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#1 - Ready for your constant state of celebration

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Diamondjake I would really like to see this breakdown of the lyrics. Cos...oh my God if it is about someone dying ...then it does make sense...this is why they may only have 1000 days and he would fight the angels for them...damn I thought that line was stupid...but not in that context...can you please either quote this breakdown or direct me to it...
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Here it is:

The song doesn't really establish that she isn't noticing him. That is just one possible interpretation of the first verse. My interpretation is very different. To me this song screams soundtrack from a movie a la "Love Story. " The lyrics sound like a reflection of the guy's thoughts and feelings as he faces the possible death of his love. The girl is slipping away, already unconscious. He is sitting by her bedside, holding her hand, talking to her, asking her not to leave him, wondering if she can hear, if she can feel him next to her, if there is anything he can say or do that would make her miraculously wake up and be fine again. For me that is the meaning of the lines "if I gave you the moon would you notice

that I'm right beside you."

I can clearly picture the scene in my mind. The guy sitting beside her for hours, with the changing light in the room or the changing sun in a window reflecting the passing of time. The song starts playing in the background. As it gets to the "a thousand days and a thousand nights are not enough" he sits there remembering some of their moments together. You know, the typical scene that is cliched and incredibly corny if badly executed, but well done can be incredibly romantic, emotive and a tear jerker of major proportions. For me the "A 1000 Days" would be perfect for such a scene, and reads as if it was specifically written for it.

So sue me, but I love this song, lyrics and all (except for the spinning ball part, which definitely needs to go).

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Oh my god...I have to admit I didn't read that post too closely...my bad...Now I need to get the lyrics and analyze if it really fits. Wow reading that, it truly could be a moving song.

eta: so anybody knows where I can find the lyrics to 1000 days?

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KAndre I have always loved EotR too and yeah, the lyrics aren't very deep. I don't think you can separate the lyrics from the arrangement and the melody. It may be similar to poetry, but it isn't poetry. Poetry has to stand on its own. A song doesn't.

I guess I should download and listen to this song.

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OK...I found the lyrics ( thaks to NYmom4Clay at CB) and I think Kellykelly is right on...

I still think that some of the imagery is a bit trite because it has been done to death...but when you think of the possible scenario of a man thinking about losing his love then it does make sense and is very moving:

Through my eyes

I see the world start spinning like a ball

Stars lights up and then fall for you.

>here I think it simply means that his life, his world has become so small, his focus has become so narrow because he was losing her...its all about this woman that he loves and trying to keep her with him...nothing more.

So then what's a man like me supposed to do?

If I gave you the moon would you notice

That I'm right beside you?

>totally agree with Kellykelly...he is saying that if he gives he the moon could he have her back...he is desperate here people!!!! Its like the usual bargaining with God.

Well now a thousand days, a thousand nights are not enough

Cause I can't hold back the way I feel about my love

Won't let it go, won't let it go

And if the Angels came, I'd fight them back to win your soul

When everything was said and done, they'd go back home

They oughta know, they oughta know

That you're mine, all mine

>very straighforward...the time they have left is not enough and if he could he would fight death...to keep her with him...but of course he knows that he is totally doomed...

In my world…

You're the sun that shines and lights an evening sky

Clearing up the horizon

Hold on…

Once again he is emphasizing that right now she is his world, the one that sustains him...so he asks her to hold on...

Come with me now and I will never let you down, ooh

And in this love we'll drown

This I promise you

They can't hold us down, ooh…


I would do anything, just believe it

Your love means everything, yes I mean it

The heart won't lie

Reach out and love…

So here he asks her...to just come with him and he will keep her from harm...again a desperate mans plea, hoping that his love will do miracles

So yeah...that interpretation totally fits the words...thanks for pointing that out.

But the fact is...even if I didn't figure that out...its okay because I like the melody. I like the way he sings it. Its still raw so I think this song will only improve.

Totally agree with you Kandre about EOTR they do a great job of it in the show.

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The problem I have with the song is at first hearing it doesn't make any kind of impression on me other than a mediocre forgettable ballad - so I'm not sure that anyone outside of us is going to take the trouble to analyze the lyrics. ..songs usually either grab you or they don't...or in some instances need a different interpretation to go over...I don't think this one has it the way it's being presented now.

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The problem I have with the song is at first hearing it doesn't make any kind of impression on me other than a mediocre forgettable ballad - so I'm not sure that anyone outside of us is going to take the trouble to analyze the lyrics. ..songs usually either grab you or they don't...or in some instances need a different interpretation to go over...I don't think this one has it the way it's being presented now.

