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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


Thread title poll  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Hi! It's just me. Sitting up here in Toronto listening to the cell cert, missing Chatauqua, lurking in chat and going through my pix from last night. You have no idea how happy I was when I heard that we were allowed to take photos. Syracuse was awesome but damn it the lighting there was good and it hurt to just sit there and enjoy him so much. Had I done it two nights in a row, I swear I'd have developed some dandy S & M tendencies. Love that kind of pain......Yep, I most certainly do.

I uploaded one photo.


Now, I think I'll go make a cup of tea.

Holy Claygasm. :Thud: I just love it when he gets that look on his face. We need more of this. Hurry up with the tea karen.

God I'm so in the dark. I've never heard of his company. Is it successful? Does he have real artists? I never thought of Clay going to a David Foster label..just letting him produce him or be a mentor or give him some songs (like I have any choice lol). The only specific label I ever saw mentioned was Warner although for many I think any would do. Anyway, I think Clay was just saying one is the same as the other...and he's made his connections, knows who he is dealing with, probably has people on his side, and knows who is against him etc etc.

I agree couchie. If RCA hated Clay they could simply drop him from their roster. If Clay hated RCA as much as some think, he would have his atttornys get him out of his contract or have someone buy him out of it. IMO

And YSRN - you just must consider Pala. I have tickets....... :whistling-1:

I promise... I AM considering it... if I come to LA, it will be Pala and the Greek.

I can't do Indio or San Diego -- too many days away and I'm going to NH next week.

We shall see!


Ya think KarenEh?'s done with her tea yet? :eusa_whistle:

YSRN, guess which board has 3 of their members win a meet and greet? I could of just cried when I heard that.....Poor Clay...... One of them is at The Greek the other is at Pala. The other I think already had theirs.

Hey all, I just posted a Chautauqua recap in the Chautauqua thread. And now I am off to the party room at the hotel. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oops. I haven't read this yet. Hope you're having fun.

FWIW, I never took offense at Clay's "rotting souls" comment, because I never took it seriously. However, I did take offense at fans who felt they needed to denounce LA and the entertainment industry as a whole, especially those with absolutely no experience in it.

Anyway, I think Clay was just saying one is the same as the other...and he's made his connections, knows who he is dealing with, probably has people on his side, and knows who is against him etc etc.

Me, too, couchie. I really don't believe he despises RCA as much as many seem to believe. He may not be thrilled with what happened with ATDW, but he probably realizes that other major labels probably wouldn't have handled things differently. I think he's learned some lessons and will approach his next album with more experience under his belt. Shifting to a new label (with new personnel, etc.) might mean he'd have to relearn a new system, with all it's own politics and personnel. With RCA, he already knows who's who and where he stands.

I agree Jenna. I think he has learned some lessons and knows what he needs to do. I think we are seeing some image changes in the making with Clay. As evidenced by his starting to loosen up a bit.

What a beautiful dog!

I agree. A beautiful dog and a very good photo of it.



The first one just bears repeating. I wanted to see it again.

These amuse me greatly for some reason:




I love pictures of Clay in sunglasses. Why? I don't know. I just think he is sexy looking in them and wears them soooo well.

laughn and bottlecap have fun tonight.

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LOVE the casual pics...kewl.

Have a wonderfu, wonderful time, laughn and bottle! And bottle I'm in love with that 'gettin' down' squirrel! :medium-smiley-070:

Off to a beautiful day in Tahoe of softball! Have a good one, friends! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

(oh, and CG? Count me in on that private concert....and he can sing any damned thing he wants to... :hubbahubba: )

Go, BLAZE! :me0:

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Ok, let's figure out why Clay was all sore and bruised? They were told in Philly not to hug him either.....

Rough sex maybe???

"I'll let you whip me if I misbehave..." :eusa_whistle:

Clay's bus mates forced him to ride to Chautaqua in the luggage compartment because they were tired of watching him itch his re-growing arm and leg hair?

