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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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playbiller, I think the "Adonis" beanie is v.v. cute. I might have to contact you for one of those....

I have been cruising and amusing myself witrh the delusions that Clay reads the boards. While I do believe he did during AI2, I think he has been a little busy much of the time to read for himself, although I am sure RCA has someone reading them - Very sure. I can't imagine Clay knowing much about them.

That's pretty much my take too. I think he has someone reading the boards for him (maybe Jennifer does that in the morning before getting Clay awake?), and I'm sure he knows the names of most of the more well known boards. But I just can't imagine Clay spends every moment when he's not working reading message boards. If nothing else, he'd probably be suicidal after reading the poddy ones.

I find the delusion that Jimmy always has Clay on for Valentines day - Always ? Twice? I usually connect always with a lot more than that.

I jokingly said that last night, something like "the tradition continues." It was a joke, though....and besides....

Do we have a list of the official fan group list of Clay holidays when gift giving is appropriate? His birthday, Valentines, release day (varies withthe recording season). Any I missed? objet012.gif

Clay has appeared twice on Kimmel's show on September 26. Must be a new holiday. I think gifts are in order. :openflower3:

I honestly don't mind the gifts but then don't cry later when we continue to be part of the story.

BINGO!!! There's a weird disconnect that I see here. So many get upset when the media focuses on the fans (which I can agree with). But yet, there are times when some of the fans make it so easy, just by buying gifts to be sent to Clay on a TV show, or other things of that nature. It's kind of "put up or shut up" kind of thing to me.

Besides, I still have a nagging feeling that Clay may be the one that puts the media feelers out for the fans. He seems like the type that would be wanting to point out what his fans do, and how "interesting" and "enthusiastic" they are. I suspect he sometimes wants the focus on us as we want the focus on him.


Couchie, I must have a small hard lump of grinchie coal for a heart, too. The dude does not need any more stuff - particularly since he doesn't live in LA anymore. It's one thing to be able to load stuff into the SUV to drive back to your $2.5 mill home. It's another the have to dump it before you catch the red-eye back east.

I've thought long and hard about if I ever met Clay -- would I give him a present? During the JNT2005, I had the idea of giving him a pair of striped socks...but since that M&G never happened... :cry4: I've finally decided that I wouldn't get him anything. He doesn't need to remember me with a gift -- really. He also doesn't NEED much of anything, and I think he'd appreciate the sentiment much more of a donation to a favorite charity (like he reminded us of in the spiel at the end of the shows this past year).

Anyway...the present idea is OK with me, but if it turns into a snippy little board war, or just snippiness in general...*sigh*. It will be predictable.

Love those comic strips. Let's see...track 8. TCS -- I guess chestnuts roasting on an open fire must be pretty subversive. Especially when Clay has ladies looking at his crotch with binoculars from the second row. *g*

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Let's be truthful here - he has been sighted wearing the clothing that fans gave him more than once - the college sweats and the pajama bottoms., I think he would wear socks as well, as long as he wasn't allergic to the material. (no coconut fiber socks or undear, please!)

He does donate the stuffed animals and flowers without having to deal with them much. He collects the pins, or gives them to someone to collect for him. He gets a lot of freebies at the few award shows he attends (remember the pciture of him with some shoes and some eye surgery thingy?) I don't think he is against free stuff with in reason. I don't think giving him anything expensive is useful though, he gave away a 15K watch to KLo, he is still a regular guy who dresses like a slob. And.... he collected the panties/thongs from he AI2 tour - don't know what he did afterwards - donated them to a home for woman of ill repute? (or is that what these boards are for?) I say the socks would have been fine, small, easily used,


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Playbiller, I may have to disagree with you here. Surprised? I don't think I have ever seen Clay dress like a slop. He may dress casually in clothes which you may not like. The clothing may occasionally be wrinkled, but a slob? No. I dress like a slob when I am painting or doing something that may ruin my clothes. But I don't think I have seen him with dirty or food stained clothing.

