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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Hee...couchie...that show is what's not to wear...my daughters' favorite show and it is Taylor's wish to get me on it...Well no wonder we get along so well, we are both fashin challenged!!!

I really think the parties early in the fandom was quite different from those we get today. I think early on people were just getting to know each other in the fandom so people from the same boards are all eager to welcome each other. But now...after the many huge debates and controversies that happened in the different boards..factions have formed and it is no longer easy to just be one big happy family...

This tour...I am very happy to follow couchie around...I will be her shadow although I will be quite shorter than her. I am happy to go the cheap route and have small get together with FCAers and eHP and I think we will hit one big board party...that will be very interesting. I am looking forward to after parties...

:Tour3: :Tour3:

I am not feeling the excitement too much yet because I still don;t have my plane ticket ...planning to buy it end of May or early June...

Muski...you and KAndre should write travel blogs...I know the experience wasn't too much fun for you but you sure gave me a laugh reading it...thanks for sharing.

If I were RCA...I would reissue MCWL with AIW and maybe 2 more new songs.

May is practically done...there are only 7 months left in the calendar...take out 3 to 4 months off the schedule for 2 tours...and we have 2 to 3 months left to record, do post production work, and to promote a new CD for 2007...NOW...can someone try and explain to me how this could be good for Clay????

I think with his schedule...it is possible to record and even do some post production work during 2007. But for a proper promotions I would hope that he can bring out the next CD spring of 2008. I do agree that 2009 might not be a good idea because he didn't get much attention with ATDW... and the longer they wait the harder it is to get good spots on TV, Print and radio promos.

I have a feeling TC would have the next CD done just to keep a momentum going.

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I can already predict what next season's cast of AI is going to be like: Younger, less "professional", and more into conflict. I don't necessarily think the AI concept is worn out, I just think this year's group was as dull as dishwater and we never got much of a backstory on any of them, so it was hard to really pick out somebody to root for. I can see manufactured story lines, and maybe even a not-so-discrete showmance - and I don't mean Ryan and Simon.

I wasn't home to see the performances last night, but I read the producers made a song choice. What happened to Clive? :em0200: Too busy plotting doom and destruction? Is even he put to sleep by this year's final 3?

Pokes Clive with a stick and screams "Wake Up you wizened old bastard!!!" into his ear in hopes of provoking a heart attack... :mallet:

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Oh muski! You really do need to handcuff everything to you! Thank goodness you thought about making a call or who knows where your cell phone would be!

AI and the ratings - yeah, they're down but they still more than double their nearest competitor so I don't think they're worrying yet. I think this year its because the contestants are so boring!

And I am a "House" lover! Hugh Laurie is my other boyfriend!

Parties - I love them and I hate them. This may be hard for some of you to believe since I have such a big mouth here, but I really am shy, especially in situations where I don't know people like big parties. I tend to be one of those hanging in the corners, or just hanging back, or drinking enough so that eventually I loosen up. I am not good at small talk and tend to be a bit self-conscious. Once I get to know people its different, but with people I don't know.... I think I am getting better, but I'll never be at ease in those situations.

I read on another board that Clive also mandated MCWL. Is that right? I always got the impression it was Clay who really wanted to do a Christmas album, since he wants to tour every Christmas and seems t o LOVE Christmas music.

I kind of doubt the new album he is referring to is a Christmas album, but if RCA were smart they would reissue MCWL adding the AIW songs.

I cannot believe anyone in their right mind would think he could have another album out this year (unless it actually were a Christmas album). There was so much bitching about no pre-release publicity for ATDW. They haven't even found a producer for this new album yet. They likely haven't even found the songs yet, much less have it recorded. No way is there time to get it finished and out there this year! It would be a stretch for it to come out in the first half of next year! I am glad Clay is thinking about what he wants to do with the next album and looking for a producer but I bet he doesn't even get into a recording studio until next year.

I'll look forward to it whenever it comes out. After all, perfection takes time, honey! (tm Clay Aiken)

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I don't know if that's true Ansa about the parties. I have a different experience in California I guess. Cross board parties are more a norm, in and out of tour season, especially Northern California. I'm really lucky to be a fan here. And if I say so myself, the cross board party that I helped plan for JNT05 was excellent. heee.

