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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Let me guess... "RCA wants him to do another covers album."

Why don't people focus on the statement that two of the songs Clay wants have already been approved? Apparently, there is a report clarifying that RCA offered him a covers album if he wanted to get something out quickly, but he said no. This doesn't seem like an "ultimatum," just an option he chose not to take. A covers album would be much easier to put together than an album of originals. Nothing "mandated" there.

Sounds very positive to me, and Clay seems happy about the situation, so what's all the angst about?

I love you, JennaZ! This and your earlier post made me nod my head in agreement so fast my neck hurts!

I dunno, I was too busy laughing at these parts:

Likewise, Conan contacted Clay wanting to a reconcilatory skit like the JK one, but Clay turned him down too. They are very loyal to each other.

Does, like to find A&Q before show and evesdrop on them and get some stuff against them to use on stage.

Was handed one of those autograph doll which was covered in autographs. He couldn't find a spot to sign. He said.."well the crack is available....and ended up signing his name on butt.


I wouldn't have any album angst even if he said they shackled him to the basement [tm Eeyore sorta] and forced him to sing for his suppah. Didn't have any last time. Never will. Just who I am. He'll be fine. I'll either like it or not. His house will still be bigger than mine.

BWAH! That cracked my up too, twin!

Thanks to those asking about my father. I wasn't going to say anything, but I don't want to ignore you.

He has pancreatic cancer. At his age (almost 87) surgery is not an option. They still have to meet with an oncologist to see what their options are - if there are any. They have put in a stent so he can at least eat some food as the tumor was blocking food from leaving his stomach. I have been doing some reading and frankly, it is unlikely he'll survive a year, or even 6 months. I cannot quite wrap my mind around it. I am worried about my mother too. They have been married 60 years and while she is very strong, at her age (almost 89) this could take a huge toll on her. So much to think about. So much to settle. So much to absorb.

BUT - I do know my father would never ever want me to live my life waiting for him to die, so I am going to Florida and want to laugh and swoon and have a ball. And if I can work it out, I will plan for a Christmas concert. And we'll see what happens.,

I lost a very close friend at the age of 28 in a sky diving accident. I lost a very close friend 2 years ago to cancer. I have lost many dogs, but my beloved Max's loss still hurts after 2 years. This will be tough for me. I have no idea what to expect. I just hope rather than see him waste away, I would rather he die in his sleep of a heart attack or something. I don't want him to suffer or have a "bad death". And I don't want my mother to watch him become a shell of the man she loves. And I know that is what my father fears most.

I guess losing a parent is something we all face. Despite my parents' age, they appeared so healthy and vibrant it was just not something I thought would happen any time soon.

So for now, I am going to try and just have fun with Clay. There will be too much time for pain and sorrow later.

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((((CG and family)))) we're here for you hon. If you need a place to talk about it feel free to post here or start a thread in family matters. I lost my dad but that was quick...massive stroke and I was with him for the week he was in the hospital. I don't know how I would handle this kind of situation. Just know that we are here for you and I think its right...that you should enjoy life while he is around.
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I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend....and just know that you'll be with friends. If you need to cry for a while, I'm sure they will be there for you. And those of us not going to Florida -- we'll be with you in spirit. If you need anything, just holler. And I mean that.

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Loved the latest installment of KAndre and Scarlett show.

Roseviolet is at the show tonight!!

Thanks for your recaps JMH...wonderful!

Can I get a HELL YEAH!????


HELL YEAH :cryingwlaughter:


In the late 70's when Elton John came out and confirmed that he was a gay man, my husband said, "Okay, that's it. I can't support that and there will be no more Elton John albums in my house." So I moved and got a divorce. And I always been grateful to Elton for precipitating one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.


I enjoyed all your posts today keeping faith. Lots of food for thought.

Cha Cha Trusty..thanks for the update on your girls. I know you'll be happy when they are home safe and sound.

KAndre I hope you make it out ok.

