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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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Scarlett I sometimes wonder about your mind!!! :thbighug-1:

I do too, especially after something like this:

Labels? Where we're going, we don't need labels!!! (with apologies to the Back to the Future folks) Down with labels! Labels divide people. Make love not labels!

Imagine... there's no labels... It's easy if you try


I just got a text message letting me know that my little guy is a sports fan...

Well, to keep the "G" alliteration, you could call him "Guy", or if he's French "Gee" *g*.

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Clayzorback, I'm not sad and I'm not worried about Clay. He is going to do what he wants to do and he sure doesn't need my opinion. I will go with the flow and wait to see what Clay has up his sleeve. He said he wasn't quitting. I believe him. He will find a way to sing and entertain us. It's a difficult time for everyone not just Clay. People are afraid to spend money.

I used to go to movies, now I watch Netflix. I read the newspaper for many years, I recently cancelled it to read on line. I'll probably use the library rather than buy books in the future. Instead of shopping I'm trying to make things. But I would still spend money to go see Clay, unless he appears on TV more often.

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Wonder how Reed, his friends, and Jaymes would feel about Clay just going back to being a teacher? Would they stay around? Or are they just there for the celebrity. Interesting point a good friend of mine asked me. I wonder. Have to give it some thought.

Hey Clayzor. It doesn't require two seconds of thought for me to reject the idea that Jaymes is hanging on to Clay's celebrity. That's a no-brainer for me. And there is this person named Parker Foster Aiken. I know nothing about Reed, but he seems to be an independent artist in his own right, and a successful one. And, since I don't see Clay Aiken as a creation of RCA, I can't see how parting company with RCA would necessarily be a bad thing for him. Clay Aiken was a creation of television, and I don't see TV going away. In fact, Clay's going to be on TV again in April. As long as Clay was under contract to RCA, I thought the whole "cryptkeeper" and "sabotage" criticism was insane and harmful and undermining his business relationships. But That's All Over Now, Baby Blue!

I think Clay has been and will forever be a "teacher" and that he will have no problem extending his singing career for a lifetime. And ... jmh, although I rarely if ever disagree with you, I do think of Clay primarily as a singer, career wise. He's a humanitarian, a teacher, and a beautiful old soul, but he's MY SWEET SINGERMAN!!!!

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I just got a text message letting me know that my little guy is a sports fan...

Well, to keep the "G" alliteration, you could call him "Guy", or if he's French "Gee" *g*.

Actually, I'm thinking of naming him Gnocchi (nyō'kē, nyŏk'ē)... it's an Italian potato dumpling. Insomnia-inspired naming! :hysterical: I'm Italian, it's a "g" name even though the g is silent, and it has a bit of an Asian sound to the pronunciation, which is fitting since he's a Chinese Crested Powderpuff.

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I just got a text message letting me know that my little guy is a sports fan...

Well, to keep the "G" alliteration, you could call him "Guy", or if he's French "Gee" *g*.

Actually, I'm thinking of naming him Gnocchi (nyō'kē, nyŏk'ē)... it's an Italian potato dumpling. Insomnia-inspired naming! :hysterical: I'm Italian, it's a "g" name even though the g is silent, and it has a bit of an Asian sound to the pronunciation, which is fitting since he's a Chinese Crested Powderpuff.

I like it! Never really liked gnocchi or maybe I just haven't had a good dish of it...I am half-Italian, btw.

Your new puppy is adorable and I think that would be a cute name!


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hi guys, havent been around much, Ive been on cv from my phone, but didnt have computer access for a few days so didnt check in to many places...I wanted to tell you that i decided that I miss my family, and Im going to go home..my paychecks should be coming this week, 4 of them I think lol and Im gonna get on the train and go back to OR where I belong :)

why would clay go back to being a teacher? no way..he's a singer...he wont go back now.

where is it being reported as a mutual decision? I thought that Cindi was saying Clay decided to move on? that means it was his choice..he wouldnt walk away without a plan, no worries here..ever lol

while im on a roll, I dont think we will be waiting a long time for the next thing, Clay mentioned in his blog telling us plans for 2009, I think he has something up his sleeve and is ready to move on and start working again..

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Actually, I'm thinking of naming him Gnocchi (nyō'kē, nyŏk'ē)... it's an Italian potato dumpling. Insomnia-inspired naming! :hysterical: I'm Italian, it's a "g" name even though the g is silent, and it has a bit of an Asian sound to the pronunciation, which is fitting since he's a Chinese Crested Powderpuff.

Oh, I like "Gnocchi" too. Very culinary! If you were Slavic, you could call him Pierogi! *g*

Smitten, it is better to have tried something and gained in experience than never to have tried at all. Life is learning what we are meant to do and not do.

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So I'm standing in the longest 15 items or less line EVER..and it's not moving. It kept me in the store long enough to hear something I've never heard... This is the Night wafting through the air. I almost sqeeeeed.

