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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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Looks like the OFC has started sending emails out to those who have submitted stories that they are considering. So all story writers, check your email! :)

ETA: no, I didn't receive one, I saw it posted elsewhere. Why oh why can't I log into email at work? Stoopid filters......

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Did everyone get their vinyl singles? I was just looking for something at the SonyBMG store and they don't carry vinyl anymore. So I googled and could not find any stores carrying the vinyl. I think the 45's are finally defunct. Does this mean my 3 copies are worth something?

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Couchie, I realize there are some Clay fans who dislike Fantasia for various reasons having to do with him, but for me I started out liking her and disliking her intensely at the end. Her personality that I thought was large and funny at first, grated on me by the end of the show. Had nothing to do with Clay.

I did, however, look at the clips of her performance on Broadway and saw her on the Tony awards and she was phenomenal, with a minor yeah, yeah, yeah at the end. Her interview also showed a different person than the one we saw on AI, she was humble and more mature and her castmates had nothing but good things to say about her, so my opinion of her has changed. And that did have to do with Clay as I would never have checked her out if he hadn't blogged about it.

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Hi - I'm back!! We had a wonderful time in SF - culminating with seeing couchie and her friend on Sunday night for a really nice dinner in Jack London Sq in Oakland. Couchie is a sweetie and I really enjoyed getting to know her better! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

We did so much stuff on our trip!

I haven't been online since Wednesday so I have a lot to catch up with. I didn't have a laptop with me, which was OK, since we moved to 3 different hotels in 5 days!! We had a blast, I will be looking for a travel section to post some of the pix in!

Among our adventures were

  • Mission district/Valencia St

nice pasta place called La Luna/great ravioli

BART train travel

SFSU campus/climbed to top of the "pyramid"/student union

Muni train travel

Market St Downtown/checked CDs in Virgin Superstore! (they had 1 MOAM & 1 ATDW)

Grant St/Chinatown

Cable car ride

Fisherman's Wharf/great salmon dinner

trolley and bus travel

visit to Daugh#2's humble abode (one of the 2 who was in Ecuador)

car rental/drive across Golden Gate Bridge in the rain!

cute little hotel in Mill Valley

great pasta place nearby in Mill Valley

drive up to Sonoma Valley and visit 2 wineries

movie in authentic 1933 "Motion Picture Palace" in Sonoma

drinks in Town Square Bar next door

pizza in a real California Pizza Kitchen called Mary's

visit to the Redwoods in Muir Woods

viewing from Mt Tamalpais of the whole Bay Area/Bridges/City/Oakland/Pacific Ocean

Drive through Haight/Ashbury - groovie!!

Drive through Presidio District - posh!

Drive through Golden Gate Park

Walk down to the Pacific Ocean (hubby twinkled his toes in the water - it was cold! he got oil on his feet!)

Drive across Bay Bridge - couchie is right - it is scary!

Dinner with great friends - thanks couchie!!!

We rented a PT Cruiser with a GPS and it was a great set-up!! It kept us from getting lost quite a bit!

btw - I bought a new van the weekend before this trip - they totaled my old Claymobile - this one may have be dubbed Claymobile #2! My first Clay trip is scheduled on Dec 2nd to DC and then the 15th to Williamsport!

So I am really behind - I have about 17 pages to catch up on!

:lilredani: waves to couchie and salud! muski and YSRN - I am so sorry we missed you! All of you come visit me in DC! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

PANIC!! the board logged me out as I tried to preview my post... but it saved it in a little box at the bottom!! How great (and unexpected) was that!!??

LOVE all the pix of Clay - and I know I haven't even gotten to the CUTE pix of him from AIR yet!! I did watch that after we got home last night - it was great - and I agree about the comments I've read so far (skimming) about Ruben and Corey. I think part of what they liked about Ruben was his attitude. I was watching Paula while Corey was auditioning - interesting vibe I got from her! I think they liked Clay from the start, they just didn't know what to do with him!!

OK - enough rambling!!

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Wow, sounds like you had a great trip. It's amazing how much you can pack into a few days if you set your mind to it, isn't it? I'd love to see pictures if you get some uploaded.


the board logged me out as I tried to preview my post... but it saved it in a little box at the bottom!! How great (and unexpected) was that!!??