Muski: I know your writing gives you lots of pleasure...hopefully it will again soon--whether it be about Clay or something else. For me having stuff to look forward too, usually a vacation. be it a Clayventure or something else...just keeps me upbeat and happy. Googling hotels and attractions and restaurants give me a thrill heee.

keepingfaith--congrats for breaking one of your phobias. I have a fear of night driving and yet I drove to the Sacramento IT to see Clay..and well as ya'll know..it was one of my favorite concerts ever. I feel like I floated all the way home.

Waves at Laughn and Puddins just cuz

Hey Clayzor I've had periods of burnout too... it's always good to step back and take a break... of cousre that means I only spend 1 hour a day on clay rather than 2. heee.

welcome eandpmommy...so I take it your kid's names start with an E and a P?

Playbiller..I think Clay just means...doing something that has a script -- he couldn't be spontaneous..and I think he thrives on changing things up and being off the cuff. He can't do that if other people are waiting for cues for their next line.

OH MAN..Claygasm I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. I love your attitude. And if you need to talk about anything I hope you will with us. If you need anything at all don't hesitate to ask. It might get overwhelming at times..so we'll be here even if you just need a place to unwind.

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{{{CG}}}, I'm so sorry. Sheesh! Y'all just sold the family business, so I thought he was probably in his 60's. Wow--so hard for your mom, and especially for you, so much to deal with. There really are no words. We'll be here for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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Playbiller..I think Clay just means...doing something that has a script -- he couldn't be spontaneous..and I think he thrives on changing things up and being off the cuff. He can't do that if other people are waiting for cues for their next line.

But....But... he wrote the script! And they did keep changing things up.

Claygasm, doctors do not want to give false hope so they give a worst case scenario. Just concentrate on the things you need to get done, you or your mother should have a medical power of attorney, so that the doctors have to answer your questions. Maybe you can have your own thread in the member only area so you post what you need.

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ooooooh... totally forgot to buy my tshirt in Indio. Can somebody going to Florida get one for me....hmmmm now who could do this for me without costing me postage :cryingwlaughter:

I don't know, couchie, but if you find out would you tell me who it is, please? I'm going to be way too busy :hubbahubba: and :Thud: and :medium-smiley-070: over the MAN and I wouldn't mind having a second shirt, myself. :whistling-1:

Hmmm....I guess I could, you know....maybe wash a load of clothes or something...productive like that now, huh? :huh: I mean, instead of surfing the boards and sipping cabernet? :unsure:

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You got friends, twin.

Please don't hold back on our account, but if you want privacy about it, I can understand that too. Share whatever, however, whenever you need...and I'll hope for a painless ordeal for your father and all of you.

I'm much better, ldyj. Much better. Thanks!

Have fun all you that are venturing to Florida. Yet again, I'm jellus, but it's a hell of a lot easier when I can live vicariously through you all. Good luck with your flight, keepingfaith. And keep safe eHP!!

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Specially for Artquest, but fun for everyone, in this thread at the CB are a bunch of pics of Clay singing to flat Clay, plus a few of the three of them singing to it as well. You can't see flat Clay in the pics, but the angles are great to capture the feeling.

The best one, IMO:


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Hey Claygasm, every time Mary screams on SYTYCD my mom asks about you heee. She was so happy to have someone around who doesn't care for her either.

hmmmm did I really just see a commerical that told me to have a happy period? Alrighty then.

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Recap from CV's wandacleo:

It was unbelievably hot at the venue--I'm not kidding. I swear, there was no air moving. I don't think I've ever seen trees where NO LEAVES were moving at all.

The concert started about 20 minutes late but people continued to come in after the concert started. I swear they were waiting for dark to see if it got cooler. I heard someone say they had sold 4000 seats, which, I believe, is pretty good for the symphony--especially considering it was hotter than hades and no one in his/her right mind should have been outside.