Pokes Clive with a stick and screams "Wake Up you wizened old bastard!!!" into his ear in hopes of provoking a heart attack... :mallet:

OMG Bwah.

I've never watched House but I do have the first season downloaded...just need to burn it to discs. I guess it and Heroes will be my summer viewing.

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Well this is odd...

Daily Mediabase Update:

"Quick Cut Data"

(rolling 7 day total, all spins, all formats), followed by spins to date (total all formats, cumulative).

Here You Come Again - Unidentified format and Station

Here You Come Again Spins to Date - 13

Seen at The Clayboard

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If I were RCA...I would reissue MCWL with AIW and maybe 2 more new songs.

Add another 4 songs or so to your list, make it a double album, and I'm good.

and the longer they wait the harder it is to get good spots on TV, Print and radio promos.

I have a feeling TC would have the next CD done just to keep a momentum going.

You know, this is one of the places where I really diverge with most of the fandom, including my beloved Ansa here. It may be totally Pollyanna of me (wouldn't be the first time), but I really think that even if Clay waited 5 years until his next album came out (anybody want to go spread that rumor around on the boards? Didn't think so....), his charm and talent would get him booked on a LOT of shows. Sure, the "hot" factor would be long gone...but if you look at it another way, it could be his "comeback." And yes, I think the material he'd be pushing for publicity would definitely play into this. However, I just have this nagging feeling that he's the type that gets at least some of the TV people fighting for him. Now, I've heard rumors that this isn't the case -- but they were never substantiated, as far as a I know. It could have been a case of a particular show not fitting into Clay's schedule.

Just never ask me to be Clay's scheduler, OK? I'd mess that mess up but good.

I read on another board that Clive also mandated MCWL. Is that right? I always got the impression it was Clay who really wanted to do a Christmas album, since he wants to tour every Christmas and seems t o LOVE Christmas music.

I think MCWL could have originally been Clive's idea, but one that Clay could easily buy into without a fight (unlike another album :whistling-1: ).

I'll look forward to it whenever it comes out. After all, perfection takes time, honey! (tm Clay Aiken)


Interesting spin data there CG. Dare I hope that low-note Clay gets played on the radio?

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I really think the parties early in the fandom was quite different from those we get today. I think early on people were just getting to know each other in the fandom so people from the same boards are all eager to welcome each other. But now...after the many huge debates and controversies that happened in the different boards..factions have formed and it is no longer easy to just be one big happy family...

I think this is spot on. I enjoyed some of the very early, non-boardal parties where I really knew no one yet, but we were all just one big happy group of fans EEEEEEEEing because we were going to see Clay.

If I were RCA...I would reissue MCWL with AIW and maybe 2 more new songs.

I think a reissue of MCWL combined with the 4 from AIW would be a great idea for this year.

I do agree that 2009 might not be a good idea because he didn't get much attention with ATDW... and the longer they wait the harder it is to get good spots on TV, Print and radio promos.

My only problem with rushing it out for 2008 (and I do think it will be a rush) is if they don't have it ready until later in the year. To me, another Sept or even Oct release would just be too close to Christmas - better to wait until Feb. 2009.

I really am shy, especially in situations where I don't know people like big parties. I tend to be one of those hanging in the corners, or just hanging back, or drinking enough so that eventually I loosen up. I am not good at small talk and tend to be a bit self-conscious.

This is basically me, except I don't drink, so I don't tend to loosen up. I have no problem conversing if someone approaches me, but I'm not the type to go around the room introducing myself. I'm glad others are because it makes things so much easier!

I've never watched House but I do have the first season downloaded...just need to burn it to discs. I guess it and Heroes will be my summer viewing.

That's a good idea. *makes mental note to get past seasons of House for summer entertainment*

but, but, but - there is the mythical great unrealeased album just sitting on the shelves with all those great rock songs on it that will make a certain gilr look like a poser in the rock world

:cryingwlaughter: Why would he need a new producer for that? I'm sure there's a reason.....someone is probably thinking it up as we speak.......er........type.

And EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee for spins of HYCA! I have always thought that song was great for radio!!!!

Edited by luckiest1
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I am so behind...

