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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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I was not allowed to have pets as a child and one day I brought home a white mouse in a cage! I got to keep it 45 minutes. Then I had to take it back to the person I bought it from and they would not give me my 10 shillings back. Boy I had saved up a long time to buy that mouse.

Hmm How can I relate that to Clay? Ah ha...he has a mouse in his pocket!

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Good Lord, I never see where you guys are reading this shit...must be some seriously whacked places out there!
haha! I was exaggerating for effect. I hope.

Haha! again, this is almost like the Sunday Roundtables we used to have elsewhere. Discussion.

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OK, folks, sorry but it's the weekend and you're going to be seeing a lot of me while I veg.....here's a lovely blog from a new OFC member, brought to CV by smitten.

Late to the party, but just getting started...


I was never into American Idol - not really. I watched 5th season for some reason, and cherred and jeered along with everyone else. They mentioned past winners, and I recognized some of the names, if only from the radio songs over the years. 5th season was also the year of Michael Sandecki (spelling may be wrong)... And when Claycame out of the split screen backstage, with that sweet smile on his face, and poor Sandecki nearly jumped offstage, my heart broke for the guy. Here he was, singing with his idol, and living a dream. Clay's voice caught me.

Of course, over the couple of years since then, there have been the occasional mentions of "speculation" about Clay in the news and tabloids at the grocery store, and all I could ever think was, "Leave the boy alone." I didn't realize this "boy" was only 3 years my junior. When I saw the "People" magazine when Parker was born, and the headline, I thought, "Well, good for you!" and my heart beamed. I still wasn't a fan, but then I hadn't listened to any of his music at all, either. He was still just another guy who had come through the American Idol ranks, who the media were trying to drive nuts as far as I could see.

It's been a long time since I've felt Christmas the way I did as a child. Every year, a local radio station plays all Christmas music from Thanksgiving weekend through December 25, and every year, I listen and hope for that feeling to come back, to remind me what Christmas "feels" like.

So one morning during Christmas season 2008, I'm in my car, taking my kids to school, when "O, Holy Night" comes on the radio, and this beautiful voice just zings right into my head, past all my other senses, and I'm mesmerized. I've heard "O, Holy Night" a thousand and one times. I've sung it almost as many, in a youth choir I used to be in, and I know it by rote. It comes on, usually, and I tune out. But this was amazingly different. Something about the timbre of the voice, or whatever it is, caught me, and wouldn't let go. The DJ announced it was Clay Aiken, and I perked up... Hmmm... That American Idol kid?

The weeks went by, and every day, I'd wait for this voice. My heart began to melt for no discernable reason, but suddenly, the song had meaning again, and wasn't just a chorus to be repeated numbly a hundred times over the season. "Mary did you know?" became another instant favorite. Christmas came and went, and the Christmas music stopped on the radio. I thought for sure I'd hear other Clay songs on the station in question, but weeks went by, and I heard nothing. I started looking at the store every time I went, to see if any CDs were in, and none ever were.

My birthday was January 21, and I was at my mom's house one day, when she placed a card on the arm of the recliner I was sitting in. I was watching TV at the time, so didn't pick up the card for several minutes. When I didn't pounce on it at the first commercial, my mother said, "Fine, I'll take your birthday present back," and acted like she was going to take the card away. I reached for it, and found "Measure of a Man" lying beneath. I felt like I was about 12 again, getting my first CD of whatever boy band was popular back then, and I literally squealed in delight.

It took exactly 3 days of riding to and from school for my 8 year old to memorize all the lyrics to all the songs, and my 10-year-old nearly has them all down, as well. The intervening days were spent with me adding all things Clay to my Amazon wish list, watching everything I can find of him on YouTube, and calling all the music stores in town to see if anyone knows of anything going on for 2009. I found out in this short time that (a) I just missed seeing Clay as Sir Robin at the Shubert (by less than a month), (B) my best friend and sister met Clay and is actually mentioned in Clay's book (the chick in Atlanta that talked to him about the "Invisible" video), © Clay has had more hairstyles than Rachel from "Friends", and he has nicer hair than most women I know, and (d) I can't get enough. So here I am.