Clay was in fine voice tonight. The whole front and center part of the audience were sitting at tables and eating and drinking (and some even brought vases of flowers for the tables--this must be a Southern thing. We couldn't believe our eyes!) Anyhow, the central audience seemed plastered into their seats in the beginning, and I know that's hard for Clay, but we had as BIG group of Claymates on the right and we were prepared with bubbles for his entry, big lip fans for "When I see you smile" and glow sticks at the end, so we gave him a rousing welcome.

Highpoints: (keep in mind I'm paraphrasing)

He told about how a bug got in Angela's "bra" and she said it might still be there and was happy. Clay said, "It smothered!" and was so pleased with himself.

One young girl had a sign that she chose Clay over a car for her birthday, and he read the sign and asked about that, and the girl had to choose between going to see him and getting a car for her 16th or 17th birthday, so he made the mother stand up and asked her if she thought that was fair because he was so much cheaper. Then, he tried to convince her that she should give the girl the car anyway and described her, "the woman in the gray sweater" so we'd know who she was to pick on her. Then when he sang "Without You", he sang, "Without a car, I can't go anywhere" or something to that affect. He dedicated the song to the girl for her birthday. Some guy called out, "What about the Volvo?" and Clay said, "What about the Volvo? That sounds dirty. You can't say that to a woman. You need to enunciate." Then he looked at A & Q and said, "I'm going to get into trouble for that, aren't I" and they were shaking their heads and agreeing.


There were quite a lot of men, and I paid attention. At the beginning of the concert, most were just looking or not paying to much attention, but they started walking up with the TV medley and were having a good time and really getting into the classics for the most part.

The classics were classic. He was in FINE form--just milking it for all he was worth. No whip (sad to say as I was looking foward to that!) but he did made a good whipping motion, and when he did the "Party all night" he REALLY did good.

Oh, yes, he remarked about the heat a number of times and said how HOT it was on stage and that he was dying. He was so happy after the TV medley when he whipped the jacket off. He said he had been waiting to do that all night and then proceded to unbutton his sleeves and roll them up. (Hubba hubba!)

During TWYMMF, Clay came off the stage and down the small aisle right in front of all of us frantically happy Claymates on the right side. He ended right in front of my little group--Maggie and Fran are heading back to NZ tomorrow, so they were beside themselves with joy that they got to see him so close.

Clay did say that they had gone to see M. Buble last night and that Atlanta must like Buble better because he got to sing inside and Clay had to sing out in the heat.

MOAM, "Without You", "Lover All Alone" all were just beautiful. Amazing.

"Because You Loved Me"--there were glow sticks all over the place and he and his "ladies" seemed very pleased.

We didn't have to wait too long for the handshake line. HE HAS NEW SHORTS!!!!! Dark ones (navy? black?) They fit his butt very nicely, I might add.

I must go to bed now as we have to go to the airport to fly to FL very early, so I'm sorry I can't give more report. I hope this tides you over.

OH YES, Bangs, couldn't tell about stubble, jeans, white striped shirt, that grey jacket.

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Yeay! eandpmommy is joining us! I've been bragging to her about this place and all you women, so be sure to say hello, 'kay? This is the wonderful So. Cal woman whom I got to know through EAYOR in 2004 (no, she doesn't read clorn, why do you ask? :whistling-1: )...and she's been working her tail off for the BAF fundraising effort...

So glad you're here, Lisa! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :me0:

Oh My -what away to make a first impression blush2.gif but yeah I have to admit that's where I found Muski in the clorn section. Thanks for the big welcome-you know I love ya dearly-have a wonderful time in Florida you lucky gal you!

welcome eandpmommy that bottle looks cool good luck on this fund raiser.
Thank you Ansamcw and yes the water bottle is cool-literally-it actually keeps you water really really cold for hours.

Thanks for the welcome... JennaZ

YAY!!!! Look who is here - eandpmommy!!!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

It was sooooooooooooo good seeing you again in California!

And ladies - this woman's hubby makes a mean (and very strong....) cosmo!

