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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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48 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I still don't have money I just go anyway!
    • I'm hooked .... like a fish.
    • I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.
    • Not only did he take his life back he took the power from them.
    • He is large and in charge and I love it!
    • He puts a happy face on my heart!

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Here's a really neat montage; "If Johnny Met Clay" (for all you young'ns; Johnny is Johnny Carson; Tonight Show host before Jay Leno). Yeah, they would have been great together!


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laughn.... glad laughn is superglued to the board ... woman, you're the reason I'm on this board, so hang around, will ya' :BlowKiss: I got hooked on reading your Jennifer in the Morning series under FUN, FUN, FUN/Creative Writing... hysterical!

Thanks for the 'Morning' shout out liney. Much appreciated. I never knew who was reading those things. I've toyed with the idea of reprising them, because I really had fun with the writing. Though the list of possible morning 'wakers' has expanded since I stopped. Parker and Reed for sure, but I think even Rosie has danced through my imagination now and then. Well, I amuse myself in my own head anyhow...lol

ldyj (now I have to do laundry to wash off the glue :P ), and concert buddy and 30 Rock wisher for the last 12 months, bottlecap, to you both :hug:

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Here's a really neat montage; "If Johnny Met Clay" (for all you young'ns; Johnny is Johnny Carson; Tonight Show host before Jay Leno). Yeah, they would have been great together!


that's so cute :) Thanks Kim

I have one more question about Clack

Please excuse me if I get this terminology wrong

is burning it on to a CD okay?

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Please excuse me if I get this terminology wrong

is burning it on to a CD okay?


But burning it to a CD and selling it is quite frowned upon.

Indeed. As is burning a purchased Clay Aiken cd for giving away to a third party. However, there are instances where burned cds of former downloads have subsequently been posted to the internet, then downloaded and burned to cd and then sold on ebay and then uploaded to a shared folder for downloading that have subsequently been burned to cd and then given away. That, I think, is permissible, though perhaps frowned upon by some. Or possibly just pursing of lips, not actual frowning. Subtle, yet important, distinction.

*dusts fingers daintily*

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You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message

:fucksake: :ffssign: :fssign: :fsign: I give up.

What the heck IS the limit Couchie? Cindilu2? Fix that huh?

I'll try cutting this into 2 posts.

I quoted a buncha stuff and normally I take out stuff that's irrelevant but last two times I tried that I ended up with mismatched quote boxes that took me 10 minutes to sort out...so ya getting the whole posts for the most part this time, lol...

Oh. The one that I don't have access to, even though I hear they have my clack in there? :hissy:

I applied to the CH once in 2005 but they wouldn't even talk to me, lol. It turned out for the best in the end cuz after I saw the freakin' rules that ya gotta follow (read every single word before replying and only one post per page or some such nonsense...and weird stuff like trouting??? and...and...and... NO EMOTES????






...really it would have been like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. :hahaha:

There were times when I wished that I had access, when somebody sent me a link to read something, so I could post cuz ya KNOW I always have SOMEthing to say, lol...and cuz some of ya yahoos here were members and I couldn't post wit ya, I was feeling a little "on the outside looking in" :sniff: but from what I've heard I ain't missing nuttin' no mo'.


I did talk to them about it, but they said they only use toner cartridges...

What's the diff. Right...look at my printer/copier and see what it says, lol. Which reminds me...I ain't got no danged black ink. I couldn't figure out why some stuff wasn't printing and I printed out lessons for my Supply Teacher for yesterday and it make all of the motions like it was printing but nothing came out. Clued in when I printed something else and I realized that colours were printing but I was missing the plain black typing. Re-printed by Lesson Plans in blue, lol. Easier to read than white on white.


One thing that struck me though was about the 6 month "gag order". Does anyone else think that this might have a grain of truth?

Well...sure. Non-compete clauses do exist if that's what your asking. I know that they are standard-operating-procedure for our local television news/radio personalities. In fact , anyone in any field who is good enough to be hired away by the competition may be asked to sign one.

