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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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68 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for the next main thread title

    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
    • Cut The Crap And Show Us Your Willy
    • [He's] a top quality human being
    • Clay Aiken: You are a Man of Character
    • Clay Aiken... bringing brainy back!!!
    • the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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This is one gorgeous picture..just wanted to see it one more time tonight.

Goldarngirl -- don't you dare worry about that..we won't work her that hard. We need your vidoes!!

Hey Play! You got a problem with football? heee Yeehaw...one week to go before the real season begins

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Wide screen or regular?

Wide screen please! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: And now I am on top of the page!!! NOw, is that suppose to make me happy of mad? I'm confised!

Your friend Muski would be proud to be the first poster on Page 69! Good grief, where is your smutter?

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Okay, I'm all in-love with AMA 2006 Clay again. And guess what I found? A picture of Mr. Large and In-Charge without the ugly stamp:


And here's a hi-res, gorgeous pic - double-click this baby for a good time!


Here are some assorted lovlies:





And here is a handsome, devilish rogue that I'd do ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, at his bidding. GAH!!!!


Edited by Gibby
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From an article about the Genesee Theatre and their tradition of having artists sign a wall backstage:

Lake County News-Sun

"The Handwriting's On the Wall"

• Naughty by Nature: Clay Aiken, who was born on Nov. 30 and appeared at the Genesee last Dec. 1, wrote "Thanx Genesee Theatre for a marvelous holiday (and birthday)." He also wrote his manager's name and phone number with the phrase "for a good time call," but the joke was later painted over.


And you know this how, Clay?


Gulp. I don't think I've seen that particular picture! AMA hair was my all time favorite. Totally fabulous!

I agree totally fab! And merrieeee can hate UNICEF hair all she wants to, and I will always love her, because she gave me this in poster size.....Oh..... and when Scarlett ran off with it, she made me a new one even bigger. I don't know what it is about that photo (uh.....you know a big fat lie when you see one, right?) but my house guests always try to roll it up and leave with it in their suitcase. I've come to do exit inspections before anyone leaves the premises. I love this picture! FLOVE!

Congratulations, luckiest1!! What have they got you doing up there on the main level, anyway? I hope you get perks and cool stuff.


OMG! I just gave you the clap! Well, that's what is says here anyway.

I'm not quick enough to welcome the newbies. By the time I get in here to post, y'all have gone and gotten 50 posts and no longer qualify as newbies. My post count is beginning to look a little weak over there. Pretty soon I'm going to have to get me a moving picture avatar......something I've been thinking about for a long time now. Stick around a long time and you'll get to see me haul my ass out of the dark ages.

I am ashamed to admit, but will make a public confession here tonight, that I never noticed the fold and the billfold .....um....I mean the Waldo and the wallet.....in the AMA pants before. Thank you for pointing these out to me, I was so totally into Tori Spelling's shoes.....were they not to die for?

Neighborhood watch....just one of the many advantages to being part of this fandom.....anything that happens in the neighborhood will be reported.

*Le Sigh*

That was one beautiful day in the neighborhood....let me tell ya'.

Edited by Karen Eh?
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AAAAHHHHH and with those lovely pictures in my head I say goodnight...and sweet dreams for sure...

specially since people kept reminding us of the Clyra....mmmmmm

eta: It does look lonely at the top...sniff

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Gibby... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

One of my favorite looks for Clay... AMA Clay makes me sa.woon. BIG TIME!!!


Hey Play! You got a problem with football? heee Yeehaw...one week to go before the real season begins

OMG, another football fan! :clap: I love football and wait each year for Sept football season! No favorite team, just favorite players!

I have been reading Muski's Clrya and cannot tell you how much I am enjoying it, not just for the writing, which is awesome, but for the visuals (in my head visuals)... Woman... GAH!!!

Off to turn off my smoke alarm... :cryingwlaughter:

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Okay, I've figured out a way to bolster my anemic post count without having to actually think of things to write....I have several thousands of these just sitting here. HAHA!

Seriously, I was doing something for another project and had to make a picture. One from Indio.....why does this all of a sudden seem so long ago?


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KarenEh! Your post had me giggling all through it. And yep few pictures a day will get that post count way up.

Congratulations, luckiest1!! What have they got you doing up there on the main level, anyway? I hope you get perks and cool stuff.

bwah... Ansa is still waiting for her perks and cool stuff. heh.

