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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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GREAT pics Alice!! YUMMY!!

The blue shirt is the best one eva. And not just because I got to see it live and in person and tucked into the jeans of extreme low-riderness at Sterling Heights. It's also a bit of a tease, that shirt. I was watching it closely towards the end of the concert as it edged ever so close to becoming completely untucked and perhaps providing the definitive answer to the boxers or briefs debate. Those jeans, they were low... :Thud:

Just looked at the ebay auction on the sheet music. It's already up over $1,000 and it's only the first day!

Why wasn't I born rich???????????/

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Muski, you're so welcome on the ticket! I'm glad it was a good seat - I thought it would be. We only bought those closer ones the afternoon of.... Good thing I'm not running a tally of $$, though it wasn't horrible for that ticket. Yes, he was SOOOOO CLOSE!! :allgood: Great NJU story!! I don't always speak up to folks I don't know, so it's better that you were in that seat! You got a GREAT story out of it! :da_best: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thank y'all for the picture compliments! It was fun! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Plus, and this one really irks me, whatever he does say people will expect to be set in stone...like the ten commandments...and lord help us all if for some reason of a non-nefarious nature the plans changed. People just can't seem to realize that Clay's life is no different than any of ours. His life is fluid, ebbs and flows...He might want to lose those 15 lbs by Christmas, and he might have told everyone he was going to try, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. Wait a minute...that was me...never mind.

Anyhow..I'm sure he and the crew are all working on that early 2008 CD release, but if it doesn't happen, I hope people will realize it may not be because the powers of evil have taken over the universe.

Great post, laughn! In fact, I tend to wonder whether Clay has become more cautious about what plans he reveals. I suspect the reason he didn't disclose the "developments" he discussed is because until they're confirmed, signed, and irrevocably set, they're still subject to change. And any changes or delays tend to cause the fandom to spin into a cycle of anger, angst, and blame.

I do enjoy learning bits about the music industry. However, I've grown to be very wary about how such knowledge gets applied to Clay's situation. This from Couchie's cousin makes a lot of sense to me:

There is no paint by the numbers way to say how things will be worked and promoted. Every artist is different. Every artist contract is different. The players involved for each artist may be different.

She also said that every label is different. Bottom line, I find it perilous to make assumptions based on a distant knowledge base, no matter how many articles or message boards one reads.

I understand the desire to know everything related to Clay. I realize that many are motivated by a desire to help and support him in his career. However, I don't think we should ever forget that, for the most part, we are all just amateurs and outsiders, with only a fraction of the knowledge of his situation. And I just can't get worked up over, what seems so often to me, to be merely speculation wrapped in rumor presented with questionable authority.

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stpteach....I actually agree with you. The one thing that kept me riveted in the message board and following Clay is all the stuff we have learned about the music industry. I LOOOOOVE to speculate and discuss and debate. When there is true discussion...when it is clear we are only speculating and when the debate is not personal.

Its just that last year...people were not discussing ...they were angsting and getting angry and just wanted to get bogged down by the anti-RCA rhetorics that it became painful to discuss the business behind the CD. I truly hope that we have learned something from that and we can go back to real discussions.

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I used to ejoy it when there was discussion of different options and possibilities of Clay's career, but then some people became to invested to look at things objectively and others became experts that were deferred to even those who were never right and then hte ominous music insiders appeared!

I always hated the interaction of the fans with various people involved with Clay's life (Roger, I am talking to you, you should never have ever spoken to a fan). I am not to thrilled with the approachability of some people yet. It just tends to leave layers of information that can be twisted and interpreted. Nom, this is not a democracy, but still, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when ever I see these discussions now. I just don't want to play because the truth is hard to distinguish from the misinterpretations which are hard to distinguish from the fantasies which are hard to distinguish from the outright lies!

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Just catching up after being at work all day. Work really cuts into Clay time, darn it!