Unlike son #1 who when we first visited him at college had to tie up his sneakers so that the bottoms and tops which were no longer connected would not flap about. Or son #2 who as a teenager would not bathe for weeks at a time and girls still liked him.

One of my biggest complaints with the fandom is how some attribute childlike qualities to Clay. For instance growing his hair and how he won't cut it despite disliking it because he is stubborn. What the heck. I stopped asking my mom if she liked my hair when I was a teenager. As an entertainer I would think he would ask his manager instead. But maybe its the EP's role. But his mom? Just no. Decorating his house. She's a decorator folks, that's what she does for a living. I do my kids tax returns but everything else I try to stay out of. End of another rant. :cuthair:

For the Beta Alpha group how about FCA for Inclusion, just to keep it short. I believe I may have had to register at the site as I got an email from Aaron?, the guy who works at BAF, asking me to tell him which groups I belonged to. :nature-smiley-013:

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Heck, the only gift I've given Clay specifically for him was the honor of my presence...he seems to be perfectly fine with that. I like the charity thing simply because I like, not that seems better or worse than anything else. I don't think it'll make the various board's psychoses any worst because I don't think there's anywhere they can go from rock bottom.

Anyhoo, I'm busily listening to CA2006 mix tape/CD/playlist ('cause it's too long for a cd). 3 hours of my favorite singer. Then I will move on to my "Sad Guys" mix, which is also 3 hours but only about 10 percent Clay. What can I say, I'm eclectic!

Well, I guess it depends on your definition of a slob - I would call Clay a clean slob, but a little slobby all the same. I like a little slobby. It makes my a little slobby look normal.

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So I had lunch with a pal today and she told me that Clayboard was doing mic stand cufflinks. ahhhhh..that's cute and something he would wear. I'll set up a beta alpha group and those that want to give on it can do so. I think keeping things simple is the key. And Scarlett, bless her heart said..don't wait until Valentine's day to tell Clay you love him. The sooner the better. I think Clay does follow the boards enough to know that something will be up and would appreciation the suddenly influx of cash into his foundation.

OK I have the beta alpha form and will fax it to TBAF on Monday and will have more details then. The good thing is that it's not just some big one time I love you Clay but will be there if you ever have an extra five, ten, hundred heee.

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Well, I guess it depends on your definition of a slob - I would call Clay a clean slob, but a little slobby all the same. I like a little slobby. It makes my a little slobby look normal.


I love "sucking up" emoticons...*g*

That's exactly how I see Clay too -- his form of dress when he's not performing, after a show, or at a preconcert warmup, is pretty darn casual. I'd say "casual with slobby overtones." But at the same time, he's never shown up as a dirty guy, either -- no stains, lipstick or otherwise. :tongue57:

OK I have the beta alpha form and will fax it to TBAF on Monday and will have more details then. The good thing is that it's not just some big one time I love you Clay but will be there if you ever have an extra five, ten, hundred heee.

Very cool! So, what is our group name? And when can we make our donation? Let us know!

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I'm here! In The Big Easy! And it just occurred to me that in reality, I'm a Big Easy in The Big Easy! B):lol:

The room is so cute---in a historic little building---it's got a little living room and a cute little bedroom and the walls are painted brick..there's an atrium outside the door (I have a bad feeling about that---noise, etc.)...and it's all very quaint.

I'm in for a donation to something or other with y'all...In 2004 at the signing at the Krispy Kreme after the Winston Salem IT, I gave Jerome a SpongeBob shaped pillow wearing black silk boxers with some board names of women from another board, and a letter. The letter let him know (among the love and all that) that these same women had collected about $700 and that we'd sent that money to BAF.

Later during that same tour (in Sacromento IT, couchie!, I asked Jerome (who DID remember me giving him that pillow outside the Winston Salem Krispy Kreme!) if Clay got it. He said yep, Clay was in the back seat of the car in Winston and they were on their way to the airport, so he must've read the letter on the way. I asked him (Jerome) about the actual gift---the pillow and boxers. He said, "I'll tell you a little secret. We give all the stuffed animals and things to children's hospitals." I said, "The boxers, TOO?" He laughed and said, "No, not the boxers. And..." He leaned down conspiratorily to me to whisper, "I'll tell you another little secret. Clay's got quite the collection of underwear!"


