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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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I'd have to add the heel pivot at the end too. Like at the end of AI5 Hmm ... is this something he does unconsciously after deliverying a boffo performance?

Hee, I love your excitement over this performance, and you are right, there are many similarities to the AI5 performance. I just wish this one could be as widely publicized!

It is fun to see so much of the fandom all fangirlie again. Since I never stopped being fangirlie, I'm no more or less so than I was before.

That's where I'm at, too. It's cool to see so much celebration, but I'm kind of like...."but he was always gorgeous & great!" :)

I kind of get the sense that part of the DF/Kat angst is simply jealousy--that he would choose to work with an idol other than Clay. But that seems to place an excessive amount of importance on Foster, and a lack of trust in Clay's own artistic judgment.

BWAH, bingo! Because I think a good portion of the fandom isn't so sure that Clay's artistic judgement is sound, or is in line with what they like. And that skeers them.

David Foster's music never made it onto my turntable or CD player. Clay Aiken's music did --- and pretty much took over. So my money's on Clay.


Or maybe...maybe he's just that damned good that he can constantly, repeatedly bring it and, with his poise and presence, make it seem as natural to him as breathing.

This is my pick. He always brings it, every time.

Clay sang the shit out of Solitaire all summer in '05 and a lot of the fans took that, like all the ballads, as an opportunity for a chat.

Exactly! He has always sung the shit out of it. I do recognize that this night was a special occasion, and I think he was very conscious of that, and wanted to give a stellar performance (and he DID!). But to my mind, he always did. And it was not always as appreciated.

It's so nice to come here and be able to nod my head in agreement as I catch up. Other boards just make me see red and I end up closing my browser in frustration most times. We have so much to look forward to right now, there really will not be a dull moment from here until at least the beginning of May. I love the celebration and the fangirliness! That's what this is about....at least for me. I've just never been into analyzing Clay's career path or his career choices. I just want to enjoy the fruits of his labour!

So today I am in the final stages of planning the logistics of my Vegas trip. Do I leave the 16 year old home alone? Do I send him to his dad's and allow him to miss a few days of school?

Which will give me more peace of mind while I'm gone? :cryingwlaughter: Stay tuned.....

{{{playbiller & couchie}}}

ETA: Oh joy! Top of the page again!

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Luckiest wrote:

I just want to enjoy the fruits of his labour!

I read that as 'fruit of his loins.' I think I've been hanging around muski too long. :P

Honestly, both should be enjoyed.

*waiting patiently for the lightening bolt to strike me dead this Sunday morning*

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Haagen Daz

Reduce the calories with the crudite and load them back on with the Haagen Daz. :cryingwlaughter:

Luckiest, do you have a third choice? :cry4:

What in the world does BF carry in his pockets? Probably just a ploy to throw us off and make us zone in to study the crotchal area..

fold not a fold?

penis not a penis?

epi pen not an epi pen?

phone not a phone?

old basketball shorts not old basketball shorts?

And this is a board of intelligent women? :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4:

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Good Morning Everyone,

4 Days until Clay is on AYSTAFG!

9 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

29 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

55 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

58 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

71 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

82 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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we do not know how Clay found Jaymes...

I believe Clay said in an interview that his management company (SAM) connected him to Jaymes. But of course, I'm not sure which interview it was (TV Guide? nope...see lf's post below)

Being the "too late queen" I'm sure this has already been answered. Hee.

eta...ooo guess not then. I'll try to find it.

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Luckiest, do you have a third choice? :cry4:

Sadly, not.

Click for a Good Morning Greeting!

th_IMG_0486.jpg(taken 10/11/06)


Wow, what a gorgeous view! Thanks for sharing!

There was frost on the windshield when I went to the grocery store this morning. But all it did was make me more excited and 'in the mood' for the Vegas Christmas show next week! :clap:

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By KAREN BLISS -- For JAM! Music (11/8/05)

Lowdown: Aiken, Cdn. producer See Eye To Eye

North Carolina pop crooner Clay Aiken calls Canadian Jaymes Foster-Levy "absolutely wonderful." The runner-up on 2003's American Idol and the best-selling artist from that season has been working with the sister of acclaimed producer David Foster (Josh Groban, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion) on the follow-up to 2003's "Measure Of A Man" and they have been taking their sweet-sounding time.