Ah Smitten.. I understand going home. I lived in Southern California for 5 years but it just wasn't the same. I missed home too.

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He's going to be the kind of father he never had.

claytonic....my eyes sprung a funny, stinging moisture when I read this. My own history/relationship with a father, then stepfather is similar to Clay's....and I know that the couple of times I got serious about a guy I dated, I was checking him out big time as "potential future father" material.

I was determined to marry someone who I believed would be a solid dad to whatever children we might have. That criterion truly, truly had a major influence on whom I eventually DID marry (and have now shared 28 years of my life with)...

And I was an EXCELLENT judge of 'future father figure' character! My husband is the father to our two girls that I never had myself. And that makes me all kinds of schmoopie. :wub:

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I'm sorry things didn't work out as you'd planned in California, {{smitten}}. Good luck with your move back home.

Smitten, it is better to have tried something and gained in experience than never to have tried at all. Life is learning what we are meant to do and not do.

This is true. I remember reading once that it's the things you don't try that you wind up regretting more than the things you do try that don't necessarily work out as planned. I've definitely found that to be the case.

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good luck with your move

you now I never can tell sometimes what is real or not. I never knew that Clay's fans got him blacklisted from the radio. My brother use to work part time at a radio station & told me requesting songs was a waste of time because they only played what was in the rotation anyway. That said (no offense Clay if you are reading) I never requested any station to play you. Of course I never requested a song ever. It still seems a little strange that in this day & age that would happen. You would think radio stations would be equipped for things like that. But, what do I know.

Okay so I don't want Clay's music, even if it is all covers, do go all digital because then I would be screwed.

Have gone to concerts of others artist & usual I am in the nose bleeds but have seen many people record concerts. Many of those concert clips are on Youtube from people with labels. Don't think the labels would stop clips of concerts.

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My sentiment in respect to the RCA label news.... :cry4:

:thbighug-1: lightmyfire. Nice to see you. Hopefully Clay will use his blogger which he already said he would do, soon!!

Nice to see you also Couchie, thank you. :thbighug-1:

aikim - I understand that the majority of the fandom is celebrating, but I just don't find the news of Clay not being signed by a major label or any label for that matter as one of a positive nature. I am saddened by it.

clayzor - ciao....yes..I am disappointed. Hopefully soon we will have news that he has been picked up by another label and his voice will be recorded, published, and distributed in the near future...


jmh123 - I hope all is well... :BlowKiss:

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I just got a text message letting me know that my little guy is a sports fan...


He's watching the Purdue basketball game! :cryingwlaughter:

anna... he is adorable!!! That is a cute name for him, too! Hope he lets you sleep at night! :cryingwlaughter: Having a puppy is way too similar to having a baby in my book. LOL

I had a dream the other night that Clay opened a supper club in the Triangle area and did a Ricky Ricardo... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Hey, if it was good enough for Lucy, it should be good enough for Jaymes. He could play my bongos anytime he wanted... :hysterical:

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Scarlett I sometimes wonder about your mind!!! :thbighug-1:
I do too, especially after something like this:

Labels? Where we're going, we don't need labels!!! (with apologies to the Back to the Future folks) Down with labels! Labels divide people. Make love not labels!

Imagine... there's no labels... It's easy if you try


:hysterical: Yes, I do write in a colorful way. What I really wanted to do was have some fun exploring some a few questions about the news. Whenever there is a change, people want to know what it involves and how it affects them.

What happens now that there is no label?

If the answer is, ""there will be a new label, a better one [tm:will turner]" then all is well

If the answer is, "there will be a new label, just like the old one" then nothing much will change

If the answer is, "there will be a new label and it could be worse than the old one" then there is some concern but nothing can be done about it until the announcement is made. besides, people seem to think it impossible for anything to be worse than RCA.

Until an announcement is made, there isn't any label as far as we know. That brings up a different set of questions. How concerned do we need to be that there is no label? How important is it to have a label? Has anyone ever done a cost-benefit analysis of labels? What do they offer, and what do they cost? Are they a "can't live with them, can't live w/o them" kind of deal?

I just got a text message letting me know that my little guy is a sports fan...

Well, to keep the "G" alliteration, you could call him "Guy", or if he's French "Gee" *g*.

Actually, I'm thinking of naming him Gnocchi (nyō'kē, nyŏk'ē)... it's an Italian potato dumpling. Insomnia-inspired naming! :hysterical: I'm Italian, it's a "g" name even though the g is silent, and it has a bit of an Asian sound to the pronunciation, which is fitting since he's a Chinese Crested Powderpuff.

I like gnocchi, annabear! -- both the edible kind and your cutiepie!!!

Oh, I like "Gnocchi" too. Very culinary! If you were Slavic, you could call him Pierogi! *g*
And I tried Pierogi too just last year, and liked it as well. I had several kinds.

They (gnocchi and pierogi) don't look similar to me even though they are both dumplings,. The gnocchi I had were tiny, almost like noodles. Pierogi (to me) are more like potstickers.

