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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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Yup. At least if I remember this right. Simon said that he never did understand the song, or what does it mean anyway, or something to that effect, and Clay said, "I thought it was a British song."

I'll try to find this on YouTube also.


OK, here it is: YouTube

Simon said, "I've just never know what that song is about, 'Build Me Up Buttercup.' What's it mean?" to which Clay replied, "It's a British song, I dunno. Simon tried to press the point, but Randy and Paula jumped in and said "Good answer Clay!" and cue the music.

Kind of like last night, when the cue to end each segment came at the end of one of Clay's lines. Cause our guy is quick and funny!

Wish I could remember more about the piano bit at the end of the Beatle's sketch--there was a keyboard on stage, and I think Clay might've said something snarky referencing the fact that he had to make plinking noises when the puppets' hands (which he didn't control) started the motion of hitting the keys, rather than the keyboard guy picking it up. Either he or Patrick said something and then Patrick moved onto the cruise ship.

Just as in the case of these we're collecting today, it's a lot funnier when you are watching it. A lot depends on inflection and tone and context and timing--he has also of those! Oh and body language too.

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I agree. As much as I LOVE Clay's vocals I love his banter even more at certain times. I think I've watched the banter compilations from previous tours almost more than the musical portions.

Oh and body language too.
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Stuffed Wrangler ‏ @Stuffedwrangler

The puppeteers from @stuffedunstrung backstage with @clayaiken


Too cute!

And CONGRATULATIONS to Drop Dead Diva whose episode won/tied for the GLAAD award this evening and in doing so shared the award with Clay, Lance and Wanda! :clap:

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Picture of Clay with the puppeteers:

Stuffed Wrangler ‏ @Stuffedwrangler

The puppeteers from @stuffedunstrung backstage with @clayaiken http://pic.twitter.com/P27hP6IR

11:29 PM - 21 Apr 12 via Twitter for iPad

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Hey all! I was going to post that Twitter picture late last night, but it was...late last night! (More to that in a bit...) Anyway, he looks so cute there. It sounds like HE had a blast as well.

Anyway, last night my husband and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary (a few days late). We went out for dinner, and then we saw the acapella group Straight No Chaser. We had front row seats, and they were awesome! To give you a taste of what these guys are like, I took one video.

Straight No Chaser do a medley of the Beatles and the Stones

BTW, these guys are all about the social media, and actively encourage video and photos during their shows. Matter of fact, THEY take a picture of the audience from the stage, and they encourage you to go on Facebook after the show to tag yourself in the pictures! They also have a M&G for anyone who stays after the show. It's a quick autograph line, but it's still fun. Since I was in the front row, I managed to snag one of the set lists taped to the floor and then had them sign it. I told one of the members that I've seen them 3 times now, and they said "one more time and you become an official Chaser!" That's the name of their devoted fans. It's fun, and they are so talented.

Tonight's show is going to be interesting. At least I won't have to follow twitter all night....

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Lord, I hate that Aubrey won (if only barely) - but I did love that one of her negatives was lack of fuckin' creativity! Yeah, take that bitch!

And Clay, you should have listened to Dayana - she always seems to come up with at least one really important idea for each task.

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You know...that's really true. And her idea always seems to be that one thing that the team is lacking. SHe advised her team not to put those negative words in that one ad. She warned that the medieval show wasn't family friendly enough. I know there were others.

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I think Dayana's BFF got cut way early - which is why Clay labeled her aloof - and I also think those fake-blonde and fake-red-headed bitches just beat the drum of "Dayana's not worthy" enough that everyone's listening. All I can say is that she has gotten one of the best "heroine" edits ever.

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OK, now we know why Penn hates Clay. Clay told everybody he has bigger balls. Okaaay!

And apparently Clay and Lisa are hating' on Dayana next week. Okaaay again!

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Hey, guess what? Clay's tweeting! (I wondered if maybe he wasn't going to live tweet because he know how this episode shook down...)

Haters can kiss it. I know how 2 play the game! I love @Dayanamendoza I knew she wasn't going 2 get fired. That's NOT why I brought her back

I knw eithr Penn/I would b fired. If Penn went home and I stayed, I'd rather have a peaceful Lisa on my team than bring her back.

Check out my blog on NBC.com tomorrow and I'll go in depth a bit more.

Hee. Think I'll go read it again right now...

;-) RT @sadderwisergirl Clay, when you told us you wouldn't be live tweeting, you had me so scared.

maybe! ;-) RT @casey_grant111 did you do that intentionally to try and scare the shit out of us fans? Smart ass ;-)

The little shit. Hee.

I did! RT @Sullivation did u think u were close to being FIRED???
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Clay dodged a bullet. He very well could have gone home tonight even though IMO he had the better display. I don't understand some of the wins and I don't understand some of the firings. But eh, my guy is still there so that's all that matters.

Next week looks interesting. I think the boot order is kinda suspect after tonight until the final two?

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Entertainment Weekly's recap

couchcie, the author makes exactly the point about the bootings and how random they are (and calls that the main reason why he finds the show so entertaining.)

Clay's Take is officially up as well.

Yeah, at this point, the order of the firings gets very murky.

ETA: Arsenio tweeted this picture overnight, with "A rare moment of photographic peace."


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Yeah, as soon as Clay started tweeting AFTER the show was over, I thought it was strategic on his part. Prior to that, I thought that maybe he had a personal event to attend or something of that nature. In any case, I was glad that I had some prior knowledge of how this thing ends, otherwise I would have been sweating bullets during that boardroom. His head was on the chopping block. But his comment about having bigger balls than Penn was spot on. If Penn had so many great ideas, why didn't he step up in the first place?

I love the EW recaps. The crack me up!

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