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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Gotta check out my new avatar...

when cheekbones reports started to come in...I was skeptical but wow they sure are back with a vengeance. Not your emmaciated look but just right. He is back to ATDW promo form IMO.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE I am feeling all gaga right now...and its been awhile since he made me gasp with a picture...



thanks for sharing your talent with everyone!!!!

Some more inspiration for our PS/PSP users...I may even try some flash animation with these new pictures...they are fantastic.

I didn't hear anything about strep throat...must be rumor at this point unless it came from official sources. Clay did say he was sick...but since he took off that blog right away...its not really official.

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The strep throat comment comes from raleighlady's recap at CV:

Clay didn't come out at the end but neither did Natalie Cole or Dion. We heard he had had strep throat. I knew then that he wouldn't be at the reception. He would have needed medication to attend that thing. Heck, *I* needed medication. I don't like crowds where the people are not in their own individual space, like a seat. It was crowded and hot and personally I'm glad he didn't go.

So, definitely only rumour at this point.

From that BAF newsletter (bolding mine):

"What a way to get 2008 started, with world-class golf, fabulous prizes, post-golf celebration, silent and live auctions, spectacular entertainment, and raising funds to help children with special needs!" - Clay Aiken

Please tell me that some of our golfers here will be attending! This almost makes me want to take up the sport....

ETA: Golfing for Inclusion video on TBAF site!

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Isn't he cute???

And does that suit fit or what? :blush:

when cheekbones reports started to come in...I was skeptical but wow they sure are back with a vengeance. Not your emmaciated look but just right. He is back to ATDW promo form IMO.

Seriously...stay with me here...this is my theory.

As soon as he mentioned going back to the ATDW haircut I started to get the sneaking suspicion that maybe he wants to go back to that look so he doesn't have to do another photo shoot for the OFC. Think about it. It would explain the delay and everything. And it's SO Clay. He hates those photo shoots.



DF & the angst (and yes, it started with the very next post) I read it more as people having another chance to go off on RCA. As in... Kat is w/RCA. Clay told someone at a M&G that he & David couldn't work together because of label differences. RCA is obviously trying to push her star over his.

Blahblahblahblahblah....same song, same verse, a little bit louder and a little bit worse.


Neil. Would I have loved to have been at this show? Yes. Because Neil is a performer that I have always enjoyed. Would I have gone to this show just to see Clay? No. Because it was Neil's night. Clay was most likely very aware of the number of fans who were there to see him and only him. I'm inclined to think that may indeed be part of the reason he didn't participate in the group number or say anything extra. It was Neil's night.

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I'M ALIIIIIIIIVE! I still hate Dr. A-whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is though. Haaaaate. Honestly, nothing hurts this morning but yesterday....my hair was wet from tears...and I am not a crier.

jmh, you get the gold star for the funny last night.

jamar, I personally think you are right? I also got the impression that Clay was one of the youngest performers there. But I have to admit, I love the sound of his reception. And, lord, the sound of his voice...

hugs back to Scarlett who is probably sleeping in a frickin' freezing room and has gone into hibernation...stay asleep chick...we'll wait. Enjoy holding keys while you can.

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Bowling tonight so I missed the cellcert but I did good...152, 174,151...

That's some good bowling aikim, you sure had a surge in the second game. What's your average? :clap:

new banner is by cha cha trusty...

Cha Cha, I love the way he stood on that stage, the legs and hips.......my oh my, how I love those legs and hips! :hubbahubba:

keepingfaith...care to elaborate? I mean do you like the femur, tibia???? Surely you have e preference! :whistling-1:

Honey, I love his bone structure. Take it where you want it .... you'll be correct.

Take it where you want it....oh lordy how could I ever prioritize which place got that bone first? Just throw me that bone and I'll figure it out :hubbahubba: but I've been a virgin for 5 years so it will take a few hunt and pecks here and there to find the right place. :imgtongue:

I'M ALIIIIIIIIVE! I still hate Dr. A-whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is though. Haaaaate. Honestly, nothing hurts this morning but yesterday....my hair was wet from tears...and I am not a crier.

hugs back to Scarlett who is probably sleeping in a frickin' freezing room and has gone into hibernation...stay asleep chick...we'll wait. Enjoy holding keys while you can.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to you for getting thru that misery. I'm glad it doesn't hurt today. Maybe it's like having a baby, you're sure you'll never do that shit again until a few day later, or whenever you can sit down again.