Falls under the heading of educated-guess...

I still don't believe some random BMG employee is bouncing around the internet commenting on Clay articles. :)

Non-compete clauses are applicable to breaking a contract, not fulfulling one. And if RCA initiated the divorce, they wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on with a non-compete clause. However, if Clay broke the contract a non-compete could come into play.

Zat's true. BTW, what would happen to an artist if they DID open their mouth and did start discussing plans outside of the "company" that they were "divorcing"?

I quoted a bunch of other people but decided to take some out cuz that poor salt lick horse was gettin' beat into the ground! :smartass:

My two cents worth? Real or no, it seems quite likely that it's standard operating procedure (no insider info necessary) that Clay wouldn't be able to say anything that would be seen as competition with material released under RCA's umbrella for a certain length of time.

I have my fingers crossed that it's only 6 months and that the OFC April 16th Independent thing really and truly means he's free to speak freely about Tour/Record plans after that date.


It's ALL speculation though...which hurts my little pea brain, so howzabout sum purdy pitchurs instead?








Hey, if Clay's gonna be on my TV, I'll be watching. I've never seen 30 Rock, but isn't it one of the shows that some fans have been wishing he'd guest on for a while?

Yup! It's very funny, smart comedy. My daughter and I started watching a few months ago and just love it. In TO they air two episodes back to back on Thursday nights (rerun followed by a new ep), so it's easy to keep up with the show.

They've had guest stars on that you wouldn't expect to see on TV (Elaine Stritch as Alec Baldwin's mother) and it's been hilarious. I can see Tina Fey writing a terrific role for Clay.

I've never seen it. I wouldn't mind seeing a few episodes to figure out what it's about. Would have to record it. I'm usually out of the house Thursday nights at Band Practice...cept last 2 weeks, I've been sick. BTW, I missed the first 20 min of ER last night. Anybody know somewhere a Canadian could watch it online?

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Part 2 of my quotarama:

Crap! STILL too many emotes?

Chopping some more...



Ya ain't that tactful at
, lol. Kolobok_Laie_haha.gif


Since CF was here and so rudely ignored you (she has no manners), I'll answer your question. NNHB is hers and Sparky's board and it stands for Nearly No Holds Barred. She has the link in her posts cuz she keeps trying to capture people and make them post over there. That's how she got me. Bunch of heathens over there so be careful. They'll corrupt you. That's what happened to me.

HAHA she PM'd me the information! DUH I should have known since I actually joined it shortly after it first opened... just didn't make the connection.

I know I am late to the party again.

I've used "cute" and heard it used. I guess it depends on the guy,I have never found the "macho" guys attractive

Well, I wasn't born in Australia, so when I got that reaction from my BF and then my Aussie friend warned me guys hate being called cute, it was programmed in my brain. I didn't necessarily go for macho guys either, I simply didn't dare risk it again. That was in Perth though, but I didn't hear it much in Sydney either. I think it might have become more acceptable because of TV shows but I personally don't often hear it being used, or perhaps I did but was "switched off".

Well yes, it seems to have been in usage with a different meaning but not by me. My mother heard me say it in my early teens, nearly fell over, explained the meaning and
me to say it again.
I still can't bring myself to use it

........and that was ten years ago!............. :laught31: :laught31:

I had no idea there was another meaning to 'spunk', I've heard men AND women described as "spunky".

Were you allowed to use the term "bugger"? Because it was used as a "swear word", I decided to look up the meaning and had the same reaction as your Mum. So I never used it again even though I was told it is a well-worn Aussie slang and should not be taken literally when used in the same context as "oh sh*t".

I am with you all on the hugebucketofsaltBMGinsider. One thing that struck me though was about the 6 month "gag order". Does anyone else think that this might have a grain of truth? Maybe something like this written into the initial contract? Like when people sell a business and agree to not open up in competition in the area or within a certain time frame.

Well, it sounds like an informed opinion to me, and yes the "tied up and gagged" for 6 months is entirely appropriate as a parting/separation clause.