Or does it rhyme with Clay's new favorite semi-swear word...... :eusa_whistle:

My admiration for Clay reached an all time high at the concert. The man has balls - and I don't mean tennis balls. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Heee, sheiladownunder! Yes, it does rhyme with Clay's new semi-swear word. It also REALLY sounds like the end of someone's screenname here - someone whose name means the same thing as jar. And I, too, admire how he handled the situation. He did it with amazing honesty, tact, and humor, and managed to convey his displeasure in a lighthearted way. Incredible.

I LOVE your pics, AAIT!!! Gorgeous.

Its just that last year...people were not discussing ...they were angsting and getting angry and just wanted to get bogged down by the anti-RCA rhetorics that it became painful to discuss the business behind the CD. I truly hope that we have learned something from that and we can go back to real discussions.

WORD, Ansamcw!! I'm hoping that real discussions will occur, too, but I'm not holding my breath. At least I know I can come to FCA and be happy about the album without feeling like a weirdo for not being angsty about this, that, or the other.

Edited by Gibby
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Kudos to Clay & his team for these wonderful summer concerts. I loved it. My favorite parts were most things that Clay sang though I appreciated that Angela and Quiana added to the humor and their songs were wonderful. My main focus though is still on Clay no matter who else is on stage.

So, Ryan S. is going to be hosting the Emmy's. Guess that is one show I won't be watching. I cannot stand him.

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I think what frustrates me about speculation and discussion about the business of Clay's business is that, for some reason IMO, things turned into FACT very quickly. Maybe it wasn't really that way, but it sure seemed like it.

I do enjoy learning about the business, and talking about it with people who have done a bit of studying. As someone said, though, as long as it's still stated as opinion, I'm cool. And -- as long as I can respectfully disagree, I'm cool too. Somewhere down the line last year, that didn't happen. IMO the respect got lost. I would not disagree that I may have been a part of losing the respectful nature of a post....but I'm sure that it was because of my frustration.

Personally, I like to talk about Clay's career....but it's also not my job either. I guess it's because I know that if I talk about Clay's career, I really can't DO anything about Clay's career. I should NEVER have that kind of influence.

Finally, I do feel that I can't really take Clay out of the equation when I talk about him on a message board. To paraphrase him, "his name is on the board." I tend to treat Clay as if he was a member here, even if I know full well he's not. It's just my nature. (Doesn't mean I wouldn't tell him that he needs a haircut though -- I do that to my husband for God's sake!)

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Wha!??? Are you trying to tell me that Clay doesn't read all those posts I make that start with "Clay, dude, you something or other"? Why, it's like I've just been wasting my bandwidth for nothing but my own amusement.... :imgtongue:

Maybe I need to start availing myself of Quiana's Message Delivery Service. :whistling-1:

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Oh joy. I get to go back-to-school shopping with Alex tonight. Kenny's playing golf with a client; Carrie's having dinner at a friend's house. I told Alex I'd buy her school supplies and clothing necessities--like underwear and such, but that any other clothing is her treat! Lord, she can't get her drawers closed NOW and she wants to go CLOTHES shopping!?!???!?!

yeah. right.

Actually, we'll have fun. Go to Chevy's for dinner---hey, Couchie! If you weren't winning all kinds of moolah in Vegas, you could join us at Chevy's for a taco or two! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Is it Christmas tour time yet? :lilredani: I feel lost without a concert to go to....

Oh...and I tell you what....Invisible has a great pic of Clay's pa...er, his white tee shirt. heh.

I've got a lovely bunch of.....

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I totally relate Muski... I already got them lots of clothes in CA...then they went shopping when they picked me up so that means their dad got them shoes and new outfits..and yet, they still expect to get clothes next week when we go school supply shopping??? sigh

anyway...tomorrow they are off to go for their final camping trip...then its back to school again. Where did the summer go???

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God, between the end of the tour and the cold, miserable, rainy weather I came home to, it really feels like summer is over!

Can we start the tour all over again? Please?????