Heh, welcome to my nightmare. I probably have to log in about a hundred times a day. Mostly when I refresh the page or hit "view new posts" or if I try to reply or edit anything. Drives me crazy!!!!!!! But the mods have looked into it and can't find any reason for it. It doesn't happen to me at home, only at work.

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Od, this is the one board I don't have problems with staying on-line. A lot of boards randomly log me out lately, even though I have it set to automatic log in and allow for cookies. It seems to be a software thing. I am using netscape 7.2 under XP home. This is the older version with which I have fewer problems. Lately I upgraded Explorer and now that is a constant headache.

Welcome back ChaChaTrusty

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SDU..I could give you a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG list of idol contestants I don't like because of their voice or personality. All of season 3 except Fanny and Jennifer. Tastes are so personal and subjective. And I quit watching smack dab in the middle of season 4 because I really only cared for Bo.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee good luck. I hope those who turned in stories, get picked.

I have a confession to make. I clicked on the meet and greet buttons. I said I would never do that again cuz I had a turn already but I couldn't help myself. The new format is just too fantastic not to take a chance on. I'll go to my corner now.

waves to Cha Cha!!

ETA because Bo was in season 4 not 5.

It's kinda sad, ChaCha has probably seen more SF than me.

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Did y'all see that Fantasia came out to sing for some fans who had come to NY to see shows and the writers' strike left them high and dry?

Really sweet of her, I think.

I didn't find the boards until after I decided to try to go see the AI2 tour. By the time I started looking for tickets, Raleigh was sold out - so I got nosebleed seats for my Sis and me.

I thought I'd fall over when Clay rose up from the floor in his own personal cloud!!!

Sis and I screamed like teenagers!

I'd never heard of a message board till then! Computers were for work and emailing family and friends! :)

Why don't we have a matching Houston gif, huh? Huh?


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about me, I have never been to ANY concerts, even pre- clay, I would love to go see clay. to And I hope i can soon,( which would problay mean 3 to 4 years.) I just would love seing him live.

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Sexy Clay? Wildcard Finale Night...he is reprising DLTSGDOM and at one point wraps his arms around himself and turns his head to the side and we get the first shot of his profile...he looked vulnerable and sexy all at once; that was when I knew he was going to be a star...it was like a glimpse into the future.


Kim... He did look so vulnerable that night... like getting thru after the tension of the show was almost more than he could absorb in the time he had. He was soooo thin I think thousands of women of all ages really wanted to feed the guy and give him a big hug... at least I sure did! How he must have felt as the others got brought back by the judges. He must have partially felt he had to be America's choice, but who knew for sure so the doubt was there at the same time as the hope.

OOOoooh, Keepingfaith... the dueling thighs gif... now my thighs are dancing! :Thud::cryingwlaughter:


That nerdy, quirky, silly, goofball shore can be one big ol' Sex-on-a-Stick!!!

WORD!!! :Thud::Thud:

So proud of Clay for speaking at that EC conference and what a funny line when he was trying to direct attendees to where they could buy Mikayla... haven't been able to use the front door of a building for 5 years... BWAH!!! The man is just sooo funny!

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Its Tuesday and that means time for a new banner!!!

Our banner this week was created by laughn

OMG I loved TITN. Other than my Solitaire defining fandom moment, TITN was it for me. When he came out to sing "his" song, and he got so into it, with the knee bends, and then the wild eyes afterwards, where it looked to me that he was just about jumping out of his skin with excitement.....well, I was toast. Maybe it wasn't a perfect vocal performance, but it was the most exciting thing I'd ever seen. And then the difference between that and the absolute certainty and power of the BOTW performance.....I was a goner.

How can it only be 10:30 am? I feel like I've been at work for 6 hours already. Ugh.

I loved Clays performance that night, but like Muski...I was never enamored with the song. I totally understood why it had a hard time getting played on the radio.

I actually started on Bolt. The early days of Bolt was very interesting because there were a lot of people posting that knew Clay from Raleigh so there were a lot of stories about how he interacted with kids at the Y or people that heard Clay sing in hometown connection. I remember there was someone who said he would usually sing in the last day of camp so there were some parents that looked forward to that. Since Bolt was a board for all kinds of topics...you also got some posters that simply like to be trolls. I think some people would check out the Clay threads because it was the busiest and they came in and bashed Clay and other posters as some form of sport.

