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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Man, I am surrounded by literate people! Well, if you wanna be technical, I have really poor editing skills on 99.8% plagerized work.

Dammit, Captains, I'm an plagerizer, not an editor!

Trekkie joke.

Looking at the pictures, I think I will end up being an "everything but" kind of concert virgin...

KAndre deliberately polishes up a pair of lilac stilletos, carefully each heel through a HoneyCrisp apple...

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I can understand posters needing to defend themselves and their membership...but I don't want this discussion to become a discussion of chexxy's

lets just say different people have different personal experiences and history with that board and because of that there will always be disagreements about it and this will not be resolved or hashed out here. So just agree to disagree about Chexxy's and MOVE ON.

Please dont; make me have to call in the stilettos...

No need for stilettos...I'm done.

Besides oogling Clay is more fun!

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For the love of God, you've gone another page again. I've been out for 6 hours, and my internet is going slower than slooooooooooooooooow tonight. Don't y'all know I must be caught up at all times????? It really is an obsession.

And now I must run to the drug store before the start of the concert. My God I am going to be glad when Friday gets here.

ETA: Never mind. It's already starting! Drugstore can wait!

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I ONLY post non-stop saccharine fluffy positive things about Clay.

If he were less well-endowed, I might be more critical. :hubbahubba:

I doubt it though.

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Man, I am surrounded by literate people! Well, if you wanna be technical, I have really poor editing skills on 99.8% plagerized work.

Dammit, Captains, I'm an plagerizer, not an editor!

Trekkie joke.

Looking at the pictures, I think I will end up being an "everything but" kind of concert virgin...

KAndre deliberately polishes up a pair of lilac stilletos, carefully each heel through a HoneyCrisp apple...

Step away from my Honey Crisp apple, little mangy looking overpriced thing that it is!

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Just a few comments:

I'm home. I have car seat butt. I'll try to do a recap later.

Oh, I like that! I've heard of "hat hair", but never "car seat butt".

but I didn't care for the dresses either, except to say the ladies were striking in them - they're beautiful women - just too much dress for my taste. Major buzoms action though, so I guess they do have Clay's taste all over them :cryingwlaughter:

Very astute observation about the "buzoms" part of the dress reflecting Clay's taste!

My motto: Stand on principles and say what you think and feel -- and then move on. And if you change your mind next week, okay. If not, okay. No matter what ... okay.

I'm entirely in favor of people who have their one square inch of principle that they are standing on and will defend it to their last breath. It makes for lively conversation!

...it's so much tougher to accept responsibility, look for something in the mess to learn from and then set your course with determination not to repeat mistakes.

The reason many people succeed is because they have so much experience with the opposite outcome! Learn and move forward.

I think the first Clay concerts of any tour create some angst, most of it blows over in a few days.

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I don't know, y'all...all this talk about the perils of "groupthink" has me wondering if it is something (whispers)...kinky.

By the way, I've never tried Honey Cr**p apples because I'm very happy with my Fuji, thankyouverymuch.


have Clay's taste all over them

This made me feel a little light-headed for some reason. *g*

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I appreciate this board. It is fun and respectful of Clay and most everyone has a keen sense of humor. No one seems to take themselves too seriously. It is a relaxing board. That comes in handy when you're a Clay fan. LOL!!!

I resemble that remark - I have no sense of humor what so ever and every one here can testify to that! Oh never mind, I see you only said most

What the heck time did this start? I am late, so late fora very important date. Down the rabbit hole with me.

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I'm banning the word Crisp. It makes me want to run out and buy a $2 apple

carry on.

Yeah, we wouldn't want that, would we, Honey?

bwah..that's it. everybody's banned.

Heh, all it would take is doing without 15 apples and you have enough to buy a love, Clay scarf !!!!!

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I ONLY post non-stop saccharine fluffy positive things about Clay.

If he were less well-endowed, I might be more critical. :hubbahubba:

I doubt it though.


I hereby present wandacleo with the award for


BWAH! :cryingwlaughter: and :hubbahubba: and :lmaosmiley-1:

Oh yes! I'm sure we all would be more critical of him were it not for:ClayAiken-Houston-7-6-07-u.jpg



right? :whistling-1:

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luckiest... for you...

Chef Matt never ceases to surprise me. Where he comes up with all of his creative dishes, I will never know. In addition to everything being tasty, it is also good for you. If it weren't for Matt, I would probably be eating McDonald's every day. Now I find myself happily passing by the fast food joints that I love in order to get home to one of Chef Matt's home-cooked meals. On top of being wonderfully accomodating with his delicious menu options, Chef Matt is also courteous and impeccably clean while he is a guest in your kitchen. Even my obsessive compulsions are no setback for him. He works in, provides for and leaves my kitchen exactly the way I like it; and I am very picky!!

Clay Aiken - Raleigh/Durham

That long, lanky man is soooo hawt!!! Sometimes he looks so dorky, then he turns around and looks like that... and, that's what makes him soooo interesting to me. You never know which Clay/Clayton you are going to get at any given second, cause he can switch back and forth in an instant. :Thud:

ETA: Geesh, you guys were tooo fast for me... oh, well... on to the concert!

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jumpingjacks....surely this is a rhetorical question?

how do you say to someone "You thought his hair looked great? WTH are you thinking...it looked like shit."


I know a number of people who would say this....and HAVE said this, actually! :cryingwlaughter:

Ummmm, okay....must have been a lack of caffeine on my part. :cryingwlaughter: I should have said "normally, people don't flog people who post positive things!" :lmaosmiley-1:

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Didn't have a chance to post since Wichita, but I just want to say: I totally ::heart:: Gibby!!!


(oh, but Gibby you need to watch for KAndre -- she doesn't take too kindly at her minions being snatched away!)

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I was just surfing and ran across an MP3 site based in Russia that charges 1 dollar to download an album and 10 cents to download a song.they claim they are completely legal, but I don't think that would pay the song royalties. must be why it is Russian. So, if you don't want to illeagally download, you join this site for free and paypal them your fees. Or you can give them your credit card number if you dare.

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Whew!!!! I'm so far behind here. I just skimmed a bunch of pages after working 11 hours today. I'm beat, and my eyes are crossing from reading all of the discussions. But I have to respond to a couple of posts -

Welp I left a review of sorts in the Wichita thread. But I still needed to comment on how fun it was to meet up with Gibby and Reiki. Whoever left the blog message on the thread that night did their job well. I was sitting on the bed with my back to the headboard and the computer scream was on the desk across the room and I SAW IT FIRST! Hee. Then we may have "encouraged" Gibby to get to the OFC licketysplit and I dunno maybe someone shouted something like fergawdssakecouldshetypeinherloginandpasswordanyslower? and then we all squealed with delight as she read the blog aloud to us.

Good times. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I LURVED meeting you, JaMar, and Bookwhore, too! It was great fun to watch fresh clack together. And very amusing to see you fly across the room to see Clay's blog! I should have taken longer to pull up the blog, just to hear you beg. Heeeee! :imgtongue:

Awwwww, Scarlett, I'm so glad you've enjoyed the clack! I totally *heart* you, tooo! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And thanks for the advice - I'll watch out for KAndre. BWAH!

ldyj, it looks like you uploaded some St. Louis clack to the vault. I'm soooo looking forward to downloading it, once I'm finished uploading mine. Whew, it takes forever to get that stuff in the vault.

Now, off to the concert thread to see what I missed ....

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