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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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I'm so wired I can't sleep. I've got the clack freshly downloaded..now to put in my ipod so I can listen all day at work tomorrow.

I wanted to take the time to thank those that volunteered to help out at FCA and FCAmedia. I will be responding to you shortly. We appreciate it so much.

hmmmm now, what else is going on important...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the vox

and Muski is all a twitter heee ...guess we can't do watering hole this week because there's a concert every night..but first available day..din din on me..you can order wine and everything heee.

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Good Morning All,

Didn't expect a blog this morning; but I was happy to see it. He really did cut right to the heart of the matter, didn't he? The concert was not what I expected, but then, it is his vision, not mine and it appears that this show was meant to re-affirm the true meaning of Christmas which tends to get lost in the hustle and bustle of shopping, cooking and decorating. I love that Clay always does the unexpected and even if we don't get goofy Clay this tour, come Jan. 18, we will get 4 months of goofy, funny, dancing and singing Clay and tights to boot!

25 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

28 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

41 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

52 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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How much do I love that blog? Let me count the ways.....heh. I am sooooo glad that he already had it all figured out in advance. He didn't even need to read boards or listen to a cellcert to have it hammered home! :P

Hee, couchie, you and me both. I was rushing around like a mad woman this morning, making sure I had deborah760's audio loaded onto the iPod so that I could have it to sustain me all day today. I seriously just wanted to stay home and watch clack (thanks to Gibby) but I am really going to try to be good. Although those pictures are making it hard! I am dying to see the stage layout.

That review seemed quite nice, although it doesn't sound like the reviewer stayed very long (or maybe he or she just had an early deadline to meet). It sounds like the first half is just a warm up for the second half, where he just blows it out of the water! I really can't wait for Friday to experience it in person. This morning, my daughter started telling me exactly what she plans to wear that night - am I supposed to know that already? It's only Tuesday! :cryingwlaughter:

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well .... woke up to tons of snow!!! Got lotsa sleep last night so i should be very copasetic today!!

Love the pix ... just checked out a few pages from last night (no computering at home for me) ... read the blog!!!

LOVED the blog!!!

Can't wait for my turn ... which will be Minneapolis!!!

Have to run ... work starts in 5 minutes!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I think hE may have started reading the boards and then just said :ohthedrama: :fssign: :boo-hoo: and probably a quick thought of :drugsneeded:

Then he probably decided "Whatever" and blogged. Frankly, I always thought he spent too much time reading the boards!

Good for you Clay! As he said - some will like it and some won't (although I don't think there is ever an inappropriate time to grind up against a background singer!).

Such is life.

HOWEVER....... I don't think anyone who doesn't like this tour should have their fandom questioned. We don't love everything done by the loved ones in our real life, do we? Doesn't mean we don't love them - just not all their choices.

At least he's looking mighty fine in that suit! Very svelte.

And very CUTE!!

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Of course they shouldn't have their fandom questioned, if they can express their dislike with respect for the man who is giving us the gift of this concert.

So who's up for more audio reviews? I bring this detailed set list from the CH:

Jesus Medley:

O Come O Come Emmanuel - Clay

Away in a Manger - Angela

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Clay

Silent Night - Clay

Away in a Manger reprise - Angela?

Mary Did You Know

Merry Christmas With Love

Story #1

Jazzy Medley: - Clay

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sleigh Ride

Jingle Bells

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year reprise

Winter Wonderland

Christmas Waltz

Story #2

Who Would Imagine a King - Angela

Welcome To Our World


Oh Holy Night

Hark the Herald Angels Sing/Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Story #3

Sentimental Medley - Clay

I'll Be Home For Christmas

The Christmas Song

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Story #4

Where Are You Christmas - Quiana

My Grown Up Christmas List

Don't Save It All For Christmas Day

All Is Well - encore

I'll take the "Jesus" medley and OHN! :)

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There's a difference between not liking the show, and not liking it and posting about it ad nauseum. Just. Don't. Go. And yes, I also think there's a big difference between posting over and over how much you LOVE something and repetitive bitching. Might be hypocritical, but tough beans.

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"I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up."

That certainly smells like a thread title to me....



And I do believe Mr. Aiken just responded to all the "I-Know-Better-Than-You" posters with the blog equivalent of an eyeroll and an under-his-breath :whatever: . HA!

And leave it to bottlecap to sum up my entire feelings about everything I've read and seen this morning. That is one CUTE CUTE CUTE! picture, and his blog certain did seem to be a thumbed nose to some people.

I practiced recorders last night in preparation for the Madrigal Dinner this weekend (yep, I'm gonna miss the Friday night cellcert), watched a bit of TV with my husband, and then went to bed. Exciting night, eh? Except....

:XmasRed: :xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a:



See you tonight atinal!!!!!

I just skimmed luckiest's post, so I still don't know the set list. I hope there's something good for me to review when I get back tomorrow! And I think I'm gonna go download the audio clack from last night, put it on my iPod and then listen to it on my trip back tomorrow. EEEEEEEEE!

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I've really got to do some work and all (I've been at my desk for an hour and I've doen exactly nada), and I'd really like to see Q & A's dresses. Are there pictures someone can bring over, please? (And not smugmugs, 'cause I can't see those.)

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks in advance and excuse the whining.

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There's a difference between not liking the show, and not liking it and posting about it ad nauseum. Just. Don't. Go. And yes, I also think there's a big difference between posting over and over how much you LOVE something and repetitive bitching. Might be hypocritical, but tough beans.

Yes, it IS hypocritical. And unacceptable, IMO. If someone can eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for pages and find no fault with anything Clay does for pages, then someone else has the right to say they didn't like it for pages.