Today, I went to a family Mardi Gras Party, and my mom came in and asked how much I love her. She had a mischevious look in her eye, so I said, "To infinity and beyond." She held out her hand, and there were "On My Way Here" and the Christmas CD, with my two favorite Christmas songs ever. I'm pretty sure we'll have these two memorized within a few days, as well.

God love my husband, he's not only putting up with my Clay-addiiction and its rapid onset, he's already committed to coming to a concert with me whenever Clay makes it down our way. :-) So I'm ready - when's the next tour?

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I suppose David Foster would have first chance to sign Clay up. So many of Clay's fans have wanted that. I've always said to be careful what you wish for. If you don't like Josh Groban or Michael Buble, you probably won't like Clay going there. I know I hope he doesn't go there. :Ahh: I still think his grammy could of come from contempory Christian music had he of gone that route instead of pop. Of course, now that he is out of the closet. I don't think he could do that now. Unless Christians have changed their thoughts about people being gay. From the reactions of some of his fans, I'd say they haven't. LOL

Fans merely requesting a song would not be enough to get an artist blacklisted, but come on now. We are talking about some of Clay's more OTT fans. You know the ones. They write nasty letters to the DJ's, who can't do a thing about the playlist. Then they write letters to their local (or not) radio station's advertisers threatening to boycott their products. Hey when you start messing with the radio's bread and butter, you are going to piss them off. Radio is in the advertisement buisness, not music. Music is just a filler. They also like to join in mass and spam & request Clay on stations that are not even in their areas, not to mention spamming stations that don't even have Clay on their playlist. So yeah, I believe him when he said his fans is why he can't get played on radio. Those type fans are too much to deal with, in any aspect of Clay's career. I know I'm guilty of sending a scathing letter to Clearchannel myself, and one to my local AC station, but I stopped that crap years ago. I realized quickly that kind of behavior hurts Clay and not helps. I hope Clay won't get left out of a lot of opportunities because his OTT fans are not worth putting up with the aggravation and baggage that comes with Clay. Our reputation precedes us wherever Clay is concerned. Poor guy can't win for losing. Even though he can't be responsible for the behavior of his fans he has to bear the results of it. Wouldn't you agree? It makes me mad for him and is hard for me to stop beating my own dead horse about it. Actually I have become a whole lot more zen about it all. I keep my eyes and ears open regarding what Clay is doing by going back to lurking and PM'ing with friends. Yes, I do have Clay friends. HeeHee. Hard to believe, huh? However you didn't think a major newsflash like his label dropping him was going to keep me in lurk mode did You? I want to discuss it even if everyone scrolls. Then I'll be back to lurkdom or off the boards. Depends on what Clay does.

If Clay signs with another label or goes independant, which I doubt, the first thing I hope he does is put a stop to the clack gathering. Now I know that is going to start a firestorm here and get me pelted, and banned all over Claynation, but I don't care. Fans really, really need to reconsider stealing his concerts and putting them all over YouTube, the message boards, and all over the internet. Like he has asked us not to do in the past. One of his blogs I believe he stated that it IS NOT good advertising for him to put montages up, especially. He has spoken directly in a concert before about people stealing his show. Of course we never listened to him, because we think he is just kidding and our wants are more important than his wishes in this one particular area. LOL IMHO, and there are others who feel this way too, it hurts his tickets sales. But it might just be a moot point to discuss now.