I wonder sometimes if he's wearing those boxers...they were black and very slinky. I had a blast shopping for them, too. ;)

Off to see what food I can find...I'm HOOOONgry!

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He leaned down conspiratorily to me to whisper, "I'll tell you another little secret. Clay's got quite the collection of underwear!"

Hee. And extrapolating from the WRAL house tour video, they're probably all in a pile in the floor of Clay's bedroom....

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Leave it to bottlecap to get to the meat of the matter - OK, I use slob casually, describing myself and others. I meant slob in a nice normal way as in not GQ. eek1.gif

How tedious if he were GQ.

See the fandom does mutate - does anyone throw underwer at him anymore?

Edited by playbiller
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What. I blame muski


Soooo...just got back to my room after a down home N'Orlens dinner of fried catfish, fries and cabbage and a not-so-New Orleans Corona beer...Then I took to the streets...as I'm inclined to do in a new place--just roam, you know...

Traveled this street and that in the French Quarter 'til I got to Bourbon Street. Drifted into the Funky Pirate Blues Bar....to listen to Big Al and the BluesMeisters....Now Big Al is quite large---maybe 400 lbs or so...but he can sang the blues...sat down and ordered a Hand Grenade--the waitress wouldn't tell me what's in it, said it's a secret---but it was quite tangy and I actually poured the last little bit out as I walked back to the hotel. You can drink on the streets, here, you know....Big Al was qutie the bluester...sang "Rock Me All Night Long" and one line resonated with me...

"Squeeze me baby....squeeze me til the juice runs down my leg..."

Of course, then I immediately began mentally planning a chapter or two..... :medium-smiley-070:

This town is quite the smoking town, too, which is a bummer...and I passed a number of 'institutions' with names like "Barely Legal" and such...rather graphic representations of what I might find inside, too... :excl:

Overall, I thought these two things, though, as I was sitting there sipping my Hand Grenade and listening to Big Al

1. I wished Kenny were with me...


2. I wished my FCA women were hanging with me on Bourbon Street. Lawd Jesus! This town would never be the same... :trink4: :09: :704: :voll::manynanas:

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Awww I am jealous...I would love to experience New Orleans with Muski and KAndre...that would be great fun indeed.

Maybe we should have our FCA convo there? I hear N.O. could use the money from tourism to help recover from Katrina. We would be doing a very charitable thing. It would be a very self-sacrificing thing for us to do. :EmoticonRingAround:

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Awww I am jealous...I would love to experience New Orleans with Muski and KAndre...that would be great fun indeed.

Maybe we should have our FCA convo there? I hear N.O. could use the money from tourism to help recover from Katrina. We would be doing a very charitable thing. It would be a very self-sacrificing thing for us to do. :EmoticonRingAround:

Well that will depend if Clay has a show there...I am totally game for that. I always wanted to visit New Orleans.

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I love New Orleans and it is really hard for me to see what has become of it. I'm glad one portion of the city was spared though. The first time I went to New Orleans was because I was taking a cruise that left from there. So I had a couple days before and day after teh cruise to explore the city. I went back the very next year for ten days to really take it all in.

Happy Sunday everyone...Muski, grab a go-cup for me K?

refresh refresh refresh still no tickets being handed out

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I was just reading around some of the boards and am amazed how much people are still talking about the gifts. Like he needs a stuffed anything.....

It occurred to me that if they put all that effort into forming a fan-wide, all board donation to the BAF and/or UNICEF it would be so impressive to Clay. First, a lot more money would be collected and secondly, for once it would show unity among the fans and it wouldn't be about this board out doing this other board and screaming for recognition from Clay.

Unfortunately, I cannot imagine this ever happening......

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Did I hear somebody say "STUFF IT"?????

