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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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MUAH to my mom for volunteering to take a bath. MUAH to me for getting home in an hour even though I had to take three detours. MUAH to Clay for making me forget everything but joy!

jmh...I forget that you have your hands more than full taking care of your mom...I can relate to a point, for sure. I don't think my mom's in need of so much assistance. Hang in there. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

sigh. I cannot WAIT for the CLACK...I LOVE reading that he was gorgeous---his hair, his suit, his lovely cheekbones.....I just LOVE that he brought all the purdy to frame and display that once-in-a-lifetime voice for so many Not Us people....oh, joy, joy! I'm silly with joy! :wub::bounce: :ura: :arrowed::twinklewhore::confetti2::pinkglasses::chacha:

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What a fantastic night! YAY for Clay hitting that glory note out of the ballpark, getting screams and a standing O, and for winning over new fans! And YAY for Scarlett getting clack. I LURVE her!! And I can't wait to hear clear audio, even if the video's a bit shaky.

I missed all of the excitement 'cuz I was at the opening night of Dracula. Gibby Jr. and her friends did a fantastic job! It was supenseful, funny, and hearwarming, all in the same play. The costumes, acting and sets were all excellent. I'm going again tomorrow night, with my camera. I'm going to try taking some pictures during the play, with no flash. I probably won't do half as well as our clack goddesses, but I'm going to try!

I find it hilarious that I have a 7500 square foot brand new house that doesn't have guaranteed basic services. I'm trying to make it as self-sufficient as possible.

Thanks so much for checking in, Karen! Your house sounds lovely. Too bad about the lack of basic services! But you seem to be a very resourceful person, so I'm sure you'll figure out how to make it work!

I'm so glad I walked in to Clay totally kicking ass...

I hate Dr. A-whatever the fuck else his name is...

H-A-T-E. Total, complete and absolute.

I think Dr. Snow has ruined me for any other dentist.

Dr. A-whatever the fuck says I need ANOTHER root canal. I am not going back to him. My head can rot off first.

I need me some clack.

Already got the Vicodan.


I knew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But, but, but, sob....I missed it.....

I fell asleep on the couch for a tiny minute hour, threw something in the oven for supper, put some rice on to boil, and dashed for the computer, and couldn't get the cellstream connection to work. :cry4:


Ten minutes later, after I read

The *&%#X smoke detector goes off in the kitchen.

BWAH, zena! I've burned rice before. Took quite a bit of work to clean up the pan, but it looks fine now. I soaked it first in some dishwashing soap, which seemed to help. That, and lots of elbow grease! Hey, you're going to be a body guard soon!

Checking in from a hotel with wireless in Madison, Wisconsin -- our stopping point for the night. And I'm listening to the download right now....*sigh*



The perfect ending to a craptastic week in my often craptastic life!!!



Thank god for clack!!!!


and the dancing penises are back :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Um, Couchie, those aren't penises, honey. They don't look quite like that. That's candy corn. Okay, they may look like they have condoms on, but still, they aren't shaped like penises at all. You've seen a penis before, haven't you???? :cryingwlaughter:

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BWAH Gibby....

the dancing penises refers to some very funny posts last year that resulted in some hilarious emoticon war. Not good at doing a search...but I think that was around Halloween.

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Um, Couchie, those aren't penises, honey. They don't look quite like that. That's candy corn. Okay, they may look like they have condoms on, but still, they aren't shaped like penises at all. You've seen a penis before, haven't you???? :cryingwlaughter:

Bwah..of course not, I'm a virgin.

All I remember is cracking up because someone else called them that..somebody who I know isn't a virgin like me. :cryingwlaughter:

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Okay, they may look like they have condoms on

Heh....I KNEW Gibby and I spoke the same language B)

And big congrats to Gibby Jr.! I know how wonderful it is to sit in an audience and watch your daughter shine and just....BE. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Is that how Faye feels when watching Clay? :lilredani:

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Hee! It's already begun! (Questioning of why McPhee can have him and not Clay)

Really??? sigh

You doubted that would happen, ansa???

Let's face it, many in this fandom are sooooooooooo predictable!


Now where are the pictures of those cheekbones???? I LOVE his cheekbones!! I've missed his cheekbones!!

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I don't get this David Foster angsting going on -- from anyone. Clay and David are pretty close buds. David is obviously a big fan. He's worked with Clay. He wrote the music for Lover All Alone. His sister is Clay's executive producer.