I'm back from Texas since 12:30 am Monday, but here it is Wed and I am still tired!

You all produced pages and pages while I was gone and I had limited time (on a Mac

I might add - didn't like it - not used to it!!) to skim the pages and get the gist of what

was going on! :ilovemypc:

I got to see a glmpse of Kimmel and saw Clay sitting on the horse and the quip about

Obi-wan, and got to see the rest on Friday. He was cute, but I have to admit, it's not

my favorite appearance. What a hoot that the horse had a hard-on!! I guess Clay has

effect on everybody!!


Thanks for 'splaining Mo'nique! I have seen her a bunch on various shows (the View,

Best Week Ever, etc...) and never knew where she came from! I found a "Charm

School" vid on youtube, it looks like it's a hoot!!


(the pretty link-maker code doesn't seem to be working for me!)

There are quite a few Flavor of Love vids too. http://youtube.com/watch?v=dd4GjbzwtSU


I wonder if anyone else has had trouble with the new version of Internt Explorer?

Ever since I upgraded, I've been getting blue screens saying that Windows had a problem

and had to shut down.

Has anyone discovered the streaming video of Clay's appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel

section of abc.com?? I love Kimmel's wit. Who is taking credit for the Climmel Love pin?

:arrowed: Didja miss me??? :arrowed:


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You know, the problem with any radio station playing HYCA is that......


D.E.A.D - DEAD!!!

Which is another reason he won't be singing any songs from it on tour this summer - no matter what those nasty venues are saying on their websites!

**The above was once again brought to you by SnarkRUs**

Edited by Claygasm
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I wasn't home to see the performances last night, but I read the producers made a song choice. What happened to Clive? :em0200: Too busy plotting doom and destruction? Is even he put to sleep by this year's final 3?

Pokes Clive with a stick and screams "Wake Up you wizened old bastard!!!" into his ear in hopes of provoking a heart attack... :mallet:

It won't work 'coss he's already dead. As someone suggested somewhere, it's like Weekend at Berney's: they just haul him around from one place to another and pretend he's still alive. Look for someone's arm up his back and into his head, making his lips move.

Eeeewwww, I just grossed myself out.

Re the board personas vs. the real personas: Artquest, my board persona, is a better person than I am. Part of this is that the Internet gives me an opportunity to practice that better person thing and part of it is the reality that I may find myself at a concert, sitting next to someone I might have slammed. Not a pleasant thought, so I don't slam. Even when I receive astonishing PMs from people who think they're god's gift to the Clay fandom. It also helps, A LOT, that I can edit both posts and PMs. It gives me a chance to calm down and think things through.

Clay parties? I have a mostly non-existant memory for faces, so I'm grateful for the name tags. Plus the bling. (Waves to KAndre) Anything distinctive is most welcomed. I like my own Clay parties the best! The pre-Kimmel party in September was awesome. Because I hang out on a variety of boards, I had groups of people in the house who weren't even talking to each other. Or worse. Kinda like family dinners when I was a kid. Everybody behaved, though. Another time, we threw a pre-party in Vegas for the IT. We got busted by security at 5:30 in the afternoon. Our friends at the casino said we were the oldest group ever to get busted for being too rowdy. Good times, good times.

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Because I hang out on a variety of boards, I had groups of people in the house who weren't even talking to each other. Or worse. Kinda like family dinners when I was a kid. Everybody behaved, though.

Why did I get a vision of a junior high dance where all the cliques stand around in groups eyeing one another suspisciously.... :lol:

I actually am in a bit of an awkward position this summer. For some reason, hoards of people from my original board are descending upon Philly. Since its my home concert, of course I am going and I have been invited to join them for whatever they are doing. Plus someone from that board may be staying with me rather than a hotel. Problem is, I left that board almost a year ago and while I am still friends with some of them, others.... well, let's just say that one person who will be there is not on my best friends list and the feeling is quite mutual and she has friends who follow! And then there are some who just can't let go of past misunderstandings. Plus, there are a lot of people who always thought I was strange (see post from yesterday about the post-party for the Charlotte NAT...). I don't feel I belong anymore either. But, there are a couple of people I want to see and some who will be insulted if I don't go. Then again, its not like I have other parties to go to...

