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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Isn't there even one little picture of the cheekbones yet?????

The Clay Nation is slipping!

Not sure how much longer I can keep my eyes open. I'm fading fast......

it's relatively early here but I think I'll just wake up to the clack. Night everybody..it's been fun!

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Not many of us left eh? I've been reading the CB and the OFC. By George there are some new fans around at both places, people who just recently became serious fans. People who've been bit by the Clay bug (keepingfaithed?) sometime in the last few months. How cool is that?

CB, Clayngel:

It was such an amazing night and I was soooo lucky to be there!

Someone up-thread said how his song was worth the price of admission alone and that is the absolute truth.

I was sitting on the Right Orch in Row N and our whole little section were all Claymates. I sat near people from Virginia, California and Massachusettes.

The anticipation leading up to Clay's performance was crazy! And the way David teased us just made it worse!!!

But when he walked out on stage is was just like an electric shockwave went through the audience. So many people were standing and screaming and he just looked like he couldn't believe it. I don't think he was expecting such a fantastic reception.

He looked GORGEOUS. Suit, hair, everything just couldn't have been better.

Then he opened his mouth....There simply aren't words to describe this performance. You could tell that he really wanted to do well and I agree with those that said he seemed a bit nervous at the start. But that all melted away in seconds as he got into the song. Wow, wow, wow....every note was perfection. Beautiful lower register and that glory note had the whole audience on their feet. It was the best performance of Solitaire he has done. There has to be Clack because you can't understand how amazing it was until you see it.

My heart was pounding so hard, I was shaky and in such a Clay fog that I don't even remember who followed him or what they sang!

Tonight was just unbelievable!!! I love Clay so much and I'm so proud of him!


First things first...

Can you spell gorgeous with a capital G?

Through my binoculars from the 2nd tier, I could see Clay's cheekbones, feathery bangs and gorgeous face. When he was introduced by David Foster, he walked from stage left to stage right amidst a roar of cheers and screams. He tentatively smiled at the first strains of the song but then broke into a full smile and looked down when a fan yelled "I love you". Pinstripe suit, light shirt, no tie. Did I say gorgeous?

He sang the first stanza softly, but then as he glided from glorious high tenor to glorious low baritone, it seemed to pick up steam. Then he just belted it out of Avery Fisher Hall and through the rafters. How could this kid make me hold my breath and say a silent prayer that his voice stays on steady. As he nailed the glory notes of Solitaire, the crowd erupted in cheers and a good-size standing ovation from the audience. Clay got the other standing ovation aside from Connie Francis, and of course, Neil. Clay's was louder, I think, and there were fangirly screams that broke through, particularly from the lady next to me. Believe me, it's Not-Just-Us. Isn't it incredible that others get the privilege of hearing Clay pour his heart out in a song? Who is this Clay Aiken, they might ask? After tonight, they know that Neil's masterpiece certainly found a rightful voice. That's why I say, the screaming is Not-Just-Us.

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Report by raleighlady at CV:

Just back in the hotel from the Neil Sedaka tribute and reception. What a wonderful show! We thoroughly enjoyed it.

Clay was brilliant, just wonderful. Perfect voice, perfect hair, perfect suit, he was gorgeous. He received screams and a standing O. Just as soon he finished, the band members turned to each other and mouthed "wow". And it's amazing how much David Foster likes Clay.

Clay didn't come out at the end but neither did Natalie Cole or Dion. We heard he had had strep throat. I knew then that he wouldn't be at the reception. He would have needed medication to attend that thing. Heck, *I* needed medication. I don't like crowds where the people are not in their own individual space, like a seat. It was crowded and hot and personally I'm glad he didn't go. The only celebrities we saw at the reception were Connie Frances who was leaving just as we arrived, Neil, Renee Olmstead, and Toni Tenneille. Oh and Ivanka Trump was there and at the show and Katherine McPhee was at the show but not the reception.

All the artists were great, except for the jazz trio who I thought was horrible. Connie Frances sounded great but she looked scary - bad bad plastic surgery. Hideous.

Great evening and it does my heart good to know that Clay was invited to perform. It really was quite an honor for him to be included. I'm extremely proud to be a Clay Aiken fan.

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Unreal. WHen I click that link, it says ERROR and the limit of downloads has been reached!

Already! :cry4:

ETA: never mind. I found another yousendit download.


I am SO happy for all the people who were actually THERE for that. What an amazing voice. And I....I could close my eyes and see him singing it---so clearly that tomorrow, when our unreal clackgatherers have uploaded their art so that we can download it, it might be anticlimactic....my view of him was sooooo clear and sharp.

That voice.

That voice.

It holds and delivers more life and love than words can say.

Good night, friends. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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cellphone version_catsmomsny - CB

WOW, yousendits expired in moments--it's like the good old days.

