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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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Couchie - you don't have to watch the whole show.

Just tune in about 5 minutes before 9pm. You'll have already missed the DUMBEST contestant ever but will be able to catch the promo.

Of course, by then the screencap will be up!

And you already saw the show anyway!

Ok, off topic, but I just got this in my email from a friend and it made me laugh outloud!!

My Living Will


Last night, my friend and I were sitting in the living room and I said to her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."

So she got up, unplugged the TV, and threw out my wine.

She's such a bitch.....

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

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EEEEEEEEEEEE! for the promo! So where is the screencap...it's been like 30 seconds already!


Is it really bad that I'm hoping it's a long time before a screencap? Right now he's Singing! Sensation! Clay Aiken!! After a few screencaps, he'll be the guy with the bad hair again. [/whine]

I know, the fandom can be predictable...I am always so focused on his beautiful face, I never really pay much attention to the hair. :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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I'm glad to hear that so many of you enjoy the Open Studio tours....if you are interested.

Thanks for the link! I hope you can do it next year too, because I could (and would...) go! I'm just up here up topaya! :lol:

If you don't mind my asking, what are volunteers used for? In my experience, the vendors all have their own "staff" (friends and family) who deal with sales at the studio etc.


That would be so neat! A Clay open studio tour! I'll make sure it's Clay all the time in the Gallery.

The volunteers are basically the organizers and do all the PR. Just getting a dozen artists to agree on date is like herding cats. We design and print all those pretty brochures, do the marketing, write the press releases, make the signs and maps, gather sponsors and a dozen other tasks nobody thinks about! Like putting on a big party, it's fun, but a lot of work to make it come off smoothly.

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Back from taking my kid for an appt at the hospital. Three hours and two anxiety attacks later, and I think we all survived. That was fun (NOT).

I was flipping through a Chatelaine magazine for Sept. 2007 in the waiting room, and Clay's name jumped off the page at me. It said "If you like CLAY AIKEN, you will love Kalan Porter" and went on to talk about Kalan's new album. Ooookay. No, thanks.

ACtually, I have Kalan's new CD, Wake Up Living" and it's very good. I like it much better than his first CD. One of my bestest buddies sent it to me (she lives in Canada).

I'm still catching up and haven't felt too good the last couple of days, so I haven't much to say.

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ETA: Heheh, CG that guy really can work magic :tongue09:

Hee! Maybe he truly is a miracle worker!! :lol:


Oh good lord..>I'm not keeping up with the times. I have direct deposit so never go to the bank to the ATM to make a deposit...did you know they just suck your check deposit right up, scan it right there and put it right on the receipt. When did that start. I was screaming at the ATM and everybody was laughing at me. heh.

Bookwhore... sorry you aren't feeling well. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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That would be so neat! A Clay open studio tour! I'll make sure it's Clay all the time in the Gallery.

The volunteers are basically the organizers and do all the PR. Just getting a dozen artists to agree on date is like herding cats. We design and print all those pretty brochures, do the marketing, write the press releases, make the signs and maps, gather sponsors and a dozen other tasks nobody thinks about! Like putting on a big party, it's fun, but a lot of work to make it come off smoothly.

Ah, OK! I wouldn't mind volunteering for the one up here, and I was curious what types of things might be involved. Thanks for the info!

Eeeeeeeeeehhh for the promo! I LOVE him!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Wheeeeeeeeee for 5th Grader! So where's the clack? :hubbahubba:

I haven't been reading, just came to post some gorgeous pictures. :hubbahubba:


wow, I really love this one.

Lucky, sorry about your hospital visit. Those are never fun. Hope everything is ok.

First of all, that picture took my breath away. WOW.

Secondly, thanks to everyone for the well wishes. Things are fine, it was just some tests, but the smallest things can become really big things sometimes for a kid with an anxiety disorder. I'm just glad we got it over with!

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Oh good lord..>I'm not keeping up with the times. I have direct deposit so never go to the bank to the ATM to make a deposit...did you know they just suck your check deposit right up, scan it right there and put it right on the receipt. When did that start. I was screaming at the ATM and everybody was laughing at me. heh.