That's interesting to me...because 1000 Days had me hooked by the end of the song. The chorus picked me up, tied me up and threw me into a closet. As a matter of fact, I'm singing it right now (and fortunately, you can't hear me :D ).

I really think one of the true tests is going to be when Rate the Music and PromoSquad come out with the songs. I'd love to know what the not.just.us fans are thinking about it. I seem to remember hearing stories after the last two concerts that non-fans (such as security guards) really liked 1000 Days.

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Catching up on viewing various bits of Clack:

Ansa, listening to "1000 Days" while reading the lyrics you posted improved the experience for me, but still not feeling the love for the song.

Jerome Jr., on the other hand, I find to be very intriguing... If KAndre has any super sekrit assignments that potentially involve being manhandled by that guy, this sub-minion-wannabe is willing to take that risk and volunteer. [Waves to Skatejoy, the original bodyguard devotee.] Has anybody figured out what his name is?

What's with the crouching and arm flailing on "Never Going to Give You Up'? Clay looks like a speed skater making a break for the finish line.

After watching several videos that include the backs of many bopping heads, I have made a few reminders for myself:

1) Practice slouching. (Sorry, I'm 5'10", blame it on the genes.)

2) Keep arms at shoulder level or below.

3) Consider the humidity, and make sure the hair is appropriately combed.

On a related note -

4) If necessary, get the roots touched up before the concert.

Edited by bottlecap
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After watching several videos that include the backs of many bopping heads, I have made a few reminders for myself:

1) Practice slouching.  (Sorry, I'm 5'10", blame it on the genes.)

I'm 5'11", and I don't slouch at all. But then, if I have my camera with me and the people behind me see I'm trying to get clack...there's generally not a lot of complaints. ;)

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The problem I have with the song is at first hearing it doesn't make any kind of impression on me other than a mediocre forgettable ballad - so I'm not sure that anyone outside of us is going to take the trouble to analyze the lyrics. ..songs usually either grab you or they don't...or in some instances need a different interpretation to go over...I don't think this one has it the way it's being presented now.

Oh that's fair enough. Music appreciation is subjective. I am really not trying to convince people to like it. I'm just that type of person that pays attention to the melody of a song first than the lyrics. I usually don't study lyrics this way. Almost never do. Its just that with this song I immediately cringed on the angels line. I really thought it was unnecessary fluffy triteness. But now that I got this new perspective on the song and actually read the lyrics, I understand why angels were there and why he needed to fight them. Now it is a very powerful imagery to me and makes me enjoy the song.

I really liked the melody of this song. It does not scream instant classic but i was singing along by the end of the first song. To me its a credible CD filler. IMO, better than TOuch and NMSS and I know lots of people loved those two songs, so its really difficult to get a concensus on a song. All I know is I liked this song and others did too so maybe it will work. But I wouldn;t be too sad if they experiment with it more and to develop the instrumentation and arrangement.

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Jerome Jr., on the other hand, I find to be very intriguing...  If KAndre has any super sekrit assignments that potentially involve being manhandled by that guy, this sub-minion-wannabe is willing to take that risk and volunteer.  [Waves to Skatejoy, the original bodyguard devotee.]  Has anybody figured out what his name is?

If he is that wretch who distracted me from my boyfriend as he sang in concert in Houston during my blonde phase as I was dancing wildly, the only super sekrit assignment re: mini-Jerome are gonna involve fire ants and honey.

Honestly in the last 30-odd years of listening to pop music, there have been less than 20 songs that struck me as memorable the first time I heard them - that's why I really hate the pay-for-play - the more I hear something, usually if I don't hate it, I like it better.

Just listened to Clay's spontaneous performance of ICHM...damn, hard as it is for me to believe, I apparently sometimes forget just how good that man is. You want some growlin' Clay? He says something about this being the good part and lets "When you call my name, girl, it starts a flame, burning in my heart, tearing me apart..." RIP. I had to take a trip back in time...during AI2, my boyfriend sang this sweet and pretty and we made out on the front porch. My man sang this in Valdosta and he's skipping the making and going straight for the good stuff.

My Ultimate JBT CD is gonna in incredible. And probably take up at least two disks.

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Believe it or not I still like the ballads on his Demo the best of anything I've heard that's new - I Know How the River Feels, I Will be Here and Look What Love has Done I liked from the moment I heard them...

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Believe it or not I still like the ballads on his Demo the best of anything I've heard that's new - I Know How the River Feels, I Will be Here and Look What Love has Done I liked from the moment I heard them...