Quite honestly, I've never 'gotten' what all the hubbub is about re:when the next CD is coming out. Am I just being a Pollyanna? I just...don't care about it. I'm happy knowing that he's working on one. It'll happen when it's ready and I'll be here. DOn't really care how he's finding a producer, what that person's bio is. Don't give a hoot how many songs have a 4/4 beat or a violin in it. Couldn't care less whether or not Clay had to send a horse's ass...er..head to Clive's bedroom ala "The Godfather" to force him to see things his way. Quite frankly, I don't have the time or energy or interest to be "IN THE KNOW" about the whole freaking process.

I don't know anything about that part of the business. It's cool to read about Clay's answers to questions during the M&Gs about it because his answers are direct and simple and matter of fact. I do NOT want to go into the whole BUSINESS of making a record, though, with people who like to squawk and preen and 'share' their expertise with us and/or propose interfering with the process by 'offering help', etc., Icertainly don't want to poke my nose into what Clay should or shouldn't do (unless, of course, if it involves "doing" things with/to ME!), what moves he 'needs' to make in order to make his mark, or whatever.

Not saying, of course, that I'll be happy as a June bug if he were to come out with a CD full of ONLY ballads or one that leans toward the Christian music lane....but I'll be danged if I need to have 'the scoop' about his 'things to do' list while getting the danged thing done.

I'm tickled to death just KNOWING about these various appearances slated for him in 2007! Coolio! I can't make it to any of them, but it's very, very cool that he's got a busy schedule, and I bet he's happy with the diversity of the gigs, too. I'll be surprised if there aren't more tv appearances, too.

So all in all, I'm a happy camper. Boyfriend can SANG! And he's funny as sh...stuff! And he's packing them in at the concert venues and in his hawt jeans. :hubbahubba: And he's winning new people every time an indifferent or cynical person re: Clay sits at one of his concerts.

Considering this stuff, I'll pass on the CD angst---thanks, anyway. :lilredani::imgtongue:

I have to say I agree with muski's post. The CD will be out - to quote Clay from 2005 - when its ready! I can wait. To again quote the man "perfection takes time, honey!"

As to learning about the recording industry etc..... the problem is, I would be more interested if I could trust what I read. But, on the message boards you hear so much from people who sound as if they really know and who, it turns out, really know NOTHING! Add that to the way some of these so-called "experts" twist facts to suit their agendas, and well, I don't want to have my head spinning again with a bunch of crap. (ex: RCA sending the Tampa venue a fax demanding the get strict with cameras as a way of getting back at Clay for making a statement by taking Scarlett's camera in Ft. Myers!! :RedGuy: )

If I really knew what I was reading was fact, it would find it interesting, but unnecessary to know. I doubt hearing the name of his producer would mean anything to me and chances are his/her resume is varied enough to not really tell us anything definitive about the direction of Clay's next CD.

In the end, I will read things, but not seek out anything. I will take everything with a HUGE grain of salt unless it comes from Clay's luscious mouth (except when it comes to his sense of time and geography which we all know is suspect!).

And when his CD comes out I will buy it. I will probably not like every song on it, but in the end I will be happy because a new CD will mean a new chapter in Clay's life and my life as his fan - and new TV appearances, new pretty pictures to look at and a new tour to enjoy!

That's enough for me. This fandom is supposed to be FUN and that is what I choose to make it for me.

(Is this the right place for this?) **crosses fingers**

I tried a little photography at the Tampa and WPB shows, and would like to share a few. Thanks to toni7babe, xxx4clay and jtgranny for helping me get the camera set! This digital stuff is a little different than film, with which I'm very familiar -- the response of the camera, your view through the viewfinder, etc., so I wasn't totally comfortable, but intend to keep on trying!! I LOVE the convenience and immediacy of digital!!

I LOVE messing with photos in my photo programs, so when I don't like the lighting or colors, I'll try something else. Hence, in this case, some sepia and B/W filtered images were done. There was even one image I like so well, I filtered it in color, two versions of sepia and B/W! These are just some favorites and there are many more images to work through. I just wanted to share something sooner rather than later!