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Cindilu! Happy Birthday To You!!

Some special luscious lips just for you today ---------



Did anyone mention that David Foster used to be the keyboardist in Neil's band? I thought that was pretty funny and demonstrates how small a family show business can be. Almost everyone else was there because they sang his songs. Other exceptions were the DJs and Paul Shaeffer. I guess I should listen to Letterman Monday to see if Shaeffer says anything, he seemed to be having a blast.

I was thinking about Paul Shaffer last night -- wondering if Clay made an impression on him. How could he not have, huh?

Thanks to Play and Scarlett for the recaps -- and to everyone who shared info from around the boards .... and especially for those gorgeous pictures. He continues to amaze me. And jmh -- I was not bitten by a bug -- it was more of a symbolic smacking upside the head, being disassembled and remade to adore Clay and told to carry on. Oooo, he got me good. And it felt better than I could ever describe.

It is and continues to be all good :smiles_53:

That the gobsmacking marches on surprises me not. My sister loved him on AI, loved MOAM, loved ATDW, loved seeing him in Houston, but I had to literally force her to go to Tulsa --- and it was there where she was hit upside the head and saw stars. All in his own good time, it seems. And unpredictably so.

These Sedaka Tribute pictures are going to kill me I know. He looks perfect. Yes, there is an avi change in my near future.

I don't get nervous about a Clay performance. Even going back to AI2, he had the tone, range, control, and self assurance every single time. He owned the X factor. Every Tuesday night I watched just to see what song Clay would hit out of the park that night ~~ and he did it week after week. For me it was pure pleasure. Pure joy every week. I had no emotional investment whatsoever in Clay or his future career, I just loved his voice and his brilliant countenance when he sang -- and I'm not talking about the lighting. Before I joined the fandom last year, the only time I remember having any nervous anticipation for Clay was the night he was on SNL. And I don't know why, but I was nervous for him that night, and certainly didn't need to be. Clay can deliver a vocal knockout at the time and place of his choosing.

He's so FINE!!

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I'M ALIIIIIIIIVE! I still hate Dr. A-whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is though. Haaaaate. Honestly, nothing hurts this morning but yesterday....my hair was wet from tears...and I am not a crier.

hugs back to Scarlett who is probably sleeping in a frickin' freezing room and has gone into hibernation...stay asleep chick...we'll wait. Enjoy holding keys while you can.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to you for getting thru that misery. I'm glad it doesn't hurt today. Maybe it's like having a baby, you're sure you'll never do that shit again until a few day later, or whenever you can sit down again.


Lessee...on January 17, 1987, for the first and last time, I said "you !$%#*, I am NEVER, EVER doing this !$%#* EVER AGAIN! WHERE'S THE GODDAM ANESTHESIOLOGIST! GIMME THOSE DRUGS! FUCK BREATHING! ARRRRRRRRRRGH!" (I could say all of that because the OB-GYN happily neglected to put a freaking dam in the mouth with some rubber thing designed to keep my jaws propped open for a couple of hours [and my TMJ still feels off]). On January 19, 1987, when I exited the hospital, I built a shrine to my birth control pills and converted to my new religion, "Babies Should Start Out and Stay On The Outside of Me". I've been a faithful acolyte for 20 years and tt has served me well, but since I've had a couple of snips here and there, I believe I am switching to a new religion, "SOB, I fuckin' KNOW the difference between "pressure" and SHARP STABBING EXCRUCIATING PAIN, especially after four freakin' injections and so you are never allowed in my mouth again". I think I'm gonna have to abbreviate that one though.

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Well alrighty then!!!!! Before I became a virgin, I had two of those experiences and it wasn't a pretty thing.

Just watched the clip of Clay singing. Boy delivered big time and even had the band clapping for him. He did look lovely, hair just right, face just right, clothes just right did I miss anything? Those low notes have been missing for a while so it was good to have them back because he has such a rich voice when he uses his lower register. Can't believe he did all of that with strep throat but he didn't say a word so that's unusual. Beautiful, flawless performance.

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Holy CRAP!!! Run, don't walk to your nearest Clack distribution center of your choice and DL last night's lovely.

between the low register notes and the bounce and fist pump at the end I am :whew:

I don't know about the strep throat thing. Sounds like one of those rumors that attains truth status as time goes on.