"We have been in the studio throughout the past four or five months," says Aiken, who is taking a break from recording for his second annual Joyful Noise Tour, which launched in Vancouver Nov. 2 and ends with a pair of shows in Florida, Dec. 29 and 30.

"She used to be at Warner Bros ,and went out on her own," says Aiken. "It was a match made by my management company. We interviewed a number of people to see what gelled and what didn't and she and I got along famously, so we decided to work on this together. She's absolutely wonderful and she and I see eye to eye on a lot of things."

While the Foster-Levy divides her time between Victoria, BC and Los Angeles, says Aiken, the two have been working in L.A. The album is the first proper follow-up to his post-Idol rush job, 2003's Measure Of A Man, which went multi-platinum in the U.S. and sold 167,000 units in Canada, according to Nielsen SoundScan. He also put out "Merry Christmas With Love" last year.

"The last album ('Measure Of A Man') was something that I was proud of in the sense of' Wow, I have an album,'" Aiken says with a laugh. "So it was cool for that, but there were some songs on there that I did not necessarily connect with, songs that talk about being lovelorn and full of angst because someone wronged me -- and I don't know anything about that. I didn't know anything about that then; I don't know anything about that now."

Although Foster-Levy had experience with the Popstars television franchise when she was an executive at her brother's now-defunct label, 143 Records, which took a similar approach to Idol in that the album was practically ready-made no matter who won, she's fully behind Aiken's choice not to rush-record this new studio album, according to the singer -- and there's no reason to.

Now that his success has been firmly established, they are sifting through the best song submissions, something Aiken didn't have a chance to do on "Measure Of A Man" because it was so important to strike while the iron was hot and the TV fan-base still there.

"More important than what it sounds like is what is says to me," Aiken says of the next album. "That's why we're taking our time. I want to make sure that what I sing represents something that I know something about and I feel. Some songs we find and we said, 'That is it. We're gonna do that' and so I've gone and recorded them. And then there's been some other ones where we've gone in and we've liked the song a little bit; we wanted to change it some and see if we could make some modifications.

"So it's all up and down, completely across the spectrum, where we are as far as each song goes. Some have been recorded; some we have been listening to submissions and we continue to get them daily."

Still, in his quest to forge the direction with which he's happy, he's won't be co-writing any songs as many singers are wont to do after first-time success and freedom.

"I'm not much of a writer," he admits. "A few lines I can pull off in a song. I know there is a lot of people out there nowadays who say they've written a song and that means they've written a line or so. So it may be possible that I'll go in and change a line or two, but I don't think it's fair to take credit for writing songs, if I just change the line (laughs).

"So I'm not really going to do any writing, but we've taken our time and focused on finding really good stuff and, as a result of that, we've found a lot of stuff (laughs), so the problem now is trying to figure out which songs make the album and which don't, or do we want to put out a larger project or multiple projects, or do we want to do the best of the best? So right now, we're in this quandary, exactly what we've found do we want to go with."

When Aiken reconnects with Foster after his tour concludes, they will get down to picking the final track listing, but he still won't be swayed to put a deadline on it.

"We'd like to have the album out in the first half of next year, and I know that's a very broad time frame, but more importantly than saying we want to have it done in January or February is saying that we want to make sure that what we put out is something that I'm proud, and that we're all proud of, all the people who have worked on it," says Aiken. "So I'd hate to say February and then we realize we should take some more time on it."

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By KAREN BLISS -- For JAM! Music (11/8/05)

Lowdown: Aiken, Cdn. producer See Eye To Eye


"She used to be at Warner Bros ,and went out on her own," says Aiken. "It was a match made by my management company. We interviewed a number of people to see what gelled and what didn't and she and I got along famously, so we decided to work on this together. She's absolutely wonderful and she and I see eye to eye on a lot of things."


Yay! Thanks for bringing that. *whew* I can stop looking now and have another cup of coffee. Hee.

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Click for a Good Morning Greeting!

th_IMG_0486.jpg(taken 10/11/06)


Beautiful picture! I have lots of nature scene pics taken in the Colorado mountains, but somehow I don't ever get sunrises. Probably because I'm not a morning person! Heeeee.