Glad to see you here. This is a great place and I think you'll like it here.

Hey CG yes it was wonderful to see you as well-I wish we could of had more time together

And yes dear hubby does "do" the cosmos right :trink3: :trink4: :704: :bier: :juul::drinking71:

Good Lord you guys have a lot of drinking emoticons on this board-If that is any indication how you all are I will fit in quite nicely-cheers.gifI love it Wooo Hooo!!!

I am so sorry to hear about your dad {{{hug}}}. I am sending you many prayers and positive thoughts for you and your family. Enjoy our time in Florida

welcome eandpmommy...so I take it your kid's names start with an E and a P?
Yes Kinda my sons name is Enzo and my daughters nick name is Pie-because she looked like an Eskimo when she was born and we all called her Eskimo Pie so Pie stuck with us. And I have to admit she really is a Cutie Pie

Thanks to all for making me feel so welcomed

Looking forward to catching up and joining in a bit more



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Nah, I'm not worried about that at all. My biggest fear is getting on the plane Friday morning because while I don't have many fears or phobias, flying is a huge one for me. I left a job and changed careers to stay off of airplanes. Only Clay could give me the courage to get back on, because I'm getting on an airplane for the first time in over ten years to see Clay this weekend. Yes, Clayzor, I'm doing it!

ETA Questions:

(1) Where is Karen Eh? And will she be in Florida? and

(2) LadyJ, why don't you and the hubby hop over to the Sunshine State this weekend. You know you want to.

keepingfaith, I'm here. Here being up in Nova Scotia at my sister's. I arrived last night after pulling two 13 hour days on the road from Knoxville. (I hate flying, too.) I wish I was going to be in Florida this weekend but I'm happy to be up here and seeing my kids again.

This has been the most fun summer of all. I can't believe that my concert run is over so fast and that the tour is in its last week. No fair!! I haven't been on line a whole lot with all of the traveling and what not, so now I'm in full clack absorption mode. When I'm taking pix at a concert it doesn't feel like I'm missing a thing but when I get the videos and watch the shows that I attended, I find all these new little gems. I love it! Sometimes it feels like the first time all over again. Does that make sense? Anyway, it's time for me to hang out in the coolness of the Atlantic Canadian summer (it was 12C out there tonight). I hope to get some recaps written.....probably once I've got this bottle of Biltmore Merlot into me.

I have so much catching up to do.....not sure if it's even possible at this point....so I guess moving on is the best plan, eh? I'll wish those of you going to Florida the best time ever and sit here patiently waiting for clack. I'm good at that patiently waiting thing.


Welcome eandpmommy!!

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Just checking in from Orlando to say hi and post underneath Karen Eh? whom I'll dearly miss this weekend. The last couple of near-misses (Waukegan and Newark) got me so stressed that I high-tailed it out of TX last night, arriving just after midnight here in Orlando. It feels so strange to be alone in a hotel room during a concert weekend.

I really want to enjoy these last shows completely but already I'm v. sad that the summer's coming to an end. So much joy, and yet never quite enough.


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From Notacanuck at CH, a PR about the 5th grader show.

Multi-platinum Recording Artist Clay Aiken Slated for Celebrity Edition of Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Multi-platinum recording artist Clay Aiken will be testing his mental mettle against a group of brainy fifth graders. Mr. Aiken, co-founder of The Bubel/Aiken Foundation (TBAF), is slated to appear on the upcoming celebrity version of Fox's hit game show, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

Aiken will be playing to raise money for TBAF which will receive a minimum $25,000 for Clay's appearance. But Aiken plans on earning much more for his foundation. The Foundation earns money for each question Clay answers correctly. Should he correctly answer all 11 questions, the Foundation will earn one million dollars.