I love the AMA pictures...but also love THIS AMA photo too...loved this look.


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Ok...did you hear the one about the woman who had to be late to work because she took her daughter to the DMV so that she could take her written test, only to drive said daughter home in tears when she failed said test, then get to work to find that two weeks worth of tedious recordkeeping that she THOUGHT an admin assistant had been doing, hadn't actually been done; and then, finally getting home at 9:35 pm, discovering that while her daughter (yep, same one) was walking the dog earlier, the dog had investigated a bush and evidently pissed off a skunk, who proceeded to spray the doofus dog. Oh, and the daughter was so upset and whatnot that she just walked the dog into the house, through the house to put him outside on the patio.

YOu ever heard that one before? Ain't it funny? I mean, here this woman is---dog tired (heh) and frustrated at the wasted time in the office that she's going to have to spend tomorrow making up for (while other stuff gets neglected)---and she gets to come home, NOT to a soothing glass of cabernet, but to a



(oh, and let's not forget the phone call from the doctor's office reminding me of my mother's appointment tomorrow morning for her retina check.... :bigemo_harabe_net-24: )...

So...Kenny went to Safeway to buy hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and super strength diswashing detergent, as directed by some smart person on an internet site who said that creating this concoction and then immediately soaking and scrubbing the dog with it while it's still fizzing is a noble attempt to get rid of the skunk stink. However, this same smart person said that in some cases skunk stink can linger for two years.

I think I'll have that glass of cabernet anyway. :fca:

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Okay, I've figured out a way to bolster my anemic post count without having to actually think of things to write....I have several thousands of these just sitting here. HAHA!

Seriously, I was doing something for another project and had to make a picture. One from Indio.....why does this all of a sudden seem so long ago?


love that Picture!!!!

Karen eh...you can always use the gallery...yup we do have a lovely gallery that is pretty much neglected. The link is right under the banner.

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Ok...did you hear the one about the woman who had to be late to work because she took her daughter to the DMV so that she could take her written test, only to drive said daughter home in tears when she failed said test, then get to work to find that two weeks worth of tedious recordkeeping that she THOUGHT an admin assistant had been doing, hadn't actually been done; and then, finally getting home at 9:35 pm, discovering that while her daughter (yep, same one) was walking the dog earlier, the dog had investigated a bush and evidently pissed off a skunk, who proceeded to spray the doofus dog. Oh, and the daughter was so upset and whatnot that she just walked the dog into the house, through the house to put him outside on the patio.

YOu ever heard that one before? Ain't it funny? I mean, here this woman is---dog tired (heh) and frustrated at the wasted time in the office that she's going to have to spend tomorrow making up for (while other stuff gets neglected)---and she gets to come home, NOT to a soothing glass of cabernet, but to a



(oh, and let's not forget the phone call from the doctor's office reminding me of my mother's appointment tomorrow morning for her retina check.... :bigemo_harabe_net-24: )...

So...Kenny went to Safeway to buy hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and super strength diswashing detergent, as directed by some smart person on an internet site who said that creating this concoction and then immediately soaking and scrubbing the dog with it while it's still fizzing is a noble attempt to get rid of the skunk stink. However, this same smart person said that in some cases skunk stink can linger for two years.

I think I'll have that glass of cabernet anyway. :fca:


let me help you... :drink: :trink3: :704: :voll:

goodluck on the stink...

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What ever happened to washing a dog in tomato juice - you get one of thos 1/2 gallon cans and the smell always came right off. The important part is to wipe off the goo, that is the squished stuff. Also be careful around the dogs eyes - if it gets squirted in the eyes, it is in a lot of pain. ETA that concotion sounds like it could be painful to the dog - becareful. I know that hydrogen peroxide burns if you get it in a wound or near mucus flesh.

My prior dog was peaceful and tried to run away once it realized it was a skunk i.e. after the first time, unlit the not so bright one I have now. Still we were out for a walk, ran into a skunk and both of us ran, only the leash went around a tree and got tangled, so the dog got imprisoned there while I ran away. Bad owner.

Cleaning the dog is annoying, but doable, running over a skunk and cleaning your car- now that is unpleasant, and car washes don't do it!

Peace and good night. Sweet Clay dreams all.

Edited by playbiller
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So...Kenny went to Safeway to buy hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and super strength diswashing detergent, as directed by some smart person on an internet site who said that creating this concoction and then immediately soaking and scrubbing the dog with it while it's still fizzing is a noble attempt to get rid of the skunk stink. However, this same smart person said that in some cases skunk stink can linger for two years.