Oh no argument there..I do hope he has a few quiet and poignant acoustic number...my favorite Clay is acoustic Clay. Was just listening to Sailing on my ipod. Its not that easy to appreciate it in the midst of a cellcert... when you are up close to the music...I dei for the beautiful purity of tone that comes out from this guy...INCREDIBLE...

OK...speaking of Valdosta and ICHM...please can somebody ask for When a Man Loves a WOman from Clay if he does this again...pretty please...I think there is a campaign going on for it in th CH...thanks. sigh no concert tonight. I miss him already.

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OK, I added the request for "When A Man Loves A Woman" to my blog because I sincerely believe Clay loves me best of all, actually reads my blog, and takes my orders (hell, I know they're not suggestions because I want him to DO them) to heart.

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I'm really stretching my memory but didn't he want to do that song on AI and they couldn't clear it for him...maybe there's a problem with the rights to it...or does that have nothing to do with him singing it now if he's willing to pay...

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I'm really stretching my memory but didn't he want to do that song on AI and they couldn't clear it for him...maybe there's a problem with the rights to it...or does that have nothing to do with him singing it now if he's willing to pay...

Somebody explained in the CH that for the US in live perfromances, usually venues are the ones that pay for the rights to songs so they just pay a certain fee to the agancies concerned to cover any song that is registered with them. So basically he can sing anything. I also think that that was a bunch of bull...that they can;t get the right to that song...Idol contestants have been sining it in other seasons...all of a sudden they can;t clear it for CLay....hmmmm.

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The very funny but intimidating World Dominatrix KAndre wants to make this PSA...

Please, for the love of everything, whoever does this, stop screaming during his songs!

Just stop. There is NO justification for this - the whole POINT of the concert is to HEAR CLAY SING. Right? RIGHT?

Clay has made it so we can get the best clack ever, and it is being ruined by the constant SHRIEKING of "I love you, Clay" in the MIDDLE of the most beautiful singing ever. And frankly I would get rid of the signs too, at least during the song because YOU ARE BLOCKING OTHER PEOPLES' VISION!

If you gotta scream, before the concert, after the concert, IN BETWEEN THE SONGS, OK? Doesn't that make sense? If you are screaming, you can't hear him. Don't you wanna hear him?

Clay, JFL, ANYBODY, can S'von, Jerome, Andy, ANYBODY make an annoucement at the beginning of the concert:

Yes, Clay already knows you, personally, love him. He appreciates it. Please don't yell during his singing. He would appreciate it even more. Thank you.

A suggestion: Can someone post something like this at every Clay board - phrased appropriately for their forum? Think about the perfect clack we could get of say, I Can't Make You Love Me, Mandy, Elvis....could we at least TRY?

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And may I add these friendly suggestions:

If people have to urge to scream try the silent scream. I'm an exeprt at this since I usually have to watch Clack late at night when the family is sleeping.

There is also another alternative...try biting your hand if you can't control yourself...just be careful not to draw blood.

Oh and if you happen to drag a guy along with you that really hates to be there...makes sure you gag him, physically or by threat of bodiliy harm or suspension of privileges...to prevent him from screaming ...I love you Clay.... during ICMYLM, Mandy or Sailing...if you can't control him...just keep him at home....

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Oh, I just Loooooooove our admins....KAndre wipes away a tear...

I also said,

I also don't expect it to stop, I can hope it stops, just like I hope crime doesn't happen. I agree, during the uptempo songs, it's not as out of place, but shoot, I don't like anything drowning out Clay's voice - not the background singers, not the instrumentation, not bad acoustics, and especially not the tuneless, unmelodic cauterwaling of selfish attention wh-...seekers who are under the mistaken impression that their paying fifty bucks entitles them to aurally assault their fellow concert goers. I'm not saying "Don't scream". I'm saying "Scream where appropriate". I don't know who's screaming. I don't care who's screaming, say during the middle of what I would assume are the gorgeous acapella portion of the End of The Road, internet fan or Jane of the street, I want them to SHUT UP. Peeing on a carpet in the middle of a hostess' floor might be considered spontaneous too - I don't want them to do it. I'm sure they don't go there for the sole intent of ruining a song for strangers, whether there or not. But they are. AND THAT'S NOT RIGHT. And I think if you are old enough to attend a frickin' concert, you're old enough to observe some common courtesy. Just because some behavoir is "typical", still doesn't make it RIGHT.

