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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Rereading that blog entry a few times, it sounds to me that we'll hear more of Clay than we will see him. "Narrated by Clay." VERSUS. "Hosted by Ruben." I'm going to guess that he's going to be doing scripted stuff, as voice-overs. I personally don't expect him to be doing the "interviews" although I could be wrong. I have been before, you know.

But I still will EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for seeing this and having Clay on my TEEVEE!!!!!

I too wanna know what's causing the angst over at the OFC (without of course going over there myself...that place is skeery). I, like CG, thought the party would have been going on full blast by now, so I'm sort of surprised that a war has broken out instead. (Oh wait, this is the Clay fandom I'm talking about, otherwise known as "drama drama drama." Nevermind...)

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Rereading that blog entry a few times, it sounds to me that we'll hear more of Clay than we will see him. "Narrated by Clay." VERSUS. "Hosted by Ruben." I'm going to guess that he's going to be doing scripted stuff, as voice-overs. I personally don't expect him to be doing the "interviews" although I could be wrong. I have been before, you know.

But I still will EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for seeing this and having Clay on my TEEVEE!!!!!

I too wanna know what's causing the angst over at the OFC (without of course going over there myself...that place is skeery). I, like CG, thought the party would have been going on full blast by now, so I'm sort of surprised that a war has broken out instead. (Oh wait, this is the Clay fandom I'm talking about, otherwise known as "drama drama drama." Nevermind...)

Thanks for asking again, Ldyj.

Everyone was ignoring me when I asked!

But you are an admin! NO ONE would DARE ignore your query!

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Crap...I go to work and all sorts of stuff busts loose.

:865538451: <----I happen to think he's cute in goofy dorky kinda way...*pouts*

Is this guy naked?

God, I hope so.

Otherwise, I'm hallucinating genitals.

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Rereading that blog entry a few times, it sounds to me that we'll hear more of Clay than we will see him. "Narrated by Clay." VERSUS. "Hosted by Ruben." I'm going to guess that he's going to be doing scripted stuff, as voice-overs. I personally don't expect him to be doing the "interviews" although I could be wrong. I have been before, you know.

But I still will EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for seeing this and having Clay on my TEEVEE!!!!!

I too wanna know what's causing the angst over at the OFC (without of course going over there myself...that place is skeery). I, like CG, thought the party would have been going on full blast by now, so I'm sort of surprised that a war has broken out instead. (Oh wait, this is the Clay fandom I'm talking about, otherwise known as "drama drama drama." Nevermind...)

Thanks for asking again, Ldyj.

Everyone was ignoring me when I asked!

But you are an admin! NO ONE would DARE ignore your query!

Oh yeah I want to know too.

between another shopping spree and playing around with settings and the gallery...I totally have no clue whats happening in Clayland...except for Clays extended role on AI rewind...and Roger moving to 19. Now I don;t particularly care what happens to Roger...I don;thave any animosity towards him. But why is there a war???

is it just typical OFC yanking chain game over there...

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I haven't been there but my guess is that there is a celebration and you better only have one opinion...or or or...you're stupid.

Anyway, so much for Clay hating Idol. Does Clay want to be known as the second season runner up for the rest of his life? I doubt it. He also knows that Idol is got him where he is and he will always be remembered for it and if something comes along that is mutually beneficial he will do it. And I'm quite sure that Clay will never be shut out of Idol - he is one of its most famous sons. My guess LdyJ from that blurb is that we'll hear him more than see him but I don't care either. Now I have reason to watch/listen. I wasn't really interested before as I have the entire episodes and can watch them any time I want. I was only curious about anything new that would appear and figured I would see the clack of it. Now...I need to find a local listing and set my DVR.

so eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to Idol rewind.

Muski can cook.

Muski has great kids.

Muskie is trying her best to go see Clay this Xmas. I was a somewhat enabler. Nothing in cement yet.

I learned there is no strikeout in real life. Working on that cussing thing.

Anyway..the three things that cracked me up as I caught up over Muski's

Scarlette smutted.

Jamar's bendy boy.

and this from Merrieee!

But but but....why would you not need hairy arms if you are a narrator!


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Is this guy naked?

God, I hope so.

Otherwise, I'm hallucinating genitals.

He appears to be wearing a belt so I've always assumed pants. So I say your hallucinating genitals. Oh fine. I'll stop now. :P


Nothing to say about Roger. Don't know much. Don't care much.

However the AI2 Rewind thing ... just. got. interesting. [tm Monica Gellar]


my guess is that there is a celebration and you better only have one opinion...or or or...you're stupid.

And I'd bet your right!

Edited by jamar1700
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I haven't been there but my guess is that there is a celebration and you better only have one opinion...or or or...you're stupid.