Here's a link to my SmugMug account, where I will be adding more photos over time. There are a few photos or versions there that aren't posted here.

AnAmeraikenInTX's SmugMug Account Link



He's just beautiful.


Some lucky lady was getting a 'look'!!


Contemplative reflection -- well, probably not, but maybe!


Though closed, even his eyes are smiling!


Eyes. Enough said!


Ohhh. So beautiful.


Eyes, lips, light stubble, hair,... what a view Ms. MicraPhona had!



Feeling something.


Pure joy.


The three of them. Too bad half of Q's face is blocked, but I liked this anyway.

AAIT - is there ever a WRONG place for GORGEOUS pictures of the man??? My goodness - they are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

P.S. So..... Who is going to organize the "Best of the DCAT" audio and video files for us lazy types?????

Edited by Claygasm
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(ex: RCA sending the Tampa venue a fax demanding the get strict with cameras as a way of getting back at Clay for making a statement by taking Scarlett's camera in Ft. Myers!!

People post so many strange things, I am starting to realize that it must be a joke and I really have to get my sense of humor up. I know people who think that sucks is a funny board, but I know I am way to serious for those folks and don't get the humor, but I can appreciate that others enjoy it. Hey, I am seriously involved in following the flavor of love thread at TWOP where someone tried out for the show - I do have a bit of a sense of humor.

I also know that many times what I think is funny falls flat, so, maybe these are just bad jokes.

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As to learning about the recording industry etc..... the problem is, I would be more interested if I could trust what I read. But, on the message boards you hear so much from people who sound as if they really know and who, it turns out, really know NOTHING! Add that to the way some of these so-called "experts" twist facts to suit their agendas, and well, I don't want to have my head spinning again with a bunch of crap. (ex: RCA sending the Tampa venue a fax demanding the get strict with cameras as a way of getting back at Clay for making a statement by taking Scarlett's camera in Ft. Myers!! :RedGuy: )

This fandom is supposed to be FUN and that is what I choose to make it for me.

I loved your whole post, CG, but especially these parts. WORD!!!

Except the RCA/letter part has me going WTF?????? Like play, I'm wondering if that's an attempt at humor, or someone really thinks that happened. That's just weird.

Oh, well - like CG, I'm in it for the fun. As far as I'm concerned, the rest can slip away. I don't need the angst, I can't control much besides buying CDs and concert tickets, and frankly, I think Clay would really rather that I stay out of his business dealings. So, I'm in it for the music, the smutting, the thudding, and the fascinating man. I LURVE him.


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Except the RCA/letter part has me going WTF?????? Like play, I'm wondering if that's an attempt at humor, or someone really thinks that happened. That's just weird.

Well, I was told this AS FACT from someone who looks normal from the outside but obviously isn't. She really truly believes this is fact and presented it as such and talked down to me as if I were the one who was crazy for not believing her. I felt my blood start to boil as she completely personified what almost drove me from the boards.......

So I went to the bar and bought another round of drinks! :juul:

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That's pretty funny!!

He might not win, though. In politics - unlike other types of polls - you can only vote once!!!


but I love it that he is sharing something completely absurd with us...like we're his friends...awwww I am getting schmoopie.

CG...thanks for the heads up on MOAM...it was fantastic!!!! I have the whole concert in my WMP playlist...will wathc the full concert before I go to bed...

The only other full concert I have is Houston...it would be fun to compare the two.

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Except the RCA/letter part has me going WTF?????? Like play, I'm wondering if that's an attempt at humor, or someone really thinks that happened. That's just weird.

Well, I was told this AS FACT from someone who looks normal from the outside but obviously isn't. She really truly believes this is fact and presented it as such and talked down to me as if I were the one who was crazy for not believing her. I felt my blood start to boil as she completely personified what almost drove me from the boards.......

So I went to the bar and bought another round of drinks! :juul:

Wow...why didn't I meet up with some crazies in MY trip...oh wait...hee maybe I did. HEH

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