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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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48 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I still don't have money I just go anyway!
    • I'm hooked .... like a fish.
    • I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.
    • Not only did he take his life back he took the power from them.
    • He is large and in charge and I love it!
    • He puts a happy face on my heart!

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And I still wanna do Clay (as in plan a trip and see him in concert of course)
Hee, of course! :hahaha:

Travel does seem to be the theme. I do think that we'll get a tour (personally hoping for July/August, lol) but he needs to do SOMEthing to sell tickets to more than just us and somehow needs to promote his music more.

I think this "Best of" CD is the perfect thing to get his name out to the not-just-us again just by being on the shelves. And it's a perfect vehicle to tour on! Can you imagine how great a "best of Clay Aiken" tour would be? The stuff of dreams. So I'm gonna dream a bit!

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DTBOCAT sounds like a PBS special to me. I think he has enough songs now in his repetoire to do an hour show. Of course some fans always knew he did. I would think after having been a Broadway star, they will give him the respect he deserves.

Maybe it's only me, but I seem to be watching public television more than ever. Too much reality tv for me. And last night, I wouldn't give the donald one minute of my time. The other channels i watch are the Food network, HGTV and the Green Channel. I think it's just old age.

We ended up with about four inches of snow this morning, despite the 6 to 8 inches that were predicted. It's very pretty this morning, but the gym has no classes t so I'll be home. We had lunch with my son today and dinner at a political meeting tonight planned. I'll have to see if they are all cancelled.

My SIL suggested i might want to join Facebook if I wanted to see pictures of my nephews. She still hasn't put any up.

Let's start a Facebook thread if anyone wants to share names or maybe it's just better by pm. I do have several friends from this board through mutual friends and causes. :yess:

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Good Morning Everyone,

I really love the new thread title!

Fear I seldom watch network TV anymore...like you said; too many reality shows...I like the Food Network, HGTV, Travel Channel and I do watch TVland at times and another channel that we get that plays old TV shows...I love the classics...Mary Tyler Moore, Newhart, Dick Van Dyke...yeah, I am getting old! Forgot, I do watch PBS quite a bit.

6 Days until Daylight Saving Time!:yahoo:

18 Days until The First Day of Spring! :yahoo:

29 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken is available!


37 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM!


Everyone have a great day!


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I have some shows I watch regularly on Network TV, but lately, I've become addicted to Food TV (the Canadian version of The Food Network). You can also watch some episodes of certain Food TV shows online (some that don't seem to be broadcast anymore). I've discovered one called Chef Abroad that is pretty cool, lots of great travel involved. I'm not a fan of reality TV usually, but I am enjoying TAR so far this time around. I like to see all the neat places they get to visit (if only briefly)! Heh, are you sensing a theme here? So there is something called the Travel channel? I need to investigate... ;)

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I have some shows I watch regularly on Network TV, but lately, I've become addicted to Food TV (the Canadian version of The Food Network). You can also watch some episodes of certain Food TV shows online (some that don't seem to be broadcast anymore). I've discovered one called Chef Abroad that is pretty cool, lots of great travel involved. I'm not a fan of reality TV usually, but I am enjoying TAR so far this time around. I like to see all the neat places they get to visit (if only briefly)! Heh, are you sensing a theme here? So there is something called the Travel channel? I need to investigate... ;)

Yes there is a Travel Channel...my favorite show is Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations; it is sort of a travel documentary/cooking show all in one...he goes to different countries and not only gives you some history but also tastes all the different cuisines...he goes from the poorest parts of countries to the richest and everything in between. Plus he has a kind of weird sense of humor so it is funny at times. I swear the man has eaten every part there can be from an animal...I wouldn't eat half the stuff he puts in his mouth. He is actually a chef, so knows food. But he is not a food snob...he will actually admit to liking Kraft mac and cheese!


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Ooooooh, no, not PBS please!! Because I don't think we get your PBS here.....and I wanna see him in the Real!! LIVE!! FLESH!!!...and gallivant all over the country with my buds.

Luckiest1 I love TAR too. Don't really know who I'm pulling for this year; originally it was the mother/son but the guy is beginning to come off lik a bit of a spoiled brat to me now....so I think I'm kind of leaning toward the father/son. :shrug: It's early days yet. Loved the bits of Romania last night....and that glider flight in...Switzerland was it? What an experience!