Also saw talk that Jamie was there and did the hair. Better that than the rumor she did more than the hair, ya know? :lmaosmiley-1:

don't hunt ansa...here's ClackUnlimited Solitaire/Sedaka Tribute

bigappleforclay's clip is amazing!

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Thanks to Play and Scarlett for the recaps -- and to everyone who shared info from around the boards .... and especially for those gorgeous pictures. He continues to amaze me. And jmh -- I was not bitten by a bug -- it was more of a symbolic smacking upside the head, being disassembled and remade to adore Clay and told to carry on. Oooo, he got me good. And it felt better than I could ever describe.

I was trying to find the words, and I knew bitten by the bug wasn't the best. "Smacked upside of the head" is more like it. You can see these newly smacked upside of the head people wandering the board dazed and confused, or totally silly and can't shut up, or trying to pretend to be dignified. Brings back memories.

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GAH!!!!! WOW!!!!!! It was fantastic. One of the best Solitaire performances evah. That one's going on my ipod, once I get good audio from Scarlett. I'm impressed that bigapple was able to hold her camera steady for that amazing performance!

laughn, are you saying that there's a rumor going around that Jamie did more than Clay's hair?

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That was just beautiful. He sounded so great and looked AMAZING!!!

He is certainly getting better in his nuance and his vocal control. One of my frustrations with this song is that at times he simply powers through...but he didnt with this. The soft tones, the low notes, the beautifully controlled high tones are more memorable than that huge glory note.

He just looked fantastic!!!

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GAH!!!!! WOW!!!!!! It was fantastic. One of the best

laughn, are you saying that there's a rumor going around that Jamie did more than Clay's hair?

NO!! Please God, don't let me be the start of that one now!...LOL I just meant that there have been for some time people who like to 'ship' Jamie and Clay, forget the cousin thing. I just meant I was glad to see Jamie just mentioned in connection with doing his hair and nothing more this time.

Personally, the cousin thing doesn't bother me...I just think he's shipped with everyone and anyone he spends time with.

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That man can SING!

Ansa, I like the nuances and stuff - but the powering through and the glory notes just rock my world - activates that primitive hindbrain of mine and says to itself, "oooo, strong dude - I want!"

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GAH!!!!! WOW!!!!!! It was fantastic. One of the best

laughn, are you saying that there's a rumor going around that Jamie did more than Clay's hair?

NO!! Please God, don't let me be the start of that one now!...LOL I just meant that there have been for some time people who like to 'ship' Jamie and Clay, forget the cousin thing. I just meant I was glad to see Jamie just mentioned in connection with doing his hair and nothing more this time.

Personally, the cousin thing doesn't bother me...I just think he's shipped with everyone and anyone he spends time with.

Whew! Good! I was worried that there were rumors going around without basis Course, what else is new?

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Add me to the list that loves that David Foster has been a good friend to Clay and would love some song collaboration, but don't want him to guide his career. Josh Groban and Michael Buble have successful careers but are limited in their material.

Give me ecclectic Clay who's doesn't need to follow someone else's path. In the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson - Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

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Give me ecclectic Clay who's doesn't need to follow someone else's path. In the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson - Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Did Ralph Waldo know Clay? He could have written that for him.

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UGH! What a miserable day! It is POURING here! And I seem to have awakened with a sore throat and feeling a bit achey.

Maybe its just the weather. Maybe its residual from the past week. But who cares???

Not me!


I am downloading now.

Scarlett - sleep well - that is if you remembered your room number! Great audio (and sometimes even shakey video) is well worth waiting for!

Play - thank you so much for keeping your recaps real! To read most you would think Clay was always winning over EVERYONE in the audience as lifelong fans. I like hearing a more realistic perspective.

And KAndre..... I have always been afraid of the dentist and you have just made me more so!!! And I know I SHOULD go!!!! Maybe I should try one of these dentists! Dental Relaxtion

Off to watch the clack.

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That man can SING!

Ansa, I like the nuances and stuff - but the powering through and the glory notes just rock my world - activates that primitive hindbrain of mine and says to itself, "oooo, strong dude - I want!"

Hee...don;t get me wrong...that glory note is pretty great too...

isn't it wonderful that he can thrill us in so many ways and satisfy quite a diverse group of women???


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