Well, are y'all bit meanies going to leave me up here all alone all night? No good deed goes unpunished?

Yoo hoo, Scarlett!!!! I see you down there.

Pics from mustbeeme at CV. Video tomorrow.



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I'm back - wanna know anything?

Met Scarlett after the show and dragged her all over the bus station in heels because they changed the bus gate, so that delayed her in getting back to the hotel. Sorry.

First, it was an entertaining show. I think there were some famous people in the loges on the side, but it was too dark to see.

Clay did get the first ovation ofthe night, but it was not 100%, more like 75% of the floor and all of the balcony, which seemed full of Clay fans. I was first tier. My binoculars were wanting, guess I get another pair for las vegas tomorrow.

Clay did not look any thinner - could this be projection again or just bad binoculars?

I think Clay may have been sick - can you imagine him not talking at all? Just does not compute.

I am not a person who gets chills, but there was something about Clay giving his all to this version of Solitaire. Yes, Cousin Brucie (who I hate for a college related incident) Came out after Clay just shaking his head and said something like Clay....whew!!!1!!!11!!

Yes David Foster teased Clay fans a lot, came right down to address them even accused one woman in the audience of being Clay's mother, but then backed down. From what I saw the woman should be so lucky.

The pattern of Clay fandom seemed to be Clayfans in front on both sides and some in the center. Then about 1/3 the way back in the center and them way back in the center. A lot were in the balcony. There was not one I love you Clay there were 3 before the song and one after. How do I know? They were either in my section directly behind me or in the section above me.

Connie Francis had a sentimental ovation, she did nothing special. Neil begged for ovations - he would look at the crowd and walk up and down the stage wiping tears from his eyes until people stood and applauded. Really!

The Emcee said that it was a sell out. I know someone who got their two orchestra tickets at the last minute So maybe not.

Elton and Barry were taped. David F did not say someone else recorded Solitaire - he said someone else has recorded that song - never mentioning the song, but Barry had only mentioned that one song. Just had to clear it up.

I told my sister to post about David Foster and McPhee because that seemed like big news to me, like maybe Whitney is off, Foster was scheduled to work on her alubm, unless he can work on two at the same time. Rumor was that she has been seen with Bobby again, so who knows.

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Posted this at CH, but wanted to let you know that I was on the phone with SLC to borrow a firewire cable but we're pretty far from each other. But she's going home and uploading her Clack tomorrow. I now have a reason to go to B&H tomorrow too, but you all know that I've been living on a couple hours sleep here & there (ok, every other day) for the past week. Between that, the gallons of Mt Dew (because I refuse to drink anything stronger) and Clay singing stupendously and tossing his head back at the most wonderful moments which would normally cause you to drop anything you're holding in your hands and go GUH! ...onsider mine as backup vid but with great sound since I was able to use the external mic.

Thanks so much to Play whom I met at the subway station -- she drove me back to the hotel and we might get together tomorrow, depending on whether she can get reservations at some guy's restaurant that apparently y'all know about (Food Network's my background noise but it really is background. Or is this guy on a diff channel).

ps. Hugs to KAndre!!!

pps. Neat thing about travelling alone is that I finally get to hold the room key *blows raspberry* at the eHP who have prohibitted me from doing so on occassion. 'Course the room key would be useful if I could remember my room number!

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*hugs Scarlett and Play* :F_05BL17blowkiss:

This/these are from bigappleforclay at getclayaiken:

It was AMAZING!!!!!!

Was in 5th Row, Dead Center. Got video of David Foster's intro of Clay, and Clay's entire performance. It will probably be up tomorrow. Here are some screen caps!






That third cap... YUM!!

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Playbiller, thanks for the recap, especially this perspective:

Connie Francis had a sentimental ovation, she did nothing special. Neil begged for ovations - he would look at the crowd and walk up and down the stage wiping tears from his eyes until people stood and applauded. Really!

... you all know that I've been living on a couple hours sleep here & there (ok, every other day) for the past week. Between that, the gallons of Mt Dew (because I refuse to drink anything stronger) and Clay singing stupendously and tossing his head back at the most wonderful moments which would normally cause you to drop anything you're holding in your hands and go GUH! ...onsider mine as backup vid but with great sound since I was able to use the external mic.

Hope the "sleepless beauty" gets some sleep! As another Scarlett said: "tomorrow is another day". Rest well, you did great tonight!

Those pictures are great!

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Snags new avie.

I really am going to bed after this, really.

From CB, strollynn63:

Ya know what was strange? They were all much older than Clay, but, he seemed like the seasoned veteran. He commands the stage and the audience, and not just US either.

Now I'm all wound up and can't go to sleep. Solitaireeeeeeeeeeeeee, will be in my head now for the next week.