Clay's in the midst of recording a contemporary album with a super-sekrit Grammy award-winning British producer and people are upset because ...... DF is going to do Katherine McPhee's next album? Doesn't DF get to make a living? Or by being Clay's friend and mentor is he precluded from other work?

I, for certain and sure and completely, am very happy that DF isn't producing Clay's album. He wouldn't even be my fourth or fifth choice.

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I don't get this David Foster angsting going on -- from anyone. Clay and David are pretty close buds. David is obviously a big fan. He's worked with Clay. He wrote the music for Lover All Alone. His sister is Clay's executive producer.

Clay's in the midst of recording a contemporary album with a super-sekrit Grammy award-winning British producer and people are upset because ...... DF is going to do Katherine McPhee's next album? Doesn't DF get to make a living? Or by being Clay's friend and mentor is he precluded from other work?

I, for certain and sure and completely, am very happy that DF isn't producing Clay's album. He wouldn't even be my fourth or fifth choice.


and really..is Clay supposed to be the only RCA artist to get the good treatment???

Anyway...I am not convinced DF would be the best producer for Clay...its too predictable and puts Clay deeper in the crooner, ballad, big note box.

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Bowling tonight so I missed the cellcert but I did good...152, 174,151...but OMG! I just listened to Clay! That voice is magnificent! And the ovation! Goosebumps on my goosebumps. And Scarlett got clack! Yes, all is right with the world (or at least our Clay portion of it)!


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Halfway mark for the week...as I mentioned earlier two FCAers made Solitaire themed banners and so we will divide the week in half. FIrst half went to merieee...now its cha cha trusty's turn.

new banner is by cha cha trusty...

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I don't get this David Foster angsting going on -- from anyone. Clay and David are pretty close buds. David is obviously a big fan. He's worked with Clay. He wrote the music for Lover All Alone. His sister is Clay's executive producer.

Clay's in the midst of recording a contemporary album with a super-sekrit Grammy award-winning British producer and people are upset because ...... DF is going to do Katherine McPhee's next album? Doesn't DF get to make a living? Or by being Clay's friend and mentor is he precluded from other work?

I, for certain and sure and completely, am very happy that DF isn't producing Clay's album. He wouldn't even be my fourth or fifth choice.


Don't you know that DF is Clay's personal savior from the evil clutches of Clive??? Clive is probably plotting for Kat to push Clay into oblivion by having DF produce HER album instead of Clay???


And merrieeee.... I think I may have to fight you for those cheekbones, babe! I am madly, passionately in love with them and I won't give them up without a fight!! :goodVevil:

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And merrieeee.... I think I may have to fight you for those cheekbones, babe! I am madly, passionately in love with them and I won't give them up without a fight!! :goodVevil:
Ya'll go ahead and fight it out. He has other bones that interest me. Let's just say, when I think about Clay's bone structure ..... I get lovely wicked thoughts.
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Um, Couchie, those aren't penises, honey. They don't look quite like that. That's candy corn. Okay, they may look like they have condoms on, but still, they aren't shaped like penises at all. You've seen a penis before, haven't you???? :cryingwlaughter:

Bwah..of course not, I'm a virgin.

All I remember is cracking up because someone else called them that..somebody who I know isn't a virgin like me. :cryingwlaughter:

Well, then, I'm glad I clarified that for you. I wouldn't want you thinking that dancing candy corn looks like a penis. If you ever decide to give up your virginity, I wouldn't want you getting embarrassed by telling some guy that his penis looks like candy corn. :lmaosmiley-1:

Okay, they may look like they have condoms on

Heh....I KNEW Gibby and I spoke the same language B)

And big congrats to Gibby Jr.! I know how wonderful it is to sit in an audience and watch your daughter shine and just....BE. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Is that how Faye feels when watching Clay? :lilredani:

Aw, thanks, Muski. My daughter did so well, and looked gorgeous on stage, besides. I'm so proud. I know your daughter like to act, too! It's a great outlet for our kids.

Halfway mark for the week...as I mentioned earlier two FCAers made Solitaire themed banners and so we will divide the week in half. FIrst half went to merieee...now its cha cha trusty's turn.

new banner is by cha cha trusty...

Both banners are beautimous! I like the full-length picture of Clay on the stage in chacha's banner!

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And merrieeee.... I think I may have to fight you for those cheekbones, babe! I am madly, passionately in love with them and I won't give them up without a fight!! :goodVevil:
Ya'll go ahead and fight it out. He has other bones that interest me.