I've been thinking, ever since Clay released his last CD that it was his swan song to his fans. That he is no longer interested in trying to please everyone and is going to move on to other things. Go find love and be happy in his life. Raise Parker. I listened again to a few of the songs last night in bed on my i-pod. The lyrics to almost every song on there tells the story about how he feels at this time in his life and how he feels about his fans and the music business. That is my interpretation of his last cd. His swan song. I'd hate to think he would give up trying to achieve a singing career, because that is what I jumped on board to support him for. That's who he is and what he is to me. That's his forte and talent. It is just a shame, for whatever reasons, that he couldn't of conquered the world with it. Of course there is still hope he can find a way to get acceptance in music. I think he will stick with broadway and get gigs on TV, but I hope they are soon and good gigs. I'll support him on TV but if the singing is gone, then I will more than likely be gone. I came for the music fell in love with waldo the person, but, it's still the music for me baby. No traveling to NYC all the time for broadway shows. But if I can sit and watch him on my TV, then I'm there. As long as he is going to sing a song too. Now my good friend thinks he is going to surprise us with something that will blow us out of the water. I hope she is right. I'm ready for Clay to blow me......... :whistling-1:

Oh, mentioning Clay's friends. Anybody know what Angela and Quianna are doing now? What happens to them if Clay stops touring? Are they still friends. Do they stay in touch. Im out of the loop on them because I don't follow them.

Ferrets stink worse than anything I have smelt. LOL

Back to lurking..........Good Luck Clay. You're a good man.

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awww.very cute..Thanks for sharing FromClaygary.

Clayzor..and I thought I was cynical. Quiana seems to do just fine as a singer in her native SC and Angela toured with Clay by choice, not because it was her only choice. IMO anyway And I simply can't run everything that has to do with Clay through a fan filter first. Believe me, I trust that nothing you say will turn into a firestorm. It's your opinion. I disagree with most of though.Or I guess I just don't find most of it relevant to today.

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Clay, for example - if his dad was great, then he would get credit for good parenting. His dad and Ray are considered (without having too much info :-)) horrible, and yet here we have Clay Aiken! I suppose then that Clay is a good guy just to prove his parents wrong? That's why it cracks me up when people rag on Faye - is Clay a philanthropist in spite of her, or because of her? That depends entirely on agenda, from what I can see. IMO. Heee....he gets to be entirely self-created!

You see, while Faye was a little old-fashioned her in some of her punishments (writing stupid lines), my view is that her unconditional love for Clay was his survival kit and it even transcended the problems with Ray.

I believe there is indeed a big difference between IQ and EQ. Some people have an intellectual advantage but are emotionally disadvantaged. I have seen some very intelligent people ruin their lives, and I have seen some people who struggled through school yet their personalities and emotional stability got them through life very successfully. I do honestly think that the whole nature and nurture thing is extremely relevant, and for some people, if there is sufficient strength in nature... that can counter any nurturing disasters. On the other hand, if someone is "weak" in terms of nature, and has a disastrous nurturing environment, then that person could end up in all kinds of trouble. Then there's those who have a huge advantage in nature AND nurture, and the sky is the limit for them. I don't go along with the thing about "God gives you choice" because when someone is disadvantaged in terms of nature AND nurture, they just aren't equipped to be making good choices for themselves. It is like a health issue... if someone is pre-disposed to cancer, and they smoke, they end up in trouble. Others smoke and live to 90. That's how I see it with nature and environment (nurture).

While we are on social issues, have you guys been getting the news about our Father Peter Kennedy, a Catholic priest who was sacked from the church for allowing women preachers, for blessing gays and for calling the Catholic Church dysfunctional? It is causing quite an uproar. Having had a strict Catholic upbringing, including a few years in a Catholic boarding school, I am not sure whether to be amused or plain angry at what's going on. Hint: when completing forms that ask for religion, I state:NONE.


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Broadway full time? Full time father? The possibilities are endless.

i certainly hope those arent in the possibilities lol that would make me very very sad...

but I dont see why Clay wont continue in music..he has talked about missing singing, he has referred to a new cd (no specifics, but he did say the next one will probably be covers) and he came out publically which to me doesnt show a guy who is going to leave his record label because he wants to go home and be a full time dad....

also, I dont believe for a minute that fans are the reason he doesnt get played on radio, I think the radio played games with us because they werent going to play him..encouraged requests when they had no intention to play them...and I dont think clay's OTT hurt him that much..bottem line, I cant worry about what clays "ott fans" may have done, I can only control myself, and since I dont do any of that stuff then Im not going to dwell on those who may...every artist has OTT fans...