Good Morning Everyone,

4 Days until Clay is on AYSTAFG!

9 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

29 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

55 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

58 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

71 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

82 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


Nine days till Vegas! Woooooot!!!! I'm so excited. I even got out my suitcase, and have started throwing a few things in.

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lightmyfire -- I don't know if you're a journalist or a lawyer, but, if not, you should have been. Thanks for once again finding historical record and contributing to my fan education. You must have an amazing system that allows you to easily access the information or resources you need at any given time. What is it? A phenomenal memory, a master of organization, or both? Last night I was writing those questions and thinking ... if LMF was around here tonight she could quote me chapter and verse. See, I know you already.

Looks like Renshaw has been very active in managing Clay's career. Bottom line for me is that I'm curious about why some things are the way they are, and why there's a faction of fans so obsessed by this stuff, but I do not need or want to know business/contract information. It takes the romance out of this love affair I'm having! I love music, artistry, performance .... but Lord deliver me from contracts and suppositions regarding contracts. I can go to work for that.

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Hee ...I knew other people would get the story straight...

I think its very difficult for some fans to look at Clay as a strong, savvy, sophisticated, smart and independent person. Some fans simply like their view of Clay as the naive new comer that needs guidance and mentoring. It gives their constant meddling justification. So they will constantly see all kinds of enemies and plots against their hero...they will need the ever constant villain...RCA to fight for Clay. They will constantly lament at how evil and mean the media is to him even when, relatively speaking...he does get a mix of bad and good press the way it happens for any celebrity.

I don't think these fans realize how insulting they can be to Clay. I actually think Clay himself did a stellar job in the Sedaka tribute...but just like some of you, I did feel there was some discord between Clay and David's orchestration. I felt like Clay was trying to give it a more subtle treatment yet David was going for bombastic. I also remember how David pushed Clay to do that UM note over and over during his gala even if it could really be bad for his chords. I didn;t think he had Clay's best interest in that situation.

If Clay and David do work together in the future...I'm sure its because it was the right project...just like LAA.

I really am looking forward to the reveal of his current producer...I am very very optimistic about whats coming down the line.

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What do you suppose is up with the shroud of secrecy surrounding the new producer? Probably anticipating the angst of the fandom and all of the potential e-mails, blogs and whatnot telling the secret producer what kind of songs Clay should sing, how Clay's voice should be recorded, on and on ad nauseum! Don't those fans understand that Clay is no doubt laughing at them?

Thank you for the beautiful sunrise Cotton. Did you take that picture?

Sorry for the loss Gibby. I thought they were going to pull it out but the Red Sox were just too good last night.

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What do you suppose is up with the shroud of secrecy surrounding the new producer? Probably anticipating the angst of the fandom and all of the potential e-mails, blogs and whatnot telling the secret producer what kind of songs Clay should sing, how Clay's voice should be recorded, on and on ad nauseum! ...

I'm thinking that the name of the producer will be a big deal and delaying the release of his/her name is a strategic decision. And I hope and pray that Clay's management never makes strategic decisions based upon angst enamating from the paranoia corner of his fanbase.

But it is sadly predictable that just as you say, this group would be freaking out about whoever it is and attempting to interfere, as per their usual and customary behavior. Just hoping such things aren't on Clay's radar screen.

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What do you suppose is up with the shroud of secrecy surrounding the new producer? Probably anticipating the angst of the fandom and all of the potential e-mails, blogs and whatnot telling the secret producer what kind of songs Clay should sing, how Clay's voice should be recorded, on and on ad nauseum! ...

I'm thinking that the name of the producer will be a big deal and delaying the release of his/her name is a strategic decision. And I hope and pray that Clay's management never makes strategic decisions based upon angst enamating from the paranoia corner of his fanbase.

But it is sadly predictable that just as you say, this group would be freaking out about whoever it is and attempting to interfere, as per their usual and customary behavior. Just hoping such things aren't on Clay's radar screen.

WORD...I hope the only time the fans comes into their strategic decisions is when they plan out the route of a tour...ie based on the concentration of fans etc.

