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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Back from the zoo, and then the playground. I was with my husband, my niece, and her three children (ages 8, 5, and 16 months). What a great age to go to the zoo, especially a fairly small zoo. It took us 2 hours to tour the entire place. They were enthralled, stopping at every exhibit...but 2 hours was also their limit. Then McDonald's for lunch (Filet of Fish for me, plus I didn't eat all my fries -- YAY me!), and then the playground. This is where I got into trouble -- I was walking on a balance beam, doing a pretty good job, when a gust of wind got me, and I ended up jumping down about a foot. Bad idea -- it hurt my knee, one that I have trouble on and off with. So, now I'm home, with my laptop, and some ice on my knee.

I'm very disappointed in the Clay Nation at the moment -- I was expecting the clack to be here already....

It sounds like this is gonna be fun. I didn't watch the early auditions either (I really don't like the audition process of any of these types of shows, period), so hearing Clay talk over them should be fun.

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Is there anyone here that doesn't know how this show turns out?


For some reason this just CMSU!!!

Ok - It seems there is no AI Rewind today for me. I think it is only shown on one local station (NOT Fox) and I get WGN on my satellite. I went through their whole line-up today and no Rewind.

When I was trying to catch the season 1 Rewind, I could never find it! It was annoying. Duckyvee, if you find it in the Philly area, will you let me know (and no, I don't have Tivo or a DVR>>>>>>).

But that's ok. Its almost time for my Phillies to come on! Suddenly baseball is fun again!!

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Ok, I'm trying to conceive of some sort of fundraiser so each and every Clay fan could own one of these...

World's Smallest Camcorder Fits Inside a Pack of Gum

Many camcorders have been billed as the world's smallest, but only one has been small enough to hide inside a pack of gum. The Red Ferret Journal says the Micro Camcorder is the smallest high-resolution, real time digital camcorder ever produced. The camera can record up to 33 hours of video at 15 frames per second via its internal pinhole camera. Hide it inside a pack of gum, and no one will never know you're secretly recording them.

What could we sell to earn some money? Ok, let me rephrase that...what could we legally sell outside of Nevada to earn some money...?

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I finished. I'm done. Posted in appropriate thread. No sporking for me..... :imgtongue:

Hmm...I found I didn't have a hard time listening to any of my songs over and over and over either. Hee. Which of course is why I picked my favorites! :wub:

I did however forget to eat today. Better go take care of that.

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I'm very disappointed in the Clay Nation at the moment -- I was expecting the clack to be here already....

Eva indicated it would be hosted around 9:00 this evening.

Cool! Thanks! I should probably just cancel my DVRing then, because I'm not going to get this until tomorrow evening live for me.

And duh! It took me FOREVER to figure out what AIR was! *g*

heee and for me it's listen to IWTKWLI 100 times day. Thank god I love this song. No way am I getting sporked!

ok this is so not worhy of top of the page curse honors.

Hee! I'm down to one more venue, and then whittling down from my top 15 or so. I'm pretty sure what one of my top BYLM will be, just for sentimental reasons (I think I had it pegged before I even began the project), but there have been some other fantastic ones too. I'm not getting sporked, I don't think...or I hope. Hopefully will have the time to finish the project tomorrow night....

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Well, I'm gonna go over and watch it with cindilu2 at 8:00 pm, so I don't want to d/l it before that, anyways. I want to be able to squeeeeeeeee over my boyfriend's voice unspoilered. :cryingwlaughter:

Good thing we decided on 8:00 pm. All day long they've had it listed at 5:00 on WGN - and what is on now? Baseball - and the online guide is 'updating'. Feh.

Can't wait for 8:00. Hee - I even baked a cake!

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Watching the Cubs game on WGN and they just had a promo for AI2 Rewind, looks like it won't air (Chicago area) here until tomorrow evening at 7:00. I can't wait...I am so excited just reading the re-caps...yeah, I have no willpower!


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I enjoyed Season 2 immensely. It remains just about the only 'reality' show I've ever watched a whole season of. My first show (at the insistance of my husband - who dragged me into the room to watch 'the skinny guy') was the Wildcard. I have the whole season on DVD, and I love the group numbers. Rickey was my favorite after Clay. I still listen to his, Ruben and Clay's WTWNN all the time.

I'm really looking forward to this! I'm very glad to hear they included Frenchie. I was quite prepared for a little revisionist history there *g*.

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When I was trying to catch the season 1 Rewind, I could never find it! It was annoying. Duckyvee, if you find it in the Philly area, will you let me know (and no, I don't have Tivo or a DVR>>>>>>).

I can't find anything definitive, CG. I see a listing for NY auditions Sunday at 8pm on WPHL, and WGNSAT (whatever that is); however, it's in the middle of listings that name Kelly and Justin :huh: . I've seen the Season1 rewind in passing, so I know it's broadcasted, but I neverwatched it, and don't recall when or where I saw it.

I'm watching the Phillies, too :Boss: So fun, but nervewracking.....


ETA: I just saw an ad for something about AI auditions on the TV guide channel - tonight at 8, but it didn't specify rewind or a particular season. I'll look for it again and pay closer attention.


ETA2: Never mind, that TV guide thing is about this year.

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Where does the time go? I was just sitting here pissing and moaning that it would be HOURS until I could listen to Clay on AIRewind at 4 and I looked up at the clock and it's already 3:30!!!! How great is that???!!

Not that I'm excited.

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Confession time...I came into this fandome at the end of AI2. I never watched the auditions. I never voted. I watched some performances here and there, but never sat through an entire show, and probably never saw a show back to back.

Basically, I am an AI2 virgin. I am so ready for this. :lipstick:

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Oh (sob, sniffle, snortle) we don't get KTLA and it's up to the 11th inning!!!!!

It's rerun tomorrow at 6. I'll have to wait for downloads, I guess.

I hate baseball. :cry4:

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I just saw the beginning and Clay did really well on the longer voice-overs. I'd only heard the shorter snippets before and I didn't think they were very engaging. The insipid writing doesn't help!

I still hope he gets some face time.

ETA Thanks play downloading now.

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