"We're excited about Clay's appearance on the show to fundraise for the Foundation. Fox has given us a great opportunity to move closer to our goal of 100 Let's ALL Play camps in 2008. Clay's appearance will also gain exposure for our goals of full inclusion. Of course we're hoping to win the million, but Clay's being part of their hit show will be great for the Foundation either way," said Jerry Aiken, executive director, TBAF.

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation's Let's ALL Play initiative brings an inclusive recreational and learning experience to all children by giving children with developmental disabilities the same summer camp experience.

Children of all abilities come together to participate in recreational activities including swimming, baseball, archery, arts and crafts, physical fitness, and community service. Let's ALL Play encourages children's organizations nationwide to move toward full inclusion by offering as a resource a tested, successful, comprehensive model supported through specialized training.

Let's ALL Play has become a viable option for YMCAs and other children's organizations nationwide which seek the ideal of becoming fully inclusive. The goal is to implement inclusive recreational programs nationwide to reach thousands of children with 100 camps by 2008.

Hosted by comedian Jeff Foxworthy, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? airs on Fox's Thursday night lineup. Aiken will be taping his appearance August 28th with the Celebrity Edition airing to be announced later. The season's premiere is slated for September 6, 8pm Eastern and 9pm Central.

About The Bubel/Aiken Foundation: The Bubel/Aiken Foundation serves to bridge the gap that exists between young people with special needs and the world around them. The Foundation supports communities with inclusive programs and works to create awareness about the possibilities that inclusion can bring. For more information visit the Foundation on line at http://www.bubelaiken.org.

So, do we have any FCAers attending tonight's concert? :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

Is anyone from FCA going to pledge any money for this? I will pledge $1.00 for each correct answer and challenge other members to do the same, for our FCA Alpha.

Anyway I agree with your sentiment but the most popular interpretation I've read is that CLay is saying all these songs are trash and he can sing them all better than the original but he has been boxed in by his label..This is what I read in NOT FAN sites by fans spreading the word. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they are wrong. But whatever Clay is trying to say it surely is getting interpreted a thousand different ways. :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH, that some interesting interpretation. I wonder if Clay is getting a chuckle out of all of the different interpretations....I hope so.

Nice post, JennaZ, especially this.

I think it's been what he's been telling us in every concert. He's not cool. He sings slooooow songs. He's cheesy enough to love TV show theme songs. For those who want him to be Justin Timberlake, he's going to show how absurd that notion is

Just saw this posted on CH. EEEEEE! It's in NYC. We need clack.

From Striped Shirts at CV:

Check this out:


A concert of Neil's songs performed

by Neil and many friends.

Friday, October 26

at Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center


Natalie Cole

Clay Aiken

Captain & Tennille

David Foster

w/ Renne Olstead

The Bad Plus

Raul Mideon

...plus more to be announced

Produced by Michael Dorf

100% of the net proceeds will benefit

VIP tickets all include access to the special Artist Reception after the concert plus the best orchestra and box tickets available. Limited to the first 200 people. All but $175.00 of the ticket is a tax deductible.

Platinum Circle Tickets $2,500

Gold Circle Tickets $1,000

Silver Circle Tickets $500

VIP Tickets $250

Regular tickets range from $140 to $40 at Lincoln Center Box Office

To reserve VIP seats

I always thought that one day there would be a Neil Sedaka tribute, and that Clay would participate.

I can't go to this, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be televised.

I loved Neil in his day and I always thought Clay would get together with him, sooner or later. Any bets on which one of Neil's song Clay will sing? Hee

That whole thing with Janet Jackson left me with a Timberlake is a f****ng coward taste as he tried to pretend he had nothing planned and it was either her fault or an accident. No gentleman there.

I was actually so pissed at Justin and his cowardness, that I sent one of those nasty emails to McDonald's. I told them I would no longer eat in their establishment until they got a new spokesperson who was a more family friendly role model, Of course I suggested Clay Aiken. :eusa_whistle:

I am beginning to process my photos...... here's a taste! :Thud:


I played with it a bit.........

theater.gif . :TourExcite:

cha cha, Happy Belated Birthday to you. I hope your girls arrive home soon. Safe and sound. Thanks for this gorgeous picture.