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Heckuva busy weekend, and I've just had my first chance to watch the Sedaka videos! WOW....just WOW. He did just an AWEsome job...but I always knew he would. Loved his DONE!! body language :lol:, loved the little smile when the inevitable "Love you"-er rang out, loved the little smile of appreciation at the start. There's a certain way he smiles now, that is a very intimate shout-out to those of us in attendance, I think. He doesn't have to shout "Love you too"...he smiles it.

jmh123, your comment about the chatting through Solitaire reminded me of an incident at the NAT in Greenville SC that I will never, ever forget....I was sitting off to the side in about the third row amongst a group of people who had come all together. They spent most of the concert yapping to one another about plans for getting out to the buses (while I thought STFU) after the show. As he was doing Invisible, which was the last official song of the night as you may recall, and preceded Solitaire as an encore, he bopped over to the opposite side of the stage from us. This group thought that was an appropriate moment to stand up en masse (there were 12-15 of them) and leave....to be first in line to the buses....but of course Clay didn't know that. Unfortunately, the moment they stood up and walked out was also the moment he turned around and bopped over to OUR side of the stage. To be greeted by 15 backs leaving the building...and a few of us still sitting there. I will never EVER forget the look on his face. :cry4: And I will never EVER forgive them for it.

Such a me, me, me mentality without ever thinking (or caring, IMO) about the possible consequences.

BUT....not to leave with a downer....can't WAIT for Scarlett's clack, but in the meantime, that video of bigapple4clay's is outstanding video as well as audio! :F_05BL17blowkiss: and :woman: and :dancingpickle: and ESPECIALLY :wub::wub::wub:

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What do you suppose is up with the shroud of secrecy surrounding the new producer? Probably anticipating the angst of the fandom and all of the potential e-mails, blogs and whatnot telling the secret producer what kind of songs Clay should sing, how Clay's voice should be recorded, on and on ad nauseum! Don't those fans understand that Clay is no doubt laughing at them?

Thank you for the beautiful sunrise Cotton. Did you take that picture?

Sorry for the loss Gibby. I thought they were going to pull it out but the Red Sox were just too good last night.

Thanks for the condolences, Toots. At this rate, we will be seeing AYSTAFG on the date it's scheduled!

I'm very glad that we don't know the producer yet. Hopefully a lot of the information about the album - producer, number of tracks, genre of music, collaborators, etc, will all be revealed close to the time the album is released. That way there's less time for angsting, which is inevitable about every single detail.

Ansa, I so agree with your post! Especially this part:

I think its very difficult for some fans to look at Clay as a strong, savvy, sophisticated, smart and independent person. Some fans simply like their view of Clay as the naive new comer that needs guidance and mentoring. It gives their constant meddling justification. So they will constantly see all kinds of enemies and plots against their hero...they will need the ever constant villain...RCA to fight for Clay. They will constantly lament at how evil and mean the media is to him even when, relatively speaking...he does get a mix of bad and good press the way it happens for any celebrity.
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Well, you all forgot the4 best rumor - that RCA is keeping Clay because they don't want anyone else to have him and make him a hit maker. Alrighty then, they don't respect him, but they know he can make money with anyone but him.

Never leave a workman in your house - mine took my 18 dollar a sheet backflash and installed it incorrectrly poking holes isn it - I would think that it wasa bas idea and looked like a piece of crap if he had not instlalled it correctly in 2 places and it looks wonderful there. He is an ass to think I would not demand he take it all down and the cabinets installed over them and doi it again. Oh yeah, he also did not bother installing the end pieces so I have raggedy edges on all walls. Ass. I am not leaving my house again until this is done. even if I am late to vegas. I am so pissed and it is coming out of his money.


There are more than a few avenues to travel down if it's about speculation. So if we're just guessing, why rush to the dark side?

Because - unfortunately - it is what some members of his fandom seem to thrive upon.

There are more than a few avenues to travel down if it's about speculation. So if we're just guessing, why rush to the dark side?

So true, keepingfaith. Much of the angst seems to be premised on weak assumptions.

That David Foster as a producer would mean automatic success. As ansa pointed out, he didn't turn Diana DeGarmo or John Stevens into superstars. I don't deny his talent, and I recognize that he may have a positive influence on Clay, but that's no guarantee that he'd be the best producer for Clay. Without knowing who Clay's current producer is, IMHO, it's a HUGE stretch to assume that he'd be better for Clay than the person he has now.