That's how it works in a "free" country and on a board that allows both sides to be heard.

If someone can go on ad nauseum about how perfect Clay is, then they are inviting those who disagree to go on ad nauseum about why they disagree.

Its a dangerous thing when only one point of view is tolerated and encouraged. There are boards out there like that but thank god FCA isn't one of them.

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Sorry - but repetitive oohing and ahhhing is not the same thing. Justify away though.

ETA - If you read my post, I didn't say you (the collective) didn't have the right to post whatever you want. I stated my opinion on it, that is all. As did you (you, the poster). Hyperbole, ie, Clay is Perfect!!' is not fair. Clay is the object of our affection, our fandom, and my personal raison d'etre on the boards. Therefore, I don't enjoy reading ad nauseum all the reasons why I shouldn't enjoy something about him. If I don't (and there are things I don't) I simply move on to something I do love (and there are infinite things in that category). That is how I enjoy my fandom. YMMV, clearly.

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Its a dangerous thing when only one point of view is tolerated and encouraged. There are boards out there like that but thank god FCA isn't one of them.

I didn't see an endorsement of board censorship...just an expression of personal preferences. Which you called unacceptable. In your opinion, of course. Which, IMO, is also just an expression of personal preferences. *g*

Drat! I almost caught my tail that time!

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I kinda think there's a difference between going to the show and expecting not to like it ... and expecting to like it. Self-fulfilling prophesies on either side on that one.

I also think it's fairly likely that not everyone is going to like 100% of everything Clay et al. did ... or wish for something else to have been done.

BUT .... since we are sort of a fan club .... i do think it's an appropriate wish for fans to want a few minutes of un-rained on parade. And being the "Pollyanna" that i am -- i frankly don't need the rain unless my flowers are wilting in the sun.

Just my opinion.

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Drat! I almost caught my tail that time!

Hee! Yeah, that's kind of the way I see it too -- this turns into an endless circle, one that can be hard to break once someone is caught up in it.

[begin librarian "freedom of speech" mode] A free society means that sure we can be fangirly, or whine, or bitch, or be totally happy. It also gives us a right to complain about the other side too. [/lfosm] The main thing, IMO, is moderation -- and learning to ignore.

christelklein, good observation.

Any more pictures to share? That's the only thing I'm spoiling myself on this morning. And I must say he looked MIGHTY fine.

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BUT .... since we are sort of a fan club .... i do think it's an appropriate wish for fans to want a few minutes of un-rained on parade. And being the "Pollyanna" that i am -- i frankly don't need the rain unless my flowers are wilting in the sun.

Yep. Some boards now seem to me to be like a Book Club with only one book to dissect, not boards that were formed out of fandom. I can't quite explain it, I guess.

Thing is in real life, I have many different interests, I spend no time on stuff I don't like, at least not voluntarily.

I go to the Clay fans boards for fun and enjoyment, but sometimes I feel like a Republican in the CH political thread :-0

If objecting to ongoing negativity is seen as "questioning fandom", then perhaps relentless negativty can be seen as "questioning my taste" . Sometimes the net is more like a big old Thanksgiving dinner with all the usual warring factions, and this year the subject is Clay.

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Safe travels to the St. Louis travelers! :pirateship: <= This is the closest I could find to a traveling emoticon.

I haven't decided if I'll try to listen to the cellcert tonight, or if I'll listen to last night's mp3 and download Clack, which would maybe be a more efficient use of my evening. [HA! Like I won't do both. Forget vacumning and cleaning the bathroom!] I did download and quickly watch gibby's Winter Wonderland, so I've gotten a little taste of the Clack. Which, of course, leaves me wanting more.

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I read Clay's blog last night after slogging through a long thread of opinions that ranged from *I'm going to go to more shows now* to *I think I'm going to sell some tickets and not go to as many shows* and underlying everything I read was the assumption that Clay was going to be there to read what they said. Everybody waiting on Clay to get on board and read their messages and change accordingly, or whatever.

When I read his blog, I went to bed as happy as can be. You bet, all of us can say what we want to say and I love FCA for the fact that it's an adult board -- in content and philosophy -- and all our opinions are respected here -- but setting up camp on another board to get to Clay with criticisms about the program when they weren't even in attendance, well, IMO, that's just crazy. Especially when it's the same damn people every time that do it. The freaking "experts" -- who somehow happen to have no better track record than any other fan -- will gang up and repeatedly share their group think every single time without fail. It tires me out to slog through it, and it doesn't smell like free speech at all. CG, just as a preemptive, I'm not including your feelings and opinions in what I just said. I understand your objections to the venue and respect that -- and share it to some extent. I have my own opinions that don't always mesh with what Clay does. My problem is with those who think they know better than Clay how to plan and run his show, and believe he needs to hear it. I don't see their asses up on the stage entertaining anybody. just.my.rant.because.I'm.entitled.too

{{{{atinal}}}} and {{{{ldyjocelyn}}}} -- my heart is with you. Love you guys!!! And you're going to see this guy, OMG!!!!









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Everyone heading for St. Louis tonight, have a great time!!!!!

For anyone so inclined, this is a link to an OFC post that CMSU. It's someone's reaction to Clay's blog last night. I wish I could copy it over here, but alas, there are rules to be followed. But I sooooo wish more people would react like this! :lol:

I have listened to set 1 and am just in awe of what Clay & Jesse & Q & A have managed to create. It is so well put together, and so professional - and that is only the first show! I can't wait to watch and listen as this tour progresses. On to set 2!

P.S. No one wants to participate in the audio reviewing this time around? Or am I just jumping the gun? (hee, imagine that) I thought it might be a good idea to get a head start this year, as the clack starts to flow.

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