I'd love to be a contestant on an "old folks" TAR! :cryingwlaughter:

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aikim, I do like Anthony Bourdain. He used to be on the food network. I'll look him up on the travel channel. Last I saw of him was on Top Chef.

I started watching the Amazing Race but I forgot about this weeks episode.

They also have ballroom dancing on PBS, which I totally forgot about except for the last five minutes. Watch this once and you'll never watch DWTS again. I also saw Michael Buble last night singing with the most awful country accent. K D Lang can sing country songs so much better. I think Clay would be amazing singing some country, it's in his blood. Watch Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem. It's blue grass but close enough. I would love to hear Clay sing with Alison Krause or K D Lang.

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I just want to thank the banner makers. Loving this one as I think that HITs picture was partially responsible for me crossing over to the dark side way back when. He manages to look cute, handsome, with the hint of sexy in one picture. That and the Cosmo Girl pic. That one was just plain hot.

I was away at a conference when the playlist was released. I am looking forward to hearing how the whole thing flows. I also want to hear if they do something with that chorus in BOTW. I really couldn't believe they released something that seemed so poorly produced at the time.

Although some of the songs are some of my lesser favorites, they do offer a cross section of Clay and do help showcase some of the mellower songs. I actually would have preferred "Without You" instead of OMWH. I think WY really showcases the suppleness of Clay's voice, the tender and the power. I was only familiar with Harry Neilson (sp) version so it didn't seem like an overdone choice for me.

I haven't bought it yet, but will.

I watched Celebrity Apprentice. I was in this state of inertia, that is my only excuse. Just not that entertaining to me anymore.

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Yes there is a Travel Channel...my favorite show is Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations; it is sort of a travel documentary/cooking show all in one...he goes to different countries and not only gives you some history but also tastes all the different cuisines...he goes from the poorest parts of countries to the richest and everything in between. Plus he has a kind of weird sense of humor so it is funny at times. I swear the man has eaten every part there can be from an animal...I wouldn't eat half the stuff he puts in his mouth. He is actually a chef, so knows food. But he is not a food snob...he will actually admit to liking Kraft mac and cheese!

Who knew? Thanks, I'll have to see if I get the channel (527 on Bell TV for any other Claynadians reading). Sounds like my kind of show!

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I seldom watch network TV anymore...like you said; too many reality shows...I like the Food Network, HGTV, Travel Channel and I do watch TVland at times and another channel that we get that plays old TV shows...
I love the classics...Mary Tyler Moore, Newhart, Dick Van Dyke.
..yeah, I am getting old! Forgot, I do watch PBS quite a bit.

Last week, I was at the library and while waiting for someone, I browsed through the DVD shelf and borrowed a couple of old I Love Lucy DVDs. One episode in particular was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing.

My favorite was probably Mary Tyler Moore and, dare I admit it.... The Brady Bunch!!!!! I also loved Father Knows Best and Marcus Welby MD. There are probably a few more that will come to mind later but I truly loved those shows. Not sure I could watch them all again as I am now easily bored with many sitcoms but some of them were very entertaining back in the day. One show I still love to watch re-runs of is The Nanny. I thought their scripts were hilarious and what a great cast, especially Sylvia the mother and Niles the butler and CC! Oh and I loved grandma Yetta too!

ETA: Gibby, thanks for the pics, I particularly love the last one. I love them all really. If I am to have a least favorite, it is probably the album cover for OMWH. I didn't recognize Clay when i first saw it or maybe it is the blond hair!

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Good Morning, FCA! :BlowKiss:

WOOHOO -- Snow day in NC! I'm sure all my kiddies are out playing in the white stuff right now. At least, the weather eased up the schedule so I could catch up on my FCA reading.

A movie marathon that began over the weekend can now ease into its third day, LOL! I posted a new Carolina On My Mind blog. Graphics -- and a new March calendar resembling that handsome banner up top -- are by AmazingCA and cindilu2. Hope you enjoy!

Awesome pix, Gibby! The new first page is is officially well-decorated! :clap:

Let's start a Facebook thread if anyone wants to share names or maybe it's just better by pm. I do have several friends from this board through mutual friends and causes. :yess:

For anyone "twittering," I am CarolinaClay there, too. We have quite a fine gathering of Clay fans, so come join us at Twitter, too.

Have a great day, all! :friends:

Caro listen.gif

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That and the Cosmo Girl pic. That one was just plain hot.