When our dog tangled with a skunk, the concoction we discovered on the internet was Hydrogen peroxide, dishwashing detergent and DOUCHE!! Yes, my husband went to the drugstore and bought some douche! Afterall, it's HIS dog! :cryingwlaughter: We were skeptical, but it worked really well!! The wonders of Summer's Eve.

My DH was also upset and whatnot (must be a condition caused by having your pet sprayed), and brought the dog into the house immediately afterwards. I walked in the door and nearly passed out! If your dog rubbed up against anything able to absorb the stink, look out! I had to toss my leather coat, and my DH's sweatshirt he was wearing at the time still has a faint odor.

Isn't this just the greatest delurking post? Douche and all!!! :lmaosmiley-1:

Luckiest1 has agreed to be an admin over at FCA main.


Do I score any points for finally getting my butt over here??? :lilredani:

50 edits later..... The pictures here are just :Thud: !!1!1!!

Edited by alspazz
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New thread title?

My vote's on the Earl of Aikenberry!!


As for the dog/skunk/tomato juice dilemma - that happened to our dog once. I used the tomato juice but it didn't make the stink go away. You might have to clip the dog really short!!

Good Luck Muski!!


Edited by cha cha trusty
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I added the current thread title again because several people asked for it. We'll see if you really want it heh.


Didja like that before? How I set you up to advertise the site? Huh? Huh? :lol:

...and yes, tomato juice is the key. I use it on my dogs all.summer.long. Yes, they are stoopid.

One night at 2am I was up packing the poor dog with crushed tomatoes... it's all we had. She thought I was insane, I'm sure. But it worked!


Welcome to the newly delurked.

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Thanks for the :F_05BL17blowkiss: and hugs. Alex is now upstairs in the shower...Kenny abandoned us after bringing home the ingredients. Alex donned throwaway clothes, rubber gloves and created the brew, then sudsed him down a cuople of times, spray with hose, suds, spray....then we rubbed him semi dry with towels that will be thrown away with Alex's clothes. His face still stinks since we didn't put the mix there. So I put some dishwashing stuff with lemon juice in it, rubbed some on a wet washcloth and just rubbed as carefully as I could around his face, then rinsed with clean water on another cloth.

Alex and I got some old clothes that we'd put in a plastic bag to take to Goodwill and laid them on the garage floor. Hopefullly, he'll go there and lie down for the night eventually. Right now he's still just staring at me through the screen. :( and pawing the screen now and then....(great...now we need a new screen <_< )...

My eyes are burning from teh skunk fumes still hanging around....


it's 11:05....I wanna go to bed....should jump in shower first, I guess. You know.....I....

oh, never mind....g'night, all :wein:

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OK cool... more posts..so I can do one more for the night.heh.

Toots..LOL at Jerry Lee Lewis and his underage cousins.

Bookwhore..feel free to welcome the newbies...cuz it feels like I've known you forevah.

JMH I also read that as FCA not OFC heh.

Don't know xxx well yet but had to laugh at Bookwhore's shock at her hair post. And Jamar is smutting. See what happens when you come to FCA?

merrieeee Loved Milord Aiken

LadyJ loved JBT hair

OMG, another football fan! :clap: I love football and wait each year for Sept football season! No favorite team, just favorite players!

baseball, basketball, football, golf, you name it I love it. the baseball thread is getting a little action.. maybe a football one will too...

Isn't this just the greatest delurking post? Douche and all!!! :lmaosmiley-1:

Bwah..it's great. Looking forward to getting to know you Alspazz.

It's amazing the things you learn on a Clay board though.

...and yes, tomato juice is the key. I use it on my dogs all.summer.long. Yes, they are stoopid.

Bwah..even Ansa's boyfriend heh. For the newbies...when Ansa came to Cali...we had a day out at YSRN's house and one of her lovley pups fell madly PASSIONATELY in love with Ansa. It was quite comical.

And Yes I liked that before :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Welcome to the newbies!! It's always good to more people to party with.


Muski, I sure hope you finally drank that wine. Or Peach schnapps, or whatever. Geez, what a day! Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


What? A new thread title poll, already? My vote is for The Earl of Aikenberry. I love pictures where Clay looks all regal.