I never got google alerts, but I used to google Clay every day. Not anymore, and I'm much happier for it!

I stopped googling Clay ages ago. Somebody else is always going to, and post the good finds, anyway. I realized that a lot of people just put his name in to get the hits and he wasn't always mentioned in a friendly light. So pffft to them. I don't miss it either.

No, this one is right off the coast of Texas - fellow eHPers are bailing out of town tonight but I have family obligations. I'm gonna try and leave, but I don't know if I can - I'm hoping the bastard magically disappears.

KAndre, I hope you make it out of Texas safe and sound. I haven't had a chance to watch the news yet.

ETA: OMGosh, I've been promoted. Dog walker no more!!

Dang, 500 posts not to be a dog walker. Somebody is cold blooded. :cryingwlaughter:

Oooh looks to see how close I am to being promoted.

Let me guess... "RCA wants him to do another covers album."

Why don't people focus on the statement that two of the songs Clay wants have already been approved? Apparently, there is a report clarifying that RCA offered him a covers album if he wanted to get something out quickly, but he said no. This doesn't seem like an "ultimatum," just an option he chose not to take. A covers album would be much easier to put together than an album of originals. Nothing "mandated" there.

Sounds very positive to me, and Clay seems happy about the situation, so what's all the angst about?

I noticed that some people have been claiming that Clay has already started working on his cd and has songs already done, etc. So I find it fascinating that Clay says they just now have the first two songs approved by RCA and Clive. :cryingwlaughter: Some people just can't buy a clue. I think he had options with ATDW too.

{{{{Claygasm, }}}} my heart goes out to you.

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((((((Claygasm and Family)))))) - I pray for strength and comfort and wisdom for you all.

Safe trips to the Floridia concert-goers - may you and all your bling and especially your Clack Gathering devices travel easily.


muskifest, I hope the muse strikes again. I made the mistake of starting to read your psychological epic drama Nothing But the Truth right before the concerts started and just finished it this week. I say it was a mistake to start it then, because your story was competing for my attention with the cellcerts some evenings. I swear, when I was deep into some of the really tough parts of the saga, I would watch the Clack and momentarily wonder how Clay could appear to be so happy on stage when he was going through major trauma in his personal life. Then I would remember: "Hey, it's just a work of fiction. None of that really happened!" I even flinched involuntarily when I heard a Kimberley Locke song on the muzak at the mall. Gripping stuff.

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First and foremost, thank you all for the hugs and the kind thoughts and the prayers and the caring. I don't like to talk too much about my life on the boards when its not good because to me these boards are for fun and laughter and lusting and smut and drooling and extrapolating and ooooooooooooing and ahhhhhhhhhhing. And I don't want to do anything to bring that all to a halt. But since I did this time, I cannot tell you all how much it means to me to know you care.

I am sure there will be times when I may feel I have to talk. I don't open up too easily about things and I hate leaning on others. There are only one or two people I feel I can do that with - and even then with some restraint. BUt if I do feel I want to let something out here I may just go to another thread for that. FCA is my happy place and I want to keep it that way since I suspect I will need a happy place to escape to in the coming months.

{{{{FCA}}}} I love you guys. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hey Claygasm, every time Mary screams on SYTYCD my mom asks about you heee. She was so happy to have someone around who doesn't care for her either.

hmmmm did I really just see a commerical that told me to have a happy period? Alrighty then.

Hee!! I can't believe your mom and I are the only ones who can't stand Mary's screams!!! Too bad she and I couldn't always watch SYTYCD together!

The "happy period" commercial? Well, you KNOW it was written by a man..... :RedGuy:

Off to work.....

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I almost forgot -- keepingfaith, if I could 1) convince my hubby that Florida is really quite pleasant this time of the year; 2) postpone school starting for another week; and 3) justify being in Florida after visiting my sister there earlier in the year, I would SOOOOOOOOOO be there. Alas, the main problem is really the school thing. It's incredibly hard to ask for time off at this time of the year without a political mess.

