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American Idol 6


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I know y'all are shocked, SHOCKED that I went back to listen to April 22, 2003 - I know Clay has improved, but damn he sounded good. Pitch perfect, smooth, sweet and you can see his joy in performing...

What? Claygasm, you will have to HUNT for it? Tsk, tsk - all AI2 performances are on hard drive #3...

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What is the problem with Ryan...Randy was just a mean tonight...

Simon is right most of the time..the only time I disagreed with him was with...oh I forget now.

yeah that is one of my most favorite Clay performances cos he didn;t try to glory note it...I think since Phil used a more rock arrangement its different enough that it became ok in the end.

WOW ... in the end there were only 3 performers that I am interested to see...

Blake, Chris S and Phil

the ones I didn't mind too much

AJ, Jared and Sanjaya...

the rest can just go home, biggest disappointment is Sundance.

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I know y'all are shocked, SHOCKED that I went back to listen to April 22, 2003 - I know Clay has improved, but damn he sounded good. Pitch perfect, smooth, sweet and you can see his joy in performing...

What? Claygasm, you will have to HUNT for it? Tsk, tsk - all AI2 performances are on hard drive #3...

I don't feel I'm being biased (really!) when I say that Clay was head and shoulders above these guys. He was fab. Still is.

Thanks for the link to the Cannon Fodder article.

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I know y'all are shocked, SHOCKED that I went back to listen to April 22, 2003 - I know Clay has improved, but damn he sounded good. Pitch perfect, smooth, sweet and you can see his joy in performing...

What? Claygasm, you will have to HUNT for it? Tsk, tsk - all AI2 performances are on hard drive #3...

Well, a little over a year ago my computer died. My brother managed to save most of my clack and put it on CD. I have many discs and I am not organized! But I have it down to three!

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Well same thing with Chris Sligh...I think he tried out for 4 times...

I read his blog about it before he had to take it down and he had very good attitude about it.

hee...I don;t bother looking for my ai stuff anymore...I just dl it again...hee

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KAndre happily pets her new 320 GB hard drive (only $119 at that bastard Fry's with a $30 rebate)

I only have 5 external hard drives! I don't have a problem! Really! I don't!

I hope the girls are waaaaay better than the guys, otherwise this is going to remind me of AI3 ...

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See, you are totally wrong, Claygasm! Those choppers are too glowing against that beautifully orange tan! In fact, he really sort of coordinates with the sunset background!

[small voice]I miss orange Clay...[/sv] Pasty Clay is cute and all, but orange Clay had a special place in my heart...

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See, you are totally wrong, Claygasm! Those choppers are too glowing against that beautifully orange tan! In fact, he really sort of coordinates with the sunset background!

Oh yes, the orange tan! Not his best look!

I just had to watch MTK because its one of my favorite. I started laughing when I heard him sing "the shark has pretty teeth dear and he shows them pearly white"! Maybe Clay wanted to be a shark!

And I noticed something else. When the camera pulled back, you can clearly see Simon clapping in time to the music! Not sure I have ever seen him so into a contestants song!

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See, you are totally wrong, Claygasm! Those choppers are too glowing against that beautifully orange tan! In fact, he really sort of coordinates with the sunset background!

[small voice]I miss orange Clay...[/sv] Pasty Clay is cute and all, but orange Clay had a special place in my heart...


I just watched it too and he looked so good but he is aging pretty well I should say...he is just so much more sexy now...

But the vocals...that is the kind of voice and performance that Simon is talking about...a voice or performance that people will talk about the next day. No one had that for me. Maybe if Blake sang a more memorable song...

I am hoping the girls are better cos they had double the number of girls than guys that came to Hollywood so they had a bigger pool of talent. But there are some cannon fodder as well...

I can't remember if last year I was excited about anyone at this point...oh yeah I was excited about Daughtry and Kat...lets see what happens tomorrow.

eta:ok...I shouldn;t try to edit while watching AI clay...

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Too many Justin Timberlake-ish suede-heads for my tastes - I don't know if I can tell them apart, and since some of them are cannon fodder, I guess I don't care.

Randy acted like he had PMS, Paula was only semi-loopy, and you could cut the tension between Ryan and Simon with a knife. A rough night all around.

Rudy - was okay, and looked good face on but there were a couple of profile shots that made me go: "Whoa! Not so good." He seems to have performing experience, so he may be okay.

Brandon - Great smile and I liked the tone of his voice - he's sexy and smooth. I didn't get the dissing by the judges, particularly since I've read some grassy knoll speculation that he's the Chosen One this year.

Jared - Again, very good looking, but his eyebrows skeered me. I didn't know his Brian McKnight song, so I can't really make a judgement on how well he did.