OMG ACK. I can't remember the picture but I do remember that out of anything I've ever bought in my entire life -- and I do mean ANYTHING -- and I've been in adult stores heh -- buying Cosmo Girl magazine was the most embarassing thing. LOL. COSMO GIRL? me? I don't even read grown up Cosmo girl - the total antithesis of me and to get one aimed at teens? Even other teen magazines didn't bother me. So glad when they got over trying the teeny bop audience.

There's not much on TV I absolutely have to watch -- TAR, 24 *although I'm finding Jack's disregard for human life for the sake of saving the country quaint and old fashion and down right disgusting this year for some reason LOL -- Private Practice and original recipe CSI. Other than that - basketball and news. And yes lots more PBS and other channels with documentaries. There have been some good ones on King and Lincoln lately.

Caro -I'm still getting used to facebook... Twitter -- not sure about. I hate "chat." now I can IM you until your fingers fall off but with a whole bunch of people talking in less than whole sentences? Eek. It just bothers my eyes. OF course my whole impression of what twitter is like could be totally off key.

Fear - I think a face book thread for hints and help would be great. Can you start one in chit chat or other appropriate place. LOL.

a cup of vinegar in your cold wash makes your clothes brighter and cleaner -- the things you learn on these morning shows.

Gibby..WOW thanks for the photos..they are all beautiful. Boy is cute and more.

Merrieeee..hey I use to have revolving wallpapers but haven't tried to do it on vista. I'm sure someone knows how

Heee..it's really simple to start new threads and other than on main people can start any thread they like here...in case ya'll didn't know.

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Gibby, thanks for those beautiful decorations. That is an amazingly beautiful man.

I wouldn't mind doing the facebook. I'm planning on doing it because that CANN site said that it would help Clay to have more friends. I just haven't gotten around to it yet since I'm extremely computer illiterate. Canfly just recently showed me how to do Photobucket and Myspace. Spring break is coming so I may set it up then. Right now I'm working on mid-terms and trying to fight some nasty stomach flu that seems like it is never going to go away. I hate being sick so I'm extremely cranky right now.

I never got into any of the reality shows and since I'm not even close to be domestic, any show that has to do with cooking or decorating is out. Most of the shows that I watch are probably crime related or have quirky characters. Love Monk, Criminal Intent (cuz I love Goren), Bones, etc. A lot of stuff on USA and FX. I watch way too much television.

And I also think that Clay will tour for us this year. I think he's probably looking forward to it as much as we are. Hopefully I'll get to meet up with you guys for some of them. Now that I've driven to NYC by myself, I'm feeling much braver. Maybe I'll even try a plane the next time, although I may need sedatives to get me through it.

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I am going to state categorically that I will miss our current thread title enormously in a couple more pages... :cry4::cry4:

Can we immortalize it in some way somewhere??? Can we??? Ideas???

It might be a good title for our photo gallery??? Something???? I love it so... :clap::clap::clap:

Hee! I see Couchie listened to your plea. :) I also think claytonic's idea a while back about starting an ongoing thread for our "how I became a fan" stories is a good idea!

I honestly and truly cannot remember a single pic of any puppy (including my own) that is as adorably cute as your Gnocchi. Really and truly, those eyes, that face absolutely melts me! I had sneakily saved the one of him watching sports on TV because initially THAT was the cutest pic, the expression on his face.... but now I steal all these as well. Um, is there any copyright breach....

If I were one of you cats, I'd be pretty miffed about sharing my space with something that cute...

:cryingwlaughter: I guess I'll let you of the hook on the copyright thing! The cats are actually adjusting fairly well. I did baby gate my office, which is where their food, water & toys are, and the hallway back to the bathrooms & my bedroom, so they still have their own space that can't be invaded by that cute little monster. Of course, they are able to jump over the gates, so they are free to re-invade their space in the living room anytime they please.

I have to say, his cute little face matches his cute little personality - he is the most loveable/loving little dog I've ever seen! He absolutely LOVES to be petted and held and around people. He's doing incredibly well with his crate & potty training too. All around just a great little dog!

Thanks for the pretty pics, Gibby! :flirtysmile3: I wanna do Clay too - a concert, of course... :hahaha:

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Gaaaaaah, Gibby! Thank you!

But warn a girl next time, will ya? I forgot to move my keyboard out of the splash zone.

Windtalker, I posted the link in the thread you put your query in. Welcome, by the way. :)

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