Anyway, I hope you have a safe flight (with very little turbulence) and a fantastic time seeing boyfriend!

The best one, IMO:


That is one fantastic picture. What a great captured moment.

I really want to enjoy these last shows completely but already I'm v. sad that the summer's coming to an end. So much joy, and yet never quite enough.

That really sums it up for me too. It's never enough with Clay Aiken.

Regarding the Google alerts -- I still get the news once a day, and I can usually tell if the article is going to be complimentary or not just through a quick sentence or two. The thing is, the ones that I can tell AREN'T -- I just let them roll off my back. OK, I might get upset for about 30 seconds...but then I delete the alert and it's "out of sight, out of mind." I also feel that I should keep getting the alerts, because there's just as much good stuff out there that might be missed. It's a balancing act.

CG and family -- you will be in my prayers.

OK, I actually need to get to work today. Heh.

*crosses fingers for some clack and pictures from last night*

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Playbiller..I think Clay just means...doing something that has a script -- he couldn't be spontaneous..and I think he thrives on changing things up and being off the cuff. He can't do that if other people are waiting for cues for their next line.

But....But... he wrote the script! And they did keep changing things up.

Yep, he wrote it, but I'm sure after a week or two of performing it he was itching to ad lib. *g*

Recap from CV's wandacleo:

It was unbelievably hot at the venue--I'm not kidding. I swear, there was no air moving. I don't think I've ever seen trees where NO LEAVES were moving at all.

The concert started about 20 minutes late but people continued to come in after the concert started. I swear they were waiting for dark to see if it got cooler. I heard someone say they had sold 4000 seats, which, I believe, is pretty good for the symphony--especially considering it was hotter than hades and no one in his/her right mind should have been outside.

Loved this recap....quite a different take on the attendance numbers than I've read elsewhere. 4000 is nothing to sneeze at.

my sons name is Enzo and my daughters nick name is Pie-because she looked like an Eskimo when she was born and we all called her Eskimo Pie so Pie stuck with us. And I have to admit she really is a Cutie Pie

Welcome! Cute story about your kids names.

Is anyone from FCA going to pledge any money for this? I will pledge $1.00 for each correct answer and challenge other members to do the same, for our FCA Alpha.

Yep, I pledged when it was first announced. You don't have to specify the Beta Alpha chapter until you actually donate, which is good, becoss I forgot! :blush:

I noticed that some people have been claiming that Clay has already started working on his cd and has songs already done, etc. So I find it fascinating that Clay says they just now have the first two songs approved by RCA and Clive. :cryingwlaughter: Some people just can't buy a clue. I think he had options with ATDW too.

Yep, it doesn't sound all that different of a situation, to me. I think last time RCA gave him options and he opted to get something out as quick as possible, hence the cover "mandate". I mean, the fans were crying for an album, and it had already been 3 years since MOAM. This time, they gave him the same options, but he isn't in as much of a rush, and he's seen the fans' reaction to covers, so he is choosing to go with originals, as long as they will approve them, even if it takes a long time. I just hope that those people who are so adamant that he not record another cover song remember that they said they would rather wait.....if there is one thing this fanbase is not known for, it is patience. The one thing I wonder about is whether last time, they didn't get the songs approved until the end, and hence the problems, whereas this time, they are getting them approved on a song by song basis. I bet last time was quite the learning experience for both Clay and Jaymes.

{{{{Claygasm }}}} I know how tough that type of family situation is.

Well I am going to try and buckle down today and get some work done. I burned a bunch of full audio mp3s from some of the recent shows and brought the cd to work with me...I'm hoping it helps keep me off the boards. :medium-smiley-070:

ETA: EEEEEE! I just noticed I've been upgraded from Personal Manager to Executive Producer!