Anyway, so much for Clay hating Idol. Does Clay want to be known as the second season runner up for the rest of his life? I doubt it. He also knows that Idol is got him where he is and he will always be remembered for it and if something comes along that is mutually beneficial he will do it. And I'm quite sure that Clay will never be shut out of Idol - he is one of its most famous sons. My guess LdyJ from that blurb is that we'll hear him more than see him but I don't care either. Now I have reason to watch/listen. I wasn't really interested before as I have the entire episodes and can watch them any time I want. I was only curious about anything new that would appear and figured I would see the clack of it. Now...I need to find a local listing and set my DVR.

so eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to Idol rewind.

Wordy McWord couchie!! I had zero interest in the rewind show until I found out Clay is the narrator of the whole enchilada!!! Whoohoo!!! And it's shown here in Vancouver starting this Sunday! GAH!! I get my Clay fix every freakin Sunday?????? Smart people! :)

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I think Clay has VERY fond memories of his time on Idol. I think he had a ball, made some lifelong friends, learned TONS and topped it all off by getting a career he loves. Why wouldn't he have warm and fuzzy feelings about Idol?

I bet he and Ruben thought it would be fun to do this. Season two was all about the Cluben so what better way to go back but with Clay and Ruben?

I do hope we get to see him at least a few time. He's too cute to just be a disembodied voice!


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Crap...I go to work and all sorts of stuff busts loose.

:865538451: <----I happen to think he's cute in goofy dorky kinda way...*pouts*

Goofy? Dorky? Uh....CLAY is goofy and dorky...

This guy looks like an uncircumcised penis on Qualudes.

BWAH!!!! :cryingwlaughter: BWAH!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

YAY... new footage... YAY... Clay narrating. Maybe he'll video narrate... that would be totally awesome!!! And, I just got TIVO!!!


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I was going to try to catch up here, but I give up. Too much RL.

Canuck, back a few days ago you talked about who you met in CA. When you came over to introduce yourself to my DH, you said your first and last name and it took me a minute to figure out who you were. If you had just said your first name I would have been okay. :cryingwlaughter:

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Ah, Couchie called it, but the mods broke up the party because there was too much inuendo.

Some people believe now that Clay will be EVERYWHERE because a new and wonderful person will be promoting him. And and he will be on Ellen. Joy will soon be followed by angst. Supposedly you can now insult Roger because he does not work for RCA anymore. Thread gets long then gets short after it is edited. Hey, my posts are mostly gone, I was the one saying "no secrets", if you know something say it.

If anyone is the least bit interested, I figured out why my typing has become so bad - my right hand is slower typing that my left so the letters get out of order. And my fat little fingers hit too many keys or my accuracy is off a bit. I am prcticing slowing down my (left hand) typing now. Must be from the nerve damage I got from lifting drywall all those years ago. <<insert>> long and boring story I am not going to tell.

another blog

Brace yourself Clay and Ruben fans. The syndicated weekly show “American Idol Rewind” is back, airing season two starting this weekend (6 p.m. on WATL-TV Saturdays and Sundays and at 5 p.m. Saturday on WGN-TV). They have fresh interviews with almost all the finalists and semifinalists— including Frenchie Davis and the biggest loser Corey Clark.

Ruben will be hosting and Clay will help out, too. This was a fun season, the one that solidified “Idol” as a true phenomenon and we’ll get to see Atlanta’s own Vanessa Olivarez, too! (I just spoke with her and will post another entry about her whereabouts.)

To refresh your memory, here’s the original Web site with the contestants.. I may do a phoner with Ruben and they’re checking on Clay’s availability.

Well, I was wrong and they are interviewing Craggle

Edited by playbiller
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Hee! One thing I learned about Couchie tonight....she's as absent minded as I am. She came over here, had dinner, drank Chianti, surfed the web for airplane tickets to Do Clay in December, said goodnight.

And guess what else she did?

She went home without her Clay Aiken tee shirt I brought downstairs for her---you know, the one I got for her at one of the concerts this summer. The one that she's been asking about getting from me?

You know....that one? :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:


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I was going to try to catch up here, but I give up. Too much RL.

Canuck, back a few days ago you talked about who you met in CA. When you came over to introduce yourself to my DH, you said your first and last name and it took me a minute to figure out who you were. If you had just said your first name I would have been okay. :cryingwlaughter:

I guess I should have just said I was "Canuck" since toni, AAIT and xxx totally outed me to my friend in the first half hour of our arrival in CA, in spite of PROMISES to keep my MB activity under a total blackout! Pfft! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Why I used my reallife name after that is beyond me! :) It was great seeing you again!

and seeing Clay! :hubbahubba:

musicfest THAT's funny!!!