Sanjaya - Unless he does a John Stevens and gets voted through because people feel sorry for him, I think he might be toast pretty quickly. He has a nice enough voice, but he's too tentative and nervous.

Sundance - Bold song choice, as I don't think we've heard the Moody Blues on AI before. He has gone off the tracks vocally since his first audition, and I think he may have used up any residual goodwill. Also, hate the beard dealie with a white-hot hate. EWWWW!

Chris - He might be a better comedian than singer. Being curly-haired and lipping off to Simon got Kimberley Locke through though, so I think he's okay for a while at least. Chris might even Taylor his way pretty far into the competition with his schtick. Never underestimate the power of a gimmick.

Paul - Eh. Not terribly impressed with his performance, but again his barefoot gimmick may make him distinctive enough to be memorable.

Phil - the radio station played a bit of his "ICNAFM" this morning, and it did sound pretty good. I just don't like how he looks - another set of eyebrows I don't like.

Blake - I kind of thought he only had his beatbox schtick to rely on, so I was pleasantly surprised by his performance last night. I lurve Keane, so I dug his song choice - it was different and as as Cowell said, sounded contemporary. And the guy actually has a very good voice! Who knew? So far, he's my favorite. I was prepared for Blake to be annoying and arrogant, so that's a bit of a surprise to me. The spiky hair, dude, is like, way over....

The others - eh, not much of an impression.

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I think Chris probably has enough goodwill built up from the early auditions to get through this round okay, even with the Simon dust-up. He got a lot of face time and seems to be pretty popular. I did think Chris' Il Divo dig was planned - I will have to see more of him in order to figure out if he can consistently be spontaneously funny, or if he just has some good one-liners pre-planned to zing out as appropriate. As always, I think it's the guys that didn't get featured very much in the early rounds that have to worry.

Guess I could go and try to track down the Dial Idol site and see what's up there...

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I think Chris probably has enough goodwill built up from the early auditions to get through this round okay, even with the Simon dust-up. He got a lot of face time and seems to be pretty popular. I did think Chris' Il Divo dig was planned - I will have to see more of him in order to figure out if he can consistently be spontaneously funny, or if he just has some good one-liners pre-planned to zing out as appropriate. As always, I think it's the guys that didn't get featured very much in the early rounds that have to worry.

Guess I could go and try to track down the Dial Idol site and see what's up there...

Oh I guess I had that reaction cos Chris was pretty low on the dial on idol report I saw. Now I think there is enough cannon fodder to save him this week but he better start bringing it with the vocals and be smarter with his mouthing off. He can still be very funny, just don't try to be arrogant with Simon...won't work IMO. I was also checking out mike and Juliet and I think the focus will probably be on Ryan and Simon sniping at each other that Chris will be overlooked in that altercation.

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I was getting disgusted with Ryan trying to get every contestant into a fight with Simon. It was stupid and tiresome and juvenile and what really irked me was Randy could be as negative as he wanted to be and no one challenged him but God forbid Simon say something negative! And, as I often find, Simon's assessments were usually right on (IMO of course).

I think Simon is getting tired of it too. As he said, he's not there to give encouragement. He is there to give honest judgements. Paula's role is to give the uplifting encourgement even when they suck! Not sure what Randy's role is other than to name drop and say "Dawg".

And Ryan - what purpose does he have? Is it to make Simon look bad? To encourage the contestants to hate Simon? I really liked Phil because he wouldn't bite when Ryan was goading him. He got more respect from me (and I suspect Simon) for acting like he did than Chris did for taking the bait.

I think Ryan is jealous of Simon.

Unlike most everyone on every Clay board and probably most everyone who watches Idol, I have always liked Simon. I may not agree with everything he says - or how he says it - but I have always felt he is the only one of all the judges who ever offers constructive criticism (whether I agree with it or not) and the only one who is honest. Yes, he is brutal sometimes, but you know what? Whoever wins Idol, whether its the oldest guy at 29 or the youngest at 16 or 17, will face much more brutal critics in the real world than Simon. If he or she can't take it in the relatively sheltered enviroment of AI, they will be in real trouble in the real world. Personally, I have always thought that was part of Simon's strategy - weeding out those who can't handle the pressure.

Look at Clay. He was grace under pressure thoughout Idol and he continues to be today, even when subjected to cruelty that makes Simon appear like the nicest guy in the world who never had a bad thing to say about anyone.

I an not sure people like Paula are doing these contestants any favors in the long run.

And Ryan - he is really acting like a brat, trying to get everyone to fight with Simon. All I want to do is tell him to shut up and get on with the show!