That Clay would necessarily want to work with David Foster. He may be a friend, but that doesn't necessarily translate into a good working relationship, or a shared artistic vision. It's entirely possible that Clay is looking for a different type of sound, or that this other producer has ideas that Clay finds more innovative or appealing.

If we're going to speculate, why not meander toward the bright side? Maybe Clay's current producer is better than David Foster? Maybe it's this new producer who's been improving Clay's voice? Clay's been recording, right? And he's been in New York a lot, lately. Isn't it at least slightly plausible that he's been working with him/her recently?

I kind of get the sense that part of the DF/Kat angst is simply jealousy--that he would choose to work with an idol other than Clay. But that seems to place an excessive amount of importance on Foster, and a lack of trust in Clay's own artistic judgment.

You know, Jenna, you constantly amaze me. You don't post often (certainly not often enough cause I miss you being here more!), but when you do, you always post such wise words.

Bravo, my friend!!

All I know is that Clay's voice last night had a quality that seemed...aged. Like a fine wine. There were tones in certain notes that had me gasp---literally. Maybe he was inspired by the occasion. Maybe he rehearsed his ass off or tried that olive oil trick. Maybe he HAS been coached by a new producer or vocal expert. Maybe....maybe...

Maybe he just continues to improve an already otherworldly talent because he's....


Or maybe...maybe he's just that damned good that he can constantly, repeatedly bring it and, with his poise and presence, make it seem as natural to him as breathing.

I so agree. His voice was as good as I have ever heard it. I said before when we were discussing once how his voice has evolved that I thought it sounded richer. At Sedaka, it sounded filthy rich. I don't know anything technical about singing, but there was definitely something in the tone that just amazed me.

I am so in love with the man he is. He slays me. That performance? Show it to those who haven't kept up with Clay since AI2...and watch 'em drop. With stars in their eyes, a goofy grin on their faces and ---n the cases of the females---familiar stirrings in certain girly parts :hubbahubba:

You know, while I think some who may have not seen him since AI2 would be amazed at his growth, I don't think watching that performance will make everyone drop. I think if they weren't a fan back then, this performance at best will maybe make them say he sounds more mature, but let's face it. He was singing a song he sang on AI2. A ballad. With a big glory note. If they didn't like him singing those kind of songs back then, I don't think there was anything about this performance that would make them like him singing those kind of songs now.

Now, certainly if they are women, they MUST admit how much better he LOOKS! But then again, he is not to everyone's taste in that department either.

And that's something I think many Clay fans just cannot accept - that not everyone will ever like Clay. I am happy if people will just say he has a good voice but... His music will never appeal to everyone. No one's music will. His looks will never appeal to everyone. No one's will. His personality will never appeal to everyone. No one's will. And that's ok.

If someone gives him a fair chance and still doesn't like him, that's ok with me. I just wish more would give him a fair chance.

Hee ...I knew other people would get the story straight...

I think its very difficult for some fans to look at Clay as a strong, savvy, sophisticated, smart and independent person. Some fans simply like their view of Clay as the naive new comer that needs guidance and mentoring. It gives their constant meddling justification. So they will constantly see all kinds of enemies and plots against their hero...they will need the ever constant villain...RCA to fight for Clay. They will constantly lament at how evil and mean the media is to him even when, relatively speaking...he does get a mix of bad and good press the way it happens for any celebrity.

I don't think these fans realize how insulting they can be to Clay. I actually think Clay himself did a stellar job in the Sedaka tribute...but just like some of you, I did feel there was some discord between Clay and David's orchestration. I felt like Clay was trying to give it a more subtle treatment yet David was going for bombastic. I also remember how David pushed Clay to do that UM note over and over during his gala even if it could really be bad for his chords. I didn;t think he had Clay's best interest in that situation.

If Clay and David do work together in the future...I'm sure its because it was the right project...just like LAA.

I really am looking forward to the reveal of his current producer...I am very very optimistic about whats coming down the line.


Anyone have any good home remedies for a vicious sinus headache?

Did we see these pretty pictures yet? They are hi-res from mee2u2 (usual rules and regulations apply) via the CH. All are very clickable - and lickable.








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Thank you for the beautiful sunrise Cotton. Did you take that picture?