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Better yet...it is! It's called "Life Experience" or something dumb like that here.

And re the $5K to Oz parents....I believe that was initiated as a facet of needing more population in the country at some point in the past. Clearly not the case here.

Yes, it was to help with the population but I don't actually approve of it. If we need a bigger population, we can "import" people. We cannot really afford that level of bonus when our health system is getting worse by the minute, we are seriously short of money AND short of good medical staff on all levels. The solution IMO is to encourage health professionals to come to Australia, we need their skills and qualifications and they can help populate this country.

Oh, and thanks for that great Blog, good to know I've been in the fandom for longer than some people now....

ETA: Re the life experience, sometimes it can be too late, if you are faced with say, a child at the bottom of the swimming pool, and you've never heard of CPR. That is why I mentioned a First Aid course as part of graduating from high school. Kids are still drowning in backyard pools at an alarming rate.

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There is a lot we don't know about Clay and RCA and what went down there and since I doubt very much that Clay will be writing a tell-all book, I don't think we will ever know. But, I do think something happened in L.A. that caused him to head home and I do think whatever it was had a bearing on his not getting radio play...either him not playing the game, blackmail or blacklisting..who know, but I don't think it had anything to do with the fans. Clay can be quite stubborn and maybe that stubbornness and his unwillingness to compromise didn't serve him well at RCA...but we just don't know.

It has never been as black and white to me as "RCA sucks and doesn't know what to do with Clay"...it is probably a little bit of everything.

All I can hope for is that Clay has learned a lot about the business in the last 6 years; has made some contacts and has a vision for his future.


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Clay can be quite stubborn and maybe that stubbornness and his unwillingness to compromise didn't serve him well at RCA.
..but we just don't know. Kim

Funny you should mention that, because that has struck me as one of Clay's weaknesses. I'll never forget reading in LTS where he became a vegetarian for TWO YEARS even thought he liked meat, just to "show" his mother. I am also a stubborn person and i know how it feels to dig in my heels and not budge but I have had to learn to compromise, it's been a life-long work in progress on my part.

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Here's an article on what looks like a music website, dated 2002. It's long but interesting, I think, and certainly relevant to our latest "news". There were definitely some things I didn't already know.

I take it with a very large grain of salt because of....and here come my prejudices :hysterical:....the numerous grammatical and spelling errors. But hey, take it for what's it worth!

Oh, PS....you'll probably have to highlight to read....as it's in black print on a navy blue background :huh:

Melodic Rock article

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Clay can be quite stubborn and maybe that stubbornness and his unwillingness to compromise didn't serve him well at RCA.
..but we just don't know. Kim

Funny you should mention that, because that has struck me as one of Clay's weaknesses. I'll never forget reading in LTS where he became a vegetarian for TWO YEARS even thought he liked meat, just to "show" his mother. I am also a stubborn person and i know how it feels to dig in my heels and not budge but I have had to learn to compromise, it's been a life-long work in progress on my part.

I am a pretty stubborn person too and yeah, it does take a lot of work to learn how to compromise and I haven't always been successful at it.


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Did I mention how incredibly sick I am of discussions that analyze or advise or sound the death knell on Clay's career? I was sick of it it in 2006 and I am really sick of it in 2009. I'm just grateful that as a rule, I can count on FCA to stay away from that mess.

Do we have a yawning emoticon??

Moving on.

Look! A puppy!




FromClaygary: thanks for that blog. Very cool!!

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Did I mention how incredibly sick I am of discussions that analyze or advise or sound the death knell on Clay's career? I was sick of it it in 2006 and I am really sick of it in 2009. I'm just grateful that as a rule, I can count on FCA to stay away from that mess.

Yep, unfortunately some things never change.