Its funny, but because of that, the Philly concert is the one I am least looking forward to!

Now Texas - really, really looking forward to Texas! :04:

California - ditto! :bier:

Florida - um, I have no clue what is happening in Florida! :clown_4:

(And yes, I am being a total concert whore this summer. It will likely be my last hurrah! So I won't have money to pay my rent or buy food! Who needs housing and food when you can see Live!Clay! ??)

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Board personas? Wow, that's a tough one. I think I'm pretty much the same except that I'm a much better writer than I am a speaker. Oh if I'm comfortable with you I don't shut up. But I think I'm funnier online than I am in person. I'm the person that can think of the best comebacks oh about 2 minutes after the fact which is why I admire my boyfriend's very quick and sharp wit. And while I may edit a post I meant to reply to once in a while - I don't think the sheer magnitude of my klutziness can be seen on a board. I'm a bit dingy. LdyJ has seen me spread shampoo all over my face thinking it was lotion. Muski has seen me trip over my own feet every time we take a walk. MsT05 has seen me drip beer from can that has busted in my duffle from a hotel lobby all the way to our room. Yep, way more cool online. heee. But don't freck with me cuz I don't back down from confrontation in person when online I do try to be more diplomatic.

I'm bad with faces and have had a couple of horrible faux pas. And I don't know how many people have said they met me in Veegas..in reality Vegas was a very overwhelming experience for me and I remember next to nothing but me and Agape's wrecked car and driving through the desert hoping not to get stranded and becoming road kill.

eta: nothing like having tv theme songs on your ipod... the theme song to Flipper just came on..made me giggle. Also still bummed that I missed Artquest's party before Kimmell in September.

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Board personas? Wow, that's a tough one. I think I'm pretty much the same except that I'm a much better writer than I am a speaker. Oh if I'm comfortable with you I don't shut up. But I think I'm funnier online than I am in person. I'm the person that can think of the best comebacks oh about 2 minutes after the fact which is why I admire my boyfriend's very quick and sharp wit. And while I may edit a post I meant to reply to once in a while - I don't think the sheer magnitude of my klutziness can be seen on a board. I'm a bit dingy. LdyJ has seen me spread shampoo all over my face thinking it was lotion. Muski has seen me trip over my own feet every time we take a walk. MsT05 has seen me drip beer from can that has busted in my duffle from a hotel lobby all the way to our room. Yep, way more cool online. heee. But don't freck with me cuz I don't back down from confrontation in person when online I do try to be more diplomatic.

Oh couchie, we should be quite a pair in California! My father has always called me a heffalump (Winnie the Pooh reference) because I have the grace of such a creature. A good friend of mine in high school used to say my clutziness was all part of my charm! I have a tendency to fall of my shoes - even when wearing flats! I drop things all the time and frequently dribble whatever I am drinking down my chin! But I have become very good at covering up and sometimes no one notices! Or at least they seem like they don't.... :blush:

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LdyJ has seen me spread shampoo all over my face thinking it was lotion.

Why yes, yes I have couchie. Too bad I didn't pull out my camera that morning. *g*

Meanwhile...me? I'll be the one who manages to get spaghetti sauce all over myself.

As for my board persona, I really think it's pretty much ME, y'know? Sometimes I write really stupid things, sometimes I'm really profound, sometimes I manage to get in a good joke. Same thing happens to me in real life too.

I used to avidly watch "The Real World" on MTV, until it got unwatchable (which was about 5 seasons ago for me). I remember many of the kids would always complain about how they were edited on the screen, as if that wasn't them at all. I kept saying to myself, though -- "look, the camera caught you sleeping with 50 different people the same night! Even if it wasn't the same night -- you still slept with 50 different people!" I sometimes think that people's posting styles can be treated the same way, if that makes any sense.

One of the reasons I used to volunteer to do name tags for parties is that I got to connect real names with screen names. Good times, actually. Adding faces, though...and I get confuzzled.

Welcome back cha cha trusty!