As for the clack, I see it as a bonus. And I, selfish heifer that I am, want the best possible bonus I can get. You don't want it, no skin off my nose. But if some people get the message and stop, I see that as an improvement. The first point of my post was for me, the most important - we (yeah, I'm using the royal we. I'm imperial that way) are there to hear Clay sing. If someone is NOT there to hear Clay sing...hmmm. Still STFU.

And as one tiny to our darling, delightful, polite, pretty, and well-behaved members and lurkers...my boa of death and stilletos of doom go with me everywhere...and you never know when I will show up at a concert. Just sayin'.

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KAndre, I wish you luck on the campaign on the OFC against the inappropriate screamers. Unfortunately, I think you might need to do a little public maiming and torturing to get your point across to some of those dimbulbs. It's always the "tweenies", or the "non-internet" fans that take the blame, isn't it?

We discuss radio play and DJ's alot in this fandom, so I thought I'd share a non-Clay-related story. I was listening to a local "New Rock Alternative" station yesterday afternoon (Cumulus Broadcasting, by the way.) The DJ mentioned he was having problems with the computer at the station. He began to get more and more giddy as it became apparent that the said computer controlled the station's playlist. Since the computer crashed, the DJ was able to, get this, PLAY WHATEVER HE WANTED TO. What a novel concept! Of course, I didn't hear much that the station doesn't normally play, but the DJ was just so happy about the prospect of getting to pick music himself. It made me realize all the more how difficult it must be to be a DJ who actual likes music, and is not just interested in just being an on-air "personality".

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Unfortunately, I think you might need to do a little public maiming and torturing to get your point across to some of those dimbulbs.

Clearly you've never seen our fearless leader in action. Feather boas and stilletos can be fierce weapons in the right/wrong hands....

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KAndre launching a campaign? Love it!

While we're at it...not only is the screaming I love yous in the middle of songs inappropriate...but I wish folks who have seen the concert 6 times would not STEP ON CLAY'S LINES. What you are doing is spoiling it for people who are seeing the concert for the first time. If you have to listen to him say he's the best thing about 1970s so what...just let him get the joke out for the people who haven't heard it.

I went to the last JNT which I loved and will always remember for the closing Good News. But that concert was full of people who had already seen the show. In some regard they acted like it was supposed to be audience participation through the whole show. They would scream out his lines before he could get to them and finally he said..ya'll heard this all before, let's just sing. Well how fair is that to the person who had NEVER seen the show.

It is not just teenies and non internet folks doing this. IT IS US and we need to police ourselves and just stop it so that everyone can enjoy the show.

I read Musicmams's husband's critique of the show and all I can say is not only is he GORGEOUS and makes a fabu beer - but he's smart too. Hopefully Clay Nation will listen.

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bottlecap, there's no "unfortunately" about it; frankly, I need the occasional bloodletting - it keeps me happy. A little public maiming and torturing never hurt moi (as for my victims, well, that's another story, but we're talking about me).

Couchie - you're absolutely right - a LOT of it IS "us" and people need to be reminded that a little self-control doesn't NOT ruin your concert experience dammit.

As for the DJ - that really is a sad commentary on the broadcast industry - feh.

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Peeing on a carpet in the middle of a hostess' floor might be considered spontaneous too - I don't want them to do it. I'm sure they don't go there for the sole intent of ruining a song for strangers, whether there or not. But they are. AND THAT'S NOT RIGHT. And I think if you are old enough to attend a frickin' concert, you're old enough to observe some common courtesy. Just because some behavoir is "typical", still doesn't make it RIGHT.
The bolded part made me lol but the fact is what she said is true. And I personally don't think screaming in the middle of a quiet song could be called spontaneous. I think it's planned & is definitely done then so Clay will hear it. I would love to blame it on the tweenies but those voices on the clack sure don't sound like tweenies to me!

While we're at it...not only is the screaming I love yous in the middle of songs inappropriate...but I wish folks who have seen the concert 6 times would not STEP ON CLAY'S LINES.  What you are doing is spoiling it for people who are seeing the concert for the first time.  If you have to listen to him say he's the best thing about 1970s so what...just let him get the joke out for the people who haven't heard it.

It is not just teenies and non internet folks doing this. IT IS US and we need to police ourselves and just stop it so that everyone can enjoy the show.

Honestly this bolded part upsets me even more than inappropriate screaming. I do think the majority of Clay fans that travel to several concerts have long past their tweenies years behind and what they are doing it SOOOOO disrespectful to Clay & all the fans who don't live on the internet & see Clay's shows umpteen times. I believe most people found the jokes funny (or at least amusing) the first time we heard them. It's almost like the fans become hecklers when they yell out Clay's lines.
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