For a guy who had no plans in the entertainment industry and now (IMO) is highly successful, appears to be happy, have a wonderful son, loyal friends and a gorgeous boyfriend I'd say he was doing OK. So I think I will leave all speculation and career plans up to him. He's not done too bad so far!

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Yes, it was to help with the population but I don't actually approve of it. If we need a bigger population, we can "import" people. We cannot really afford that level of bonus when our health system is getting worse by the minute, we are seriously short of money AND short of good medical staff on all levels. The solution IMO is to encourage health professionals to come to Australia, we need their skills and qualifications and they can help populate this country.


Australia: No residency for boy with Down syndrome

SYDNEY, Australia — Thirteen-year-old Lukas Moeller has Down syndrome. His father is a doctor who came to Australia from Germany to help fill a shortage of physicians in rural communities.

But now Australia has rejected Dr. Bernhard Moeller's application for residency, saying Lukas does not meet the "health requirement" and would pose a burden on taxpayers for his medical care, education and other services.

The case has provoked an outcry in the rural region of southeastern Victoria state, where Moeller is the only internal medicine specialist for a community of 54,000 people. Residents rallied outside Moeller's practice this week demanding the decision be overturned, and hundreds of Internet and radio complaints from across the country bombarded media outlets Friday.

Moeller vowed to fight the immigration department ruling.

"We like to live here, we have settled in well, we are welcomed by the community here and we don't want to give up just because the federal government doesn't welcome my son," he told reporters Friday.

This was just this last November, I don't know if the doctor has left Australia.

Perhaps medical professionals will be thinking twice about emigrating.

I never thought eating only vegetables indicated that Clay was so stubborn as to refuse to do some imaginery opportunity that some fans imagine was offered to him. Because they know best for him. Blargh.

Stubborn seems to equal "doesn't run his life and career the way I want him to".

QUOTE (aikim @ Feb 22 2009, 11:52 AM) *

Clay can be quite stubborn and maybe that stubbornness and his unwillingness to compromise didn't serve him well at RCA...but we just don't know. Kim

If only that kept some of us from taking that ball and running with it as if it were not only true, but as if we of course know what he should do.

This is why I would never ask for a jury trial if I was innocent.

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This is my favorite post of the year! :cryingwlaughter:

Did I mention how incredibly sick I am of discussions that analyze or advise or sound the death knell on Clay's career? I was sick of it it in 2006 and I am really sick of it in 2009. I'm just grateful that as a rule, I can count on FCA to stay away from that mess.

Do we have a yawning emoticon??

Moving on.

Look! A puppy!




FromClaygary: thanks for that blog. Very cool!!

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For a guy who had no plans in the entertainment industry and now (IMO) is highly successful, appears to be happy, have a wonderful son, loyal friends and a gorgeous boyfriend I'd say he was doing OK. So I think I will leave all speculation and career plans up to him. He's not done too bad so far!


ETA: Thanks, Fear. :cryingwlaughter:

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I've always been around animals - cats, dogs, rabbits, chickens, ducks, horses, goats, turtles, parakeets, pigeons. We had a class pet, a rat named Lucky, in 4th grade. He's even in our class picture! :) I always wanted hamsters, but we didn't think it would work out very well with our 20 pound tom cat, Sylvester, always hanging around their cage! :lol:

Right now I have two cats, who are quite independent, and the grand pug puppy who visits for a week or so at a time. I am trying not to succumb to the desire to get my own pug puppy, because I miss her so much when she's gone. But it's hard! I don't want to get tied down, or what will I do when Clay tours again? Hee, notice I said when, and not if. :lilredani:

Aww, yes... the thoughts of whatever will I do when I want to travel! Luckily, my pup is coming from a home of pet people and happens to be my friend's hubby's favorite of the litter! He's already offered to pet-sit whenever. They're the ones who checked in on the cats when I went to NYC in Jan. and the only issue they had was that Jeff was upset because Gidget didn't like him, because ALL animals usually LOVE Jeff! :hysterical: I told him not to take it too personally as Gidget doesn't like anyone but me - and that's more like she tolerates me! She seems to be in that teenage phase.