Thanks. Yes I took it a year ago down from our SC place. There was a pond right across the street. Gorgeous morning.

I haven't gotten up early enough to catch a gorgeous sunrise here yet! Even though I can walk to the river in about 2 and a half minutes!

I should have taken my camera this morning. I was too late for sunrise, but it was the highest tide I've seen here yet. Droopy is a great walking companion, but not a good photo op companion. He pulls at his leash and there goes my steady aim! :)

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Anyone have any good home remedies for a vicious sinus headache?

Aw, CG, I'm sorry you have a bad sinus headache. There are probably two things that will help: getting your sinsuses unplugged, and treating the pain. There a bunch of things you can try.

To unplug your sinuses:

*Get in a hot shower, and inhale the steam through your nose.

*Use a nasal decongestant spray, take a decongestant, or both.

*Irrigate your sinuses with saline. A saline nasal spray will help. Even more effective is to actually rinse out the sinuses with saline water. This is a good product that available at many drugstores: http://www.unimedprod.com/

*Put some mentholatum or a similar product just under your nostrils.

For the pain:

*Take excedrin or a similar product. Some over-the-counter products have both a pain killer and a decongestant.

*Sometimes sinus headaches make my neck and shoulders tense from the pain. If so, I use a warm pack of some kind on my neck and shoulders.

*Sometimes putting products like aspercreme or mentholatum directly on the areas that are painful helps.

Good luck! I've had a number of these awful headaches, so I know that it's no fun having them.

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Anyone have any good home remedies for a vicious sinus headache?

Aw, CG, I'm sorry you have a bad sinus headache. There are probably two things that will help: getting your sinsuses unplugged, and treating the pain. There a bunch of things you can try.

To unplug your sinuses:

*Get in a hot shower, and inhale the steam through your nose.

*Use a nasal decongestant spray, take a decongestant, or both.

*Irrigate your sinuses with saline. A saline nasal spray will help. Even more effective is to actually rinse out the sinuses with saline water. This is a good product that available at many drugstores: http://www.unimedprod.com/

*Put some mentholatum or a similar product just under your nostrils.

For the pain:

*Take excedrin or a similar product. Some over-the-counter products have both a pain killer and a decongestant.

*Sometimes sinus headaches make my neck and shoulders tense from the pain. If so, I use a warm pack of some kind on my neck and shoulders.

*Sometimes putting products like aspercreme or mentholatum directly on the areas that are painful helps.

Good luck! I've had a number of these awful headaches, so I know that it's no fun having them.

Aw thanks Gibby! I will try them all!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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CG...my XSFIL (*g*) the doctor was big on home remedies. He would say MOIST HEAT! for a sinus headache.

And that's something I think many Clay fans just cannot accept - that not everyone will ever like Clay.


Glad we don't know the producer yet. For all the above stated reasons. However I do think that there are those that take no announcement as not a sure thing yet. I think that ties into their fears of another "mandate" and another (however mythical) "lost CD."

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CG, use a salt water rinse and drink mounds and mounds of water or some healthy form of liquid. I used to get sinus headaches and sinus infections on a regular basis but now I just increase my fluids and use a sinus rinse.

Well I see Gibby beat me to the draw. She gives good advice but in addition to everything else, drink lots and lots of water because that seems to break up the congestion Good luck with the treatment.

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What has Jaymes done since she hooked up with Clay?

JMH, I so agree with you. I think there is this image of Clay as the odd man out. We remember that people fall asleep while recording or the quotes from some un named person in Time magazine. Clay and David seems very close, and we want and need that open praise for Clay, especially from someone so well known and respected. Jaymes offers the same thing but who the hell is she? She's just another woman under his spell, right? (ok yeah a leeetle harsh LOL) I mean nothing has changed on his resume, has it, since those in the know thought it would be a horrible idea for him to produce Clay. I think being a mentor or friend (whatever the relationship may be) is a wonderful thing. I also think if he produces Clay that's fine too. I don't think David Foster is in a box and so don't necessarily think he's put Clay in one. I just don't happen to think that David producing Clay is OMG the only way to go so am not going to worry about anything else the man is doing. David is just as publicly, if not more, effusive about Kat and has been since she was on Idol. It will be interesting to see if he captures the best in her. Clay's excited about his producer. That's enough for me.

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