Edited by lickiest1
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Is anyone from FCA going to pledge any money for this? I will pledge $1.00 for each correct answer and challenge other members to do the same, for our FCA Alpha.

Yep, I pledged when it was first announced. You don't have to specify the Beta Alpha chapter until you actually donate, which is good, becoss I forgot! :blush:

I noticed that some people have been claiming that Clay has already started working on his cd and has songs already done, etc. So I find it fascinating that Clay says they just now have the first two songs approved by RCA and Clive. :cryingwlaughter: Some people just can't buy a clue. I think he had options with ATDW too.

Yep, it doesn't sound all that different of a situation, to me. I think last time RCA gave him options and he opted to get something out as quick as possible, hence the cover "mandate". I mean, the fans were crying for an album, and it had already been 3 years since MOAM. This time, they gave him the same options, but he isn't in as much of a rush, and he's seen the fans' reaction to covers, so he is choosing to go with originals, as long as they will approve them, even if it takes a long time. I just hope that those people who are so adamant that he not record another cover song remember that they said they would rather wait.....if there is one thing this fanbase is not known for, it is patience. The one thing I wonder about is whether last time, they didn't get the songs approved until the end, and hence the problems, whereas this time, they are getting them approved on a song by song basis. I bet last time was quite the learning experience for both Clay and Jaymes.

I agree totally...first, that some people will just never get a clue, and secondly that the last go-round with ATDW must have been a huge learning experience. I figure the teacher in him must appreciate that. I know the teacher in me does. I am more than excited that the first two songs have been approved. To me that means that someone's on the same page and that seems to be a good start.

In response to Clazorback's pledge comment up there...I pledged too. I didn't know about FCA having a Alpha chapter, but I'll be glad to direct my pledge in that direction when the time comes...and I figure out how. LOL

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Thanks CLAYZOR for the reminder. I will also make a pledge for each right answer. the deadline is August 21st. Our beta-alpha chapter name is FCA-MAD.

TBAF Issues "Fifth Grader" ChallengeAs you may be aware, Bubel/Aiken Foundation co-founder Clay Aiken is appearing on a celebrity edition of "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" hosted by Jeff Foxworthy on FOX. The show will air later, but Clay is taping his episode on August 28. For more info on the show, copy and paste this web address into your internet browser:


Beyond receiving the amazing expos

ure the show will bring, the Foundation will receive at least a $25,000 donation from the show. Anything beyond the $25,000 that Clay earns by answering "elementary" questions will also be donated to the Foundation. He will need to answer 6 questions to get beyond the minimum. 11 questions correct means the Foundation will receive a $1 MILLION check from the show.

We would like to issue a challenge to all of you. We would like you to pledge an amount for each correct answer Clay gives on the show. Whether it's 50 cents or 100 dollars, every amount will help us get closer to our goal of 100 Let's ALL Play camps in 2008.

If you would like to make a pledge, simply reply to this email, pledge@bubelaiken.org, with your pledge amount. We would like to receive all pledges by August 21 when we will announce the total pledges made. After the show, we will announce the number of correct answers (we're going to assume 11) and then you can make your donations online at www.bubelaiken.org or send in a check or money order to:

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation

ATTN: Smarter Pledge

8601 Six Forks Road

Suite 400

Raleigh, NC 27615

If you are a member of a Beta Alpha Chapter, you can include the chapter name with your donation and your chapter will receive the credit.

Also, and this is a big ALSO, why not take this opportunity to pass on this challenge to your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors? This not only will help with this particular drive, but can also spread more awareness about the Foundation.

Thank you so much for your support!


Aron Hall

Director Services

Laughn: You either have to send in a check with FCA_MAD on the memo line OR after you make payment by credit card - forward a copy of the receipt to TBAF and let them know the chapter name. A lot of our donations in the past didn't get credited to us because we thought just putting it the chapter name during the credit card process would suffice. We found out differently later but since it's about the charity and not us we just figured lesson learned for next time.

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