I'm not going to try to take stuff outta there, lol.


A) I pmd ya cuz I wasn't sure whether I should be posting links to other boards here? Couchie? :shrug:

B) Ya never answered.

C) You're a member? Come back and play, lol?

Re: spunk

I found out what the "spunk" meant a couple of years ago. (I blame perverted Clayfans for that one). Ya gotta wonder how a term like spunky (meaning fiesty) could end up with such an alternate meaning, lol.

Re: bugger

My Kiwi friend uses the term "bugger" ALL of the time, lol.

Clay Aiken on 30 Rock? Yay! Acting! I loved the bit he did on Scrubs! Maybe someone will see his aptitude for comedy and give him his own show... I dream big!

Also CANN picked up that little article about my inkjet project--HOLY CROW! They musta researched me pretty good! CANN article I don't know how they found that stuff out about me. :o

There are eyes EVERYWHERE... bwahahaha!

Seriously, your little story got picked up on google alerts apparently.

I would watch Clay if he were on Regis and Kelly.

Now, THAT's devotion.

I used to watch R&K all of the time when it first aired. Then it got verra repetitive and I quit bothering. I'd seen glimpses of Kelly's "opinions" and while I don't believe tabloids, when it was splashed all over about her and Reg having "issues", I had to wonder. I don't think anybody saw that side of her that she displayed in her on-the-air tirade against Clay anywhere before. I was floored. I highly doubt that you have to worry about Clay ever appearing on that show ever again unless she's given the boot.

The thing is, in the history of the Clay Nation, ideas that started out as "opinions" get repeated and repeated and repeated without question until they get accepted as "fact", even if they have no basis in reality. I think the reaction you're seeing here at FCA is due to many posters having lived through that kind of stuff in the past. Because of that, I'm wary of most fan-based pontificaters - maybe even to the point of being too skeptical at times.

Ding, ding, ding! That's it exactly. I can see this blog comment posting as becoming fact in about 20 seconds. And it's not that I don't necessarily WANT this to be true, but it's the idea that things being repeated over and over take on a life of their own.

I think, for those who have not been around from the beginning (i.e. 2003), some of us will come off as overly sensitive or defensive or skeptical at times, and maybe it will seem unwarranted. I don't think there's really any way to properly explain it except to say "I guess you had to be there". That's how many of us ended up here, at FCA....it was (and is) a safe haven. We've been around the block, and we've become a bit jaded with the fandom itself. Not with Clay! Huge distinction there. So whenever someone expresses their opinion as if it were fact, it sends up a red flag for me (and others).

I didn't have a computer until March 2004, so missed early "anomaly-gate", "conspiracy theory" stuff, etc... For quite awhile I only read where linked to read. I landed in EAYOR at RHT for awhile, so was mostly sheltered from drama crap. First I really saw any of it was swamprat crap in 2006. After following for a month or so, it all got old and repetitious, so I just avoided that crap. I guess I have the curiosity to be kind of informed of what's going on but at the same time I had ZERO patience to sift through pages of FBM shit, etc...

I've been wrong way too many times (whoah baby was I wrong about Clay having a baby with Jaymes and about Clay being straight) to not be skeptical but I'll be hopeful on this one that we'll be finding out some good news about a tour/plans for a CD (please Buddha not a covers CD?) sometime after April 16th!


Part 3:


STILL too many! I blame Muski! :rant:

We've been around the block, and we've become a bit jaded


I BEG your pardon?!?!?!? :27:



I'm SURE I have NO idea to whom you are referring...



You are one of a kind babe! :BlowKiss:

We've been around the block,

It appears some more than others!

Some have apparently been around multiple blocks, lol. Multiple...not multiples Muski! Down girl!

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One last batch...

You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message

AGAIN??? Oye. Fine. Will cut in half.


Aww, clazy, I'm so proud of you. You did good.

justclay... :yeahthat:Clazy... CONGRATS!!! and thanks for "doing something" when you are crazy busy!