He was awesome tonight!



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Clay's in the midst of recording a contemporary album with a super-sekrit Grammy award-winning British producer and people are upset because ...... DF is going to do Katherine McPhee's next album? Doesn't DF get to make a living? Or by being Clay's friend and mentor is he precluded from other work?

Yep, you got it. :cryingwlaughter:

Wow, some of those pictures are amazing! I love that he was intro'd by DF. Say what you want about the man, he commands respect in the music industry. Clay was treated like the Stah! he is last night. And especially if he has been suffering from strep throat, good for him for nailing it.

Not sure if this version of Solitaire is clearer than that CB cellphone one, but it was emailed to me in the night. It was taped by Murah:


I also got this link in email from Aron at the BAF.

BAF Newsletter - Take 2

Happy Birthday, cindilu2! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

[sv]Wanna go to the Ben Thanh?[/sv] :imgtongue:

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Well, let me sort of moderate the comment about Neil - he got a spontaneous ovation for walking on the stage and again after several older songs. It was after performing one or two of his favorite songs that he sort of wandered about the stage and that was a kind if weird thing. But in truth, Neil was the reason that majority of people were there. I should not have said begged, he got standing ovations, but it looked like he wanted more enthusiasm from the group. But, hey, it was his party. I think a lot of people in the business get off on appearing on stage and having love thrown at them.

Yuck, I thought it would be sunny today, but it is not, it is pouring. If it keeps up, I don't know what I will do, I am so looking forward to having a floor so very soon, I have 1/2 a wall in my kitchen now, so that is good news.

Hey, I have to call Scarlett, if Perillas is not taking new reservations (Harold's, from Top Chef), we can go to the Iberian again. It is about 10 minutes from Scarlett's hotel, just not good walking distance. It is Saturday, the busiest night of the week for restaurants. Usually you haveto reserve like a month in advance, but sometimes you can pick up a cancellation.

Have to wake the dog soon. She is not used to going for a walk at 1 am and then getting up early in the morning. She is quite on the mend and has started to stand on her hind legs for begging for cookies, so I think she is doing just fine.

Duh - about taping the show, value of sitting in the back, I saw that someone was standing near the Sedaka family in the loge and taping the whole show, most likely just for the family. I can see where this would not be televised, it was not the most exciting show ever, a lot of people were past their prime and there was very little spent on the set, it was just a picture of Neil in the background all night which was used for the video tributes and the lucite piano.

While Elton John's tribute was very nice, complimentary and affectionate and had him singing clips of several of his favorite Neil songs, I thought that Manilow's sounded a lot more like an ad for his latest CD which includes Solitaire with it being just a head shot and a few selected sentences.

I just want to pan one group for the action of one member though. The jazz group was a little unmelodic to say the least, I guess I just don't appreciate jazz enough to know how good they were, but the drummer did some "tricks". For one moment, he took his drum stick, and dragged the hand end of ot allong a symbol very carefully and very seriously to reproduce the sound of fingernails on the chalk board. I am not sure how that is supposed to fit into music, but it certainly got a lot of uhgs from me and the people around me. Why would he do that?

Did anyone mention that David Foster used to be the keyboardist in Neil's band? I thought that was pretty funny and demonstrates how small a family show business can be. Almost everyone else was there because they sang his songs. Other exceptions were the DJs and Paul Shaeffer. I guess I should listen to Letterman Monday to see if Shaeffer says anything, he seemed to be having a blast.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Just saw the pictures...Oh.my.God...that is one beautiful man! Can't wait to see the clack!

5 Days until Clay is on AYSTAFG!

10 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

30 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

56 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

59 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

72 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

83 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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Clay's in the midst of recording a contemporary album with a super-sekrit Grammy award-winning British producer and people are upset because ...... DF is going to do Katherine McPhee's next album? Doesn't DF get to make a living? Or by being Clay's friend and mentor is he precluded from other work?

Yep, you got it. :cryingwlaughter:

Wow, some of those pictures are amazing! I love that he was intro'd by DF. Say what you want about the man, he commands respect in the music industry. Clay was treated like the Stah! he is last night. And especially if he has been suffering from strep throat, good for him for nailing it.

Not sure if this version of Solitaire is clearer than that CB cellphone one, but it was emailed to me in the night. It was taped by Murah:


I also got this link in email from Aron at the BAF.

BAF Newsletter - Take 2

Happy Birthday, cindilu2! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

[sv]Wanna go to the Ben Thanh?[/sv] :imgtongue:

He did that with strep throat? Holy crap. Murah's mp3 is much clearer than last night's. Thanks for the link, luckiest1.

Ben Thanhs? Heheh, it's my birthday, not yours. :imgtongue:

So is the strep throat rumour or fact?

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