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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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43 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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Hee. The touring production of Spamalot is coming to town at the beginning of December, and my sister was hinting around about wanting to go. Let's just say that the Clay rumor made me a little more curious about seeing the show myself, so I got tickets. Yeah, it's not Broadway or whatnot, but still... Gotta support the local theaters and all that, eh?

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His second post... he is a posting fool! :laugh2:

I loved Corabeth's reply... "That is neither a yes nor a no." Wanna job in PR?" (Paraphrased) :cryingwlaughter:

Well, he did audition for it, so he must have been interested. Whether he had second thoughts or the producers didn't think he would fit in with that accent of his... I guess we'll find out "next week"... :cryingwlaughter:

The hours would be similar to touring, so he is used to it and I'm sure he could fit in meetings and recording sessions and lunches with Tyra just fine. He just might not be on Kimmel too often is all... LOL

I hope his Ruben plug helps. I hope the two of them have fun being together... maybe a pool game without Kelly to sweep the table... :cryingwlaughter:

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Hee. The touring production of Spamalot is coming to town at the beginning of December, and my sister was hinting around about wanting to go. Let's just say that the Clay rumor made me a little more curious about seeing the show myself, so I got tickets. Yeah, it's not Broadway or whatnot, but still... Gotta support the local theaters and all that, eh?

Oh yeah...Clay will be very happy with you if you do that...support the local artists, musicians and theaters.

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His second post... he is a posting fool! :laugh2:

I loved Corabeth's reply... "That is neither a yes nor a no." Wanna job in PR?" (Paraphrased) :cryingwlaughter:

Well, he did audition for it, so he must have been interested. Whether he had second thoughts or the producers didn't think he would fit in with that accent of his... I guess we'll find out "next week"... :cryingwlaughter:

The hours would be similar to touring, so he is used to it and I'm sure he could fit in meetings and recording sessions and lunches with Tyra just fine. He just might not be on Kimmel too often is all... LOL

I hope his Ruben plug helps. I hope the two of them have fun being together... maybe a pool game without Kelly to sweep the table... :cryingwlaughter:

Is there another confirmation that he did audition for it? Cos I wouldn't take that as fact just from that one blog mention.

I loved that you tube clip that was linked here the other day. I am so impressed with Sara "callie" Ramirez. What a great singer she is...I feel like her talent is wasted on GA now. I think I will search for more you tube clips.

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His second post... he is a posting fool! :laugh2:

I loved Corabeth's reply... "That is neither a yes nor a no." Wanna job in PR?" (Paraphrased) :cryingwlaughter:

Well, he did audition for it, so he must have been interested. Whether he had second thoughts or the producers didn't think he would fit in with that accent of his... I guess we'll find out "next week"... :cryingwlaughter:

The hours would be similar to touring, so he is used to it and I'm sure he could fit in meetings and recording sessions and lunches with Tyra just fine. He just might not be on Kimmel too often is all... LOL

I hope his Ruben plug helps. I hope the two of them have fun being together... maybe a pool game without Kelly to sweep the table... :cryingwlaughter:

And that is how rumor becomes fact in Clayland. I just can't imagine that if he did audition, the only mention of it would be some obscure blog, written in some bizarre form of free association. LOL!!! I still think it would be the coolest thing if he did it - but my read of his comments is 'no'. If he read the thread, he knows where the actual rumor/speculation came from, so saying that it's crazy pretty much settles it for me. Of course I'm no PR expert. *g*

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And that is how rumor becomes fact in Clayland. I just can't imagine that if he did audition, the only mention of it would be some obscure blog, written in some bizarre form of free association. LOL!!! I still think it would be the coolest thing if he did it - but my read of his comments is 'no'. If he read the thread, he knows where the actual rumor/speculation came from, so saying that it's crazy pretty much settles it for me. Of course I'm no PR expert. *g*

You aren't? ::blink:: Oops, wrong board. :cryingwlaughter:

ITA, one blog doesn't make anything true. Could have been the guy's idea of a joke.

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Nay---I don't think he's going to do Spamalot. I think that's what the post meant. I guess people just think it is still fun to speculate. I bet Clay thinks we're all crazy. I know I am. If I lived in NC, close, I would be at that fair. I guess we'll just have to wait to see the fun blog, next week. I know I could use a little fun, but than, who couldn't?

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he could fit in <snip>lunches with Tyra just fine.

Indeed. Love those lunch quickies. :whistling-1:

Are you feeling a short follow-up story or maybe an epilogue coming on? Please say yes. :whistling-1:

Weeellllll....I DID just find out that Carrie's softball double header this Sunday has been canceled due to the other team forfeiting.... :whistling-1:

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I read that a cast memeber had confirmed that Clay had auditioned. I read around, but I THINK it was CB somewhere. It's fun to play with the idea, tho... especially the lunches with Trya part... :cryingwlaughter:

I'm fine with it either way! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Congrats, Muski... does that mean you get an actual weekend? Awesome! Or, does Alex have sports/something that will require chauffer services and fan participation?

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Well...do you know that you kept me up the other night till 2 am? I was going to try and help you with your problem only to discover that MY prntscn button is whacky as well. It wasn;t working consistently...I have been obsessed with that problem even if I don;t really use that function too much. But yeah...you can use MM for screen caps...not as easy as when I could use Nero, or BSPlayer...

Awww, thanks!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Heh... he's a teaser, that one. Now we still don't know nuttin'. :lol: For all we know that cast-member blogger could have gotten a Google alert on his own show and read that Clay auditioned from whatever that other reference was...

Have fun at your wedding, ldyj!