30 Rock, bottlecap!! :clap: finally

*waves to everyone at FCA* :)

laughn.... glad laughn is superglued to the board ... woman, you're the reason I'm on this board, so hang around, will ya' :BlowKiss: I got hooked on reading your Jennifer in the Morning series under FUN, FUN, FUN/Creative Writing... hysterical!

I would watch Clay if he were on Regis and Kelly.

Now, THAT's devotion.

wando... devotion, indeed. However, tho I would watch, I'd make sure it was on TIVO so I could fast forward thru that K person. :cryingwlaughter:

muski... around the block... you???? Naw! :hahaha:

Note to self: Find FUN, FUN, FUN/Creative Writing and find Jennifer in he Morning. I could use me some hysterical! :thumbup:

Copy before posting cuz this is a hella lot to lose!

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OK, so I looked at that last post and it didn't LOOK like that many emotes, so I tried posting again and it went through the second time.

What gives?


Thus concludes CF's quotarama/post-whoring...unless somebody's said something profound in the last 20 min or so, lol?

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Please excuse me if I get this terminology wrong

is burning it on to a CD okay?


But burning it to a CD and selling it is quite frowned upon.

Indeed. As is burning a purchased Clay Aiken cd for giving away to a third party. However, there are instances where burned cds of former downloads have subsequently been posted to the internet, then downloaded and burned to cd and then sold on ebay and then uploaded to a shared folder for downloading that have subsequently been burned to cd and then given away. That, I think, is permissible, though perhaps frowned upon by some. Or possibly just pursing of lips, not actual frowning. Subtle, yet important, distinction.

*dusts fingers daintily*

okay so I can burn the CD the rest well I don't understand so don't worry I won't do it.

I gave my boss who loves Christmas music 2 of Clay's Cd's (MCWL & AIW) bought off Amazon brand new :) but not full price. I don't like her that much. She opened it on the sales floor & one of the customers told her she was very lucky.

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Please excuse me if I get this terminology wrong

is burning it on to a CD okay?


But burning it to a CD and selling it is quite frowned upon.

Speaking of which....

Somebody is selling all of AI2 on DVD for $20 on ebay. :tsktsk:

Haven't seen that for a long time. I paid WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than I should have for that back in 2003 before I had a computer at home and knew that there was such a thing as clack. Stayed late at school (shhhhhhhhhh) waiting to pounce on the bid button if I happened to get outbid. Also bought 2003 TV appearance. Don't shoot me. I didn't know better. I was literally calling the Oprah 1-800 number, trying to get a tape of the show after I found out that clay had appeared on Oprah and I'd missed it. I was devastated when I accidentally recorded Clay signing the Star Spangled Banner over the end of the Miss American pageant. Eventually I discovered that everything was available on ebay...and eventually discovered that was BAD and that everything was available for downloading. Still I was willing to pay at the time because I didn't know any of ya at the time and no way to download all of that on dial-up on the only phoneline in the house.

What I ended up with though was kewl. Space consuming mind you...but kewl. I got direct recordings of the whole AI2 season from satellite TV vs downloads burned to DVD. 21 DVDs worth, lol...cuz the person did a 2hr per DVD burn, lol. There are a couple of satellite blips but otherwise it's awesome quality.

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So much for saying I was done my quotarama... :hahaha:

Please excuse me if I get this terminology wrong

is burning it on to a CD okay?


But burning it to a CD and selling it is quite frowned upon.

Indeed. As is burning a purchased Clay Aiken cd for giving away to a third party. However, there are instances where burned cds of former downloads have subsequently been posted to the internet, then downloaded and burned to cd and then sold on ebay and then uploaded to a shared folder for downloading that have subsequently been burned to cd and then given away. That, I think, is permissible, though perhaps frowned upon by some. Or possibly just pursing of lips, not actual frowning. Subtle, yet important, distinction.