As for the contestants, I think sweet Sanjaya is gone. I think AJ is likely to go and I can't even remember the third person I thought could go! Oh yeah - Jared. He's very good looking, but ultimately forgetable.

I like Blake - hate his hair though. He didn't exactly blow me away, but he was ok. I liked Phil for part of the song. I wasn't that impressed with Chris S. and I liked Brandon ok. No one stepped to the front last night for me. It was sort of who was the best of a boring bunch. Hopefully that will change.

So, now we get the girls. One of them - someone with a last name that sounds kind of like tarantula (I guess I should go look her up...) is from Philly and we are hearing all about her all the time. If she goes deep into the competition it will be like season 1 again. That was all Justin Guarini all the time!

Personally, I am really looking forward to Clay on my tv tomorrow! I just hope they don't waste too much time with him discussing Idol.......

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Chris S...another funny fellow that looks unconventional with a good voice. I always liked him but last night his trying to be funny hit a sour note with me. I wonder how people will take it. For those that didn;t watch...Chris sang an upbeat fun song that was probably one of the best last night (which is really faint praise at this point) Randy and Paula liked it...and Simon started out saying that he likes Chris and likes his voice but the performance was more like a highschool perofrmance...then stupid Ryan interrupts him from the sidelines...and starts challenging Simon. Simon and him had a very uncomrfotable really serious exchange. Then when Chris said something he said ...well maybe because I was not auditionig for il divo or teletubbies...the reaction from Simon was not amused...he looked at Chris and said..you would fit with the latter, and Chris reaction was very tense too. Then Simon looked at Ryan and said...you just made that very uncomfortable...with this really angry look on his face. The drama was great TV IMO but I think it will probably cost Chris votes.

I think he will get the guarini effect rather than the klocke...cos with Kim her comeback was justified one and Simon really enjoyed it. It was in good fun really. With Chris, instead of being humbel and just listening to Simons; comments, cos he was trying to explain what he meant...he simply insulted the guy...and it backfired on him cos Simon's comeback was more hurtful IMO.

That whole exchange, once again reminded me of Clay. He kept his mouth shut when he has too...gave Simon a few really good zingers too and never looked arrogant. I like Chris S and I hope he survives.

Admin post:

ok...I hope you guys don't mind the move. carry on with the discussion...

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Hating on Simon - well there are several reasons for it

1) the man reverse predicts winners, acts as if he knew all along, but not!

2) he is a casual dismisser, he will dismiss people for stupid reasons and forget it when they come back. Remember he did not want to put Clay through simply because he thought he looked funny and Nigel made the management decision that Clay should go on, over ruling Simon (this is really not just because of Clay, but is an example - at no point do I think the judges make these decisions)

3) Simon partook in the push Ruben stuff - again, this is not about Clay, but because he did not want, along with management, Kim Locke in the final, so they had to spend a lot of time pushing and advising Ruben and Kim got to watch it happen (see newsweek article 2003) but just had to go along graciously.

4) Simon's comments, while frequently true are not to help the contestants, unlike some shows, but more to push an agenda. Sometimes he says things are wonderful when they are not and otehr times claims they are horrible, when they are not. He speaks for effect, not the truth.

5) off air Simon is rude and frequently says the dumbest stuff, still pushing agenda, but not scriopted as well.

6) Simon perfers women who are prostitutes - I really have to wonder about his "girlfriend" - this is usually a sign of a disturbed misogynist

7) Simon is a poopy head.

I saw PAris from last year on Mike and Juliet show this morning, she thought no one was good, no one at all. She particularly thought that Blake was overrated and was doing a Justin Timberlake imitation, She liked his bouncy dance, but should keep his mouth shut. She also disliked The last guy because he sang a song that Elliot sang better last year - she said there was no comparison and everyone was off key. So --- so much for the best year ever. Bring on the girls.

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Play, we'll just have to agree to disagree on Simon. But hey, I'm used to it! I think I could count on one hand the number of people on any Clay board I have ever posted on who have agreed with me!

I still like Simon.

Anyway, here is a fun recap of the men last night from Zap2It.

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We can certainly agree to disagree. I feel no passion in discussing Simon, actually, it is an absence of passion, he bores me with his predictability.

Certainly not worth too much of an effort discussing him.

As to that article, I felt they were to generous to thises guys. This is hteir big cance, they have had forever to rehears this song ans they still can't bring anything to it? Bad, just so bad.

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Well, since Paris thought that Blake was the guy that looked like Timberlake - well, maybe she didn't watch the show.

WHat the men got bad reviews - how can that be!!! Maybe because they were not up to previous best years ever? I mean, I always liked at least a fewfrom the first show, this time - eh.

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