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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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KAndre, :F_05BL17blowkiss: Glad you are back and your son is home for a while. Depression is a problem in parts of my family (one trait I avoided) and it's debilitating. Don't blame you for not wanting to take the meds but much like the evil dentist :ph34r: , sometimes it's necessary. Ouch, did you just hit me? :breakpc1: I lurked here for a long time before joining and you are one of the people that made me smile the most with your witty posts. Hope you can find that smile and hurry on back here soon cuz we miss you.

Kareneh, what great adventures you do have! A time share in Las Vegas as a retreat when Baku gets a little boring! By the way, how long is your vacation in Baku going to last and are you getting more comfortable with the move?

Zena :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap: You did good.

And muski hope your Denver Dames get to meet up with you before you leave. Is is snowing in Denver? You'll come back to rain and a horrible oil spill but it's still home sweet home.

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{{{{{KAndre }}}}}love you girl

This will cheer you up. Snippets from AI Rewind He's a cutie alright!


((((KAndre)))) I was wondering where you;ve been...I'm glad your cycle seem to be over, a combo of your son and cute Clay will be the best medicine for sure!!!

OMG!!!! that is some primo clack!!!! I can understand why they didn;t show those Clay clips in the original Hollywood episodes...cos that would give Clay a HUUUUUGE advantage overall...totally different rendition from Ruben;s superstar and he looked totally cute too!


rohdy...feel free to start a thread in the 2007 holiday tour forum if you need a place to gather recommendations, or a place to organize your project.

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Jordan Segundo. Clay is singing with Jordan Segundo. Jon Secada is a well-known singer who is not Jordan Segundo. http://www.jsegundo.com/

Thanks for that jmh. Jordan has a pretty cute smile too.

I was pretty positive it wasn't Jon Secada....but I remember he has a Clay connection. He was the singer with the song "I'm Free" that Clay blared on the radio the day he "stole" the car from his parent's driveway. Heh. It always scares me when I can quote LTS almost by chapter and verse.

For KAndre, so she call any Superstar she wants (hopefully Clay...):


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Segundo, segundo - OK, got it. I don't even know what Secada sounds like, must have picked that up somewhere long ago and just filed it away.

The kid is cute.

You know the weird thing is that after all that, Clay was in the "maybe" room and the more classic casting was in the accepted room (wasn't Kim Caldwell in the definite yes room?)

Does this get me forgiven?


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Segundo, segundo - OK, got it. I don't even know what Secada sounds like, must have picked that up somewhere long ago and just filed it away.

The kid is cute.

You know the weird thing is that after all that, Clay was in the "maybe" room and the more classic casting was in the accepted room (wasn't Kim Caldwell in the definite yes room?)

Does this get me forgiven?


You didn't let Holly see those kitties did you?

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love the kitty pictures!

Clay killed on Superstar. Does it seem like he gets more screen time than the others they interview or is it just me and wishful thinking?

Thanks for the clack!

oh he definitely gets more time. This show is really not the same as the originals...they really put in more clips of significant people and with Clay doing narration and the addition of two clips that have been talked about before in the fandom but never shown...its clear that they recognize who are the big stars that came out of this season. I bet they will do the same thing for Jennifer Hudson once AI3 goes on air.

I really do think AI was still convinced that image will win over substance at the beginning of this season, thats why Clay wasn't featured as much in the original telecast. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he is totally cute!!!!!!!!!!!

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Kareneh, your to-do list is making me dizzy! And I'm sooooo sorry I didn't get to meet you in Vegas, even if for a moment. There were so many Clay fans there that it was impossible to meet everyone I wanted to see. Maybe next time!

I was only in Vegas for 20 hours, but they were packed with joy! It was the greatest! I have been listening to AIW over and over and over and finally figured out for me why... it epitimizes triumph for me. The song, the guy who sang it... triumph of spirit!

Yes, Liney, I would agree about the time in Vegas being filled with joy! And I loved meeting you and spending a little time with you at the preparty. And what an apt description of AIW. All is well, indeed!

Does anyone else think this is Jaymes in this photo? The woman in the front row with the camera dangling from her wrist? It looks like her to me, but like I said above, it’s the first day with the new eyeball.


Yes it is Jaymes. We were sitting just up further in that same section. She spent most of the evening there.

goldarngirl - It was lovely to see you again, too! Dinner at Battistas was great. It was noisy, but I was still able to hear eveyone, even over the sound of the cute old guy playing the accordian.

Great pics, AAIT!!

KAndre, I've noticed that you were quieter than usual, and I was concerned. I'll be sending positive energy your way. And I hope you are able to enjoy your time with your son!

And muski hope your Denver Dames get to meet up with you before you leave. Is is snowing in Denver? You'll come back to rain and a horrible oil spill but it's still home sweet home.

Ah, yes, it would be great for the Denver Dames to get together! Perhaps we can even hogtie VWP and tear her away from her new hubby for a little while. No snow in Denver right now. We've had a gorgeous fall - it's been in the low to mid 70's almost every day.