{{{Smitten}}} I hope the next one works out!


ETA: Also watching Die Hard, my favorite xmas movie of all time, for the 156th time. Yes it is a xmas movie :lilredani:
Best villain brothers for me: Peter and Simon Gruber!! (and the tank top helped too)
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I just got a text message letting me know that my little guy is a sports fan...

Well, to keep the "G" alliteration, you could call him "Guy", or if he's French "Gee" *g*.

Actually, I'm thinking of naming him Gnocchi (nyō'kē, nyŏk'ē)... it's an Italian potato dumpling. Insomnia-inspired naming! :hysterical: I'm Italian, it's a "g" name even though the g is silent, and it has a bit of an Asian sound to the pronunciation, which is fitting since he's a Chinese Crested Powderpuff.

I like it! Never really liked gnocchi or maybe I just haven't had a good dish of it...I am half-Italian, btw.

Your new puppy is adorable and I think that would be a cute name!


Cute Pup Anna!

I made some gnocchi once and a heavier soggier blander dish was never had! I must try them at a restaurant sometime to see how far off the track mine were.

Speaking of gerbils..(what are they anyway? ..a bit like a rat?) ....my DS1 has nearly talked me into letting him get a guinea pig. I am not a pet person but a bit of a soft touch to the kids, apparently.

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I just caught the tail end of the Indie "Spirit" Awards that are always given out the night before the Oscars, and Eric Roberts (remember him?) seemed to be the main topic of the show. When Mickey Rourke accepted his Best Actor award, the first thing he said was that Eric Roberts is the best actor he knew of, and that people should forgive what Eric did 15-20 years ago and give him another chance. They showed Eric in the audience with his face in his hands. Then Alec Baldwin in presenting the Best Feature award said he echoed what Mickey Rourke said about Eric Roberts. Now, what I want to know is, what did Eric Roberts do fifteen years ago? I know he was feuding with sister Julia, so maybe it has something to do with that. Only other thing I know about Eric Roberts is that he and his wife are Jaymes Foster's friends.

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Smitten I'm glad you had this CA adventure, now you'll know you are in OR because that's where you want to be. All is good. Now me, I am California to my bones!

Have i mentioned lately that I love Clay Aiken??

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keepingfaith, I'm not really sure, but I thought Eric Roberts had a period of drug abuse or violent behavior or something like that.

ETA: from wikipedia

On January 12, 2001, Roberts visited The Howard Stern Radio Show with his wife during a segment called "The Gossip Game" with Mike Walker of the National Enquirer on the telephone and shared a bit of personal information. He confirmed that he and his more famous sister Julia Roberts were estranged for several years. The source of the estrangment had been Eric's past drug abuse, and Julia's siding with his ex-girlfriend over the custody battle over Emma Roberts. In 2004, he told People magazine, that he and Julia reconciled when he went to visit her in the hospital after she gave birth to twins.[6
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keepingfaith, I'm not really sure, but I thought Eric Roberts had a period of drug abuse or violent behavior or something like that.

yes he had a big problem with cocoaine. His sister even sided with the mother of his child in the custody hearing.

This is going to be not so nice of me so if you don't want to read something not nice scroll away

seriously Eric Roberts is the best actor Mickey ever met?

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I don't know about the greatest thing ever but Eric Roberts IMO is a really great actor. He did seem to have this really up and coming career and then he didn't. I don't know what happened to him but he did continue to work - a lot. He has 11 movies in post production right now according to IMDB - 10 due in 2009. So you think, not so bad. But when I clicked on them to see who was in them I could see he is relegated to B movie work - sometimes starring... in the better movies he has very small parts. I think he's better than that. He does a lot of TV work too... but mostly just gust spots. I haven't watched Heros since season 1... is he still in it? Hmmm can't remember what happened to his character.

But really, a town that gives Robert Downey Jr a million opportunities to get his act together would blackball Eric Roberts over drug use and a fued with his sister? That seems so ... odd. I definitely always liked Eric more than I did Julia Roberts as far as acting goes and think he's better than the Tom Cruises and Brad Pitts of the world. Life is a bitch. heh.

ETA watched 20/20 last night and speaking of drug use -- the kid from The Bronx tale was acquitted of murdering a police officer but found guilty of some lessor crime - breaking and entering or something like that. He got ten years. He was plucked off a beach to be in a Bronx Tale and was a natural - yet drugs just took over his life and it took a murder charge for him to get a grip. He's lucky he's not dead whichhe very well could be by now.

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my friend used to have the biggest crush on Eric Roberts. I seem to remember watching a lot karate kick boxing movies so that is all I can think of when I think of him (& I don't remember them being very good). This also why one of my guy friends never finds Julia Roberts attractive. He thinks they share the same face.

I am suppose to say something about Clay here

does anyone know if Musikfest loves Clay Aiken? I do :)

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