Sluts :cryingwlaughter:

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Another recap!!!

Man did you guys talk or something?? Something going on? Hee!


It's a cold and rainy night...there are streams in the streets and I had to wear high heels and nylons. So not fun. But for Clay?? For him I would do it!!! And it was so worth it!!!!!!!!

David Foster teased us. He started talking about this show on Fox called AI and how coming in 2nd sometimes doesn't mean you didn't win. The Clay fans in the audience went wild. Then he said oh... wait...I want to intro Kat McPhee....who missed her flight and is in the audience...I am producing her next album. Oh okay...back to the show...ond then he said...there are a Thousand Different ways to sing a song. I have to tell you that at those two points the screams commenced from those in the audience there for Clay. Then David says oh I messed up there is another act coming out...it was a Jazz trio called Bad. I like jazz...but at this point I was totally in the mindset that boyfriend was coming out and I was not in the mood to hear a jazz trio...I don't care how good they were....talk about sloooooow torture during their jazz number..I thought I was gonna die. So then out comes David again after they are done...and says this guy is an amazing singer...my sister Jaymes is here and works with him....and then THERE HE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was waearing a light blue shirt...no tie. A black suit with thin white stripes. He looked sooooo good. Cheekbones...hair short. Only one place in his bangs I wanted to sort of brush it out a tad!

And sing...oh yes baby!!!!!! He sang. I think he was uncertain at first...but then after the first couple of lines he settled into the song and he soooo nailed it. Those low notes...that down just thrummmmmmed through me. He rang the rafters at Avery Fisher Hall when he hit the note. He was in total danger of overpowering the microphone. There was a knee bend....I think. The Clay fog kicked in when he took the stage. But oh to see him is to love him. To hear him is to thrum.

After he was done and he left the stage he high fived David. He didn't say a spoken word and he didn't come back afterwards at the end for a duet or for the finale but Natalie Cole and Dion didn't duet or come out for the finale either.

Clay got the first standing O that wasn't for Neil. Connie got the other. And it was not just us that stood and clapped. There was one I love you Clay yelled at the beginning of the song.

I felt young there...I didn't recognize a lot of the songs...but it was a fun night...even if I had to schlepp in the rain!! What I kept thinking was that I hope that Clay can have a celebration of 50 years of music like Neil did.

mustbeeme said she saw Jesse and Sean in the audience and Mary in the wings. She also got some Clack!!!

ETA: I didn't hear any broken or missed note....he did do a change up in there.....

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Honey, I love his bone structure. Take it where you want it .... you'll be correct.

Moi! Innocent little old me? I'm the one that thought the dancing candy corn was just that...dancing corn!

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Blast off!!!!

too late... :cryingwlaughter:


eta ... I think it's my week up here or somethin'...

Hee! Luckiest will be glad about that being on top thing though. :cryingwlaughter:

I like David as friend and mentor but don't want him to produce the album. He can submit a song or two heee.

Me either.

I don't get this David Foster angsting going on -- from anyone. Clay and David are pretty close buds. David is obviously a big fan. He's worked with Clay. He wrote the music for Lover All Alone. His sister is Clay's executive producer.

Clay's in the midst of recording a contemporary album with a super-sekrit Grammy award-winning British producer and people are upset because ...... DF is going to do Katherine McPhee's next album? Doesn't DF get to make a living? Or by being Clay's friend and mentor is he precluded from other work?

I, for certain and sure and completely, am very happy that DF isn't producing Clay's album. He wouldn't even be my fourth or fifth choice.

Mine either.


and really..is Clay supposed to be the only RCA artist to get the good treatment???

Anyway...I am not convinced DF would be the best producer for Clay...its too predictable and puts Clay deeper in the crooner, ballad, big note box.

I'm not either.


Don't you know that DF is Clay's personal savior from the evil clutches of Clive??? Clive is probably plotting for Kat to push Clay into oblivion by having DF produce HER album instead of Clay???


:preachit: FCA. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are colleagues and friends, and that Clay has David's respect, but I don't think David would get the sound that I'm hoping Clay's going to find. At the Foster Gala, Clay was like Buble Jr. Sounded good, and unique, and Foster gives him the praise fans love to hear Clay get, but the look was very Buble. I want Clay Aiken. The fact that he's still working with Jaymes?....mixed feelings. Since she was on tour with him part of the time and they were already looking at songs, and he seemed excited, I'm hopeful.

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