Hmmm.....<muski scampers to her idea page to scribble down some future dialogue between Clay and Tyra>

Slept in this morning....now heading out for a day at the exhibit hall---dropping mucho business cards everywhere, checking out this and that...only one actual workshop sessions today, late afternoon...then another evening looming

without anybody to play with... :em0400: :cry4:

Oh, stop bitchin', already! You're in New Orleans! :partytime2:

(That last little bit is brought to you courtesy of "ShutTheFuckUp 'RUs" :medium-smiley-070: )


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I would rather hear the debate about whether to buy a gift or not than a lot of other things that had been posted lately. I am enjoying the discussion because - it is so "fan like" and appropriate for fan boards and the gift thing is a personal decisions that splits lines.

I like that Clay regifts, I do the same thing, this year was my great regifting of Christmas things = what do you do if people give you gifts you can't use, giving them to the correct people seems like a good idea to me. Since not many people in my family don't piercetheir ears, I amstill looking for the proper person to give all those pierced earing that people give me without ever looking at my ears, hehe.

I also think that lots of people don't mind getting gifts - stuffed animals and balloons that are sent to hospitals seem fine to me, expensive personal gifts, not so much. It is funny that he does wear the clothes that fans give him though. I haven't figured that out yet. I guess it saves him time shopping.

There is the debate of - is it about Clay or about the fans. If it was all about Clay, people would encourage individual donations, not board related or internet related. They could even be annonymous. But the truth is, I thik that Clay likes to think about his fans being behind him. It is just my personal belief that he does not mind getting stuff and that, rarely, he will save something for himself.

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I think if the gift giving is being done by an idividual fan...it truly is a personal decision what to do and what to give. BUT in this case the debate is happening because of two things...it will represent a group and there are PR implications to this gift giving cos it is being done through the Kimmel show.

Every board will have to rely either on the admin to decide or the majority of the members. If the mebership is fractured...it will create debate.

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You know, I didn't like the idea of gifts 2 years ago when it was being discussed for Clay's Kimmel appearance on Valentine's Day. I was against it because it was about the fans and their cries for attention from Clay (IMO). It still is. And I just don't get it. The fans don't send him gifts when he's on Kimmel other days. It isn't a tradition because its only happened once two years ago and that does not in my mind a tradition make. So once again the fans are making it about themselves and trying to disguise it as caring for Clay.

Does that sound cynical? Probably. But in my mind, people showing up and standing in line all day to try and get into Kimmel is showing you care. Tuning in and raising Kimmel's numbers is showing you care. Hell, just eeeeeeeeeeeeeeing on the boards at the announcement that Clay is going to be on teevee is showing you care.

Why do we need to send gifts?

I think its great if you want to organize a Beta Alpha chapter for the BAF to raise money. If you want to organize a fund raising for UNICEF I think that's great. But why does it have to be accompanied by a stuffed animal or other such silly thing and a card telling Clay what was done? IMO, that's being self-serving and is no different than wearing blinking lights at one of his concerts.

And I do not think Clay needs to have these organized gift giving efforts to know his fans are cra... enthusiastic and love him and support him.

Clay's appearance on Kimmel or any other show should be about Clay - not about the fans. This appearance has all the earmarks of turning into a focus on the fans - again.

And then they'll bitch about that.

Sometimes I find it really hard to be a Clay fan - and it has nothing to do with Clay.

Then again, what do I know? Maybe Clay loves this kind of thing. Maybe he would be shattered if no one sent anything. But you know what it reminds me of? Trying to recapture a moment. Its never as good the second time around.

Ok, I am just being a :bitch: right now. I think I will just go wallow in my bitchiness in private.

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And I can respectfully disagree with you, I see that fans play into Kimmel all the time - the Virgin skit at the beginning of the show last time, talking to the audience another.

I don't see it on other shows, just on Kimmel. Yes, some people make it all aobout them, others not so much.

my favorite part of this discussion is that it knocked the alien31.gif discussions out and people are crossing lines to taketheir opinion. I think the discussion is great - so shoot me. valentine32.gif

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