I know the feeling. I had a brain fart and lost misplaced my paper copy electric bill this month. So I called and they talked me into signing up to pay it online. So I did. And then I paid my cable/phone bill online, and then I paid my Shell bill online and then I paid my USDE bill online. Weeeell! It's so liberating! WTF have I been thinking writing those damn checks and scrounging for stamps and trying to get to the frickin' post office for?

Not like I'm online ALL THE DAMN TIME or anything... :cryingwlaughter:


EEEEEE! Can't wait for the promo.

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From CH:

About AI Rewind Atlanta:

Unfortunately, there is no lost footage of Clay from the audition. His audition is exactly the same as aired 5 years ago. The edits are the same, even the part where he spins Kristin Holt around while everyone cheers. So that's a disappointment.

He is sooooooooo cute in his new interview bits. (sorry had to be a little fangirly there)

He is first seen doing a stand-up intro. He is acting as the "host" of the episode, in that while most of the intro is voiceover, you see him standing saying "This is American Idol Rewind".

Then there's a bump going into commercial, where he says "Simon learns he can't judge a book by its cover" over video of his audition.

Leading into his audition piece, he says something about having confidence in saying "I'm the American Idol" and then "But this guy got the gooooooods" with a low growl. ooooo

And at the end, he wraps up by telling the audience about being cut in Charlotte, and he was mad and went to Atlanta out of stubbornness. Then found that the process was too addicting to quit, and pretends to stick a needle into his arm. Like Idol was a drug.

His onscreen credits are the same.

We also see Vanessa Oliverez, Chip Days, the rocker Patrick Lake, and of course, Keith. Vanessa looks so different today. Chip is wearing a military shirt (I'm really bad at identifying the military branches from clothing). I'm guessing he's in the Marine Corps.

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DIdn't she do his hair for JNT06? None of her hair days are on my 3 bad hair day lists so I'm happy :cryingwlaughter: Has any hairdresser of Clay's ever gone without criticism. Seems like he's had a gay hairdresser from LA and that didn't seem to do the trick either. Dean, John, Jamie? Who else has there been? Who was the best?

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Just saw some screencaps over at CV...I thought he looked adorable, the bangs were a little goofy, but you should see mine! Can't wait to see the show!


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Cotton,hon, my southern friends say "cuddins" for "cousins" sometimes and I've heard Clay say it. Couchie, you forgot the one good gay stylist, Mr. Steeeve from NY. I love Clay and every hair on his head, God bless his hairy little toes, but I'm just sayin' he got butchered . It's just an objective observation I'd make if I saw it on anyone. YMMV, IMO etc. etc.etc. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

(/dodges fruit and veggies)

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Hee, hee, thanks merriee! I love cute little 'nanners! And he is just as adorable as he can be! HOpe the World Series is over by November 1. Series, Shmeries- bring on teh Clay!

bottlecap, I love your description of Mr. A!! I would so crush on him as a student- all googly-eyed.

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The hair has DEFINITELY looked better - A LOT better!

But then again, the hair has DEFINITELY looked worse - A LOT worse!!!

I'd still do him in a heart beat.


Ok - this is the first REALLY cold night and I go to turn my heat on and NO HEAT!!!! I have propane and it seems my pilot light is out. I read the directions to light it and it came with so many warnings about blowing the house up, I gave up and left a message for my landlord to send someone to come light it tomorrow.

Hope they come. Its getting a might chilly in here. I need Clay to keep me warm!

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Aw, he looks like Mr. A - that cool teacher that all the kids love and swarm around, and that all the female teachers surreptitiously stalk and try to schedule lunchroom duty with. I wanna act up in class so I can get detention!

Heee I ain't throwing anything. I'm not one that cares about the hair one way or the other. What did Stevie... was he around long enough to mess up? I don't even remember her..or is it a him LOL.

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Interesting, :noidea: I've lived in the South ALL of my life and have never heard Clay or anyone else say cousins with a 'D'.

I've heard 'cUHzzin' - like LOTS, but never a 'D' sound.

I think Clay looks good in the screen caps.

Is that his picture on the screen? Young Clay? Big ears and glasses?

:wub: Too cute!

BTW, Thank Goodness, it is actually almost TOO cool outside! 51º!!


Ick! WRAL news just said 80's will be returning! Poo!


FIVE more posts and I can quit walking the dogs!! A-Whoo-Hoo!!

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