*smooches to clayzor just in case she's peeking in*

It's raining... weee! I planted the fall veggies yesterday and now they are getting watered. Perfect. :)

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I read that a cast memeber had confirmed that Clay had auditioned. I read around, but I THINK it was CB somewhere. It's fun to play with the idea, tho... especially the lunches with Trya part... :cryingwlaughter:

You're probably thinking of the post that YSRN brought over here earlier:

A blogger, "Jimmy", who is apparently James Ludwig, a current member of the Broadway company for Spamalot, posted this in his blog tonight:

Our Friends, Our Family

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I'm on the Broadway and I do shows. A lot. This is what I do. Phone rings, warm up, put on makeup and a dress, sing, and say funny things. Audiences are waning some, and Clay Aiken was auditioning the other day.

That was actually the second mention; the first was some newspaper (and I'm not going to search for it) had a one line brief mention in their celebrity section.

I don't know what to think. I guess I'm still just going to leave my options open....but will still ask my husband if he wants to go to New York in the near future, just in case.

Heh, just asked him....he seems OK with it....YAY!

As for his blog....gotta love him. Yeah, I'd be at that fair if I could; I'd be curious to hear Ruben after all this time. Meanwhile, totally agree with everyone that says that Clay's a little shit, 'cause he is. We get entertainment from him, and sometimes the payback is interesting too! I guess we must "be like toys" to him too.

Gotta get ready for that wedding now...MUAH YSRN, and "hello" to Clayzor too!

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I read that a cast memeber had confirmed that Clay had auditioned. I read around, but I THINK it was CB somewhere. It's fun to play with the idea, tho... especially the lunches with Trya part... :cryingwlaughter:

I'm fine with it either way! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Congrats, Muski... does that mean you get an actual weekend? Awesome! Or, does Alex have sports/something that will require chauffer services and fan participation?

Yes liney...that was the blog I meant. The other mention was a one line rumor that Clay was in talks with Spamalot producer.

I have just make it a policy to keep my salt handy specially with blog entries cos we have been fooled before. So when people take these reports as fact I tend to remind them that we cannot always trust what we read on the net.

However...I will still keep that hope alive cos we also know that things in Clay's career can change quickly. So ldyJ...if this does happen I will be going to New York for sure...so FCA party!!!

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I just tuned into Tyra's show and she just dropped Clay's name like a hot potato right in the middle of a fashion moment. She was telling her audience how you could go to lunch at some of the finest restaurants and it would cost half the price of going to dinner...then she said "not to be a name dropper, I just went there the other day with Clay Aiken, (and his picture appeared on the screen), she then went on to say how he said in his southern accent "I'll pay" and she said of course you will and that she had paid the first time they went to that restaurant (Jean Georges).

Maybe muski is a seer? :hubbahubba: She was all kinds of fangirly telling the story. That was really interesting!

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I just tuned into Tyra's show and she just dropped Clay's name like a hot potato right in the middle of a fashion moment. She was telling her audience how you could go to lunch at some of the finest restaurants and it would cost half the price of going to dinner...then she said "not to be a name dropper, I just went there the other day with Clay Aiken, (and his picture appeared on the screen), she then went on to say how he said in his southern accent "I'll pay" and she said of course you will and that she had paid the first time they went to that restaurant (Jean Georges).

Maybe muski is a seer? :hubbahubba: She was all kinds of fangirly telling the story. That was really interesting!

Is it a rerun? Or was somebody on the boards at the taping? Cuz I know I've read that before. Lots of discussion of their second lunch together. How cool that it made it to the airing!!! Yes, even as I type this I remember somebody posting that they were at the taping.

ETA: was the picture of him when he was on her show? Cuz he looked so fiiiiiiiiiiiiine that day. Slurp!!

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cindilu... I agree. This must be the actual show from the gal who went to the taping and told everyone about their lunch. Dang.... only two lunches... that we know about!

You're right, ladies. The Pittsburgh paper quoted ET and then the cast member blogger are the two sources. I'm fine with whatever Clay wants to do either way. I guess we'll see next week (or so) whether his fun news is Spamalot or something else.

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I just tuned into Tyra's show and she just dropped Clay's name like a hot potato right in the middle of a fashion moment. She was telling her audience how you could go to lunch at some of the finest restaurants and it would cost half the price of going to dinner...then she said "not to be a name dropper, I just went there the other day with Clay Aiken, (and his picture appeared on the screen), she then went on to say how he said in his southern accent "I'll pay" and she said of course you will and that she had paid the first time they went to that restaurant (Jean Georges).

Maybe muski is a seer? :hubbahubba: She was all kinds of fangirly telling the story. That was really interesting!

Is it a rerun? Or was somebody on the boards at the taping? Cuz I know I've read that before. Lots of discussion of their second lunch together. How cool that it made it to the airing!!! Yes, even as I type this I remember somebody posting that they were at the taping.

ETA: was the picture of him when he was on her show? Cuz he looked so fiiiiiiiiiiiiine that day. Slurp!!

I don't know if it was a rerun but she was taping from her New York location. It was the picture of him in the chartruese (sp) (green/yellow color) sweater and light brown jacket. His hair was styled in the old way. was more of a light brown red but not outrageously spikey. He looked mighty fine, mighty fine.

:hubbahubba: She was very fangirly and got all smiley and cute as she told the story. I get all fangirly trying to remember all of the details but I'm sure it's in CU...

Give that boy half a chance and he'll mow you right down with the charm and those piercing eyes.

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No Toots, I only thought 'rerun' cuz I knew I had heard that story before. But it was from someone who was at the taping. It makes me v. v. happy that the comment made the cut on her show. V. V. happy!

That outfit sounds like the ACAC photoshoot.

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