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I haven't checked the othr boardsN but I can just imagineM. So many seem emotionally invested in the notion that Clay hates AI and AI hates Clay that his participation in Rewind must be causing heads to spin like tops. I'll bet that someone has already declared that Clive is forcing Clay to do the show (under the watchful eye of Roger) to ensure his devaluation and freefal into oblivion.

I'm looking forward to Rewind. I suspect we'll get a lot of funny, insightful, and interesing comments about the Idol experience.

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heee I was halfway home when I realized I left my pretty pretty tshirt. CRAP.

is there an idol rewind website..I'm trying to find it here in bay area.

ETA: Jenna...Clay being in the public eye while he works on his album is a good thing. As far as I'm concerned he will forever be linked to idol...I have no problem with this gig. Looking forward to it.

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Idol Rewind? YAY! Love that Clay's narrating, that gives me even more incentive to watch each week. I checked my guide, and I get it at either 5 or 8 pm on Saturdays on the superstations (or 1:30 am if I want to watch FOX). But I would love spoilers from anyone who gets it earlier....

Other boards? I was out about 2 minutes yesterday, enough time to see a major celebration mixed with name calling over Roger's promotion/demotion (depending on your perspective) and even one suggestion that a well known fan should apply for his job....in other words enough time to make me throw up in my mouth a little and beat it back here. Don't have the stomach for the OFC, glad the mods have editted most of it out by the sound of things.

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Other boards? I was out about 2 minutes yesterday, enough time to see a major celebration mixed with name calling over Roger's promotion/demotion (depending on your perspective) and even one suggestion that a well known fan should apply for his job....in other words enough time to make me throw up in my mouth a little and beat it back here. Don't have the stomach for the OFC, glad the mods have editted most of it out by the sound of things.

Yep - I also have to just LMAO at the personal publicist thing - I really don't see why Clay would need a full-time person on his payroll just to get his name out there - all Clay all the time would be overkill, IMO.

Unless, of course, this publicist would also be guiding his entire career and life as if they were his manager and life coach and also as if he had bought into their own vision of what he should do....oh wait.....

Besides, wouldn't a personal publicist have to do what the label says? Seems like there is a conflict there, if some people are to be believed. :.)

IMO, just because some fans want to know (and guide) everything Clay does, 24/7, it doesn't mean Clay is on board with that; in fact I feel he most decidedly is not. I am not interested in any-particular-fan-directed Clay, anyway.

It has always seemed kinda amusing to me that some are sure Clay would be a superstar if only he would stop being Clay.

Can't wait for Rewind, I hope it is on a jillion times a week so I can hear him talk. Dunno what spoilers would be, unless in this version he wins.

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Can't wait for Rewind, I hope it is on a jillion times a week so I can hear him talk. Dunno what spoilers would be, unless in this version he wins.


SPOILERS? YES! Wait, let me be more emphatic HELL YES. heee. Can Clay sing his narration? No? Ok dokie.

For me it comes on at 2 pm and 5 PM...PT.

Unless the fan has a shit load of connections in hollywood, newspapers, television, entertainment then they are useless to Clay and everybody else Roger was involved with, uh no thanks.

And you know, I don't need Clay's publicist to be a Clay fan. I need them to do be damn good at their job. Like my cousin said, I don't have to like this shit, I just have to sell it. A clay fan? messy, emotional, not objective, and a crap load of baggage. No thank you. Can you imagine a Clay fan PR person having to rep for any other idol or singer? Oh I'm sorry, MNF, Daughtery is not available for that ..but here, you can have Clay Aiken! Oh you need a rock god to join the superstars of heavy metal tour? How about Clay AIken LOL.

Anyway back to rewind...I think I hope to see any part of his perfect strangers singoff...were there cameras for that or was that before a producer only. I would like to see anything more from Hollywood. I just don't know what else they'll be able to squeeze in during the regular show..that will be more about cutting things out. I also look forward to the new interviews. I really loved season 2..not just Clay buta lot of them...so really looking forward to it.

Who watched Rewind for the first sesaon? Was there a narrator? What did he do?

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Dunno what spoilers would be, unless in this version he wins.

Now there's a thought for an alternative universe. But would he have sold 613m copies the first week without the underdog push?

My take on "Clay narrating" - that means he'll be on screen. I just don't think AI is going to have artsy voice-over narratives. In fact, I think Clay and Ruben will be on screen together with Ruben smiling & chillin' and Clay talking a mile a minute, just like the post-AI interviews. I've only seen bits of AI Rewind 1, so I don't really know the format, but I think the old footage of the show was pretty sliced up with commentary.

Slaps down a tenner that Clay doesn't do the Corey interview.

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