A pick-up basketball game with the violin section got out of hand? [Maybe Clay was on the "Skins" team... ]


These amuse me greatly for some reason:


OMG - Clay and I have a connection. I swear I have those exact same sunglassses. Of course, mine are from Target and his are prolly designer, but still!!!!


laughn, see you in an hour!!! clayCarSilver.gif

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Well life kicked me in the face again today so I think I will take out my frustrations on my house... I have company company..time to get started with that cleaning thing.

eeeeeeeeeeee our Clay party starts next Sunday!

Clayzor..I also love Clay in shades..and I love the candid pics of him and his crew. yum..jerome is looking good. heee

Claygasm - I am so holding you to that private concert. Did you buy your lotto tickets today? :cryingwlaughter:

Yay for Muskidaughter...glad she's doing well!!

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I love pictures of Clay in sunglasses. Why? I don't know. I just think he is sexy looking in them and wears them soooo well.

Yes, he does, I love the photos of him when he doesn't know he's being photographed. He just looks so relaxed and normal and his hair always looks good in them (when he doesn't have his silly looking bucket hat on). I bought one of those last year and I wouldn't be caught dead in it. Well, I do wear it to mow the lawn. :RedGuy:

As for the "rotting souls" I thought Clay apologized for that remark on GMA so I guess I don't understand why it keeps being brought up. It was a sweeping statement made when he was hurting, he's human and flawed just like the rest of us, and forgivable.

ETA - Are those hooped earrings of Angela's like for pierced ears. She's going to tear her earlobe if they are.

Edited by sheiladownunder
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ADMIN NOTE (it takes awhile because its not like I remember whatever the hell color we put admin notes in...and I'm lazy)

I really believe all of our lovely posters have a fair grasp of normal communication, and therefore this admin post (which I admit is because of the current little brouhaha, but others have approached the line so this is more a heads up than anything.)

One of the side effects of being able to post whatever opinion you have here without being crushed into submission - is that occasionally everybody really does disagree with you. That doesn't mean you're being piled on (frankly, we would stop that) but if it's you against the world, it's you against the world. Maybe the world is wrong, maybe it's right, but it's entitled to it's opinion as well.

And when people make sweeping negative generalizations - it almost never turns out well - because frankly generalizations tend to be wrong when you get down to specifics. Everybody in whatever human subset really doesn't do good or bad activity, behavior, action. When you make a powerful statement, you're going to get a powerful reaction. I am not saying don't make powerful statements, but be prepared to deal with the consequences because considering the diversity of the Clay Nation, you really are very likely going to typing about someone who is a member of the group you are generalizing about. And therefore ARE talking about them specifically. On the other hand, specific people, take overbroad generalizations for what they are worth. Go ahead and shoot 'em down if you want. But also keep in mind, people here in are pretty good at deciding what to take from a variety of comments.

Ha, you eastern seaboard people with those itty-bitty crabs! Too much work, not enough reward. Gimme those Alaskan suckers!

Crab cakes are OK, never met one that rocked my world...

and I think while Clay was in Texas, Kelly pawned cases of the stuff off on him...you know if it was free, it took it!

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hee so our stiletto comes down with a lovely teal color.

yup love Clay with sunglasses...i think its because it emphasizes his beautiful nose and high cheekbones...he looks like a superstah!!!

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Play, while I wouldn't give up a Clay trip for it..>I would love to sample crab cakes all along the eastern seaboard. The best crabcakes I've ever had come from this restaurant - Waterfront Cafe.

The best crab I've ever had comes from my favorite favorite restaurant, Thanh Long. Thanh Long is the original shop front location to the costlier Crustaceons of San Francisco/Beverly Hills..

Hmmmm is that admin note in blue?

So excited for laughn and Bottle. Have fun ladies!!