I also think that Clay fans sometimes think that Clay is the only one deserving of praise. I was thinking about it earlier today...how would I feel about Clay if I was a Kim fan, or Josh or Trenyce. Clay certainly got a lot of really great reactions from the judges...did they think Clay was getting pimped too? I think that is why there were a lot of Clay bashing, its because on the net...the Clay fans did tend to over run some of the boards. In the end...fans of the different contestants would focus on him because of the intensity of the fans they encounter.

Its really interesting to look back in those days. I know the times I felt Clay was not getting treated right was when Paula gave her reports on ET. I think this is where I first got the idea that TBTP was trying to manipulate the results. But I really didn't think Clay was treated worse by the show.

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BWAH!! Well, it's a new page, and we need to see it again, don't we?? Not to kill you or anything, but here it is:



:hubbahubba: Sextuplets!!!! What???

Why don't we have a matching Houston gif, huh? Huh?


That's an excellent question, Cotton ...





O.M.G.! DKA@)*FNE9*%^(^$#$*y(


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I am sorry but the OPP gif looks like Clay justy got his little seed storages kicked. I can't see sexy, for some reason, I see pained. I never understood why some people grabbed their crotches while they performed anyway, unless it was porn. "It seems to my hand is the only one who doesn't reject me"-like to me.

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Sexy Clay? Wildcard Finale Night...he is reprising DLTSGDOM and at one point wraps his arms around himself and turns his head to the side and we get the first shot of his profile...he looked vulnerable and sexy all at once; that was when I knew he was going to be a star...it was like a glimpse into the future.


Kim... He did look so vulnerable that night... like getting thru after the tension of the show was almost more than he could absorb in the time he had. He was soooo thin I think thousands of women of all ages really wanted to feed the guy and give him a big hug... at least I sure did! How he must have felt as the others got brought back by the judges. He must have partially felt he had to be America's choice, but who knew for sure so the doubt was there at the same time as the hope.

I have heard that he had food poisoning that night, but I have no idea if it is true...but I think it really showed how much he wanted this...but I agree, I think that vulnerability resonated with a lot of women and I think a lot of fans still see him that way.

To Love Somebody was my favorite performance...I actually remember sitting on the floor in front of the TV shushing my kids so I could hear...didn't want to miss one note! They thought I was nuts!


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Gee, what is wrong with funny stories? There is nothing for atheists. How do you tell as story about renewing your faith that there is no god?


I have no poop stories, who would send in a poop story? I never think poop stories are funny, hey, I frequent dog parks!

13 days until the concerts start!!! I need to move everything back into the kitchen,that could take me weeks!!!d1c56fd0.jpg

Especially as I fell again yesterday - Just forgot there was another step, so it was just a hard landing for an additional 8 inches, not really a fall.

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Its Tuesday and that means time for a new banner!!!

Our banner this week was created by laughn

Way cool! And is that a tongue I see? :hubbahubba: Why don't I have the original of this picture? :cry4:

Also, new pics of Clay with Sasha on the OFC.

Anybody else wanna tell Clay to just write his own ding-dang holiday stories? :cryingwlaughter:

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Oh I just read the addendum from his last blog. Minneapolis is lacking? Hmmm I'm going to Minneapolis. Many FCAers going to Minneapolis. No stories?

ETA: I have to smile at that blog. It really tells me who Clay is and I just love him for it. I hope he NEVER changes.

Play you need to be more careful! Don't make me come over there.

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Especially as I fell again yesterday - Just forgot there was another step, so it was just a hard landing for an additional 8 inches, not really a fall.

Well shit play, whatcha doin with those feet? Did the hard landing injure you more than you already are? :angry:

Oh I just read the addendum from his last blog. Minneapolis is lacking? Hmmm I'm going to Minneapolis. Many FCAers going to Minneapolis. No stories?

ETA: I have to smile at that blog. It really tells me who Clay is and I just love him for it. I hope he NEVER changes.

Do you have a story couchie? Maybe you will get picked for Minneapolis! :lilredani:

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