Speaking of which - I posted this beauty earlier, but ya know what? It was too dark to really see why this picture is about Mr. large and in charge. So I lightened it. Anybody mind if I use some more bandwidth, and post it again? I didn't think so.


And for those who love snowflake hair, a little present:


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I think I need to live on the west coast. All the postwhores come out at night! And then I wake up to pages and pages to catch up on. Don't y'all know I want to work hard catch up at work during the day?


Good job eandpmommy and all involved with this....

So, is the winner, scarletvanden, any relation to our very own Scarlett?

I've really learned to "roll with the haircut." There has been no real "awful" hair IMO at all.

I mean, really...to me...he's just so beautiful. Why? Because HE shows through. It's not the hair, not just the cheekbones, not just the nose, etc. -- it's HIM. The man. The beautiful, smart, funny, sweet man.

I think I just went :20: there. Sowwy.

Hee, don't be sorry, I'm with you on this, too. I love all his looks. But this?


Kills me dead. I think I need to go back and rewatch some JNaT06 clack. Well, right after I catch up on the DCAT07 clack. And do some admin stuff on main. And help goldarngirl finish up the JBT montage we are still working on so that we can start the first DCAT montage. Oh, and finish up my audio recommendations. Heh, I like to be busy, can you tell? Oh well, in my defense, one kid left for college yesterday. And my boss is always telling me to slow down at work, because I'm showing all the guys up. :P

I guess this must be the end of the Best of's she is just gonna be too too busy. :whistling-1:

See above. :RedGuy:

BTW I laughed for days when your name changed to Lickiest. Sorry you lost the licky for the lucky.

Heh, licky still lives inside me. She is naughty.

Isn't this just the greatest delurking post? Douche and all!!! :lmaosmiley-1:

:clap: YAY, another London cluncheoner! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think most of us are here now. So who's still missing?

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Good Morning Everyone,

56 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center! :whoohoo:

67 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special! :whoohoo:

87 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! :whoohoo:

113 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! :whoohoo:

116 Days until The Skating Special Airs! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Oh my. Contemplative Clay. That's beautiful. (Jesse in the background isn't so bad either. He's a fine looking man too!)

couchie, in retrospect, I've loved ALL his AMA looks. Remember this?


The first appearance of the long black coat. I know it covered Waldo, and that made me people sad, but I thought that coat was awesome. It took me about a day to like the striped shirt/striped tie combo, though -- but now I love it.

And then, who could forget this?


Pants -- leather or not? You decide.

The next year's look, with the glasses, made me fall in love with the nerd all over again. I didn't care that the glasses were "librarian" -- because I'm a librarian!!! And that pinstripe suit was fantastic.

So when 2006 rolled around, I knew he'd be looking good! I especially liked the look when he took off the jacket and strode on stage.

Karen Eh?, I didn't notice his wallet either.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Muskifest Geeze Louise.

you need more than cabernet..you need the official FCA cocktail

peach schnappes



orange juice

I'm dying to try this thing that Ansa made up. It needs a name.

Fuzzy Treasure Trail?

I'm cracking up at the skunk talk. It all reminds me of the "Mythbusters" episode (any other fans here?) where Adam and Jaime actually had a skunk spray them and then they tried all the different methods to see what would work best. First of all, the had a dickens of a time trying to get a skunk to spray them. They finally got it to work by closing themselves off in a bathroom with the skunk and getting it really, really mad. What solution worked best for them? The one that muski is using -- the hydrogen peroxide mixture. Tomato juice just was "OK" to them.

Isn't this just the greatest delurking post? Douche and all!!! :lmaosmiley-1:

BWAH! Welcome!

Kills me dead. I think I need to go back and rewatch some JNaT06 clack. Well, right after I catch up on the DCAT07 clack. And do some admin stuff on main. And help goldarngirl finish up the JBT montage we are still working on so that we can start the first DCAT montage. Oh, and finish up my audio recommendations. Heh, I like to be busy, can you tell? Oh well, in my defense, one kid left for college yesterday. And my boss is always telling me to slow down at work, because I'm showing all the guys up. :P

How DO you do it? I can barely find the time to download the songs I'm supposed to listen to before the end of the month!!! But then, I'm also the type that has a husband who likes me to play Wii golf with him, or frequently will just sit and stare at pretty pictures on my computer....

Heh, licky still lives inside me. She is naughty.

Maybe she'll come out from time to time. You are in good with the admins around here, you know....heh.

BTW, congrats on working on FCA main.

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