It was a wonderful experience to be in Vegas. I hadn't heard Clay live since the JNT in '05. I don't know how I survived! But none of his tours came close to Colorado, and I simply wasn't able to fly anywhere for a concert, due to family obligations. So it was THRILLING for me to hear him live again. We were standing in line waiting to go into the preparty at the Orleans Arena, and I suddenly heard music. We were behind the black curtain, and I realized IT WAS CLAY!!!!! LIVE!!!!!! I almost melted on the spot. I grabbed Couchie and told her 'that's Clay singing!!" Heeeee. I'm glad Couchie didn't think I was trying to maul her. It was thrilling to hear Clay's voice fill the arena during the show, and to watch his royal cuteness. It's an experience I'll never forget!

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Ok...Friday went better...last night's receptions were super... this morning went very smoothly...keeping fingers crossed for closing session later this afternoon.

OMG. Those Hollywood clips! :hubbahubba: What a voice! What a VOICE! I want to hear and watch him do the WHOLE song of Superstar....and then listen to it and watch it over and over....





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I had to force myself to listen to UM. And it reminded me so much of why I still listen to AI Clay. I know that he's changed his delivery, become more "nuanced" - but that boy was just totally AWESOME. But I do believe Superstar is my new fave clip. It is just so pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

And bling is always good.

Yep, I'm one of those persons who really liked his AI voice on some songs much better than the current recorded voice where he tries so hard to soften up that powerful voice and it becomes kind of thin. I know the concert voice is somewhere in between the two so that's a good thing.

Don't you know those other contestants standing on the stage with him just hung their heads and thought, "Oh shit I'm toast" He was so much better than the rest and he still had those beautiful eyes along with the beautiful voice.

I tried to bring you bling but I think we are a basically blingless board!

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But I do believe Superstar is my new fave clip. It is just so pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

Yep, mine too. Pretty, pretty, pretty. Baby, baby, oh baby......

By the way, how long is your vacation in Baku going to last and are you getting more comfortable with the move?

Well, we'll be there a minimum of two years since that's the length of the contract but it could be longer depending on us, and on what else is happening in the company.

***Attention honorable and dishonorable members of the eHP*** Next Saturday (the 17th) is my birthday and I am going to be spending it horribly alone, probably with a quart size tub of Ben & Jerry's Everything But The Kitchen Sink. I think it sounds like a good excuse to do lunch if any of you guys are fee. I missed the last get together and I'd love to get together at least once before the tour starts. Any takers or am I doing take out?

Someone up thread asked who was going to Williamsport and I forgot to answer that I'll be there too.

Okay, smack me and take away my membership if you see me lurking around here this afternoon. I've given myself 2 hours to finish last weeks homework (including that embalming essay thing) and it's all due tonight. Really, ban me or something.....what isn't done by 1:30 isn't going to get done because I have to let go and move on.

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Kareneh! Yep that was definitely Jaymes..and that camera she has belongs to Jesse cuz he sent someone to get it after Clay was done with his part and they were doing the retakes. Loved your recap!

AAIT ..great pictures

Bottle - you are good people!

KAndre! I've missed your presence. Take care of yourself and your son and you know where we are. This place is always good for what ails you and so is that sexy skating man. But let me tell you right now, if we need that stilleto I'm comin' for you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

What great clips. I love them both. But of course I've heard him sing UM..but never superstar. WOW!

I really do think AI was still convinced that image will win over substance at the beginning of this season, thats why Clay wasn't featured as much in the original telecast. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he is totally cute!!!!!!!!!!!

heee... yep. I do think Clay, Ruben and Kim for that matter won the talent over image battle HANDS DOWN. It was just a phenomenal season. And I wonder if they liked or hated that because there was SOOOO much more manipulation after season 2. Although I think they thought they needed more eye candy and so that's why we got stuck with little Miss Carmen out of nowhere when there were other more talented people left. I still wish Chip Days had made it to top 12.

Maul me anytime Gibby!!

So I'll be placing the pin order on Monday. Claygasm you can relax, I'll be orderinb both.


if you want to order and pay by check just pm me.


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Ding dang it. I can't stop wanting to watch Superstar..no WONDER they didn't show that clip as part of the original AI2 Hollywood program! Simon's face says it all...that 'dorky' guy will win...he's the best. No contest...no need to go through the motions of the 'competition'....ain't none.

No WONDER they championed Ruben! He was definitely the next best voice, along with Kim...Hell, if AI had actually SHOWN Clay in those early clips, singing and smiling and being himself....even the "Not Us" audience would've willingly or helplessly become surrounded by the Aiken Fog.

Oh. My. I would've fallen totally and completely in love with him then...he was adorable---dorky hair, long sideburns and all angles and edges of him...


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Sorry for the language, but I had to watch each clip 3 times because the tears that sprung up in my eyes were blurring my vision. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a thing for pre-AI Clay clips. These are such a gift, one I never thought we'd see. I am blown away by the voice, and the gorgeous, gorgeous eyes. And the personality, which hasn't changed one iota. WOW.

Um, yeah, I caved. Hee, only 7 hours till showtime tonight!