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I've finally got a bit of time here -- just finished trimming the shrubbery on this beautiful day, and will post now before I start in with my library's copy of Harry Potter. *g*

Me, too, couchie. I really don't believe he despises RCA as much as many seem to believe. He may not be thrilled with what happened with ATDW, but he probably realizes that other major labels probably wouldn't have handled things differently. I think he's learned some lessons and will approach his next album with more experience under his belt. Shifting to a new label (with new personnel, etc.) might mean he'd have to relearn a new system, with all it's own politics and personnel. With RCA, he already knows who's who and where he stands.

ITA with all of this, and I'd even take it a step further with the next album -- that the process will probably not go totally his way either. Sure, he's learned and gotten some more experience, but I feel that there will still be bumps in the road for him during the process for this new CD, and the CD after, and the CD after...and so on, and so on, and scooby dooby dooby. It's part of continuous learning -- something that really never goes away for any of us. Just because he's CLAY AIKEN, SUPERSTAR, doesn't mean these things will stop happening to him. He's human, he'll keep learning and growing and changing, even when he's 80 years old and still making music!

Couchie...maybe he bores easily? Maybe after singing them a bajillion-diggity times he didn't like them as much? I remember hearing an interview with Tina Fey about her experience writing the movie Mean Girls(?) She said the hardest part was wanting to jump in and change everything all the time. It drove her crazy that the things she wrote 6 mos before were, in her opinion, just not funny anymore. She'd lived with them too long.

I've been meaning to comment on this all day cuz it reminded me of the BFM comment Clay made. It's a very good point... Ya know BFM was TWO YEARS AGO... it feels like yesterday, doesn't it? Maybe he liked it then and now he's all meh, does nothing for me partly because he's over it. It's not very uplifting, but I do like the song.

This is a very astute observation, and I wonder if ATD doesn't also fit that pattern as well. I know I get bored easily with some things, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is true....

Meet & Greet stuff I found on CV:

They couldnt hug him tightly cause he was bruised and sore, they didnt say why..its nothing serious, but thats why people are told not to hug him tight(poor baby)

Curious. Very curious.

HE DOESNT LIKE TOUCH..its not the words or anything, he just doesnt like the song..he doesnt really like shine, but he doesnt like touch at all...he likes the rest on MOAM

CG, close your ears....but YAY! Not a big Touch fan either. Shine took me a bit to warm up to, but I really like it now.

Side of the bed he sleeps on is the left(right if you are looking at the bed)

Cool, I could share a bed with him then. *g*

he is NOT a harry potter fan, thinks its so boring he cant get through it.

Clay -- can I read it to you? Please? I'd make it not-so-boring. We can even act out the Hogwarts Strip Poker sequence.

Don't tell Clay there isn't such a scene, OK?

hot dog buns were a luxury item. :cryingwlaughter:

They were at my house growing up too. Same with hamburger buns. Both things put on a couple slices of soft white bread.

but agree about the tartar sauce and cocktail sauce on a crabcake. Actually I don't like anything on my crabcakes...but I haven't come across many places that know how to make them right anyway.

Crabcakes with sauce? Yuck, but whatever. I've not had them that much anyway....since I live in the land of "no crabs."



Just 'cause. *g*

Ok, when I win the lottery I am telling him I will give 1 million dollars to both the BAF and UNICEF if he will give a private concert for some of my closest friends and that he can sing anything he wants (well, except YWT....) as long as he sings TOUCH!

Want to come? :RedGuy:

I volunteer my house for this concert (even though I said I don't like Touch in particular, I'm not STUPID, you know...)

Ok, let's figure out why Clay was all sore and bruised? They were told in Philly not to hug him either.....

Rough sex maybe???


These amuse me greatly for some reason:



He's such a....a....guy. Love him when he's really just being HIM. Or as laughn said....

I love normal guy Clay pictures. I love that they all look like they're just going to pop into the nearest Target and do some shopping or something. Thanks YSRN.

Ok, let's figure out why Clay was all sore and bruised? They were told in Philly not to hug him either.....

Rough sex maybe???

"I'll let you whip me if I misbehave..." :eusa_whistle:

Clay's bus mates forced him to ride to Chautaqua in the luggage compartment because they were tired of watching him itch his re-growing arm and leg hair?