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Clay parties? I have a mostly non-existant memory for faces, so I'm grateful for the name tags. Plus the bling. (Waves to KAndre) Anything distinctive is most welcomed. I like my own Clay parties the best! The pre-Kimmel party in September was awesome. Because I hang out on a variety of boards, I had groups of people in the house who weren't even talking to each other. Or worse. Kinda like family dinners when I was a kid. Everybody behaved, though.

The pre-Kimmel party was awesome! I was there, and I can attest that Artquest is a wonderful hostess and a very lovely person.

I sometimes feel a little awkward at Clay parties. For one, I tend to be a bit younger than most at these events. Second, so many seem to already know each other so well. There's so much history and shared experience that I'm only glimpsing from the outside, and I don't always know how to break into the conversations of strangers. However, at her party, Artquest was very sweet to introduce me to her other guests, for which I was quite greatful. To be honest, I was quite nervous when I first got there (like a geeky new kid approaching the popular kids' table), but she did a lot to make me feel at ease.

Does my board personna match my real life personality? It's hard to say. For some reason, people are often a bit surprised when they meet me in person. I'm probably more opinionated online than I am real life, where I can be rather quiet and boring with people I don't know. However, once the ice is broken, I can get rather gabby.

Edited by JennaZ
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Was I at that preparty in Vegas? It sounds vaguely familiar...but so many things sounds vaguely familiar from Vegas...

As for names - I suck at names and faces even when I do the nametags - if I can't remember relative's names, occasionally y'all are gonna be shit out of luck. But I love ya anyway!

My sister explained to me that I'm not particular shy, I'm just not really social. Flamboyant, but not really outgoing. I think it's easier for me to tell people I'm shy.

My favorite parties are where we actually do, like send security on a wild goose chase, the karaoke bar, the Statue of Liberty free-for-all, the commandeering of bars, etc. In case the authorities are checking, I ONLY DID COMPLETELY LEGAL STUFF. REALLY.

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I use my online persona to let it all hang it. In real life I'm Mable Milquetoast...

Yeah, and my clothing size is a zero - petite! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Anyone have a clue how Clay's concerts are selling? After the initial rush of "us", does anyone buy tickets? Out of curiosity I went the the Mann's site and put in for 6 tickets and could get row M of section B, center! Not good enough for most of "us", but for regular people those are pretty decent seats! Now, they have done little promotion here although there is apparently a billboard on the main highway here and small billboards at the area commuter train stations, but they still have a lot of seats to fill just to sell out what is under cover. They will never sell out the whole place. With lawn seats it holds 10,000 people!

It will be very interesting how well these concerts sell.

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Guest huskerfalcon

Holy kamoly! So THIS is where everyone is! :)*waves hi*

I won't get in on the album talk... sand.gif

Parties are still fun... since so many of the people are multi-boardal, you tend to meet and talk to others anyway. But yeah, there are definitely factions.

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Holy kamoly! So THIS is where everyone is! :)*waves hi*

Parties are still fun... since so many of the people are multi-boardal, you tend to meet and talk to others anyway. But yeah, there are definitely factions.

Searches memory banks to see if there's anything utterly embarassing I've done in front of Huskerfalcon. All clear although I might have bent her ear a time or two during my job searches. Getting me to my meet and greet on time in New Hampshire was fun.

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I must be getting too old for this travel thing. I had to sleep in the middle of hte day today after my day-long, cross-country plane and automobile adventure yesterday.

But now I'm starving and wonder if anybody out there has a restaurant suggestion for me while I'm in Miami/Miami Beach?

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Hey huskerfalcon!!! long time no see!!

Hee...I am so glad I'm going to the CA3fer...I am sure to look for artquest...

I think I am pretty much like my online persona. I do not try to be the center of attention but if you get me talking I get be very chatty...I like to analyze and discuss things but I like couchie I can be slow on the snarky comebacks...i think of it but not quick enough to say them. When i get tipsy its another story. i am better in a small crowd or one on one. In a bigger group with other colorful personalities...I tend to keep quiet but totally love being around such people ...so I am looking forward to spending time with shy KAndre and melba toast Muski...hee

Jenna...your description reminds me of myself in big crowds. If I know a few people I don;t mind but it can be very intimidating at times...Looking forward to meet you too. But really...at times I just like to sit back and people watch...so in big parties I don't mind being in the sideline observing the whole chaotic scene.

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