracked and forgot!!

I love Clay's look for that show, he looked totally DOPE!!

Thanks ldyj!!

Here's something else that is really amazing......

An 18 month old that can READ!!

play - it's funny but I got temporarily mesmerized by watching that kid flip his coin, noticing that it's in the same speed as the ticking of the clock on the wall behind me!!

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Aside from the kiss *sa-woon* I think him saying he should sing for her is one of my very favoritist (it's a word 'cause I say so!) things I've ever heard him say... :flirtysmile3: To have Clay Aiken say that to you? :Thud:

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Catching up.... pants heavily...

Oh, have I mentioned that I get to see Spamalot this time around? I haven't? Well..... :polon: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'M GOING TO SPAMALOT!!

Bookwhore... CONGRATS!!! Throw him a kiss from me, pretty please!

I see a man who's very relaxed and comfortable with the people around him. A relaxation born of trust.

He may be a little tired. Or maybe just inhibition-blurred by champagne.

But if I could touch him, he'd be all warm and mushy. Maybe a bit musk scented. His arms would feel muscle-relaxed, no resistance. His smile a bit lazy, his eyelids a little slow to react.

Instead of his usual guffaw, I'd hear a deep snuff or chuckle at any joke or ribbing.

He looks like he's leaning his body into the back of a booth, maybe, his longs legs stretched out in front of him. Maybe crossed at the ankles.

He just looks so open. So - not on. Something "we" aren't privy to.


Cotton... I gotta agree with ldyj... double...:::dies:::

That has been something that I have really appreciated with Clay, even when he was more innocent, if you could call someone innocent who poses for a pic with a sign that said even his hand rejected him. He seldom seems like he judges others for their personal choices even if they are different from his own. He is one fine specimen of a man.

justclay... he is very nonjudgemental and that is so rare, especially in a young man. I have always said that he sees people with his heart, not seeing their skin color, age, or anything else as important. He is a wonderful role model that way. I love that man!!!

11 days... Whoo hoo... I sure hope he's been exercising to get in shape. :cryingwlaughter:

:013085001176249046: at the end of Spamalot when all that bottle dancing has plumped it up a bit... Swoon!

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You know, with the amount of money I've supposedly won from the many international lotteries I've never played and/or dead people I've never met who have supposedly left me their life savings, I think I could afford for all of us to go to Spamalot! We could all have premium seats for every.single.show. and we could afford to stay in the swankiest hotel in NYC! Afterall, these offers keep popping up in my Spam folder...

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Well the good news is after a weekend in Tahoe cooking (and eating....oh, and them some more eating......and....well, yes, eating some more) I weighed in at Weight Watchers and still lost 1.2 lbs. At this rate I might be skinny by 2019!!! The bad news is that when I left the house I grabbed keys and didn't realize until the door was closed (and locked, of course) that I had my backup car key and not my usual keyring with...yes, the HOUSE key! And I'm happy to say that my house is impenetrable without a key or a hammer or some other heavy instrument. Breaking a double-paned window is not an option. Called a locksmith, etc. etc. but there is no cell service here at the house and so it was going to be either sit in the car for hours and hours or hope that the locksmith got the message and would arrive anon. And he did. Whew!!! Let's just say it was an expensive lapse - $45 and a cold bottle of water for him. I will be going to the hardware store and having several keys made to stash hither and thither.

Loved the Tyra show and I thought he looked fantabulous.....hair, clothes, smile, banter....and I still get a thrill out of seeing a woman gush all over him. Thanks for posting the link!!!

Hard to believe little Parker is a month old today!!! He's a little person now instead of an eating and pooping machine! I bet he's lulled to sleep by the most beautifully sung lullabies........

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