A pick-up basketball game with the violin section got out of hand? [Maybe Clay was on the "Skins" team... ]


The trummy gets a workout....yum...


:F_05BL17blowkiss: to all of you, non-pods and pods alike!

And KAndre, that color looks really good on you....

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kandre and I are on the same wave length with the hot dogs. Best way to eat them is with chili and cheese. Of course we differ about the onions. I will add onions to mine.

A sandwich isn't a sandwich to me unless it has mayo lettuce tomato and onion and cheese.

I love crab and lobster. Any way you fix it. I've gained back the weight I lost from the Aiken Diet. No surprise there. Hee

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Has anyone else noticed that Clay seems to be missing a tooth? I was just now watching a video from Chautaugua of Everything I Have by Jojoct and about 1:30 into it she gets really close on his face (the right side) and it looks like there's a tooth missing. I went back to a close-up from Houston to make sure and yep, something has happened to his pretty teeth.

I'm wondering if maybe he took a fall and damaged his teeth. Could explain why he's sore and bruised.......maybe?

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somebody stop me..I'm coming up with silly on the road podcast ideas heee

yes please stop her..she wants to record our drunken enthusiastic reactions to the show!!!!


growing up in the Philippines...hotdogs was known more as a breakfast food. I used to loved having it in between slices of bread with mayo. My favorite way of eating it growing up...hot dog on a stick...not with the cornbatter wrapping either...just fried hotdog on a stick with mayo or ketchup. Now...I eat hotdogs on a bun anyway...the works...but I do love onions.

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Hey, keepingfaith's got the "Party All Night" avi! Wooo Hooo!
I not only have the avi ... I have the big siggie at OFC. I jes LOVE myself some thrusting pelvic action from Clay Aiken.

I watched the current Clack from Chaugaugua this morning and then went back and watched that old Hometown Connection where Clay is talking about being jealous of Frankie Munoz and Lee Ann Rimes because he's almost 21 and isn't young and cute anymore! Then back to watching Clay on this summer tour and I get such deep satisfaction from it.

Clay pumped up his concert at The Greek in an OFC blog a few weeks back, and if he keeps gathering steam on this tour, he may just explode all over LA. I'm sure he knows that industry people will be at The Greek and I wish to goodness I could be there too. But I know he'll be spectacular, because that's just what he is every single night.

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I am sooooooooo far behind with my clack! Can anyone recommend some from each of the NY shows - you know, the not to be missed clack? Then I can at least download that and go back slowly for more.

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I am sooooooooo far behind with my clack! Can anyone recommend some from each of the NY shows - you know, the not to be missed clack? Then I can at least download that and go back slowly for more.

jojocts HYCA from Chatagaga (hee) is exciting and magical.

I also like her BYLM from that same show because of the banter in the beginning and the symphony's faces...and because that song is growing on me - damn him.

And the Classics from Canandaigua (or whatever it's called - Rochester!) are pretty entertaining too... he's really getting better at all of it (except OPP, which I think he's actually getting worse at. LOL! But it's ok... that whole damn thing is growing on me too - damn him.


I love that nut.

I kinda sorta maybe see what you mean, txflwrgirl, but not really. Heh. I'll have to study more. :)


Er, Um, I vaguely remember something about some canfly Syracuse IWTKWLI clack and some package shots or something, but I just ran into them and um, er, yeah. Heh. Knowing how she loves her some of that, I bet she is mightily proud. :lol:

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jojocts HYCA from Chatagaga (hee) is exciting and magical.

I also like her BYLM from that same show because of the banter in the beginning and the symphony's faces...and because that song is growing on me - damn him.

Heh...I was just going to come in here and recommend the same two clips. The entrance of his during HYCA, in front of the pipe from that massive pipe organ, really is thrilling. (BONUS: at the beginning of the clip, jojoct scans the crowd, and I managed to find lickiest1 and her daughter in the second row!) And that BYLM has some pretty, pretty close-ups during the second verse. Yummy. (And I've always loved that song, so for him to dedicate it to MEEEE as a fan makes me schmoopie.)