Thanks for sharing that blog, Claygary. :clap:

I've never understood or been interested in the conspiracy theories surrounding Clay and RCA. I do think Clive is probably past his prime and no longer the best judge of what is current or the next big thing. I agree that Clay can be stubborn - he's admitted as much. Who knows what has really gone on in his business life over the past 6 years? Certainly not the fans. It's not our business to figure out. Same with his personal life. Everyone's going to have their own opinions and views and that's fine as long as everyone realizes that they - and they alone - own those opinions and views. And if some of them should turn out to be right, that doesn't mean all.

I think Clay likes performing too much to give it up. I think he'll find a way to keep on doing what he likes to do. And I hope whatever that may be, it includes a way for me to see and hear him.

When I say I celebrate Clay, I mean just that. Not 'this' that happened, or 'that' that didn't. Just Clay. There's just so much good about him to celebrate. :wub:

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This was just this last November, I don't know if the doctor has left Australia.

Perhaps medical professionals will be thinking twice about emigrating.

Bureaucracy is idiotic, it needed to be publicized so that it could be given special consideration.

It was overturned, they now have permanent residency.

I never thought eating only vegetables indicated that Clay was so stubborn as to refuse to do some
opportunity that some fans
was offered to him.

Now, I loved meat, I ate hamburgers all the time. But because she challenged me, I snottily announced that I was, in fact, a vegetarian. And here's the stubborn part, I didn't eat meat for two years.
Clay Aiken, LTS.

Clearly that was a long time ago, when he was still a minor, and no doubt he has matured but having a "stubborn gene" can sometimes be "disability". I know that because it used to paralyze me as a child and a young adult. I am obviously much better now about compromising but when I am not the mood, old habits take over! It is a weird thing, being stubborn, you KNOW it is dumb, but you can't quite budge, as least that was how I used to be.

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ETA: Just wanted to say that Scarlett's posts yesterday were interesting because she was saying something new, and it led us somewhere interesting. I'm just reacting to reading (mostly elsewhere) more of the gerbil wheel kind of thing.


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Clearly that was a long time ago, when he was still a minor, and no doubt he has matured but having a "stubborn gene" can sometimes be "disability". I know that because it used to paralyze me as a child and a young adult. I am obviously much better now about compromising but when I am not the the mood, old habits take over! It is a weird thing, being stubborn, you KNOW it is dumb, but you can't quite budge, as least that was how I used to be.
How you used to be and how Clay used to be doesn't mean that Clay has stubbornly refused to do things with and for his career out of sheer stubbornness. Surely he is the best one to decide how to run his life? I find it odd at best to declare Clay is hampering his career by being stubborn, based on a book written for younger people that might very well have been exaggerated for effect.

Plus there's that question of why on earth would any fan know better than Clay what Clay should do with his career? Since this all is subjective AND based on unknowns, it seems kinda creepy to see the "stubbornness" about his career stated as fact and then criticized.

"Oh, he once gave up meat for two years, so prolly he stubbornly refused to go to Clive's party or live in Los Angeles or cooperate with scum media, and therefore his career is in the toilet and it is all his fault" seems to be that bizarre storyline.

Yes, I did like Scarlett's post full of new possibilities.

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Plus there's that question of why on earth would any fan know better than Clay what Clay should do with his career? Since this all is subjective AND based on unknowns, it seems kinda creepy to see the "stubbornness" about his career stated as fact and then criticized.

Also the things about his bad (their opinion) career choices, dealings with RCA, TC etc. etc. etc. are now being written as being facts! Unless you were in the room with Clay when these choices were made you can possibly have no idea of what went on. Was he stubborn....we will never know! Did he let people walk all over him...we will never know! Was he a wimp/foolish/naive/stupid...we will never know! I highly doubt that Clay Aiken was any of these things but then again ...I will never know!

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