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I just ordered my pins (Yey for C). Couchie, are there any of the DCAT pins left? I would LOVE to have one!

He was frickin' gorgeous in those clips! Those eyes... S.W.O.O.N. The idgits honestly didn't think Clay would win, did they. The American public had more sense than they gave them credit for! LOL

So much clack to watch... ain't it fun!!!

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He was frickin' gorgeous in those clips! Those eyes... S.W.O.O.N. The idgits honestly didn't think Clay would win, did they. The American public had more sense than they gave them credit for! LOL

So much clack to watch... ain't it fun!!!

Yep, I'm more with you Liney..that they focused on others because they didn't think Clay would get that far despite his voice. And I was pretty shallow - he had me with the voice way before I thought he was cute. Don't think think they were scared of him at that point..and really, they didn't have to bring him back for wildcard. I chalk it up to pure stupidity. But speaking of wildcard I really think that show gave him a lot of momentum going into the top 12. His whole AI story is just great. And I wouldn't change a thing (except more Hollywood time) because it was riveting TV.

And Muski, the not just us crowd DID fall in love with Clay!!

Liney I have 2 DCAT pins... can I part with one? hmmmmm let me see. OK PM me your address.

Hey Play...what about that song he performed in Englad for the 19 party. We never saw that did we. Anything else?

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Well my hubby is in hog heaven; he got an early Christmas gift this week from his loving wife...a combination Radio/Record/CD Player-Burner/Cassette Player...he has been wanting one for a long time so he can play his many Albums that he has collected and burn them to CD. He really is a like a kid with a new toy.

The man scours flea markets and antique shops for Albums and 45's...they are everywhere in my house..but since he doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs, I can live with it, LOL!

Actually, I am always interested to see what he comes home with because the covers on these albums really are a work of art...it is kind of a shame that we have gotten so technological...that really has become a lost art.

So now we will be driving the kids nuts listening to all our music from the "olden days" (as they refer to the 60's and 70's).

Okay back to Clay, just wanted to share!


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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHD!!!!

Those AI rewind clips are to DIE for!!!

I didn't find AI2 until the wild card. They interviewed him in the Red Room first, and I thought OMG who is this 13 year old hick? And then, of course, he absolutely blew me AWAY!!!

I have to hang my head in shame for underestimating the American public, because as good as he was, I thought he was so far from what was "popular", the quality of his voice wasn't going to be enough. I was really surprised and THRILLED when he was America's choice, but I thought he would be out the first week because I didn't think he could do a creditable job with MoTown. After that, I knew he could handle ANYTHING.

I also am one who love these clips because they show off that GREAT.BIG.VOICE. They still haven't really recorded that right. It's all very well to try to achieve a "chill, intimate" voice for love songs, but a lot of people can do that. One person in a lifetime has a voice like his and I'd really love to have someone record him just letting it rip. Know what I mean?

OK. I smile indulgently at all this "cute" talk. I work on my pictures and I see someone really beeeeyoutiful.



Sometimes the man is just CUTE!!!!!!!

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Question about the Hollywood Auditions...was this the first time Paula heard Clay sing? I know she wasn't at the Atlanta Audition.


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Bwah -- Randy--Is this a concert?

I'm toast. Superstar is amazing. I miss the sideburns :cry4:

And as for Simon-he saw his talent, saw his uniqueness, saw the fans he drew. Something happened between DLTSGDOM and ICHM and I think Simon heard from some media and radio types and as it would be uncool to champion Clay--Simon, the trail blazer that he is *cough--not* pulled his support. I also think Simon saw Clay as a threat to the show, if he soared to the stratosphere, they found their superstar and the show would be over.

It's all good, I don't dwell, and it's supplied Clay with second place and I didn't win jokes for years.

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I really do have at least a dozen on topic FCA things to say now that I finally have time to post. I have been reading and keeping notes and stuff not to mention soaking up the steady stream of Clack which I seem to have an insatiable appetite for. :wub:

BUT if any of you remember me mentioning that my DS #2 had his debut in a lead tenor role in a short opera on Thursday, here's a little followup from a usually parsiminous music reviewer in today's Winnipeg Free Press. Waves at 'Toots'!!!!

"The dashing (Christopher) Enns did deliver with a resonant voice and natural acting ability that bely his 22 years of age. Playing the pigskin-toting varsity champ with goofy sincerity, the faculty of music voice major generated excitement every time he came onstage. His desperate aria "I can't believe this is over" was a joyful highlight."

If you're interested, the link to entire review is here.


Isn't that just the coolest thing!!!! This is the boy who dragged me to the television week after week to watch AI2 until I was smart enough to come on my own. We couldn't vote but the two of us cheered Clay on faithfully. We haven't stopped yet.

Yeah, I know a music career is no easy road; it'll take hard work, grit, confidence, over the top talent, and a bunch of lucky breaks, but I figure there's always room in the world for another handsome big-hearted tenor, don't you? :clay:

Back in a bit to resume normal FCA programming.....hey i bought a C pin cause it stands for CUTE, and Clay, and Christmas, and Couchie, and Christopher....oh, yeah, I'm going.... :bye6:

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