CG, are you looking for stunning vocals? Silly humor? Or eyef***s? That would help to know this. I tend to go for the "silly humor," so most of my downloads have been of the two medleys.

ETA... Er, Um, I vaguely remember something about some canfly Syracuse IWTKWLI clack and some package shots or something, but I just ran into them and um, er, yeah. Heh. Knowing how she loves her some of that, I bet she is mightily proud. :lol:

*scurries off to download*

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jojocts HYCA from Chatagaga (hee) is exciting and magical.

I also like her BYLM from that same show because of the banter in the beginning and the symphony's faces...and because that song is growing on me - damn him.

Heh...I was just going to come in here and recommend the same two clips. The entrance of his during HYCA, in front of the pipe from that massive pipe organ, really is thrilling. (BONUS: at the beginning of the clip, jojoct scans the crowd, and I managed to find lickiest1 and her daughter in the second row!) And that BYLM has some pretty, pretty close-ups during the second verse. Yummy. (And I've always loved that song, so for him to dedicate it to MEEEE as a fan makes me schmoopie.)

CG, are you looking for stunning vocals? Silly humor? Or eyef***s? That would help to know this. I tend to go for the "silly humor," so most of my downloads have been of the two medleys.

ETA... Er, Um, I vaguely remember something about some canfly Syracuse IWTKWLI clack and some package shots or something, but I just ran into them and um, er, yeah. Heh. Knowing how she loves her some of that, I bet she is mightily proud. :lol:

*scurries off to download*

Thanks for the recommendations! Downloading now. And Ldyj, the answer to your question is yes. Love the stunning vocals. Love the silly humor. Love the eyef***s. Basically, I'm easy!

ETA: Just watched recommended clack from last night by jojoct. VERY nice. Loved the entrance. He does love entering from unusual places, doesn't he? The voice sounds so rich too!

Now the shallow part - the hair is beginning to look better but he does seem to have developed a bit of a pot belly. His shirts seem to starin a bit around his middle. Now, I don't mind it when his pants strain a bit in the front (heh) but he better watch it cause he's getting a gut and as some of us kow, as you age, those guts get harder to get rid of!

But I still love him.

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My God, y'all need to stop posting so much. ;) Seriously, it's taken me a couple of hours of sitting here to catch up on main alone. But hey, what else am I supposed to do while I am downloading 99 videos? Hee, I queued 'em up in GetRight and that was the count. Holy shit. Thank God for George, John and Paul! (my three external hard drives)

ldyjocelyn, thanks for the heads up about the jojoct Chautauqua clack. It is really quite strange to see yourself (and your daughter) on camera. I also saw us on some Canandaigua stuff, too. So far, nothing incriminating. :P Oh, and I love those backstage pictures with the sunglasses. I know exactly where they were taken! And he was wearing the exact same outfit last night when he walked the bus line. Cool.

The trummy gets a workout....yum...


O.M.G. How do I miss these things? I saw no skin in Chautauqau at all!

I don't even know where to begin to weigh in on all the discussions that have been going on here in the past few days. It's really different, being off the boards, and hearing all this stuff through the grapevine. It's also pretty amazing how fast word travels. I knew about Clay letting the m&g people listen to a new song while we were sitting at the venue, before the concert even started. I had a pretty good idea what the "new" song was going to be, too, since some people had read the set list the night before with Sorry blacked out. I heard all the interpretations of the new album and RCA stuff from m&g stories. I heard about Clay being bruised and not to hug him too hard. I heard about the lack of arm/body hair. Hee, when you are on the road with a bunch of crazy Clay fans, you don't need the internet! :cryingwlaughter:

Yesterday at Chautauqua, I heard a cute story in line about some fans running into Jerome at a Walmart the day before. Apparently he was first spotted in the DVD aisle (but they couldn't remember what DVD he was buying) and then his cell phone rang and whoever was on the other end (Clay? Mary? who knows) was making him check things off of a hand written list in his pocket. Hee, it just kind of cracked me up. One of the things he was also spotted looking at was a toaster. Maybe the one in the bus broke? :lol:

Ok, down to the serious business.......I definitely think that personal filters are always in place whenever anyone is relating something that Clay said. For that reason, I take everything with a little grain of salt, but file it away as a possibility for safe keeping. Some things seem more reasonable to me than others, because they fit the vision of Clay that I have. That doesn't make my vision any more right than anyone else's vision, of course. But we all are different, and we all are going to interpret and hear things differently based on our own personal filters. One of these days, I would like to be one the people who are lucky enough to hear something from Clay first hand. :RedGuy:

So Clay apparently said he doesn't like Touch or Shine? Well, I like them both. Shine is one of my favourites from MOAM and I thought he killed on it live during the NaT. I was priveledged to hear it. Doesn't sound like it will happen again anytime soon. I used to hold up signs with lots of other people begging Clay to sing Touch, until he made it pretty clear in Meadville that it wasn't funny anymore, so I stopped. I can live without hearing it live. No biggie. BFM? I loved it on the JBT, I pumped my fists with the best of them. Would it have translated as well as a studio song? Maybe not. But, like some others have expressed, I think it's time has passed. Let it go. TRD? Love it. Would love to hear a studio version some day. I also loved JY. Hardly anyone even seems to remember that one anymore.

If it is true that Clay said he may have to fight to get what he wants on his next album, that doesn't surprise me one bit. I never expected that he wouldn't. I never really bought into the "he made a deal with Clive" theories either. I don't think that what's going on between him and RCA is any different than what goes on between most artists and their labels. That's just the way things go. And I have stated a few times that i don't expect the new album before early 2009, so if it takes 2 years, that seems about right to me. Like couchie, I think it would be awesome if he could tour in the meantime, because it keeps the fans happy, and I think he enjoys it as well. I love having more concerts already on my calendar when the current tour ends....it makes me happy and gives me something to look forward to.

So I have tonight and tomorrow off and then Monday I am back on the road to Sterling Heights. I can hardly wait! It's so addictive, going to back-to-back shows like I did this week. Quite a high. I loved it. But I am exhausted and am hoping to get a nice sleep in my own bed tonight, that's for sure.

OK y'all have made me hungry with the hot dog and crab cake talk. For the record, I prefer my hot dogs with cheez whiz and onions, and I'd take crab cakes any way I could get them! They aren't too common around here.......

ETA that I am thrilled to hear that laughn and bottlecap are attending tonight's show in Columbus. Have a blast!!!!

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he may just explode all over LA.

He does love entering from unusual places, doesn't he?

Geez...I'm away from this place for a few hours and the place goes to Smutville and back without me. :medium-smiley-070:

So has anyone blown up that pic of Clay's gut to see if he shaved the trummy, too? :whistling-1:

Quick softball update....team won 2-1 this morning...in that game and last night's, Carrie pitched 11 innings, allowed 3 hits (2 were bunts), walked only 4 and struck out 20! I'm slightly proud and quite awed by that kid...

This afternoon we played a team from the age division above us (14 and under)...We won 16-2! Carrie didn't pitch and we allowed our two "weaker" pitchers to carry all but one inning of the game. I really felt bad for the other team's girls. They had to take out one of their pitchers because she accidently hit four of our batters...so...

oh Lord....if the girls keep playing like this, I might not make it to the Greek after all...and I really, REALLY want to...

Re: the stiletto admin note in lovely teal, word. And I'd like to add that as someone who has left two boards previously because some posters struggle with strong, opinionated comments---and I'm talking (as KAndre did) of posters writing the comments and posters reading (and interpreting) them. What I LOVE about THIS board, though, is that a misplaced word or reflexive reaction doesn't mean that the entire flow of conversation gets derailed, nor does it become the 'beginning of the end' of fun and sense of humor and mutual respect.

Thank you, all, for contributing to that phenomenon of mature social intercourse.


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