*dusts fingers daintily*

That sounds decidely like a frowning situation.

okay so I can burn the CD the rest well I don't understand so don't worry I won't do it.

There ya go...

Burning to CD and DVD is OK.

Selling aforementioned burned CD or DVD for profit is definitely frowned upon.

I gave my boss who loves Christmas music 2 of Clay's Cd's (MCWL & AIW) bought off Amazon brand new but not full price. I don't like her that much. She opened it on the sales floor & one of the customers told her she was very lucky.


ETA: While I'm blabbing away...I forgot to ask...those Tyra pix reminded me of that site that had all of the Tyra screencaps. Anybody have the URL for that? I started saving them but moron that I was...saved thumbnails. :doh:

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Here's a page with 30 Rock videos for anyone who hasn't seen it.

(or anyone who has...:D)

They have 2-minute replays and a link to full episodes - take your pick!! :)

As for the 6-mo gag order on Clay's work... I guess I am in the wait-and-see car. I really hope there is some significance to the April 16/Independent hint!!

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Hey to all. Still at work but finally heading home. Had an <edited> awful 2 days in my supposedly "non-techie" job and will gripe later, but first... here's my belated yay for 30Rock and congratulations to clayzy. Well done!

Tonight I'm working on rendering things for goldarngirl -- if I owe you some clips, now's a good time to point it out. Thanks. (Solo, yes I know)

*Sends hugs to laughn! Missed ya! Then remembers Cleveland. Uh-oh. Did I already send you your Christmas reading clip? I think I did.*

And about the eHP Vietnamese lunch, please set it already. How about this Thursday? Out of the blue I realized I could take a vacation day so I'm off then but will drive downtown if you all are free.

Missed everyone, whether or not I've slept with them already. {{{Hugs}}}

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I love 30 Rock. I never miss it. It is really well done comedy. Clay will fit in really well, if indeed, he is scheduled to be on it. This show gets a lot of accolades and awards, and a lot of big stars want to appear on it. It is hilarious. I think it is really great that they want Clay to be this show. I hope that this rumor is true because I would love to see Clay on it. He will make 30 Rock really rock! ( I am not biased in any way, just truthful )

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I always wonder about singers... Do you suppose they have their own stuff on their iPods? :huh: I think it'd be funny! Of course, I imagine my our boy would probably think that silly. Why would he want to listen to himself sing, after all? He hears himself all the time! Hee! I'd love to take a peek at the contents of his library, though!

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OK, so I looked at that last post and it didn't LOOK like that many emotes, so I tried posting again and it went through the second time.

What gives?


Thus concludes CF's quotarama/post-whoring...unless somebody's said something profound in the last 20 min or so, lol?

Good God CF, you off your meds again? Have to go and catch up now since yappy here took me half an hour to read.

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I always wonder about singers... Do you suppose they have their own stuff on their iPods? :huh: I think it'd be funny! Of course, I imagine my our boy would probably think that silly. Why would he want to listen to himself sing, after all? He hears himself all the time! Hee! I'd love to take a peek at the contents of his library, though!

Oh, I bet! :outtagutter: I'll probably let Muski deal with that one....but yah, I'd be interested in knowing what music he has in his collecition too! :cryingwlaughter:

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gg, I was wrong -- the first one is the TV Medley & that was beyond cute! So, don't wait on me for WISYS but there are good things coming. MUAH!

ETA: I needed that (Pala). :clap:

I am having such a ball. I have never seen any Pala clack at all. This has been fun. AND any of you lurkers that might have Pala clack that you don't think is worth rendering, I'm here to say nay, everything is worth rendering. (just had to get that plug in).

Thanks so much for letting me know Scarlett. Almost done IWTKWLI and on to WISYS, I was just thinking about you. :cryingwlaughter:

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BWAH! FromClaygary...I'd already copied this part of clazy's quote:

I'd love to take a peek at the contents of his library, though!
with the intention of saying, 'Oh, is that what we're calling it now?'

But you beat me to it! ;)

TGIF! fo sho! :clap:

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